Chapter 2805
Although there was a period of time before, there were a few people in Huaxia Longwei who were protecting the safety of Li Bai's women, but it seemed that shortly after the party of Xiannong Technology Company, that period of protection ended, because, at that time After a long period of time, everyone was no longer threatened.

Therefore, in the past two months or so, all of Li Bai's women were actually not protected by anyone, but they did not experience any danger.

However, as soon as Li Bai returned to the capital, Su Daji and Feng Yunxi met someone who followed them and was likely to threaten their safety. This made Li Bai very angry, and at the same time blamed himself, because thinking so, The dangers they faced were all caused by themselves.

Mu Xiaoting had already dialed Jiang Gu's Tianxun, and was talking to Jiang Gu, while Li Bai kept looking down at the strange number on the Tianxun screen with an incomparably dignified expression.

"Who are you?" Finally, Li Bai also sent a text message to this strange number, hoping to get a reply from the other party.But in Li Bai's heart, he knew clearly that even if this number was not a forged number, Tianxun's side must be just a person working for the real mastermind behind the scenes.

As for who this person is, the person Li Bai thought of immediately was Ling Tian. After all, he was still communicating with Li Bai at this time, and there were still some conflicts, and Ling Tian was the only one.

However, regarding Ling Tian's suspicion, Li Bai was not sure. After all, Li Bai didn't think that Ling Tian would be the kind of person who wanted to blackmail Li Bai by threatening Li Bai's women. If the words are spoken, Ling Tian's face will also be wiped away.

However, if it wasn't Li Bai, but someone else, Li Bai really couldn't figure out who was really so brave, and dared to do something to him and the women around Li Bai at this time.

The text message had been sent for about 5 minutes, but the other party still hadn't replied. At this time, Mu Xiaoting finally ended the call with Jiang Gu and returned to Li Bai's side.

"Li Bai, Jiang Gu asked me to tell you that he will immediately send someone to Shu County to protect the safety of Su Daji and Feng Yunxi." Mu Xiaoting said to Li Bai, the worry in her eyes was less, it seems, for Huaxia Mu Xiaoting has great confidence in the strength of the Dragon Guards.

"Well, that's good." Hearing this, Li Bai finally felt a little relieved. After all, in Li Bai's hands, the people from Huaxia Longwei are more reliable. If he fails to stop the opponent's actions, then it can only prove that the opponent's strength must be stronger than Longwei.

And if that time really comes, Li Bai still has to take action to solve some things himself.

Li Bai sat quietly and continued to stare at Tianxun for a while, but the other party seemed to have no intention of responding to Li Bai at all.At this time, Li Bai called back the number, and as expected, a reminder "The number you dialed is empty" came from the receiver.

"Huh—" Li Bai also let out a long breath when he hung up the news, not to say that he was relieved about the matter in front of him, but felt that this matter seemed to be more difficult than before , Li Bai had to pay more attention to this matter.

Although there were still two classes in the afternoon, Li Bai did not decide to continue the class because of this incident, and since Li Bai was leaving, Mu Xiaoting would not stay in school, so the two still They went back to their villa first.

Then, Li Bai came to the company Huaxia Longwei and the others pretended to find Jiang Gu.

"Dragon King, I have sent two Dragon Guards of the Jindan Stage to Shu County." The first time he saw Li Bai, Jiang Gu reported the situation to Li Bai.Li Bai patted Jiang Gu on the shoulder and nodded again.

"Dragon King, what happened? Did the two of them encounter any danger again?" Jiang Gu asked Li Bai with a slightly solemn expression.

"There is no danger yet, but what is certain now is that someone is following the two of them." Of course, Li Bai absolutely believed in Jiang Gu, so in front of Jiang Gu, Li Bai did not have any cover up, and directly put Jiang Gu was told everything.

"Well, okay, then I'll go and notify the two of them, and arrest the person who followed the two ladies first." Jiang Gu immediately understood what Li Bai meant, and said to Li Bai.

"No hurry, it's not too late to tell them after they land." Li Bai held Jiang Gu who was about to leave, and then said to Jiang Gu, "There is one more thing that is more urgent."

Only then did Jiang Gu sit down, his expression became more serious, and he sat upright and looked at Li Bai.

Then, Li Bai asked Jiang Gu about Lingtian again: "During the past two months, did our Huaxia Dragon Guard pay attention to the Lingtian Hotel?"

Li Bai looked at Jiang Gu seriously. The news he got from Jiang Gu's mouth must be the most convincing and comprehensive so far.

"I am concerned." To Li Bai's surprise, Jiang Gu gave Li Bai a definite answer without any thought, "In fact, when Ling Tian just came to the capital, someone had already noticed him. Yes." Jiang Gu said quietly, which made Li Bai full of interest immediately.

