The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2902 Hasna's Changes

Chapter 2902 Hasna's Changes
When I was with Zhang Yuhan and the others, I always felt that the time was so short.

Before I knew it, it was the school season again, but at this time, Li Bai answered another call, which was from Uncle Jiang.It was Hasna who called. What Li Bai didn't expect was that Gao Zhixiang would do something wrong again, and this time it seemed that there was strong support behind it.

After talking to Hasna for a few words, Li Bai hung up the phone, and then called Mu Xiaoting again, basically asking Mu Xiaoting to give love a few days off, and then report back to school soon.

Standing behind Li Bai, Zhang Yuhan said, "Are you really ordinary friends with Hasna?"

Li Bai smiled awkwardly and said: "Of course, I am going this time to prepare to solve some things, not only for Hasna's Toyota Farm, but also because I plan to build our Xiannong Agricultural and Byproduct Company in TLF City."

Zhang Yuhan gave Li Bai a blank look, and said, "It's up to you, I don't care, you won't let Hasna manage your agricultural and sideline products company by then."

Regarding this point, Li Bai really didn't think about it, but being reminded by Zhang Yuhan, he still felt that it was really feasible.

Seeing Li Bai's expression, Zhang Yuhan knew that his guess was probably true.

Seeing that Li Bai was still there like a normal person, Zhang Yuhan became very angry.Although I don't mind Li Bai having three wives and four concubines, but this is the new century, who doesn't want to have the only one.

Seeing Zhang Yuhan stepping on high-heeled shoes and going away, Li Bai was about to catch up and explain, but before he could catch up, Zhang Yuhan in the distance turned around and said: "What should you be busy with, I'm not Such a small-bellied person."

After speaking, Zhang Yuhan left.On the contrary, Li Bai was in a daze at the same place. Li Bai had always known Zhang Yuhan's kindness, but now Li Bai realized that his understanding of Zhang Yuhan was far from enough.It turns out that a woman can be so generous.

But what Li Bai didn't know was that only a person who truly loves someone will be like this. If there is no love, I'm afraid it won't be like this at all.

Two days later, Li Bai appeared in TLF again. This time, instead of going directly to Hasna, Li Bai went to Hasna's Toyota Farm. Li Bai thought that the workers at Toyota Farm would be in order and there would be no more crowds like last time. It was a troublesome incident, but what he saw was beyond Li Bai's expectations.

I saw workers wearing Toyota uniforms gathered in front of the farm, shouting loudly: "Wage raise, raise wages, don't pay wages and demolish the farm."

Seeing this scene, Li Bai frowned.

Is Hasna withholding employees' wages?But Hasna should not be that kind of person. After all, she has just graduated from university, and she is not familiar with some things. The most important thing is that few bosses will use the most rubbish method of deducting employees' wages.

Just when Li Bai was about to call Hasna, Hasna appeared in front of those employees.

Li Bai didn't help this time, but watched quietly from a distance, he wanted to see how Hasna dealt with it.After all, it is impossible for Li Bai to stay with Hasna all the time, and this time he is here because Li Bai plans to build a Xiannong farmer products company here. It is more at ease to cooperate with Hasna. The most important point is that Li Bai feels that Hasna trustworthy.

Hasna didn't hold any loudspeaker equipment, but this time she obviously had an aura, a kind of aura of a superior.

Li Bai didn't expect Hasna to have the aura of a superior person in such a short period of time.

This was beyond Li Bai's expectations.

Hasna looked at the employees who gathered in front of them to make trouble. These employees still screened out a batch of leftovers, but they never expected that such a thing would happen.

Hasna looked calmly at the few employees in front who seemed to be taking the lead, and said gently: "Do you think my wages here are too low?"

Behind this seemingly gentle tone is the frost that has been buried for thousands of years.

But how could these seemingly leading employees know Hasna's thoughts?
Wang Dahai was the main person who was taken away this time. During this period, Gao Zhixiang had already given him 1 yuan as a favor fee. Of course, if he could succeed in agitating, Gao Zhixiang promised to give him 3 yuan.In this way, Wang Dahai spent 5000 yuan to invite these people to drink together, and then uttered the truth after drinking, saying how Toyota Farm is compared to Huoyanshan Agricultural and By-product Company.

For example, Toyota costs 120 yuan a day, but the agricultural and sideline products company does 130 yuan. The most important thing is that the workload of the Huoyanshan agricultural and sideline products company is small and the physical labor is poor.After a discussion with everyone, the current scene came about.

Seeing Hasna's attitude softening, Wang Dahai couldn't help but secretly proud. After all, she is a college student who has just graduated, so I can't help leading the trouble like this.

