The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2846 Spider Queen

Chapter 2846 Spider Queen
"Liu Feng! Liu Feng!" Seeing this scene, not only Liu Feng, but also the rest of the Liu family became nervous. Seeing Liu Feng trembling in Li Bai's arms, his heart became tense.

"What's going on?! Didn't it say that it can cure fire poison? It's been an hour already! Let me tell you that if you dare to lie to me..." Li Bai shouted at Yixing angrily in his heart, but Before he could finish speaking, he heard Yixing's speechless muttering, which made Li Bai's words stop slowly.

"Little master, don't worry, this is a normal phenomenon, he will be fine in a while." Yixing explained helplessly to Li Bai, "Who is this you? Why do you care about him more than your wife?"

Faced with Yixing's ridicule, Li Bai didn't reply at all, but focused on caring about Liu Feng's situation. After 1 minute, 2 minutes, and 3 minutes passed, Liu Feng's trembling all over his body finally stopped, and then Liu Feng slowly opened his eyes again.

"Li Bai, what kind of panacea is this? I feel that the fire poison in my body has been neutralized a lot." Liu Feng said to Li Bai with a smile, "Is there any more, give me another sip."

At this time, Liu Feng's indecency made Li Bai finally laugh out loud, and he punched Liu Feng's chest: "You kid, you're going to scare me to death, you know?" However, Liu Feng's laughter disappeared again. What followed was his painful expression and "hissing" breathing.

At this time, Li Bai discovered that Liu Feng's external injuries were no less than his internal injuries. It is not an exaggeration to describe Liu Feng's current situation with bruises all over his body, especially on Liu Feng's chest, there is actually a long The wound, it seems, was clearly scratched by the flame spider.

"Be patient with the trauma first, and cure the fire poison first." Li Bai's expression returned to seriousness, and he took out more rootless flower potions and distributed them to the Liu family present.

While Liu Feng was treating the fire poison, Li Bai began to treat Liu Feng's external injuries. However, Li Bai could not do much, because there were many wounds on Liu Feng's body that were attached to the flame cave. Unique attribute, in this case, his treatment can't produce much effect.

It wasn't until half an hour later that Liu Feng told Li Bai that the fire poison in his body had been maintained at a certain level, but after there was no way to expel it all, Li Bai stopped treating Liu Feng.

"I saw Long Tianlin just now, and the situation of their Long family doesn't seem to be much better. What happened?" Li Bai looked at Liu Feng with a sullen face. It's the difficulty of adventure mode.

Liu Feng stretched his limbs, and after confirming that his limbs could still move, he said to Li Bai this time: "That Long Tianlin is such a fool, he always thought that the person who framed them was me."

Liu Feng snorted coldly, and then looked into Li Bai's eyes: "I saw the man who wanted to frame us, he seems to have something that can control the flame spider, every time he meets him, he turns around Just run away, but you can leave us with a dozen flame spiders."

Liu Feng said angrily: "If it wasn't for those flame spiders, I would have killed that man a long time ago. How could he be so rampant?" Then, Liu Feng angrily hammered the ground with his fist, "We Liu The family has already lost four people, and I can't die anymore, if I die again, I really can't explain to the family."

As they spoke, Liu Feng's voice became painful. Their loss was so huge. As the team leader, Liu Feng had an unforgivable responsibility.

Li Bai twisted his forehead, and remained silent for a while to calm down Liu Feng's anger, before continuing to ask: "So, that man has actually been wandering in this maze all this time, right? If that's the case, let's go out Ask Long Tianlin to make it clear, let's get rid of that person first, and then deal with the conflict between you two."

Li Bai said to Liu Feng that although he also had a grudge against Long Tianlin, in the current relationship, Li Bai didn't think that Long Tianlin would do anything to him, and would always listen to his own words first.

"Then try it. I've already told him once before, but he said that I was lying to him and insisted on killing me to vent his anger. Hehe, you silly bird." Liu Feng said with a sneer again. Tianlin's IQ expressed deep contempt.

As for the conflict between Liu Feng and Long Tianlin, Li Bai probably knows a little bit, but he doesn't know much more. At this time, Li Bai naturally didn't waste time to understand these contents, and immediately stood up Checked the physical conditions of the other Liu family members one by one.

What happened in the previous battle? Liu Feng still didn't tell Li Bai in detail, but judging from their injuries, I'm afraid it was still very scary. Moreover, most of the wounds should be caused by those flame spiders.

"Where are the rest of you? Are there only six left?" After checking, Li Bai suddenly said to Liu Feng. Liu Feng could only cast a helpless look and told Li Bai that he had already lost four brothers. As for the other two brothers, he doesn't know where they are now, they should still be lost in this maze.

