The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2847 Head-to-head confrontation

Chapter 2847 Head-to-head confrontation
The entire cave of the Spider Queen is silent, as if nothing has happened here, but everyone can see that at this moment, the dragon who is firmly bound by those spider threads The family members all had extremely terrified eyes, as if they had encountered something terrifying.

And it is self-evident what this horrible thing is, they must have fought this spider queen once, but the ending is like this, the spider queen was unscathed, and all of them lost The ability to move freely has even become the food stored by the Spider Queen.

Everyone looked at the huge Spider Queen in front of them, and their hearts became more and more heavy, because they all knew the strength of the Long family, and even they were unable to cause any harm to the Spider Queen, even if they joined hands with the Liu family and the Yu family , not necessarily the opponent of the Spider Queen.

"Don't worry, I'm still here." Just when Liu Feng was extremely nervous, he suddenly felt a pair of firm hands on his shoulders, turned his head, and Li Bai cast a firm gaze on him.

It's just that Liu Feng looked at Li Bai still with some hesitation. Although he knew that Li Bai was very powerful, under such circumstances, Liu Feng actually didn't believe that Li Bai could cause much harm to the Spider Queen: "You won't Are you going to directly confront this Spider Queen? Are you sure you can do it?"

Liu Feng looked at Li Bai in disbelief, but Li Bai just smiled faintly at him, because during their moment of silence, Yixing in his body had already told him the specific method to deal with the spider queen.

"Have you noticed that the temperature in the Spider Queen's cave is lower than other places?" Li Bai reminded Liu Feng. At this time, Liu Feng suddenly realized that the whole cave was deserted. His eyes widened, and he looked at Li Bai: "You mean, we only need to..."

Liu Feng was a little excited and wanted to say something to Li Bai, but at this moment, there was a scream of the Spider Queen in the cave, and the air flow caused by breathing made everyone almost unable to stand firm, but this Even before the calculation was finished, under the strong wind, a long white spider thread suddenly spit out from the Spider Queen's mouth, shooting towards the direction where the human was standing.

Although they are quite far away from the Spider Queen, in this unexpected situation, one person was stuck by the spider silk, and then threw it high into the spider web, and in the When flying in the air, he was also trapped by a solid.

The wind stopped listening again, and the cave was quiet again. At this time, everyone had gathered together again, watching the Spider Queen cautiously to prevent her from making another black hand.

But in this once again silent air, a "tsk tsk tsk" sound suddenly sounded again.

"I thought what kind of abilities you four major clans have in cultivating, but now it seems that it's nothing more than that." A man's voice suddenly sounded from a distance, and it was still echoing faintly in the cave, making Li Bai's heart tremble. His expression stiffened instantly.

Liu Feng was also the one whose expression changed instantly, because the two of them had already discovered at the same time that this strange voice was the man who had been trying to frame them all along. After following the sound, several people discovered that it was in the Spider Queen On top of her head, there was a figure of a man standing at an unknown time.

Seeing that everyone finally noticed him, the man showed a smug smile on his face, folded his arms around his chest and said proudly: "I thought you all only care about chatting when you come to this kind of place, so I have to let the queen Let me teach you a lesson first."

The man said lightly, and lightly touched the Spider Queen, and the Spider Queen let out a burst of comfortable laughter.However, Li Bai saw it right away. There seemed to be a ring or something on the man's hand. When he was stroking the Spider Queen, it shone slightly.

"Who are you? Why are you targeting us?" Although Yu Chengcheng has never been the direct target of that man, but because of this man, their Yu family has already lost two people, which made Yu Chengcheng very angry, step by step Before, he questioned the man and said.

"Who am I? Who are you? What right do you have to ask me?!" The man's relaxed voice suddenly became cold, as if he had a grudge against Yu Chengcheng, and following his words, the spider The empress actually shot another spider thread towards Yu Chengcheng, but under the resistance of the members of the Yu family, the spider thread was crushed in the air.

The man's attack on Yu Chengcheng made her dare not speak anymore, she retreated to her own camp, and cast a look at Li Bai, and the man's gaze also fell on Li Bai, which made Li Bai whisper Sneered a bit.

"Tell me, you have been targeting me since you entered this flame cave. What exactly do you want to do? If I guessed correctly, you are the one who pretended to be Liu Feng and sent me text messages." This time, do Li Bai stepped forward and confronted the man head-on.

Seeing Li Bai's appearance, the man really let out a sinister laugh: "Aiming at you? Well, I admit, this is only part of my purpose. In fact, if you were in the Flame Mountain just now, you would have had a chance to kill him." Kill me, but you lost your chance, so you have me now."