Wang Dahai took the initiative to stand up and said: "Yes, we feel that the salary of Toyota Farm is far from proportional to the physical strength we put in. The most important thing is that the treatment of our farm has not changed for so many years, and the price is so high now. The wages given to us are not enough to feed us.”

After listening to Wang Dahai's words, Hasna smiled slightly and said to the crowd in front of her, "I heard the employee's opinion just now, if you have any other opinions, you can raise them together."

After hearing Hasna's words, the employees around Wang Dahai were taken aback, but after thinking about it carefully, they found that they really had nothing to mention.

Looking at the employees looking at each other under her hands, Hasna coughed slightly.

Said: "Since you all have nothing to say, then I will manage it according to the requirements of this comrade. You don't have any opinions."

Seeing that Hasna agreed to his request so happily, Wang Dahai was taken aback for a moment. He thought about this completely differently. He originally thought that Hasna would be furious and then helpless, but unexpectedly, she said a few words. Sent away.

But in this situation, Wang Dahai couldn't stand up and ask again, after all, it would be too obvious to stand up again.

But what Wang Dahai didn't expect was that Hasna would ask him a question again.

This made Wang Dahai overjoyed.

Hasna looked at the employee in front of her and said gently: "Employee, to what extent do you think I should increase my salary so that you can eat and drink?"

Hearing Hasna's question, Wang Dahai pretended to ponder and said: "I think 150 yuan per person per day is okay, if it is less, I really can't do it."

After finishing speaking, he shook his head pretending to sigh, his acting skills even admired him.

But then Hasna hit him in the head.

Hasna cleared her throat, and said to the employees who gathered in front of them: "You are the backbone of my Toyota farm, the elite of Toyota farm, and I am happy to give you a salary of [-] yuan a day. You can go to the financial department now. The department leader will pay you one hundred and fifty per day for two months' wages, and from then on, Toyota Farm will never want you again."

Hasna's words made these people stunned. After all, those who were able to stay were very happy at the beginning, and to be honest, they were used to staying at Toyota Farm. They didn't expect this result, and they did it entirely for Wang Dahai's words. It happened today.

But this result is not something they can bear.

"Boss, we don't want those two months' salary anymore, we don't want to leave."

With the first, there is the second, just like a chain reaction.

Soon all the spearheads pointed at Wang Dahai, which made Wang Dahai stunned, completely stunned.Never expected that this young college student who just took office would be so powerful.But in this situation, Wang Dahai couldn't stay any longer.

Hearing these people constantly arguing for mercy, Hasna had a confident smile on her face.

But immediately after that, it was no longer that kind of gentle smile, but replaced by a cold one.A kind of coldness of a superior.

"That's enough. If you continue to make trouble like this, I can't guarantee that you can leave with two months' salary."

Hearing Hasna's words that were as frosty as winter, the whole crowd fell silent instantly, including Wang Dahai who still wanted to run away.

Hasna successfully focused everyone's attention on her. Looking at the employees who were defeated like roosters, Hasna didn't feel comfortable, but a little sad. After all, these people were trained by her father. came out, but now she wants to expel these elites with her own hands.

After tidying up her mood, Hasna resumed her previous gentle voice.

Dao: "Toyota needs elites and backbones. You are the elites and backbones of Toyota Farm, but what Toyota needs are elites who can contribute to Toyota Farms. You can work together with me to build a better farm. What? Give me this set at a critical moment, raise wages, demolish farms? I don’t want to say more, you are the elites, no matter how powerful the backbone, I don’t need them, I don’t need the elites who destroy me , I don’t need to dismantle the backbone of my farm, now you can go to get your wages, and I won’t pay a penny less.”

After Hasna finished speaking, she said to Long Wei behind her: "From today onwards, the minimum basic salary for all employees working on Toyota Farm is [-] per day, and [-] per day for outstanding performance. If you have any good suggestions Yes, after the adoption of the comprehensive income brought to the farm, a certain percentage will be directly distributed in cash."

After speaking, Hasna stepped on her high heels and left.

And those employees who stayed where they were were all dumbfounded, including Wang Dahai before.

This is much lower than the treatment of the Huoyanshan agricultural and sideline products company?This is simply a direct abuse of Huoyanshan Agricultural and Sideline Products Company.

Thinking of the 3 yuan he was about to get, Wang Dahai felt even more heartbroken.

Looking at the employees with unkind eyes around him, Wang Dahai smiled awkwardly and said, "We are not needed here, we can go to Huoyanshan Company."

At this moment, a person came from a distance. After Wang Dahai saw this person, his legs trembled a little.

(End of this chapter)

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