The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2849 Inheritance of the Flame Lord

Chapter 2849 Inheritance of the Flame Lord

Because of the narrow terrain and the speed of the flames rushing so fast, Li Bai didn't even have time to react. The raging fire had already caught up behind Li Bai, and in the next second, the flames engulfed Li Bai's whole body, heading towards him. He jumped at the other people in front of him.

Even though everyone has used spiritual energy to prop up the protective shield, under this hot temperature, everyone still has different degrees of adverse reactions. The most serious one is that someone's spiritual energy protective shield is instantly burned by the flames, and the fire instantly burns out. It ignited his clothes.

Because the flames flooded his sight, Li Bai didn't see the situation of other people clearly. He just knew that at the moment the flames drowned himself, his pure heart pendant instantly shone brightly, and it propped up another aura outside the protective layer of Li Bai's aura. Greater layer of protection.However, under the scouring of the fire, the protective layer remained firm and was not shattered.

The impact of the entire flame lasted for a full minute, and after a minute passed, the flame slowly extinguished and exited the entire exit passage.

And at this time, the walls of the entire passage had been scorched black by the flames, and some walls had even cracked, and a few pieces of gravel fell down.

Li Bai breathed heavily and stood there, the protective layer of the Qingxin pendant had been removed, if it wasn't for this little baby, Li Bai might have been burnt now, and when Li Bai looked back, Li Bai was surprised and angry The thing finally happened.

Including Liu Feng and Yu Chengcheng, everyone fell to the ground. Some of the weaker people were burnt to pieces, while the stronger ones were all passed out from the heat, and their clothes were also damaged. It was damaged a lot, but luckily they still had their last breath left.

Seeing this scene, Li Bai squeezed into his fist tightly. Although their life and death had nothing to do with him in the strict sense, what made Li Bai angry was that there was really such a desire in this world. A person who drives others to death, especially if he let him go before.

"Hahaha, the real fire in the Flame Cave Mansion feels uncomfortable." At this moment, from the direction of the cave entrance, the arrogant voice sounded again, followed by a burst of relaxed and joyful footsteps, followed by a man's The figure slowly walked to the entrance of the cave.

Yu Lingtian has been waiting for a long time for a moment. After he left the spider queen's cave, he used the Qingxin ring to obtain the fire source of the real fire of the flame cave in the last stage. People, of course, are the few remaining members of the Long family.

After a random fire, the real fire directly burned the two Long family members to death. As for the rest of the people, they were also fainted by the fire poison, and they were all moved out of the exit by Yu Lingtian. When Li Bai and the others came here , Yu Lingtian repeated the old trick again.

"If I had known that this move was so powerful, I wouldn't have wasted so much time with you guys on it." Yu Lingtian said happily, walking into the entrance, he needed to move all the others outside the entrance of the cave, and then waited. with their awakening.

However, when Yu Lingtian walked into the entrance, he was immediately stunned, because as soon as he looked up, he saw that after the burning of the real fire, there was still a person standing stubbornly in the passage. .

"It's not even a hair wound?!" This surprised Yu Lingtian, although he knew that Li Bai was very powerful, but he couldn't do anything to Li Bai under such a real fire, which made Yu Lingtian feel great the shock.

At the same time, Li Bai naturally locked on the strange man in front of him early: "I don't know who you are, and I don't want to know now, you have touched my bottom line, you are dead!" The voice said to Yu Lingtian, he can probably guess that the man's face may not be his real face, but Li Bai has no interest in the man's real identity now.

In the scorching passage, a gust of cool wind suddenly blew, and in the next second, Li Bai ran like the wind, killing Yu Lingtian at the exit.

Yu Lingtian's reaction to Li Bai's stance of fighting when he disagreed was also quick, but Yu Lingtian didn't have any thoughts of resistance in his heart, but turned around and ran away.

Although Yu Lingtian has obtained a lot of things in this flame cave, but at this moment, he still doesn't have any confidence to defeat Li Bai who is angry but calm in heart. If he fights hard, Yu Lingtian doesn't think What will happen to me.

The last level of the Flaming Cave Mansion is another place similar to a secret room, just like the room Li Bai went to at the beginning, the large floor was divided into squares one after another, and the man in front of him did not step on a single square. There will be some changes in this secret room.

While the two were chasing after each other, the lights in the entire secret room kept changing, and all kinds of hidden weapons kept appearing, attacking the two of them, but Yu Lingtian was now focused on running for his life, and Li Bai was now focused on chasing them. He didn't pay attention to these hidden weapons at all, but instead drew great attention.

"Yixing, go for me!" Because of avoiding hidden weapons, there is always a certain distance between Li Bai and the man, and Li Bai can't catch up for a while, so Yixing, who has become his own puppet, goes out for the first time , and because of Yixing's rough skin and thick flesh, those hidden weapons could not cause much damage to him.

