Chapter 2851
This group of ordinary people is probably because they already know the power of the dragon guards, so when they blocked the front, although the whole crowd was still chaotic, they did not make any more outrageous actions, and regrouped to continue to separate. Watching the dragon guards yell at Hasna.

Hasna told Li Bai that she had seen such a scene once or twice, so when such a thing happened in front of Hasna again, she calmed down a lot and did not speak immediately, but watched quietly The people who were making trouble in front of them were expressionless.

Li Bai was also observing these ordinary people at the same time. The few people standing in the front row Li Bai had a slight impression that they should be close relatives of Hasna, but at this time, they Looking at Hasna is like looking at her own enemy, without any family affection at all.

After bypassing the first row, although the people behind were also cooperating with everyone and kept swearing or complaining to Hasna, but Li Bai could also tell that they were more like the kind who followed others, only Know how to yell with others.

After scanning around, Li Bai was a little surprised, because before that, Li Bai thought that someone must be obstructing and inciting everyone to make trouble together. However, among this group of people, Li Bai did not see any suspicious existence. And if there was no such person, it would be these relatives, but Li Bai didn't think they had the courage.

Generally speaking, a quarrel is always a slap in the face, everyone has been noisy, but Hasna has not spoken, which made them feel bored after arguing for a long time, and slowly quieted down, but never Their expressions were still full of anger.

"Finish? Come back when you're done. I've made it clear to you that you are incompetent employees and have already been fired by me. You'd better find a new job earlier." After speaking, Hasna said to them, her tone was very blunt, probably because she was impatient with their troubles.

It's just that after Hasna said this, it seemed like a bomb had detonated, which made the group of people even more emotional. While shouting, they rushed towards the dragon guards, and the relatives in the front waved their fists. , seems to want to do something to Hasna.

This situation happened again, and the dragon guards had no choice but to act as security guards again, pushing the crowd towards their hind legs, but how could they stop everyone with their strength?This time, many people came out from behind the crowd and ran towards Hasna.

All of a sudden, there was another riot at the gate of the whole farm, just like it had happened a few days ago.But this time, Hasna finally panicked, quickly took two steps back, and then tugged at the corner of Li Bai's clothes: "Li Bai, let's get out of here first, these people are already crazy."

Hasna said to Li Bai nervously, but Li Bai shook his head indifferently towards Hasna: "This kind of thing can't be hidden for a while, don't you want the farm to get back on track?" Li Bai said to Hasna Na said, and stepped forward to shield Hasna behind her.

"Give me peace!" The power of the silver stars moved quietly, gathered at Li Bai's throat, and shouted loudly, the sound resounding over the farm was in everyone's ears, and just like that, Li Bai It was once again that they succeeded in quieting everyone down. They stood there blankly, looking at Li Bai with a little horror.

"Why, forget about making trouble, what else do you want to do? Get the hell out of here first!" Li Bai stared viciously at a few ordinary people who had rushed within ten meters of them, and yelled at them back.

At this moment, the whole farm returned to normal "order" again. Li Bai walked towards the crowd, waved to several dragon guards, and signaled them to back away. Then, he took Hasna to face the three Four hundred people.

Although it was the first time for Li Bai to see this kind of situation, Li Bai still had his own unique way of dealing with these employees who wanted breakfast.

"Well, you, tell me why you can go back to work on the farm?" Li Bai asked, pointing to the middle-aged man standing in the middle of the first row.

The man who was named was still very rampant: "Why? Why can't I go back? I didn't do anything wrong, it's just because something happened on the farm before, our work was neglected, that's all, let us go back again, we will definitely Do it well." The man argued with reason, and won everyone's approval.

Li Bai just snorted coldly. He already knew that these people don't pay much attention to their work. When something happened in the past few months, they just didn't pay much attention to their work.

"You said you should work hard on your own? Hehe, sorry, I don't think so. If you had the idea of ​​being a good employee, wouldn't what happened now? You, don't you just think you are Hasna? Only relatives who dare to do evil, now, Hasna doesn't want to support you people anymore, you should leave as soon as possible."

Li Bai said to the man coldly, and these words obviously made many people anxious, and wanted to do something, but they flinched back because of Li Bai's strength.

"As far as I know, you didn't make trouble at the beginning. Did you start making trouble on the second or third day after the layoffs? If I'm not wrong, someone must have ordered you to do this That's it." Before they could refute, Li Bai continued to talk to the man.

