The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2722 Mafia Turin Branch

Chapter 2722 Mafia Turin Branch
When Li Bai woke up again, he felt as if he had slept for a whole century, a little dazed, until the doctor walked to the side of the machine and patted Li Bai, Li Bai got up and shook his head. Shake your head.

The doctor smiled and pointed to Li Bai's watch, and said something, roughly meaning that the whole operation only took 10 minutes, and it didn't affect you much.

If Li Bai could speak Italian, he would definitely refute the above two sentences at this time, but it didn't have much impact?It's not called influence if you directly register a chip in your head, so what is influence?It's a pity that Li Bai didn't speak Italian, and he didn't want to tangle with the doctor, so he walked out of the scanning room.

Outside, Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi were still waiting quietly. Seeing Li Bai come out, they stood up and asked them what they had done to brother Li Bai.

"It's nothing, don't worry, everything is under my control." Li Bai touched the heads of the two children with a smile, and suddenly felt that it was too inappropriate for the two children to participate in this matter.

However, Li Bai's mind was quickly attracted by another matter.

In order to prevent Alvaro who was standing on the other side from seeing his strangeness, Li Bai did not directly touch the place where his forehead was cut, but went to the bathroom and kept looking in the mirror.

In the mirror, Li Bai's forehead was intact, and it didn't look like a place where a knife had been cut at all. When Li Bai moved closer to the mirror and looked more carefully, he was even more surprised to find that there was not even a little bit of a knife cut. It's gone, and, if Li Bai didn't pass out, there is a chip on his forehead, Li Bai might not even know about it.

However, under the investigation of Li Bai's spiritual energy, the chip was finally invisible. In Li Bai's mind, it clearly showed that the chip had been connected to the flesh and blood in Li Bai's skin on his forehead. Together, it can even be said that that chip has now become part of the skin.

"No wonder Ice Spike told me before that all the killers of the mafia couldn't find where the chip was stored on their bodies after the operation." Li Bai murmured, the mafia Dang, it really is a good chess game.

When Li Bai came out of the bathroom again, Bingjian and Tian Lin had also completed the operation, and they seemed to be much more relaxed, probably not able to withstand the soul shock of the machine.

"Now, are we officially members of the mafia?" Alvaro led everyone to the outside of the hospital, Li Bai suddenly asked.

Through the translation of the ice thorn, Alvaro replied with a smile: "Oh no, Mr. Li Bai, now you are only a member of the mafia with me, but if you want to really register as a full member, before that, You still need to complete a small assessment task."

Alvaro said to Li Bai, which made Li Bai frown, unexpectedly, it would be so troublesome to become a member of the Mafia.

"Don't worry, Mr. Li Bai, the first task is very simple, we just want to see how capable you are, if you complete the task well, then your initial killer level will be correspondingly higher." Alva Luo explained to Li Bai again, but Li Bai chose to sneer at this.

When Alvaro saw them in Rome, he looked like a horny man seeing a woman, but at this time, he showed this appearance again. If he was really thirsty for talents, he would There will not be so many assessments.It seems that the mafia is still skeptical about the sudden joining of several people.

With this in mind, Li Bai couldn't refuse this "small task", and asked Bingthorn to ask Alvaro what the task was.

Seeing Li Bai's anxious look, Álvaro seemed very satisfied, and didn't mind the presence of the two children at all, and said directly to Li Bai and the three of them: "The first small task is actually just for you to play an assassination game. , During the game, we will make a preliminary assessment of your strength."

Alvaro said so, and did not continue to explain the game more clearly.

However, what Li Bai can probably guess is that this so-called game is actually another aspect of the physical examination. recorded.

On the bright side, as Alvaro said, doing so will give the mafia a more comprehensive understanding of each killer, and on the downside, if the killers defect, they will Corresponding treatment methods can also be thought of.

"This game can be started at any time, but it will take a little longer. Shouldn't you all find a house in Turin to live in first?" Alvaro said to several people again, and Li Bai nodded. If you can find a house directly As for the place of residence, it is naturally excellent, after all, he has had enough of living in hotels whenever he goes out of town.

"Exactly, I know that there are a few relatively large apartments in a block that are renting out. I will take you to have a look first. Don't worry, the rent is not expensive. If you don't have that much money for the time being, I can even help You rent it first." Alvaro said to Li Bai with a smile again.

