The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2723 Holographic Game

Chapter 2723 Holographic Game
After dinner, before everyone returned to their respective rooms, Li Bai and Tian Lin left an aura barrier on the door and window of the room, which did not prevent others from entering the apartment, but once someone came in, Li Bai and Tian Lin will know.This aura enchantment can last for about 48 hours.

At the same time, Li Bai also left a silver star power on the ice thorn. In this way, if someone wants to take advantage of them while they are performing game missions, Li Bai can feel it immediately and quit the game directly. Even though Álvaro had said before, this mission, once started, will not stop.

Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi lived in the two rooms on the back. After they put on their helmets and fell asleep, Li Bai and the three returned to their respective rooms.

Li Bai sat on the bed, holding the thing that looked like a motorcycle helmet, and studied it carefully, but quickly gave up. He would never understand this kind of technological product.

After plugging the plug of the helmet into the power supply, Li Bai put the helmet on his head, and then lay down on the bed. Although he was wearing other things, Li Bai didn't feel uncomfortable.

Li Bai closed his eyes, then touched the switch of the helmet, and pressed it hard.

Immediately afterwards, Li Bai felt that his whole body appeared in another world in an instant, but at the beginning, this world was pitch black, and then some light slowly appeared, and Li Bai appeared in a similar place in the square.

In the sky above Li Bai's head, a mechanical voice soon appeared.

"Please perform the basic motion adaptation of the game space."

It may be because the game is afraid that players will not be able to adapt to this kind of game for the first time, so it began to instruct Li Bai to perform some basic actions, such as running, jumping, rolling, attacking, etc., until everything is over, the system Only then did Li Bai be sent into another space.

Li Bai took a closer look, and was a little surprised that he seemed to appear in the Icicle's home in Rome again.

"The main storyline of the game, kill the pope, and others, please proceed according to the mission instructions." The game system prompted Li Bai, and at this time, Li Bai finally understood what Alvaro or the mafia had in mind.

They clearly want to take advantage of this holographic game to let the killers carry out the real simulation training of assassinating the pope. Looking at the branch plots in the game system, it can be seen that the difficulty is increasing one by one. In this case , the mafia headquarters will know where the limit of everyone's strength is, and thus carry out killer classification.

"No wonder, no wonder." Li Bai muttered, after getting the first task of "killing a clergyman", he was finally able to act.Li Bai stood up and looked around. Everything was completely imitating the appearance of Rome, but there were no friends around him, which made Li Bai feel a little strange.

Li Bai quickly walked out of the room. Since he was the only one left, it was a good thing. In this way, Li Bai would not have any worries when he acted. Moreover, the task was not just to kill a few people. Ability, that is not something that can be easily grasped.

However, apart from aura, Li Bai didn't intend to use any of its treasures. After all, he had to believe that in this game, his every move would be monitored.

The church is still far away from the apartment of Bingthorn, so Li Bai planned to take a taxi, but just as the taxi was about to stop by the side of the road, Li Bai suddenly discovered that the driver was the one they left. The driver in Rome.

"If in reality, the driver saw me, I'm afraid the car wouldn't even dare to listen." Li Bai muttered, mocking himself, but the fact stunned Li Bai.

Because the taxi driver also saw Li Bai's appearance a few seconds later, he not only did not stop the car, but accelerated and ran away, screaming something like "don't kill me, I'm innocent" discourse.

Li Bai was stunned for two seconds, then returned to normal, and quickly returned to Bingthorn's apartment. Just now, he found a good news and a bad news. The good news is that in the game, he seems to be able to move freely. Listening and speaking Italian, the bad news is that everything in this game world seems to be a continuation of the real world.

In other words, he is still on the pope's most wanted list, and because he spent too much time on the road at the airport that day, his face must have been seen by many people.

It was only then that Li Bai realized how difficult this task was. It was even more difficult to go to the church to carry out the assassination mission when all the people in Rome were the church's eyeliner.

"Is there an option to automatically give up the game?" Li Bai muttered to himself, but the system told him that unless he died directly in the game, the game would not end.

Now Li Bai understood how to forcibly quit the game, just committing suicide, but in order to sprint to the level of killer, Li Bai naturally wouldn't quit the game now.

After thinking about it, Li Bai walked into the bathroom, looked at the dazzling array of cosmetics, and came up with a plan.

Twenty or ten minutes later, Li Bai walked out of Icicle's apartment again, and this time, he had turned into a flat-chested woman wearing a hat, tight leather pants, and heavy makeup.

