The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2724 Dream Reality 2 Heaven

Chapter 2724 Dream Reality Double Sky

The next game process put Li Bai into an unprecedented predicament. Because he didn't have an ID card, Li Bai couldn't go anywhere. He could only go again at night when the vigilance was relaxed a little. Take action.

However, the people at the church seemed to have guessed that night is the time for Li Bai's activities, so at night, although the security in Rome was relaxed, the security at the church was even stricter. As a last resort, Li Bai had no choice but to Temporarily suspending the action, killing time in the game, waiting for the opportunity to appear.

This waited for a full 15 days, until the No. [-]th day, there was a large-scale assembly event in the church, and the cardinals were all dispatched, but the security measures became more than usual more stringent.

Li Bai's absence for two weeks not only did not make the archbishop in red relax, but he felt that Li Bai was dormant, waiting for a fatal blow to him.

And the fact is true, in this large-scale gathering, although the guard of the church is already strict enough, but in front of many Roman citizens, it still seems a little too little, and Li Bai is mixed in the crowd, observing the surrounding movement all the time, Finally waited for an opportunity.

Among the crowd, Li Bai first shot the silver star power at the red-clothed archbishop. As a result, the red-clothed archbishop's strength is obviously much higher than that of priests, and he actually sensed Li Bai's attack in advance, thus dodging took the blow.

The scene of the entire rally was in chaos again, the clergy and the police were trying their best to maintain the order of the scene, but at this time, Li Bai also took advantage of the chaos and came to the waiting room of the archbishop in red who had been investigated in advance.

In the rest room, not only the archbishop in red was alone, but also several priests were protecting him around him, which made it difficult for Li Bai to make a move for a while, and when the archbishop in red said, "You guys go out first." , I want to be alone." After that, Li Bai finally found the opportunity to kill the archbishop in red in the room.

However, this time Li Bai was not able to escape from the chasing and killing of the church again. Li Bai, who did not dare to use the Qiankun Ring, could only run for his life. , was still beaten down by thousands of clergymen with holy light.

At this point, Li Bai died, and the whole game was finally over.

When Li Bai woke up again, he found that it was already two o'clock in the afternoon. Looking at the peaceful room, Li Bai couldn't believe that this world was the real one.

Li Bai walked out of his bedroom, only to find that Bingjian and Tian Lin had already finished the game and were sitting on the sofa watching TV. Li Bai's face brightened when he came out.

"Master, how far have you completed your mission?" Tian Lin looked at Li Bai expectantly, but Icicle asked Li Bai to eat first, and then told them some details of the game while eating.

At the dinner table, Li Bai realized that Bingthorn and Tian Lin's situation in the game was the same as his, and they both experienced the same settings as in the real world. Father Death, however, Tian Lin's task progress was relatively higher, and he finally died on the way to assassinate the archbishop in red.

"Master, master, how far have you gone? Did you kill the pope?" Tian Lin asked again, Li Bai curled his lips, "No, but I killed the archbishop in red. It's too much, and I can't escape."

"No way, master, don't you have a lot of treasures on you, and they can't find you if you hide anywhere." Tian Lin asked strangely.

"Maybe Master Li Bai doesn't want to expose his strength in front of the mafia so early. After all, the actions in our game will be seen by the mafia." Bingthorn answered Tian Lin's question for Li Bai. Tian Lin nodded, and then It was time to think about whether he had revealed some of his secrets in the game.

"However, by the way, neither of the two children came out? Calculate the time, this is already No. 20 days in the game." Li Bai looked at his watch, thinking in surprise, could it be that the two Can the child complete the task that even they can't?

It wasn't until four o'clock in the afternoon that Xiaoxin walked out of the room first. After not eating for a long time, he was already hungry and dizzy. After wolfing down a lot of food, he burped.

"Little boy, have you been in the game for so long, have you already killed the Pope?" Tian Lin looked at Xiaoxin in disbelief and asked.

Xiaoxin's eyes widened, and he looked at Tian Lin innocently: "No, I was admitted to the church in the end and became a member of their clergy reserve team. It took more than 20 days to find Tian Lin. It was an opportunity to get in touch with a clergyman, but he was beaten to death by that clergyman as soon as he started."

Xiaoxin looked at the adults, stuck out his tongue and said.However, Xiaoxin's experience in the game gave Li Bai a plan.

