The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2725 Hitman Classification

Chapter 2725 Hitman Classification

Li Bai's tone sounded as if the efforts made by the two children were insignificant, and seemed to want Alvaro to dispel his thoughts about the two children. However, as a senior scout of the mafia, Alvaro, How could he be fooled so easily?

What's more, even if Li Bai's tone was not quite right, he still said something like "one died before the last level". Moreover, Alvaro had already witnessed in the game progress monitor that these five people were What he did in the game, he asked Li Bai their progress, but he just wanted them to talk about it themselves.

"Excuse me, which child has reached the last level?" Alvaro finally chose to ignore Li Bai's words and asked again.

Hearing Alvaro's question, Li Bai smiled faintly. Now, he was more sure of their guess.However, since Álvaro had already asked, Li Bai naturally couldn't continue to hide anything, and told Álvaro that Xiao Xi, that little girl, had finally walked in front of the Pope by luck.

Xiaoxi raised her head and looked at Alvaro calmly, but at this moment, Alvaro's face showed a strong fanatic expression, looking at Xiaoxi, it was like looking at the sky. General descendants.

"That's great, that's great, you Huaxia is indeed a place where there are many talents, I admire it very much." Alvaro boasted, but he didn't pay attention to Xiaoxin, because in his opinion, this The little boy was simply traveling with them, and was of no use at all.

Li Bai, Bingthorn, and Tian Lin saw Alvaro's expression, looked at each other, and smiled, but they didn't say anything, just quietly waiting for Alvaro's next words, he was so late. Come to them in a hurry, there must be something to announce.

"Then, let me confirm again now." Alvaro's expression slowly eased, and he said quietly looking at the few people in the room.

"Mr. Tian Lin, Miss Bingthorn, the game mission of the two of you ended before the assassination of the red-clothed archbishop; Mr. Li Bai, your game progress ended after the assassination of the red-clothed archbishop; and there are two children, Xiao Xi stopped. In front of the Pope, Xiaoxin has not completed a single task, what I said is correct, right?"

Alvaro looked at everyone seriously, and no one had any objections.

"Well, now, on behalf of the Mafia, I announce that all of you have officially become a glorious part of the Mafia. From today onwards, the Mafia will advance and retreat with you!" Alvaro suddenly said imposingly. Speaking to several people, Li Bai frowned. Another meaning of this sentence is that they must also advance and retreat with the mafia.

At the same time, Li Bai still has other doubts about why joining the Mafia is such an important matter, and it only needs a scout to announce it. Another doubt is that what Alvaro just said seems to mean that two A child was also counted.

However, Li Bai didn't raise his question right away, but quietly waited for Alvaro's next words, because Alvaro had told them before the game mission that there was still some hierarchy among the mafia killers.

Li Bai and the others clapped stiffly, and Alvaro smiled awkwardly, but soon straightened his face again: "Next, I will announce the killer levels you have obtained. Among our mafia, killers are divided into The five levels are DCBA and the highest S level, and the killer level is given entirely according to your performance in the game."

Alvaro paused, but after seeing that the faces of several people were not too excited, he could only continue with a little embarrassment: "Miss Icethorn, your assassin level is C-level, Mr. Tian Lin, you are B-level , Mr. Li Bai, you are A-level." Alvaro forced a smile to look at the three, and the three just smiled. They were not very surprised by this result.

However, at this moment, Alvaro spoke again: "Little Xi, your task completion rate has greatly exceeded the expectations of the mafia headquarters, so your level is S-level, but Xiaoxin, because of Didn't complete the mission, so you don't have any levels."

Alvaro announced everything in one breath, heaved a sigh of relief, and just wanted to come forward and give a few high-fives one by one, but saw that the expressions of the adults all became strange at this time : "What's the matter? Are you still not satisfied with your level?"

Alvaro was a little dazed. You must know that in the holographic game they experienced yesterday, they were all alone to complete the task of assassinating the entire church. Moreover, there was no other task at all. In fact, walking The level of the archbishop in red is already very difficult, but according to the situation in the game, all three of them are capable of completing this level.

It’s just that Ice Spike and Tian Lin’s luck is a little bit worse, otherwise, all three of them would have become A-level killers. In fact, most of the killers who entered the mafia for the first time are the lowest D-level, at least Some of them are C-level, but as for B-level and A-level, there are very few of them, not to mention, there is also a little S-level girl here.

