The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2901 The New Year

Chapter 2901 The New Year

As the boss said, although the exterior construction of this underground hot spring is very simple, when Li Bai followed the boss into it, Li Bai could feel that he was stepping on solid steps.

However, because Li Bai's line of sight was filled with heat, he couldn't clearly see what material the steps under his feet were made of, but it only took a few seconds for Li Bai to know that the construction of this underground hot spring was also done by the boss. It took a lot of effort.

"Boss, this underground hot spring should be welcoming outside guests for the first time, right?" Li Bai and the boss walking in front were separated by a little distance, neither letting the boss disappear from his sight, nor letting the boss feel out of sight. Own.

"Yes, Mr. Li, I see that you are also a lover of nature, so I invite you to experience our hot spring in Jiagodal." The boss said to Li Bai with a smile, but how could he not know , What exactly is Li Bai's result.

Li Bai didn't speak, and quietly listened to the boss's bragging. At the same time, his soul consciousness spread out, covering the entire underground hot spring in his own sea of ​​consciousness.

"This underground hot spring is really the secret of our Jiagodar City. I have sent people to investigate it. There is no such high-level hot spring as ours in the whole of China. Think about it, if we explode the hot spring project in the next year, what will happen? How much tourism revenue will it bring to Gagodar."

The boss continued to introduce Li Bai enthusiastically, but at this time, Li Bai didn't pay attention to what the boss said.In Li Bai's soul consciousness, he already felt more than ten or twenty weak energies hidden in this underground hot spring, faintly surrounding Li Bai and the boss.

Coupled with the pervasive heat of the hot spring, they probably felt that even if they walked towards Li Bai openly, Li Bai would not be able to find it.

It's a pity that before they acted, everyone's position was already in Li Bai's mind.

"Okay, here is the VIP room, Mr. Li, you are the first guest to use this place, I wish you a pleasant stay." After the boss brought Li Bai into a luxurious small room, he was about to leave.

"Boss, didn't you agree that we'll have a bubble together?" Li Bai sneered when he saw the boss's anxious look, unexpectedly, the boss couldn't hold back in just a few minutes.

"Wait for a while, I'll go outside to deal with a matter first, and I'll rescue you right away to accompany you." The boss was stunned for a moment, but he immediately responded calmly, saying that he was ready to close the door enthusiastically for Li Bai.

And at this time, Li Bai finally didn't intend to continue to pretend, and stepped forward, standing in the middle of the door.

"Boss, you are leaving in such a hurry, don't you want to do something ulterior, right?" Li Bai stood facing the boss almost close to his body, which made the boss flustered.

"How could it be? I just went up to tell them the things to pay attention to during the construction, and I'll be back soon." In the heat of the hot spring, drops of cold sweat appeared on the boss's forehead.

Li Bai gave the boss a cold look, didn't continue to speak, but grabbed the boss by the collar and lifted him up.

"If you don't say anything, then don't blame me for pointing it out." Li Bai said flatly, grabbing the hidden corners where the boss kept appearing in this underground hot spring, and found out one by one the thugs in the hunting grounds.

The boss was in a sluggish state throughout the whole process, because he hadn't figured out how Li Bai found out about the thugs he had planted in the dark.

And Li Bai's method of dealing with these thugs scared the boss even more. He pulled these thugs out of the corner one by one, or punched or palmed them, and knocked them out directly. nonsense.

"Tsk tsk tsk, there are 25 thugs in total, you really must win against me." When the last thug was dealt with, Li Bai finally spoke, and said viciously to the boss in his hand.

At this time, the boss's entire face had turned red, either because of fright or heat, and after being threatened by Li Bai, he couldn't speak at all.

"I, I was wrong."

When Li Bai grabbed the boss and walked back to the ground, and threw him on the cold ground under the eyes of many employees, the boss didn't have the prestige before, so he hurriedly straightened his body, facing Li Bai's direction to climb.

In the shortness of breath, the boss still did not forget to apologize to Li Bai, but at this moment, what's the use of apologizing?

"Aren't you surprised, how did I know you wanted to do something to me?" Li Bai grinned, and gave the boss a sinister smile, and then told the boss everything that happened before.

"You are also stupid, even if you want to find someone to murder me for money, you should find some strangers, this is all right, they were recognized by Ah Xing, aren't you just dumbfounded?" Li Bai smiled lightly Said to the boss, and after the voice fell, it became stern again.