"We can let Xiaoxin use his own method to sneak into the church in reality. This will definitely help us get news about vampires faster." Li Bai said to Bingthorn. He shook his head: "Brother Li Bai, it's impossible, I don't even know Italian, how can I join the church in reality."

Only then did Li Bai remember that when he was in the game, the game system had automatically translated the languages ​​of both sides.

"The ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny." Tian Lin said with a sigh.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, the last Xiaoxi finally came out of the room. Li Bai could tell at a glance that Xiaoxi's face was quite excited, but after seeing Li Bai, that excitement was a little bit more. Disappeared a little.

"Eat first, and tell us where you have come after a while." Xiao Xi nodded vigorously, and then sat down in front of everyone after a hearty meal.

"You guys must be better than me. Every time I complete a task, it takes a lot of time." Xiaoxi said to everyone embarrassedly.

"Sister Xiaoxi, tell us what step you have completed first, it's going to scare us to death." Xiaoxin urged Xiaoxi.

Xiaoxi was embarrassed to tell everyone that she just killed the archbishop in red, and when she saw the pope, she had already been identified by the pope before she could do anything, and she slapped her to death in the church headquarters.

"I just said I'm poor, you have to let me say it." Seeing everyone's silent expressions, Xiaoxi said aggrievedly, but what she didn't expect was that everyone felt so bad because of Xiaoxi's progress. Shocked look.

"The back waves of the Yangtze River pushed the front waves, and the front waves died on the beach." Tian Lin murmured, even Li Bai was a little surprised, and even he didn't expect that Xiao Xi at this time would actually be faster than his progress.

"I've said it a long time ago, these two children might be the main force of our operation this time, you see, it really is like this." Li Bai said happily to Tian Lin and Bingthorn, without any jealousy In my heart, after all, Xiaoxi's strength is also the strength of their entire team.

"Why do I feel that you just said it casually at the time, but now it's just an afterthought." Bingthorn ruthlessly exposed Li Bai's words again, making Li Bai smile embarrassedly.

Seeing the reaction of the two adults, Xiaoxi probably guessed her own ranking, but she still asked uncertainly, "Brother Li Bai, is it possible that my progress is the highest in this task?" Xiao Xi covered her mouth in disbelief and looked at Li Bai.

Li Bai smiled without saying a word and nodded. Naturally, there is nothing to hide about this matter.

"However, there is a problem. Alvaro should already know how powerful the two children are. Will he also come here to try to win Xiaoxi and Xiaoxin into the mafia?" At this moment, Li Bai thought of something bad, looked at the ice spike and asked.

Icicle also nodded: "It should be like this, after all, they can definitely see all of our game process."

"No matter what you say, you can't let him succeed." Li Bai said with some seriousness. If the two children also become members of the Mafia and are placed with chips, then for them, further actions will be difficult. up.

And what Li Bai and Bingthorn thought was exactly the same, at eight o'clock in the evening, their door was indeed knocked, Bingthorn went to open the door, opened it, and sure enough, it was Alvaro. .

"It seems that everyone's tasks have been completed." Alvaro couldn't hide the excitement on his face and said to the ice spike, looking at the four people gathered in the room.

Ice Spike gave Alvaro a "hehe" smile. Alvaro just asked the question knowingly. Now he must be clear about where each of their missions have come.Of course, Álvaro didn't understand the meaning of "hehe" in Chinese, and thought that the ice spike was agreeing with him, so he happily walked into the room.

"Everyone's mission should be completed smoothly, right?" Alvaro once again said to everyone as a wise advisor. At this time, he didn't even care much about the whereabouts of the helmet.

Li Bai naturally also saw that Alvaro's question was a bit "pretentious", but he still told Alvaro the result: "Both Bingthorn and Tian Lin died before the assassination of the archbishop in red. The archbishop in red then failed." Li Bai said to Alvaro lightly.

Alvaro also nodded excitedly, because he was very clear about the difficulty of this task, because it is difficult for an ordinary assassin to kill the archbishop in red when he acts alone, but in the actual assassination operation, Only when many killers act together can they succeed.

Among these five people, Li Bai single-handedly killed the archbishop in red, which already surprised Alvaro, but it was not this that excited Alvaro even more.

"What about the grades of the two children? How are they?" Alvaro asked, looking at the two children with some eager light in his eyes.

"Oh, the two of them, one died in the first level, and the other made it to the last level by luck." Li Bai said to Alvaro in a very indifferent tone.

(End of this chapter)

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