Li Bai curled his lips, didn't say anything else, got up and was about to walk out of the cave, but at this moment, Li Bai's walkie-talkie suddenly rang out for help.

"Master! Master, where are you now, please save us, we are surrounded by flame spiders again, this time there are twenty of them, we will soon be unable to resist!" Yu Chengcheng's voice came from the intercom A terrified sound sounded, and at the same time told Li Bai their location at this time.

Li Bai frowned, not quite understanding why Yu Chengcheng met the flame spiders inexplicably, and there were still twenty of them. With the strength of the remaining five of them, they would definitely not be the opponents of the flame spiders. .

"The Yu family is in trouble, do we want to help them?" Li Bai curled his lips and turned to look at Liu Feng. In fact, in Li Bai's heart, he didn't want to waste time being a "good-hearted person". It is a time when good people do not necessarily have good rewards.

Liu Feng's reaction to this was probably the same as Li Bai's. He glanced at Li Bai hesitantly: "Isn't it up to you to decide? Anyway, when we were in danger, the Yu family wanted to save us." Liu Feng Swallowing his saliva, he said to Li Bai, and got Li Bai's eyes.

"Since I have saved you, what are you talking about, come with me!" Li Bai pushed the big rock blocking the entrance of the cave and rushed into the tunnel. Fortunately, they did not meet the Long family. Save time talking to them.

At such a life-threatening moment, Li Bai didn't neglect at all, looked at the map, and ran quickly towards the place Yu Chengcheng said, Liu Feng and the others followed behind, although they were in severe pain, But they also gritted their teeth and persisted. After all, the fire poison that had the greatest impact on them had already been cured, and the others were nothing.

Three minutes later, ten huge flames appeared in Li Bai's sight. They were clinging to the four walls of the tunnel and attacking in a deeper direction, and the five people surrounded were none other than the five members of the Yu family.

"Who the hell is so cruel and merciless!" Li Bai thought angrily, the place where Yu Chengcheng and the others were besieged this time was not even a fork in the road, but a straight passage, and twenty flame spiders were blocking their way. Before and after, it was extremely difficult for them to suffer from the enemy.

Li Bai was the first to kill the flame spiders, and Liu Feng and other Liu family members did the same. Although they had seen the ferocity of the flame spiders, they still didn't back down at this moment.

Two minutes later, the flame spiders surrounding the Yu family were wiped out, and they rushed to the other side, cooperating with the Yu family to kill the last ten flame spiders.

At this time, Li Bai realized that another member of the Yu family's camp had fallen, and two others had long wounds on their arms that were bleeding profusely.

"Have you met any strange people?" Li Bai looked at Yu Chengcheng excitedly and asked. The current situation has already shown that the crisis that the Yu family encountered this time was caused by the person who has been hiding in the dark. .

"I saw a figure. When we wanted to catch up, we encountered these flame spiders." Yu Chengcheng said panting, her clothes were also damaged a lot, but what was exposed was not snow-white skin or something , but some bloody wounds.

"Don't rest yet, catch up with us!" Li Bai said decisively to Yu Chengcheng, even though the situation of the rest of the Yu family is not good at all.Under Li Bai's order, everyone did not refuse, and dragged the remains to go deeper into the tunnel.

And the length of this tunnel made Li Bai quickly realize that something was wrong. The previous tunnels could be completed in a few minutes, but this tunnel they had been walking for 5 minutes still hadn't come to an end. It is big, but Li Bai can still feel that this tunnel has been going deeper.

"We seem to have found the right exit." Li Bai said indifferently to the others, "or the entrance, the hole leading to the Spider Queen's lair."

So, just like what Li Bai said, as the few people went deeper, flame spiders appeared continuously, from big to small, until finally, only the flame spiders remained on the entire tunnel wall. Some fiery red spider eggs.

In the air, the scorching feeling still existed, but a new smell became more and more obvious, and the air even began to flow, mixed with some salty taste. It was only later that Li Bai knew that it was a spider. The queen's breath, and her saliva.

When several people killed a group of flame spiders again and turned a corner, the whole field of vision suddenly became clear. In front of everyone's eyes, a huge space appeared, like a huge underground arsenal.

For such a scene, everyone including Li Bai did not show any shock, because their emotions were all replaced by panic. The fiery red spider as tall as one meter lay there quietly, opening a pair of eyes like the sun and looking at them.

This is the Spider Queen!
Li Bai didn't have too many words to describe this spider queen. Although she didn't take any actions, Li Bai could clearly feel the strong sense of oppression.

At this moment, Liu Feng who was standing beside Li Bai suddenly pulled his foot lightly, and pointed to the right hand side. Li Bai looked over and found that there was a brand new spider A big net, and on top of that big net, Long Tianlin and other Long family members were all tied tightly by spider silk, leaving only a pair of eyes, which could see the outside world clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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