"Begging for mercy? You murdered so many lives, and you still want me to let you go? If I was just an ordinary person, would you let me go?"

Li Bai's voice echoed in the hunting ground, but this time, Li Bai was no longer merciful. Although he did not kill anyone, all the employees of the hunting ground, including the boss, were injured to varying degrees by Li Bai.

But Li Bai didn't know that at this time, on the hilltop not far from the hunting ground, the two men were standing there quietly, looking down at everything that happened here.

"This Li Bai is too ruthless." Liu Ruifeng frowned, but still shook his head in dissatisfaction, which made Liu Feng standing beside him disagree.

"Father, you already know what the people in this hunting ground are like, and you are very angry, but you have never done anything." Liu Feng looked at Li Bai at the foot of the mountain and said quietly.

"Li Bai is called Killing Jujue. Dare to love and dare to hate. Why do I feel that you have always been prejudiced against him? There are not many such son-in-laws." Liu Feng turned to look at his father and said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, I don't know what kind of ecstasy you and Liu Meng took from him, anyway, all I know is that you all turned towards him." Liu Ruifeng waved his hand, and then walked up the mountain again.

It was Liu Feng's suggestion that the two appeared here. He had learned about Li Bai and the hunting ground from Li Bai before, and he guessed that Li Bai would have something to do with the people in the hunting ground. , I wanted to show Liu Ruifeng what Li Bai looked like when there were no other people.

Although Liu Ruifeng still showed dissatisfaction, Liu Feng knew that in fact, in his father's heart, he already had a sense of identification with Li Bai.

However, if Liu Ruifeng really wants to accept Li Bai, I am afraid that Li Bai really has to complete that difficult task.

"Come on, Li Bai, Liu Meng is waiting for you." Liu Feng suddenly shouted towards the direction down the mountain. His voice was blessed with spiritual power, and it actually penetrated layers of snow. Although it was weak, But it fell right into Li Bai's ears.

At the foot of the mountain, Li Bai, who was about to leave the hunting ground, turned his head abruptly, and saw Liu Feng waving at him from afar.

"This guy actually peeked at me." Li Bai curled his lips helplessly, but he still waved to Liu Feng who was in the distance, and at the same time made a gesture of making a fist.

What Li Bai meant was, don't worry.

Two days later, Li Bai returned to the capital. At this time, it was the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, which is a small year in the lunar calendar.

Although everyone says that the taste of the new year is weak and the New Year is not interesting, but in terms of surface engineering, it is getting more and more prosperous every year.

There is still a week before the Chinese New Year, but there are already lights and festoons in the major shopping malls in Kyoto. Although it is said that because of the Chinese New Year, Kyoto seems to have become an empty city, but when every person in Kyoto walks on the street , are all red, filled with the color of happiness.

On the day he returned to the capital, Li Bai took all the beauties in the villa to start shopping for the things needed for the New Year. Although in the past few days, all the beauties have already purchased a lot, but since Li Bai offered How could they not be with Li Bai.

I'm afraid, only during the Chinese New Year, can they live a happy life for a few days without any scruples.

The new year is coming soon, and in the past year, many, many things have happened. Although these crying and laughing things have become a thing of the past, the most important thing is that they make everyone have experienced and grown a lot.

I am afraid that this is probably the meaning of the new year and new atmosphere, so that everyone can meet the arrival of new challenges with a grown-up and brand-new attitude.

"Happy New Year!"

When the clock struck zero, everyone in the villa raised their glasses of wine and collided together. Even Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi drank a little under Li Bai's permission. liquor.

Drunk the wine in one gulp, the new year has finally arrived.

In the next few days, Li Bai also turned into an ordinary person. Every day, he accompanied the women back to their natal homes and told every woman's parents that under his protection, their daughters had a very happy life. happiness.

It's just always a little sad, because everyone knows that before the Chinese New Year, Li Bai wanted to bring Liu Meng back, but in the end he returned empty-handed.

Although Li Bai never said anything, everyone can see that Li Bai still misses him a little.

"Li Bai, why don't we go to Liu's house together and get Liu Meng back directly." Zhang Yuhan said to Li Bai with a smile after opening, Li Bai pinched her face.

"No, I'm alone, it's fine."

(End of this chapter)

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