The strongest peasant city

Chapter 3048 Arrived at Fishscale Island

Chapter 3048 Arrived at Fishscale Island

Sun Baichuan also very much hoped that there would be no spies or hostile forces among these people, but no one could guarantee that anyone would be suspicious until the last moment, but he just hoped that there would be fewer casualties among them.

Looking at the clouds outside the window, everyone had different thoughts.

Sun Baichuan pondered for a while and said: "This time, you have to be more careful. The information I got is basically from the late Yuanying stage and the early stage of Huashen. The first thing for you masters is to save your own life, and the rest can be put aside for the time being."

Hearing what Sun Baichuan said, everyone felt tense. Sun Baichuan said so, so it proves that this trip to the secret realm is definitely not that simple.

Although Li Bai was not as nervous as everyone else, he was still a little heavy. After all, the secret realms in the past were all fought by the four major families, or people from China.But this time it is indeed competing with people from other countries on the territory of China.

This is unfair to Huaxia, but the result of the negotiation is like this.

Li Bai once heard Li Xiaogang say that a hundred years ago, Huaxia blindly forbeared, but the result of forbearance was constant bullying.

The starting point of China's overall situation is good. There is no war. For the better life of the people of China. Once a war breaks out, the economy will decline and the refugees will be displaced. Moreover, social security is also a big problem. China was not incapable of going to war at the time, but But for the sake of the overall situation, they negotiated again and again.

A hundred years later, Li Bai did not expect that it would still be the case. Yulin Island was originally the territory of China. Li Bai thought that the negotiations with the island country would be very beneficial after Qianye Hongri died last time, but he never expected that other countries would intervene.

Country E, Country M, Country F...

These countries are actually intervening, which is clearly the rhythm of uniting to bully China.

And hearing what Sun Baichuan said this time, it proved that the ten people in Huaxia, including Li Bai, might be in danger.

However, cultivation is to go against the sky. There are chances and dangers. This time, chances and dangers coexist, but the danger of dangers has increased.

Zhao Dakui and the others felt very heavy. They thought they were geniuses among geniuses after working hard day and night, but this time they did not make it, but what they had to face was a group of monsters.

Kou Jun even thought that he must not leave the main force, otherwise he would not know how to die.

The two brothers Yuanfeng and Yuanlong thought that the first thing they did was to prevent others from noticing them, and then secretly attacked them.

And Zhang Wu didn't have as many ideas as others, he was just working hard to repair his sea of ​​consciousness, hoping to repair those hidden diseases in the sea of ​​consciousness before arriving, and then use the swordsmanship to kill those enemies who misbehaved him, of course It also includes the people inside, if anyone asks him to do something that threatens his life, he will directly kill him with his sword without hesitation, and will never show mercy.

The red flame sword has been following him in the clouds. The sword control technique he practiced is different from the previous one. The red flame sword is his spiritual consciousness, while the ice blue sword is indeed his physical body.

His swordsmanship has borrowed some of the swordsman's kendo, such as the ice blue sword, which is hidden in his dantian.

Because he was born with fire veins, and he has always been a genius of the fire department, but unexpectedly, he awakened the ice veins when he was making rapid progress. Although he did not die at the time, it kept him from making any progress for several years, just to balance his own ice and fire Double pulse.

And he did it, but it's not perfect yet, but he knows that apart from Li Bai, there are probably few people in the same level who can defeat him, which makes him confident, thinking that there are so many masters in other countries this time, Zhang Wu quickly repaired his spiritual consciousness.

Shi Kailai didn't think too much, he decided to follow Li Bai directly after getting off the plane, he believed that Li Bai would not leave him, as long as he could keep up with Li Bai's pace.

Although Wang Yan's heart is very heavy, she was also a person who experienced the hail of bullets before she became a strong cultivator. To her, this time she regarded it as a test.

Sun Bin is good at attacking with spiritual sense, but no one knows what his trump card is, so he is the most calm person besides Li Bai so far.

Song Xian's heart was indeed very heavy, and he originally wanted to meditate and rest for a while, but after hearing the news about Sun Baichuan, that resting mood immediately disappeared, replaced by a high level of concentration.

This time he didn't want to have any regrets, and at the same time he didn't want to die unexpectedly, so he had to maintain a high degree of concentration and not make any mistakes, because the moment of a mistake could be death.

He has seen too many people who died because of a little mistake, especially a strong wind like him. His wind blade can spin and can be used 100%, and he can rely on the wind when he is still in the foundation stage. Fajue of the system is flying around in the sky.

Song Xian's goal is to be alive. As for resources, secret realms, and even opportunities, he doesn't care too much about it, as long as he is alive.Of course, if he really encounters something that belongs to him, he will never be soft.