Although it felt weird, but this time, Li Bai was not recognized by anyone. After all, in Italy, there are simply too many people in strange clothes, Li Bai is nothing at all.

Li Bai quickly got into a taxi and came to the church. It was another Sunday. Li Bai mixed into the church again with the flow of people and worshiped with everyone.

At the front of the church, the priest was still standing there quietly as before, leading everyone, while Li Bai was almost standing at the last position, because the priest's strength was not bad, and he was afraid that when he did it himself will get his attention.

All the believers were standing, praying with their eyes closed, and Li Bai was standing at the end of a row of seats, beside him was a clergyman who was also praying with his eyes closed.

Li Bai quietly circulated the power of the silver stars, forming a light spot on his fingertips, and then under Li Bai's deliberate control, the light spot circled behind the priest, and then slowly sank into the priest's head.

The clergyman suddenly opened his eyes and looked around vigilantly, but found that everyone was praying and there was no suspicious sign, so he fell silent again.

And when the prayer was over and all the believers started to leave, Li Bai's mind moved, and the power of the silver stars hidden in the priest's head exploded instantly, messing up the priest's mind. With a sound, he fell to the ground, spitting blood.

The first task is completed here, it is almost as simple as it can be.

However, because of the sudden death of the clergyman, all the people in the church were in chaos. Everyone panicked and moved away from the dead clergyman. When they wanted to leave the church, it was the cleric who was guarding the door. Informed, in order to protect everyone's safety, everyone is not allowed to leave here for the time being.

The priest walked towards the clergy with a little anxiety, applying one after another healing spells to the clergy, but because Li Bai's silver star power was too severely destroyed, and their arcane arts and Huaxia's aura were basically useless. Therefore, no matter how hard the priest tried, he was still unable to revive the priest.

"The murderer is among you." The priest ordered some clergymen to carry the corpse away first, and then turned to look at all the believers present and said, which shocked the audience, and they all stared at each other. Looking at it, I don't understand why the murderer is in the queue of their followers.

"I know that the murderer will definitely not come forward, so everyone, you must not leave here until I finish investigating everyone with power words. After I catch the murderer, I will make up for everyone." The priest said again. Everyone said, but Li Bai wanted to resist, but found that other believers almost obeyed the priest's words.

As a last resort, Li Bai had no choice but to wait slowly, watching believers one after another walking towards the priest standing at the front of the church, one by one being released a arcane spell, and after asking "Are you a murderer", Just let go.

At the same time, Li Bai is studying his second task, which is to kill the priest. When he stands in front of the priest for a while, he will naturally kill the priest very easily. But in that case, Li Bai, who does not want to use life-saving skills, will fall into When it came to the predicament of being blocked in the church, Li Bai was thinking whether to wait for the arrival of a dark and stormy night.

The priest interrogated the believers very quickly. Not long after, it was Li Bai's turn. Li Bai didn't really care much about the priest's arcane skills, but after being given the power word technique, Li Bai was already working hard to resist the power word technique It worked, but my mouth still refused to listen to persuasion and said "yes".

The priest's expression changed instantly, he stepped back and immediately wanted to attack Li Bai, but Li Bai's reaction was so fast, he chased after the priest one step at the same time, grabbed the priest's neck, and then cast a silver star With the attack of powerful force, the priest of all the believers died in the hands of Li Bai under the eyes of everyone.

And in the next second, all the priests rushed towards Li Bai like crazy, and kept firing the holy light technique at Li Bai, but this time, the holy light technique had some negative effects on Li Bai. Li Bai felt a burning sensation, which made Li Bai give up the idea of ​​catching a few hostages and escaping.

Li Bai turned around and ran towards the wall of the church. Stepping on the raised part of the wall, Li Bai rose to the edge of the window at a speed of about five meters, then hit the glass with his head and flew out of the church.

For a moment, the whole church was in chaos, countless clergy and priests, even Li Bai saw the appearance of a red-clothed archbishop, and joined forces with the Roman police to chase and intercept Li Bai, but at Li Bai's full speed Running wildly, Li Bai's figure slowly disappeared from their sight.

In just one morning, a cleric and a priest were killed in the church, and all this was done in front of so many people. This made the archbishop in red furious, and then ordered that the whole The city of Rome has entered a state of full alert, and everyone must take the initiative to show their identity documents to the police or church personnel, and if they do not, they will be detained on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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