"Lord Dragon King, it's like this. In fact, this Ling Tian has already come to the capital after the Spring Festival this year. We didn't notice it at first, but when we noticed him, he had already bought it. Now they are in Ling Tian Hotel. The building I own, before, was a department store."

Jiang Gu said slowly to Li Bai: "If you want to buy a whole building within the third ring road of Kyoto, such financial resources are extremely rare, so after that, I sent some people to observe Ling Tian secretly. Move, but he doesn't seem to be in any danger."

"He's not very dangerous so far." Li Bai frowned. Jiang Gu had never dealt with Ling Tian directly, so he knew almost nothing about him. Those who are not at all dangerous do the most dangerous things.

"Tell me in detail what he did after he came to the capital. Why didn't other people notice it?" Li Bai asked Jiang Gudao strangely. This has always been something he was curious about.

Next, at Li Bai's request, Jiang Gu explained in detail what the Dragon Guards he sent to investigate.

After buying that department store, the whole side department store announced that it had entered the stage of closing for renovation and renovation. At the beginning, everyone was curious about the situation there, but as the renovation time gradually lengthened, And after the situation inside could not be seen at all from the outside, everyone's curiosity gradually dissipated.

And at that time, it was also the time when Ling Tian really started to act. He sent a lot of people to transport all the things in the department store quietly, and put the decoration materials he needed into the building bit by bit. , Then, the renovation that lasted for several months began.

Although it sounds like a long time, in fact, the renovation of the entire building is faster than any previous building renovation.Probably under the stimulation of money, the workers are almost working around the clock.

While Lingtian Hotel was being renovated, Lingtian did some things himself.

At that time, Ling Tian was unknown in the capital, maybe Li Bai had seen Ling Tian when he was walking on the street, but because of the huge crowd, Li Bai couldn't remember other "ordinary people" at all.

What Ling Tian did was to go to the officials in the capital city government to find out what they did. The Dragon Guards did not conduct an in-depth investigation, but in the end what the Dragon Guards knew was that all the documents required by Ling Tian Hotel, It was all done before the hotel was officially renovated.

At that time, at least three months had passed since the initial closure of business for rectification, that is, around early or mid-May.

At that time, Ling Tian started a round of recruitment.The name of the recruitment was recruited by some other small companies, so it still didn't disturb anyone's attention.

Around May NO.20, the entire Lingtian Hotel was officially completed.Although the large cloth on the outside of the building was still not removed, the interiors inside were considered magnificent. It was also at that time that Ling Tian began to issue invitations to the opening of various industries in the capital. In the following process, Li Bai I have experienced it all.

After listening to Jiang Gu's long narration, Li Bai remained silent, did not express any opinions, and thought about some things lightly, for example, why Ling Tian did that before, even if Ling Tian did these things openly , and no one will stop him.

"What surprised us the most was that during the whole process, Ling Tian didn't show anything wrong, as if he was just an ordinary businessman, so we couldn't find any suspicious behavior." Jiang Gu said again He said to Li Bai helplessly, but he firmly believed that the more impossible he felt, the more likely it was.

However, Jiang Gu never discovered this possibility.

"What about the next two months?" Li Bai asked quietly again, but Jiang Gu's answer was exactly what Li Bai knew. In the next two months, Ling Tian seemed to have disappeared. , there is no longer any activity within the scope of the capital, but they began to expand the power of their Lingtian Group.

"Dragon King, you are absolutely sure that Ling Tian is in danger, right?" Jiang Gu glanced at Li Bai and asked in a low voice.

"Well, moreover, it has already caused some threats to me." Li Bai looked up at Jiang Gu, and then told Jiang Gu what happened during the few days when they returned to Huaxia from Europe and stayed in Xiaolian City.

"We originally wanted to kill Xiangnan and Xiangbei, but Ling Tian stopped me in time. Although he said that he didn't hold grudges, I didn't believe him. There really will be no grievances." Li Bai said lightly.

At this time, Li Bai suddenly felt that the people who were following Su Daji and Feng Yunxi were sent by Ling Tian. Maybe Ling Tian didn't really intend to do anything to them, but he just wanted to use this to intimidate Li Bai and eliminate them. The "anger" received by Li Bai before.

"No way, as the big boss of Lingtian Group, Ling Tian shouldn't be so petty." However, Jiang Gu also slightly disagrees with Li Bai's point of view. After all, in his opinion, he can become a Leaders must be as magnanimous as Li Bai.

"I don't know about this." Li Bai frowned, and once again rejected his own thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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