The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2721 Joining the Mafia

Chapter 2721 Joining the Mafia

So, Alvaro drove his car, carrying Li Bai and other five people, all the way west towards Turin.Because Li Bai and the others were wanted by the church, they couldn't take all the public transportation, they could only use this slower way.

The reason for speaking slowly is because the city of Turin is in the west of Italy, while Rome is in the east of Italy. The connection between the two cities can almost run through the entire Italy.

Therefore, it took Alvaro four full days of driving on this road before he finally arrived in Turin. Of course, among them, Li Bai and Bingthorn drove alternately, so that they could reach the city at the fastest speed. Turin.This is where the Footprints of the Church are almost extinct.

Because it is summer, there is not much difference in temperature between Rome and Turin, but when a few people got off the bus, Turin gave everyone a completely different feeling, the most obvious One point is that there are only a few churches in everyone's sight, and the people in the church are very low-key.

"Unexpectedly, in the same country, there is such a big difference between the east and the west." Li Bai looked around and murmured.

Bingjian walked beside Li Bai, and smiled softly: "Boss Li Bai, in China, there is a big difference between the East and the West and the North and the South, but in Italy, it should not be surprising to be aware of this, and, The reason for the surprise is mainly due to the influence of the church and the mafia."

Icicle explained to Li Bai, while Álvaro looked towards them, just smiling, and couldn't understand their discussion.

"Guys, are you going to the branch in Turin with me now? Or do you want to get a general understanding of the city of Turin and take a tour first?" Alvaro asked Ice Spike, and Ice Spike looked at it again. To Li Bai, translate this sentence to Li Bai.

After Li Bai asked Tian Lin and the two children for their opinions, he told Bingthorn that they should join the Mafia first, and then use the next time to get a general understanding of this place. After all, they may need to stay in Turin. A very long time.

"That's really great. Our mafia urgently needs experts like you to join us. Let's have a meal first, and then take you to the headquarters." Alvaro said to Bicthorn, and then, several people boarded the car again , Came to a local restaurant in Turin.

During the meal, Álvaro began to tell everyone about the benefits of joining the Mafia.

"Here, on behalf of the Mafia, please allow me to welcome everyone who is about to join the Mafia. The Mafia is an organization with a long history. Here, you can get almost everything you want." After ordering the dishes, Alvaro started He learned his professional deception skills as a scout.

Li Bai and Tian Lin didn't care much about the history of the Mafia, and Bingjian didn't bother to translate. After listening to Alvaro's chatter, Alvaro said something useful.

"Because you are now wanted by the church, the mafia will provide you with a new identity. Of course, you should be careful. After all, I don't think you will accept plastic surgery, right?" Alvaro paused. Looking at Li Bai, "If you accept it, then you in the past will simply disappear into this world."

Li Bai shook his head: "Of course we won't accept plastic surgery or something. Another problem is that these two children cannot join the Mafia. Can you also provide the two children with a new identity?"

Of course, Li Bai didn't tell Alvaro that in China, there was a very magical thing called disguise.

"Of course, this is very simple." Alvaro agreed directly, but he didn't have much thought about Li Bai's unwillingness to undergo plastic surgery.

"There are also some advantages. We can provide you with the weapons you need for free. Miss Icethorn should have told you before that the mission of our mafia is still relatively difficult, so you need to be extra careful when performing the mission When the time comes, we will buy accident insurance for you." Alvaro said to Li Bai with a smile.

When Bingjian translated this passage, Li Bai frowned: "Are these Italians always so outspoken? Are they hoping for our death?"

Ice Spike comforted Li Bai: "Lord Li Bai, don't worry, they are all like this, just get used to it slowly."

After Alvaro learned that Li Bai said something irrelevant, he continued to tell Li Bai and them about the bonus and killer system: "Because most of our targets are church members, unless there are some special targets, other people, such as a Clergy is worth 1 yuan, a priest is 50 yuan, and if you can kill a cardinal, it will be even higher."

Alvaro seemed a little proud and said to Li Bai and others, after all, in this world, there are almost no people who would refuse money.However, Alvaro soon discovered that Li Bai and Tian Lin seemed to be really not interested in these bonuses.

"You two, this is the euro, which is much more expensive than your Huaxia currency." Alvaro reminded Li Bai again in "kindness", but Li Bai just said "oh", which made Alvaro feel affected. It was a shock, but in front of the two newcomers who were about to join, Alvaro was not easy to show anything.