"No, no, we are very satisfied with our level, but there is one more problem I don't quite understand." Li Bai said to Álvaro lightly, and Álvaro signaled for Li Bai to continue, "Why would you Count these two kids, they're just playing this game for fun."

Li Bai looked at Alvaro with an unfriendly expression. They decided not to let the two children join the mafia from the very beginning. Even after discovering Xiaoxi's potential, they would not change their original intention.

"Well, it's like this, because in our scouting work for so many years, there has almost never been an S-level killer, so the headquarters, which is eager for talents, very much hopes that Xiaoxi can join us. Become a member of the Mafia too, of course, and pay twice as much as an adult."

Alvaro said to Li Bai in this way again, hoping to use money to impress Li Bai and make him let go.However, Li Bai's answer turned Alvaro into a frosty eggplant.

"When we first met you, we had already agreed that the two children would never get involved in the Mafia. Could it be that you want to force us to change our minds?" Li Bai used another very Said to Alvaro in an unfriendly tone, causing Alvaro to wave his hands again and again.

"No, no, of course I didn't mean that. If the two children don't want to join, we will never force them, but we hope you will think about it carefully. Now you are already a member of the mafia, and our mafia The first goal of the party is to destroy the church, and now there is a hope, do you just want to let it go like this?"

Alvaro looked at the three of Li Bai suspiciously. Although he was talking in a discussing tone, Li Bai could tell that Alvaro was clearly carrying out a different kind of kidnapping.You are a member of the mafia, don't you want to work hard for the future of the mafia?Are you still sincerely doing good for the Mafia?
"Alvaro, you have to know that a game is a game, and reality is reality. Even if Xiaoxi has completed her task progress in the game, in reality, she may not be able to take a single step like Xiaoxin. Go out, and they are still underage, if they want to join the Mafia, they must get the consent of their guardians, right? But, do you think they will?"

Li Bai immediately thought about the words to retort to Alvaro. This time, Alvaro couldn't say anything anymore, he just swallowed, but he still didn't give up.

"It's okay for the two children not to join the Mafia, but I hope the two children can help us when we perform tasks in the future. This request is always okay, and the reward will still be given." Alvaro said again, this Once, Li Bai agreed, and it would be really inappropriate if he continued to refuse.

"Okay, that's it. Let's have a good rest tonight. Tomorrow morning, I will take you to visit the mafia branch in Turin. As for other things, we will talk about them tomorrow." Alvaro told everyone He said with a smile, and said goodbye to everyone.

After Alvaro left, the room returned to the previous "joyful" state. While eating dinner, everyone began to accuse the Mafia of the ugly deeds.

"I thought this Alvaro was a good man, unexpectedly, he is also a hypocrite." Bingjian pouted and said, if not for the existence of Li Bai, she would not have seen Alvaro's ugly face of using any means to achieve his goals .

"You can't say that. After all, Alvaro is also working for the Mafia. His behavior is naturally influenced by the Mafia. The so-called those who are close to the red are the ones who are close to the ink are black. This is the truth. Let's end it quickly. Our task is to get rid of the Mafia as soon as possible." Li Bai said to Bingthorn with a smile.

"However, how will we get rid of the Mafia? How will we remove this chip?" Tian Lin touched his chest and said unnaturally.

"Let's talk about it when the time comes. We can accept a long-term mission first, and then do our work. When the mission is over, we will go back to Huaxia directly. Maybe they will send people to chase after Huaxia." Li Bai said to Tian Lin, When you think about it, this idea is really feasible.

Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi have always been in a good mood, because their performance in the game has been strongly praised by brother Li Bai. Of course, although Xiaoxin felt a little uncomfortable listening to what Alvaro said, but this At that time, he no longer cared what a "gringo" said.

After dinner, everyone fell asleep again this night, because they spent too much energy in the game yesterday.

The next morning, when the door of the apartment was knocked countless times, several people woke up from their sleep. Tian Lin rubbed his sleepy eyes and opened the door, only to find that Alvaro was already standing at the door.

"I'll go. It's only eight o'clock. Why are you here? You're too impatient, really." Tian Lin muttered something to Alvaro, but Alvaro couldn't understand it. Thinking that Tian Lin was saying "good morning" to him, he politely replied the words of greeting.

In the living room of the apartment, Álvaro waited anxiously for an hour and a half before Li Bai and the others finished washing, had breakfast, and waited for Bicci to put on their makeup before finally being able to set off.

"Turin Branch, I can't wait for your arrival." Alvaro said to everyone excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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