Seeing Li Bai suddenly summon a puppet, Yu Lingtian was shocked again, he couldn't figure out why Li Bai's luck was better than his, and under the situation of the two attacking, Yu Lingtian was able to escape The route is also getting smaller and smaller, which makes Yu Lingtian feel a flash of despair.

"Do you want to kill me? Then try it!" However, despair was only a matter of that moment, and in the next second, Yu Lingtian seemed to be ready to die before being reborn. Standing on the spot, he stopped, and sprayed the blazing real fire flames at Li Bai again.

"Little master, this is the most important treasure of the lord. You must not let him take it away." Yixing reminded Li Bai. At the same time, he rushed towards Yu Lingtian recklessly. As for the real fire that kept burning his skin, Yixing didn't care either, he just wanted to be a shield for Li Bai, so that Li Bai could get close to Yu Lingtian.

This time, Yu Lingtian didn't dare to push it any further, and with a ruthless heart, he lifted the real fire source high, and then yelled at Li Bai viciously: "Tell your puppet to stop, otherwise you will be killed!" , I will destroy this real fire source!"

Yu Lingtian said viciously to Li Bai, but before Li Bai could speak, Yixing actually stopped by himself, it seemed that he was very afraid of what Yu Lingtian did.

"Huh? Destroy him? Do you really think that I think he is important?" But at this moment, Li Bai didn't care about such things as treasures at all, and only wanted to kill this man.

The Sky Meteor Knife appeared in Li Bai's hands, and the little silver star power that was left was running rapidly. At the same time, Li Bai ran towards the man again.

"Looking for death!" Yu Lingtian was taken aback, but he didn't expect that Li Bai had the determination to break the boat. He took a step back, added the real fire source in his hand to the spiritual energy, and threw it to the ground.

With a "boom", the flame lord's real fire source was scattered on the ground, turning the entire floor of the secret room into a sea of ​​flames, and when Yu Lingtian breathed a sigh of relief, a silver light passed through the flames. The barrier instantly pierced his left calf.

With a sound of "dong", Yu Lingtian knelt on the ground powerlessly, and Li Bai's aura was scurrying wildly in his body, so he had to use his own aura to resist, but fortunately, because of the sea of ​​fire, Li Bai couldn't kill here again.

"Li Bai!" Yu Lingtian gritted his teeth and said, tore off his clothes, bandaged the wound on his left leg, and then stood up struggling, "This time, you win, next time, I will I want your life!"

Looking at the raging fire in front of him, Yu Lingtian put the Qingxin ring on the ground, and soon, another well water appeared on the floor, and after Yu Lingtian jumped in, it slowly disappeared again.

But at this time, the entire secret room was still surrounded by flames, which could not be extinguished for a while, so Li Bai had no choice but to return to the passageway against the raging flames, wake up the surviving people one by one, and found the dragon in the outside corner. Tianlin and the few remaining followers put them into the Qiankun Ring.

"Little master, the lord's inheritance actually only has one set of sword skills and heart skills. As for the others, it is the Qingxin pendant and Qingxin ring that you and that person had. Originally, the real fire source was also the same, but now it is gone. It's gone." Yixing said with a heartache, looking at the secret room that was finally extinguished but was covered in black and gray.

"It's on the other side of the statue, just use the Qingxin pendant to take it out." Yixing said to Li Bai again, and soon, Li Bai got two books called Flaming Sword Technique and Qingxin from the small statue of the flame lord. The "secret book" of mental method.

"This, this, this is a bit of a pitfall." Li Bai looked at the two paper books in his hand, and said with a bit of laughter, so many of them managed to get through this dangerous flame cave, but in the end, it was just these thing.

After returning to everyone's side again, the situation of Yu Chengcheng and Liu Feng has improved a little, but their skin is still rosy all over, and they were seriously hurt by the power of the real fire.

"Li Bai, thank you." Yu Chengcheng said to Li Bai in a low voice with a blushing face. After the "Nine Nine Eighty-one Difficulties", the Yu family's camp has been reduced from six people at the beginning to two. In addition to the two who died before, under the baptism of this real fire, there were two more people who failed to survive.

The Liu family led by Liu Feng seemed to be better, and five people survived in the end, but you must know that their team at the beginning was as many as twelve people.

"Hey, no thanks, sorry." Li Bai sighed, the situation has become like this, and it is too unreasonable to say thank you or not, "This is the inheritance left by the flame lord, and you all leave a copy too. Come on, don't let this trial be in vain." Li Bai took the initiative to take out the two secret books, but they were rejected by both.

"We appreciate your kindness, but we don't use a knife, and we can't change our mind at will." Yu Chengcheng said to Li Bai politely, and then pointed behind them, "The exit has been opened, we should leave here first Bar."

At this time, Li Bai discovered that at the place where the statue was just now, a small door emitting light had appeared, leading to their original world.

(End of this chapter)

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