After all, these people are ordinary people. After Li Bai said this, there was a tangled look in his eyes again. He even looked back at the crowd, and suddenly thought of something, and turned his head back again.

"It's our own initiative, what do you know, why should we be fired after doing so much work?" The man is back to this reason again, talking as if they can't be fired.

At this time, Li Bai didn't quarrel with the man immediately, but looked at the crowd again. If he guessed correctly, their actions were instigated by someone, and that person was in the crowd, but, That person seemed to be hiding very deeply, maintaining a synchronized expression with the person next to him.

"You guys, help me find that person." Li Bai said to several dragon guards, he knew very well that it would be impossible for that person to stand up by himself.

After Longwei's operation, many people looked dazed, only the few men in the front seemed a little nervous: "What are you going to do? Are you planning to attack us? Let me tell you, if you dare to compromise our safety If we don’t, we’ll make this Toyota Farm go round and round!”

The man said to Li Bai very confidently, and this made Li Bai more sure that there was someone behind them, and from this tone, the backer was not an easy one.And in this TLF territory, who else is better than Toyota Farm, who else has conflicts with Toyota Farm, the answer is self-evident.

Huoyanshan Agricultural and Sideline Company!
Li Bai didn't pay attention to the threat of these men, but under Long Wei's quick search, they quickly caught four people, threw them in front of Li Bai, and told Li Bai that these people were all at the peak of true energy warrior.

After these four people came out, the faces of Hasna's relatives finally turned green. Although the four people still had innocent expressions on their faces, Li Bai just frightened them a little, and made them react quickly. , so as to show the original shape.

"Who are you, and who sent you here?!" Li Bai asked these four people in a cold voice, and Hasna walked to Li Bai's side, looking at them in disbelief.

The four men glanced at each other, nodded at the same time, and suddenly started to run towards four different directions. Seeing this scene, Li Bai just talked and ordered the dragon guards to go again. hunt down.

At this time, Li Bai faced the crowd again, and said lightly: "The fact is like this now, you have been fired, if you really want to come back to work again, you can go to the recruitment office of Toyota Farm to re-apply, if you really If you have the strength, I believe you will come back."

Li Bai said, his eyes fell on the men in front of him: "Of course, if you still want to continue to return through this troublesome method, then don't blame us for doing it. You want to call the police? You can try try."

Li Bai finished speaking to everyone coldly, then turned around and took Hasna away, and found their electric car again.And at this time, Hasna had already cast her eyes on Li Bai's admiration.

"Brother Li Bai, you are so amazing! Why don't I have such an aura like you!" Hasna said to Li Bai in admiration. It's settled, those troublemakers were told by Li Bai that they didn't seem to dare to stop talking anymore.

Li Bai just smiled at Hasna: "You have just taken office now, and your aura will gradually develop. Don't worry, let's go and see what the identities of those four people are."

Li Bai and Hasna returned to the office building, but they did not return to the office, but waited in the room of the security room. However, the efficiency of the dragon guards exceeded Li Bai's imagination. When Li Bai was found, Li Bai knew that all four of them had committed suicide.

"They didn't have any identity certificates on them. They committed suicide by drinking poison, and the poison was not specially made." After reporting the situation to Li Bai, Long Wei left. Although he told Li Bai a lot of information, in the final analysis, there was only one sentence. .

They couldn't prove that those four people were sent by Huoyanshan Agricultural and Deputy Company.

This kind of result made Li Bai a little worried. To be precise, he was worried about Hasna, because there had been a conflict on the farm before, and it was finally resolved. Now, people are directly dead. This time, it is more than last time. Much more serious.

"Hasna, go take a bath." Li Bai suddenly said to Hasna, leaving Hasna confused.

"Clean yourself up again, bigger troubles are coming." Li Bai looked at Hasna and said without too much explanation, but Hasna just nodded, and went home obediently to wash and change clothes, and when Hasna When Na saw Li Bai again, Li Bai's expression was already quite serious.

"What's the matter, Brother Li Bai?" Hasna asked with a nervous glance at Li Bai, without Li Bai answering, Hasna has already seen that in the direction of the office building, there are countless flashing lights. , accompanied by the familiar sound of sirens.

"Don't panic, I'm here." Li Bai patted Hasna on the shoulder, and then led her towards the place where the police gathered.

(End of this chapter)

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