The man said viciously, and at the same time raised the palm of his left hand. As expected, he was wearing a light blue ring on his index finger, and with the light blue light he emitted, on the road leading here On those passages, the unhatched spider eggs made a "da da" sound, breaking out of their shells one by one, and growing rapidly at the same time.

"Since all of you have come here, I have nothing to hide. My ultimate goal is to let you all die!" The man said arrogantly, and still did not forget to let out a mocking laugh.

Unlike Liu Fengyu Chengcheng's nervousness, Li Bai was not nervous at all, but smiled lightly: "Then if we are going to die like this, then tell us who you are? Let us die knowingly." While speaking, a bunch of crimson beads suddenly appeared on Li Bai's hands, and they passed into Liu Feng's hands.

"Send one to everyone." Li Bai mouthed to Liu Feng, but did not make a sound.

"My name? Hmph, I will tell you when you are about to die." The man said coldly again. Suddenly, the ring on his hand shone brightly, and except for the Spider Queen, the other flames At the same time, the spiders outflanked the people in the cave.

At this time, all the scarlet beads have been distributed to everyone's hands, and the things of the puppet archers are the key to breaking the situation at this time.

Yixing told Li Bai that although these flame spiders have the word "flame" in their names, the higher the level the spiders are, the more they are afraid of fire. Therefore, if you want to deal with the "frigid" spider queen, you only need to cooperate with those beads It can be done, but if not, the result can only be eaten by the Spider Queen.

Everyone soon started fighting with ordinary flame spiders. Although they were huge in size, they were no match for humans at all because they were born shortly after birth and had a weak foundation. I have told others how to use it.

"Is this your strength? It's too funny, do you really think that just a few spiders can kill us?" Li Bai said to the man sarcastically as he quickly wiped out the spiders.

The miserable condition of the little spiders made the man narrow his eyes. It seemed that after communicating with the Spider Queen, the Spider Queen suddenly moved her huge body, and at the same time, sprayed strands of spider silk towards the direction of the people. .

"Don't move for now, and I will use it later when I tell you to use it." Seeing that Liu Feng wanted to use the beads, Li Bai pressed his hand and said, and then activated his spiritual energy to resist the difficult spider silk.

It was difficult for the Spider Queen to tie them up when everyone was resisting with spiritual energy, so under the order of the anxious man, the Spider Queen acted again, controlling her huge body and running towards the people.

The man is not afraid at all that Li Bai and the others will run back from the hole they came from, because at this time, in the passage over there, there are still more flame spiders rushing this way, as long as Li Bai and the others dare to turn their heads, they will definitely commit suicide road.

But what surprised the man was that Li Bai and the others seemed to have never thought of retreating, but suddenly dispersed, running around the entire spider cave, and at the same time, using their own long-range attacks to deal damage to the spider queen. Dispensable offense.

The man's forehead lines were already wrinkled. Looking at the smiling Li Bai and Liu Feng hanging on the ground, he suddenly felt that he was not being teased at this time, but himself. This made the man flushed with anger, and ordered again The Spider Queen stopped.

"You like to run, don't you? Then I'll let you have a good time running!" The man said viciously, and then, the Spider Queen let out another neigh. This time, white spider silk and The black venom seemed to want to cover all the people in the cave.

"Hey, did you zoom in?" Seeing this scene, Li Bai smiled lightly again. Those spider silks are okay, but the venom is really scary. When they are sprayed on the ground, they can be left directly on the ground. It was scorched black, and if it was sprayed on people's skin, the consequences would be disastrous.

However, Li Bai naturally wouldn't let that kind of thing happen to them. Just when the Spider Queen was spinning around in place, trying to attack them all, that crimson bead suddenly appeared in Li Bai's hand, and After noticing this, everyone made the same movements.

"What's the situation?" Seeing that the people on the ground suddenly stopped dodging and made such a strange move, the man froze for a moment, and in the next second, each of them was like a source of fire, moving towards Fiery flames shot out from the direction of the Spider Queen.

The flames burned on the Spider Queen's body, causing the Spider Queen to tremble violently. Unable to bear the high temperature, she began to tremble uncontrollably, and soon, it became a frantic struggle again.

The man standing on the spider queen was quickly thrown out. Looking at the spider queen surrounded by flames, he couldn't understand why such a powerful spider queen was defeated so easily.However, what he also didn't know was how difficult it was for Li Bai to obtain the crimson bead.

"What the hell, don't let me find another chance. Next time, I will definitely kill you!" After the man saw that the Spider Queen was no longer able to recover, he suddenly saw another line where the Spider Queen had just been lying down. Passage, while everyone was not paying attention, he quickly jumped in.

(End of this chapter)

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