The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2850 Return TLF

Chapter 2850 Return to TLF
"Let's go, we can finally leave this place of right and wrong." Li Bai glanced at the exit, then turned his head and said to everyone calmly, without any extra words, the group walked towards the exit in silence.

Perhaps it was because the whole trial of the flame cave was too heavy, so there were no more accidents on the last part of the road. The group walked towards the light, and when they were shrouded in the sun again, they had already regained their confidence. Back to a certain place in the Flame Mountain Scenic Area.

Everyone forgot how long they had stayed in the Flaming Cave Mansion. They just knew that when they came out, the warm sun had just risen in the east, and it was very comfortable to shine on their faces.

"Then, Mr. Li Bai, the two of us will go back first. Thank you for taking care of us inside. If we meet again next time, I will definitely reward you generously." Yu Chengcheng's entire face was still red, and then I thanked Li Bai once, but Li Bai just nodded lightly, didn't say anything more, and watched the two of them walking quickly down the mountain.

Then, Li Bai turned his head and glanced at Liu Feng, who was also blushing: "What about you? What's your plan next? Continue to follow me or go home to recuperate first?" Li Bai asked Liu Feng, although Liu Feng's situation at this time It's not bad, but Li Bai can fully imagine what kind of reproach he will face when he returns to Liu's house.

Liu Feng smiled wryly and touched the back of his head, thought for a while, and said: "If I follow you like this, I will only scare others, and the family also asked us to rush back to report as soon as we leave here. The situation, so I can't accompany you."

Liu Feng apologized to Li Bai, then something suddenly sounded, pulling Li Bai aside: "By the way, Liu Meng wants you to record a video of her to prove that you still miss her." Liu Feng took out his Passed the Tianxun to Li Bai, and directly turned on the recording function, which even showed a sign to start recording.

This caught Li Bai a little off guard, and he wanted to decline, but he still accepted it. After all, Liu Meng hadn't seen him for a long time, so letting her get some news about him would also make her feel at ease.

"Liu Meng, long time no see. How are you doing? Don't worry too much about me. I've been busy for the past few months..." Li Bai sat on a rock with Liu Feng's cell phone in his hand, with his back to the sun, Let Li Bai's face look very sunny.

Li Bai recorded for a long time, probably telling Liu Meng about the experience of the past few months, and at the same time, of course, some love stories between lovers.

"Don't worry, you can't be under house arrest by your father all the time. When I find a suitable opportunity, I will definitely visit your Liu family in person and take you back from your father. At that time, you won't be able to leave with me if you don't want to." .” Li Bai said to the camera with a smile, and then said goodbye.

Li Bai stood up, took a deep breath, then walked back to Liu Feng and handed the Tianxun to him: "No matter what punishment you receive when you go back, you must not let Liu Meng be wronged, do you hear me? Otherwise, You understand." Li Bai threatened Liu Feng and waved his fist.

"I understand, I understand, don't worry." Liu Feng said to Li Bai with a smile. Although he is the eldest son of the Liu family, this status is not enough in front of Li Bai. "Then we will go back, be careful , that man may not have gone too far, and, remember my sky signal, I will find a chance for Liu Meng to contact you."

After Liu Feng talked to Li Bai about some dispensable things, he quickly left the Flame Mountain Scenic Area with his last remaining teammates. His actions will not be discovered by too many people.

After watching them disappear from his sight, Li Bai also walked slowly towards the foot of the mountain. Looking back on the events of the past few days, it seemed that it was a complete hoax. However, the final outcome was pretty good, at least with Li Bai Coming here, the purpose of "rescuing" Liu Feng was achieved.

After completing this matter, Li Bai will naturally have to return. Now he has nothing to do in the capital, and Yu Lingtian's Lingtian Building is a trouble after all. Li Bai needs to take some time to think about it. relationship between them.

After going down the mountain, Li Bai quickly stopped a car and rushed towards the direction of TLF city.

"Master, send me directly to Toyota Farm." When he saw the continuous plants outside the car window, Li Bai suddenly remembered that there was such a thing as Toyota Farm, although he had already confessed when he left Toyota Farm a few days ago. Well, Hasna has a lot of things to do, but Li Bai decided to go back and take another look.

After getting out of the car, Li Bai still confirmed the time. Although Li Bai felt that they hadn't stayed in the Flame Cave Mansion for a long time, when he came out to see it, Li Bai realized that almost a week had passed.

After feeling the rapid passage of time, Li Bai felt a little tired. He leaned against the car window and fell into a deep sleep. When he woke up again, it was already ten o'clock in the morning.

After seeing the familiar building, Li Bai made sure that he came to the right place, paid the fare, got out of the taxi, and called Hasna through Tianxun.

