The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2804 The bought classmate

Chapter 2804 The bought classmate
Anyone who has gone to school knows that all students want to have a holiday when they are in school, but once the holiday is over, they want to start school again. This kind of contradiction exists for everyone, so at this moment , For tomorrow, everyone is still looking forward to it, but it is also foreseeable that this kind of mood will disappear after a few days.

So, after the last carnival before the start of school, everyone packed up their moods and came to Qinglong University again after two months of absence.

Early in the morning, Li Bai walked into Qinglong University with his women. Although Li Bai's reputation has resounded throughout the university campus in the past two years, he also knows that there are many beauties around Li Bai However, when Li Bai reappeared today with so many beauties of the school beauty level, it still really shocked everyone.

Almost everyone's attention fell on Li Bai and his group of people. The male compatriots looked at the beauties smiling at Li Baixi, imagining that they could exchange identities with Li Bai, while the female students fantasized that they could exchange identities with Li Bai. It can become more beautiful, even if you can't get close to Li Bai, you can still attract the attention of boys.

Li Bai and his group were no stranger to these gazes, but they didn't notice that among the gazes they were looking at, there were always a few cold gazes that had malicious intentions when they were directed at them.

"Boss, Li Bai and the others have already entered the campus."

"Boss, they are in the classroom now."

"There are four women beside Li Bai, named Zhang Yuhan, Mu Xiaoting, Su Daji, and Feng Yunxi."

"I heard that there are still a few more, but who needs to collect information specifically."

On the first day of school, Li Bai and his women kept shuttling between the classrooms. When there were no classes, they would go to the Academic Affairs Office to register for the start of school, or go to the principal to ask for leave.However, what Li Bai didn't know all the time was that someone was secretly watching them all the time, and at the same time, he was reporting information about Li Bai to someone in a place he couldn't see or hear.

If Li Bai sees these things, he will definitely find that these people who sent messages to a strange Tianxun number are actually his classmates, and even a few of them once regarded Li Bai as own idol.

It's just that Li Bai didn't know what happened at this moment. After the first day of school, he and his women had to face another farewell.

Naturally, Su Daji and Feng Yunxi are the ones who are going to leave this time. Although Xiannong Technology Company is on the right track, just like an old saying, a country cannot live without a king, and it is impossible for a company to be without a king for too long. A chairman leads.

Outside the departure hall of Kyoto International Airport, Li Bai hugged Su Daji and Feng Yunxi tightly, and whispered some whispers between them.

"Li Bai, can you come and see us once a month?" Su Daji said to Li Bai with some grievances. Before that, Li Bai would never go to Shu County unless there was something wrong. Although the two couldn't bear it, there was no other way but to endure it.

"Uh, this, I'll try my best." Li Bai was not willing to deceive the two people's feelings, so he had to say this to the two, with a somewhat apologetic tone in his tone.

Although career and love can have a double harvest, but in this process, when one aspect is taken care of, the other aspect will inevitably be neglected, and this is something that cannot be avoided.

The few people stood until the final security check time, and then reluctantly bid farewell to each other, but at this time, Li Bai and the others still did not notice that immediately after Su Daji and Feng Yunxi entered the waiting hall, there were two more people. A boy followed sneakily.

On the second day of school, Zhang Yuhan also stopped going to school, and continued to return to Xiannong Pharmaceutical Company to take care of company affairs, while Bingthorn and Xia Meng could only continue to stay at home because of status issues, thinking hard to find some What should I do.

And the task of going to school once again fell on Li Bai and Mu Xiaoting's heads. However, when the class meeting was held the next day, Li Bai discovered a very strange phenomenon, because their class was originally There were not many people, except for a few people whose whereabouts Li Bai knew, there were also a few people who disappeared without a trace.

"It's strange, there are two boys who didn't come. I remember that they would definitely come to every class meeting before." Li Bai murmured to Mu Xiaoting, but it was just talking, after all, he didn't have that Take your time to worry about where the people who have nothing to do with you have gone.

Mu Xiaoting naturally didn't know the answer to this question, but when the class committee was speaking next, the class leader actually explained the reason for their absence: "Su Meng, Feng Yunxi, Zhang Yishan, Liu He, Li Bai, oh , Boss Li Bai is here, that is the four people in front, they have taken a long vacation this semester, maybe the next time we see them, it will be the end of the semester." The monitor smiled at Li Bai embarrassedly.

Although Li Bai didn't know the reason why the two boys asked for a long vacation, Li Bai still didn't pay much attention to it.

Until, at noon, Li Bai received an anonymous text message.

"Su Daji, Feng Yunxi, took the flight that took off at [-] o'clock last night, landed in Shu County at [-]:[-], and returned to their residence in Splendid Capital." At the same time, Feng Yunxi and Su A photo of Daji's back.