Li Bai also smiled back, but for Alvaro's enthusiasm, Li Bai did not dare to accept it, and only responded with a smile.

When we left the hospital, the sun was about to set, and when we arrived at the apartment that Álvaro mentioned, it was completely dark.After a brief conversation with the apartment landlord, Bingjian waved his hand and rented the apartment directly, but the minimum was three months, and part of the money would probably be wasted.

"Are you going to start the game mission tonight? Or wait until tomorrow, this game just needs to wear a game helmet, and you can start at any time." After Alvaro helped Li Bai and the others to settle the room, it was Said.

"Oh? It's that simple? Let's do it tonight. If we finish the task earlier, we can formally join the mafia sooner." Li Bai said to Alvaro, which made Alvaro even more determined. Li Bai and the others are sincere. Really want to join the idea of ​​the mafia.

"Okay, I'll go to the trunk to get the helmet right now, wait for me a moment." Alvaro said and was about to leave, but was stopped by two children.

Bingjian translated the words of the two children to Alvaro: "The two children said that they also want to play this game, otherwise, the three of us have gone to play the game, leaving only the two children, It will be boring." Bingci touched the heads of the two restless children and said to Alvaro with a smile.

Alvaro would naturally not have any opinion on this. Although the game was a bit cruel for the two children, Alvaro suddenly thought, if the power of the two children can also become a killer, then he would Earn more.

Alvaro finally went downstairs, and taking this opportunity, Li Bai expressed his thoughts to Bingthorn and Tian Lin.

"Can you feel where your chip is hidden? Use spiritual energy to find it. My chip is on my forehead." Li Bai looked at the two with a serious expression and said.

The ice thorn is helpless, she is just a US emperor, and does not have the so-called aura of the Chinese people, so she only knows that a chip is installed in her body, but where it is placed, the ice thorn can't feel it at all .

Tian Lin's chip is no longer on his forehead, but on the chest in front of his heart. It is also connected with the flesh and blood just like Li Bai's.

"Damn, if we want to take it out, it's really difficult." Tian Lin cursed, one is on the head and the other is on the heart. If they want to take it off, they will have to endure a lot of pain .

But the ice thorn said to Li Bai and Tian Lin, don't think about taking them down at all, otherwise, it will be a rebellion, and they will be hunted down by other more senior killers of the Mafia.

However, Bingthorn quickly retracted her words, because Li Bai and Tian Lin didn't care about this matter.

"Then what shall we do next? Do we just complete the task that Álvaro entrusted to us step by step? If so, when will we get in touch with people above the priest level of the church again?" Tian Lin Looking at Li Bai with some depression, he said.

Li Bai shrugged, and looked at Bingthorn again, but Bingthorn was not too clear, just said: "Just now Alvaro also said something about the killer level, if I guessed correctly, the higher the killer level, The more information you have, the more information you can have.”

Li Bai said "hmm": "So, in order to complete our mission faster, then in the first mission later, we should work hard and get a higher killer level."

The room fell silent again, and soon, Álvaro stumbled in with five square helmet boxes in his arms, and placed them in front of Li Bai and the others.

"Well, I want to explain to you first. This helmet can be plugged in and worn on the head. However, it should be noted that once the game starts, it cannot be stopped until the game is over. Of course, it will not be wasted. Your time is too long, one hour in the real world is equal to one day in the game world." Alvaro introduced to everyone panting.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work. I will contact you after we finish the game." After nothing else, Icicle bid farewell to Alvaro on behalf of everyone, and put the helmet aside first. , and then started to make dinner.

Li Bai and Tian Lin started to explore the room, and found six pinhole cameras and three bugs.

"Let me just say, this Alvaro is not a good person." Li Bai sat at the dinner table with everyone and said to Bingjian. He probably told the landlord of the apartment in advance to install these things in the room.

Bingjian and Tian Lin didn't say anything, this kind of trick was quite common, but what the two children were interested in was something else.

"Can we really just wear this helmet and play games?" Xiaoxin asked puzzled looking at the five helmets piled up on the sofa.

Li Bai didn't know, but Tian Lin laughed loudly: "Little boy, don't you understand, this is called a full-series simulation helmet, and this kind of thing was mentioned in online novels hundreds of years ago. Now, with the current technology, they can be realized long ago.”

Tian Lin said stinkingly, but was stared at by Li Bai and Bingjian.

(End of this chapter)

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