Therefore, in the following time, the atmosphere at the dinner table was a bit dull, maybe because of the different domestic environment, everyone whispered when they finished speaking, and there was almost no sound during the meal, which made people feel uncomfortable. Several friends from China seemed a little uncomfortable.

This discomfort did not finally end until the meal was over.

"Bingthorn, don't tell me, it's a local custom not to talk while eating?" Tian Lin looked at Bingthorn with some gloom and asked, Bingthorn smiled and said nothing. Tian Lin had already said the answer.

"Then, let's go for a physical examination first?" Alvaro turned his head to look at Icicle and said, Icicle nodded. The Mafia is a fairly formal underworld organization, and medical examinations are indispensable.

"You are welcome." Ice Spike responded to Alvaro.Soon, everyone came to a small local hospital. When Li Bai saw this hospital, the corners of Li Bai's mouth couldn't help twitching. Is this the level of medical care?"

Li Bai looked at the "hospital" in front of him, which was not as large as the outpatient buildings of hospitals in China. Although it was very clean, it was empty: "Please ask me, this hospital is not a black hospital run by their own mafia, right?"

Ice Spike burst out laughing, covered his mouth and smirked: "Master Li Bai, you are overthinking again, Huaxia's medical system is the best I have ever seen, the hospitals in Europe are simply not comparable Up."

It was also at this time that Li Bai learned that in Europe, only European citizens can enjoy free medical care. Moreover, many people have private doctors, so they seldom visit hospitals.Of course, for outsiders, these hospitals are quite a trap.

"What are you guys talking about?" Alvaro looked at the ice spike curiously and asked again.

"Oh, it's okay, we just talked about some gaps between China and Italy, let's go in now, it's getting late." Bingthorn said to Alvaro, and then greeted everyone and walked into the hospital together.

In terms of physical examination, there is not much difference between China and Italy. However, there seem to be too many items to do. Common things such as height and weight are naturally indispensable. There are even blood types and food taboos. Bizarre items such as psychological tests caused Bingthorn to talk about trouble again and again.

However, Alvaro's explanation for this is that the mafia attaches great importance to every killer who joins them, so they will know every aspect of everyone. Of course, in Alvaro's statement, these items It didn't involve everyone's privacy or anything, but Li Bai didn't agree with it.

Because, Li Bai can clearly feel that among those items, there are many items similar to psychological tests. will be exposed.

Therefore, Li Bai wisely made some intentionally misleading choices during the test, and quietly told Tian Lin and Bingthorn about his guess, so that they would also be more vigilant.

After all, this is the Mafia. Although Alvaro always had a smile on his face, who knows if he is hiding a knife in his smile.

The last item in the physical examination project is to conduct a full-body scan.

"While waiting for a while to scan, it is very likely that everyone will fall into a deep sleep for a while, but don't worry, this sleepy time will not exceed 5 minutes, and it will not cause any accidents to your body." At that moment, a doctor in a white coat walked up to Li Bai and the three of them and said to them.

The three of them looked at each other. It seemed that this step was to sneak the chips into their bodies, and they, who had been prepared for this, naturally agreed immediately.

Therefore, Li Bai, Tian Lin and Bingci walked into three examination rooms respectively, and lay down on a movable bed, and in the direction of the head of the bed was a ring-shaped scanner.

The doctor did not know what to say to Li Bai, and then the machine started to run, and Li Bai slowly entered the testing instrument along with the big bed, and then, a blue light suddenly lit up, followed by , and there was a slight ringing sound, Li Bai immediately realized that this sound was infrasound.

A feeling of dizziness quickly flooded Li Bai's head. Li Bai frowned, looking very painful. After all, this was a direct impact on the brain.At this time, Li Bai finally understood what the doctor meant when he said that he would fall asleep for a while. However, because Li Bai's soul consciousness was strong enough, he remained awake.

But Li Bai, who stayed awake, paid the price for this. Although he didn't open his eyes, Li Bai could clearly feel that at this moment, a knife pierced into the skin on Li Bai's forehead, drew a square, and then There is something in it, it seems that it is the chip that Icicle mentioned before.

Immediately afterwards, there was another skin grafting process, still without anesthesia, which made Li Bai strong enough, but also felt a little painful, so Li Bai chose to make himself faint.

(End of this chapter)

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