Sun Baichuan knew everyone's mood when he saw their expressions, so why not him.

I originally thought that Huaxia would be the king this time, but in the end it was indeed the weakest existence. This was slapping him in the face. Originally, he really wanted to be backed even if he died, and he couldn't let other countries underestimate him. , but Zhao Wugong's words let him know that he can't be reckless, after all, he still has a strong future.

If he died, then after he came out of the secret realm, he would have to be united and destroyed by strong men from other countries.

As for the fact that keeping alive is just to snatch things, Sun Baichuan never even thought about it. This kind of secret realm, and the secret realms participated by many countries represent cruelty.

If you want to survive, then compare who is more ruthless and who has more brains.

If you have compassion in your heart, then you will be eliminated. The fate of elimination is death. Only after death can you be considered eliminated. It is so realistic and cruel at the same time.

If you treat your enemies with kind thoughts, then you will never recover. If you treat strangers with an open heart, then you will be heartbroken, and of course it may be an abyss.

Sun Baichuan looked at the white clouds outside the window, so close at hand, it seemed pure, but how long can he keep it pure?
He couldn't help but sighed, this long sigh seemed to be lamenting himself, and it seemed to be lamenting everyone, but only he knew that it was lamenting Huaxia, lamenting Huaxia's policies, lamenting Huaxia's decision-making.

Soon the plane landed on the aircraft carrier near Yuscale Island, and Sun Baichuan got off the plane with everyone, and headed directly to Yuscale Island.

Of course, they flew all the way there, and soon everyone arrived at Diaoyu Island.

At this time, there were already five or six national flags planted on Yulin Island, which made Sun Baichuan very sad, but it was inevitable, just like the Olympic Games, held in that country, and the top three winners All countries raise their flags.

And the result of this negotiation was also the same, so Sun Baichuan was only sad and not angry.

But Li Bai and the others couldn't help being very angry when they saw that there were no Chinese national flags.

Planting the national flags of other countries in China's territory is an annoying thing. The most important thing is that the eyes of those people are full of contempt, and some even laugh at China's weak strength. of.

Hearing these gossips, Zhao Dakui was the first to be unable to bear it.

He stood up and said, "Who is not convinced, come with me."

Li Bai didn't expect Zhao Dakui to be so bloody, which surprised Li Bai.

Sure enough, after hearing Zhao Dakui's words, those gossips were much less, after all, no one wants to have a grudge before entering the secret realm.

But there are often exceptions, and the M country team immediately came out with a black man who was tall and burly.

The black man said in this unfluent Chinese language: "Little fat man, it's too late to beg for mercy, otherwise your parents won't know you if you beat me later."

Zhao Dakui felt the opponent's strength, which is about the strength of the late Yuanying stage. Although he is in the middle stage of Yuanying stage, it does not mean that he is afraid of the late stage of Yuanying stage.

Immediately said coldly: "Niger, you'd better tell Lord Yama about this later, let him see if you are a hybrid creature."

Jack hated being called a nigger, and the word nigger was his taboo.

"Go to hell first."

After speaking, Jack made a move without any hesitation, directly in the rhythm of killing Zhao Dakui.

And this is also the result that Zhao Dakui wanted, that is, to make the other party angry first before he can lose face, and only by messing up his position can he have a chance of winning.

Sun Baichuan had already made up his mind to rescue Zhao Dakui at any time.

But Li Bai didn't. Li Bai felt that Zhao Dakui would win. This wasn't because of the black ghost's anger, but because Zhao Dakui and Li Bai could feel that he had been hiding his strength. As for how much strength he had hidden, he didn't know. But since he was the first one to come out, it proves that Zhao Dakui still has some tricks.

The black man's punch unexpectedly emitted a hot white light, and went straight to Zhao Dakui's head.

Zhao Dakui didn't use any attribute power, he just expanded his cultivation and used his spiritual power to unleash Pao Fist.

Just hit the headshot and run towards the white light to win.


There was no loud sound as imagined, but a very soft sound of water waves.

Zhao Dakui and the black man took a step back at the same time.

The black man didn't expect that Zhao Dakui would actually receive his punch, and Zhao Dakui also didn't expect that the black man's punch was actually very powerful, but he seldom used it, but he didn't expect it to be easily blocked today.

"Serial Punch"

With a soft drink, Zhao Dakui went up close to him.

The serial cannon fists turned into fist shadows and went straight to the black man's chest, throat, and eyes.

It's not the first time Zhao Dakui has used this kind of routine, and he is already familiar with it.

(End of this chapter)

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