When he saw this text message, Li Bai only felt a "buzz" in his head, and immediately, Li Bai couldn't help holding Tianxun's hand tightly.

"What's wrong?" Mu Xiaoting could easily sense that something was wrong with Li Bai, and asked with concern, her eyes couldn't help but flick to Li Bai's Tianxun screen.When Mu Xiaoting also saw that text message, she couldn't help covering her mouth, her eyes were full of horror and disbelief.

"Li Bai, they, are they being followed?!" Mu Xiaoting looked at Li Bai in horror, but the answer to this question was too obvious.Judging from the angle at which the photo was taken, someone must have been following Su Daji and Feng Yunxi, and they were taken almost in parallel.

"What the hell, finally someone dares to target my woman again!" Li Bai narrowed his eyes and said viciously. However, at the first moment, Li Bai did not immediately trace the source of this strange number, but Hastily called Tianxun to Su Daji who was far away in Shu County.

There was a busy tone on the receiver, one sound, Li Bai and Mu Xiaoting's expressions were still relatively calm, two times, the two frowned, three times, the expressions of the two finally became dignified.

For a moment, the two people's minds were full of scenes of Su Daji and Feng Yunxi being kidnapped by this person hiding in the dark, which almost made Li Bai burst out on the spot.

However, when the fourth sound sounded, the screen of Tianxun also lit up.

"Li Bai, do you miss me? I haven't seen you for a day." In front of Li Bai and Mu Xiaoting, Su Daji's figure was projected. At this time, she was wearing a bathrobe, and on her face On, with a deep sense of happiness.However, after seeing that Li Bai's expression was not very good, Su Daji was slightly taken aback.

"What's wrong with you? Why do you look unhappy?" Su Daji asked strangely. As an authority figure, she didn't know at this time that she and Feng Yunxi had been followed.

When seeing Su Daji like this, Li Bai finally let go of his hanging heart.Although the text message did prove that someone was following the two of them, they didn't act immediately, and the reason why they didn't answer the Tianxun immediately was probably because they happened to take a bath.

"Is there anything unhappy?" Li Bai immediately put on a smiling face and said to Su Daji with a smile, "Didn't I tell you when you left yesterday that you would give me a message when you arrived in Shu County? I forgot, of course I would be worried." After speaking, Li Bai pouted again, while Su Daji explained embarrassingly.

"I'm sorry, I came back too late last night, so I forgot about it, and didn't get up until now." Su Daji said to Li Bai, and promised that such a thing would never happen again.

"Well, then I'll forgive you for now, but if you encounter any danger in the future, please contact me immediately, do you hear me? Didn't I give you and Feng Yunxi some small gifts before? If you encounter danger, send them I can feel it if it breaks directly," Li Bai said to Su Daji.

"How can that be? You gave it to us." Su Daji gave Li Bai a strange look, "And what danger will happen to us? Really, Mr. Li Bai, are you underestimating ourselves? We also have some strength."

Seeing Su Daji pouted in dissatisfaction, Li Bai smiled bitterly. Since neither Su Daji nor Feng Yunxi knew that someone was following them, Li Bai would naturally not speak out about it directly, so as not to make them feel normal. His life and work were disturbed, but in the face of potential danger, Li Bai still wouldn't feel relieved if he didn't have some preparations.

"Just in case, I don't want you to be in real danger." Li Bai said to Su Daji in this way again, "Remember, you two are very important to me. If you don't endanger me at all, I don’t even want it to happen to you.” Li Bai looked at the virtual Su Daji seriously, which moved Su Daji for a while, and at the same time said that he had remembered it.

After a few more exhortations, Li Bai hung up the contact with Su Daji, and the moment he hung up Tianxun, Li Bai's expression became serious again in an instant.

"Someone really dared to attack my woman." Li Bai said fiercely again. The current situation must still be the same routine that Li Bai encountered before. Some people want to deal with Li Bai, but there is no way to do it directly. Therefore, I had no choice but to adopt a roundabout tactic again, attacking the women next to Li Bai first, and then blackmailing Li Bai one by one.

Mu Xiaoting sat quietly beside Li Bai, watching Li Bai get angry, she couldn't think of anything, she didn't dare to make any sound at this moment.At this time, Mu Xiaoting hopes that her strength will be stronger, but because of her work as an actress, she doesn't have much time to practice.

"Mu Xiaoting." At this moment, Li Bai suddenly called out Mu Xiaoting's name, which brought Mu Xiaoting back from her trance: "Ah? What's the matter?"

"Help me contact Jiang Gu and ask him to send a few people to Shu County to secretly protect the safety of Su Daji and Feng Yunxi." Li Bai said to Mu Xiaoting, and quickly sent Jiang Gu's contact information to Mu Xiaoting.

(End of this chapter)

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