Hasna seemed to be in a meeting or busy with other things. Li Bai waited for a while before connecting to Tianxun. On the screen of Tianxun, Hasna's face quickly appeared, although it was only a short time. Weeks passed, but Li Bai could easily see the black bags under the eyes that Hasna deliberately concealed.

As expected, Hasna was in a meeting. She seemed a little unhappy when she received the news, but after seeing Li Bai's face, she became more energetic in an instant: "Brother Li Bai, you are back?!" Hasna said to Li Bai in surprise , while in the office on the other side, Li Bai obviously quieted down when he heard the others.

"Well, I finished dealing with my friend's affairs. You are in a meeting, so I won't bother you for now." Li Bai smiled at Hasna, and was about to hang up Tianxun, but Hasna gave Repeatedly kept it down.

"Don't, don't, brother Li Bai, I'm going to find you right away. You guys continue to discuss first, and I'll be right back." The second half of the sentence Hasna obviously said to her employees. It was shaking violently, and when it stabilized again, Hasna had already appeared outside the office building.

Hasna had already come out, so it was naturally impossible for Li Bai to let her go back. After telling her where she was, within 10 minutes, Hasna stopped beside Li Bai on an electric bike.

"I've become a farm owner, why are you still riding an electric car? Where's your car?" Li Bai turned over and sat on the back seat of the electric car and asked Hasna in surprise.

"Of course it's more convenient to use an electric car if you're on the farm, and I don't have good driving skills, so I don't usually dare to go on the road." Hasna said to Li Bai with a smile, and then started in the direction of the office building again. However, the conversation between the two soon became serious, because after Li Bai left, they still encountered some troubles.

In the past week, Hasna led those employees to complete a lot of things, thoroughly checked the work records of all employees within three months, and fired all those who failed the grades, because most of them It was all because of Hasna's relatives, so they resisted very strongly.

"It's been three or four days. They've been gathering near the fields, and they don't let my newly recruited people go in and work at all." Hasna said to Li Bai depressedly. It's already very good. Within a day after layoffs, the farm was replenished with fresh blood.

It was only because of the troubles of these old employees that the entire Toyota farm had to continue to be paralyzed.

"Is this what you were discussing just now? Didn't I send a few people to protect the farm? Didn't they play a role?" Li Bai asked strangely. Logically speaking, with the protection of the Huaxia Dragon Guard, those ordinary people I dare not make mistakes at all.

Speaking of this, Hasna was even more helpless: "Why not? At the beginning, those masters were still maintaining order, but after that happened, they didn't dare to continue to attack them."

The "that incident" that Hasna said in her mouth refers to the fact that when they started making trouble, several people had a conflict with a Chinese dragon guard. Because the dragon guard was too powerful, a four The 50-year-old man suffered a broken bone. They were here to make trouble, and with such an excuse, the dragon guards did not dare to do anything to those ordinary people. They could only prevent them from continuing to make trouble.

Li Bai frowned when he heard Hasna narrate what happened before. Subconsciously, Li Bai felt that this matter was not easy, because before that, Hasna was so forceful to lay off several members of the board of directors. After the fall, the ordinary employees didn't make much trouble, but at this time, they did such a thing.

Li Bai didn't think that their troubles were caused by his existence or not. They suddenly gathered a crowd to make troubles, and they must have reached a consensus, or in other words, there was a backbone among them as their support.

"Don't take me back to the office building, just take me to the place where they gather." Li Bai said to Hasna lightly, some things need to be seen to be believed.

Hasna was quite obedient in front of Li Bai, and led Li Bai to turn the car and drive towards their farm. It took about 10 to [-] minutes for Hasna to park the electric car on the side of the road.

"It can't be parked in the parking shed, otherwise they will dismantle my car. I already broke down a car the day before yesterday." Hasna curled her lips in embarrassment at Li Bai, this kind of thing happened to her It is also very embarrassing to be the master of the game.

Li Bai just nodded, and after Hasna parked the car, they walked towards the farm together. From a distance, Li Bai saw a lot of people gathered outside the real gate of the farm. It seemed that there were as many as three to four hundred people. This number is almost one-third of the previous employees in the entire field.

It may be because these former employees were tired after arguing for a few days, so at this time, they all stood or sat quietly on the ground, chatting with each other in low voices, and beside this group of people, Jiang Gupai The Huaxia Dragon Guards who came looked at them from a distance, their expressions also very helpless.

"Hasna is here!" I don't know which sharp-eyed person saw Hasna's figure from a distance, and shouted loudly, so that the eyes of hundreds of people fell on Hasna. directly ignored Li Bai beside Hasna.

At this moment, the entire riot group became noisy again. They stood up and rushed towards Hasna, while still shouting loudly, "Why did you fire us? We have worked hard for several years, and we will kick it when we run out.” Sounds like that.

Hasna's face sank again, although the dragon guards had already formed a long snake formation in front of them, preventing them from moving forward.

(End of this chapter)

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