The strongest peasant city

Chapter 3049 The Gate of the Secret Realm

Chapter 3049 The Gate of the Secret Realm
The fluctuations in spiritual power directly caused the air to rub into a fiery temperature.

The black man was not timid at all, he shouted, and a milky white mask appeared all over his body, allowing Zhao Dakui to attack.

Seeing such a situation, how could Zhao Dakui miss such a good opportunity, and directly penetrated the mask and directly acted on the blacks.

The black man didn't expect that Zhao Dakui's power could penetrate his mask. You must know that this is a protective shield.

The top of the guardian shield prevents energy from spreading.

The black man's idea is not wrong at all, but he ignored the ancient Chinese martial arts. What Zhao Dakui used just now was not some spiritual power technique but Gu Wu's technique of fighting cattle across mountains.

The serial energy directly penetrated the milky white mask and acted on the black man.


The black man vomited blood, and the others were also taken aback. They did not expect that Zhao Dakui could actually injure the black man.

The injured black man was obviously furious. He never expected that he would be injured by a person whose level was lower than his. The most important thing was that this person was something he believed to be sure.


The black man roared, and the mask turned into a lightsaber and slashed at Zhao Dakui, but Zhao Dakui dodged it lightly.

At the same time, Zhao Dakui's fist was also covered with a layer of light, which directly made Zhao Dakui's fist a hundred times harder.

The black man watched Zhao Dakui's punch at him without any dodge, and directly swung his lightsaber and slashed at him.


A thunderous sound sounded directly, and the two were evenly divided.

Zhao Dakui wanted to continue, but he was stopped by Sun Baichuan, because Sun Baichuan had already seen that Zhao Dakui's two strikes just now had almost used his kung fu to suppress the bottom of the box, but the black ghost on the opposite side did not, and just used it at will. Same.

"Okay, Bi fought with him, and there are plenty of opportunities in the secret realm."

Zhao Dakui also knew that what Sun Baichuan said was reasonable, so he stopped attacking and returned to the crowd, but the black man did not do that, instead, the lightsaber in his hand came out directly and went straight to Zhao Dakui's back. They were all very angry. This was obviously a sneak attack, a naked sneak attack.

Without any hesitation, Li Bai used ten thousand catties of strength directly. The punch didn't feel radiant, but it easily smashed the lightsaber to pieces.

Not only that, the aftermath even made the black people take four or five steps back.

Li Bai's shot this time obviously didn't use all his strength, and Li Bai's full blow may be that the black man on the opposite side is about to disappear.

But despite this, people from other countries looked at Huaxia's team no longer with the contemptuous expression they had at the beginning, but a serious and dignified expression instead.

And at this time, Li Bai naturally doesn't need to show anything, just simply show off.

As for the black man, he also knew Li Bai's interests and did not rush forward to compete.

Sun Baichuan looked at the black leader and said nothing, but the strong killing intent in his eyes was self-evident.

For Sun Baichuan's murderous gaze, Aolisi didn't pay attention at all. In his eyes, Sun Baichuan's state could hit three with one.So what if there is just a bit of killing intent?He could instantly kill the opponent with his hands, so he didn't care about Sun Baichuan's murderous eyes at all.

Sun Baichuan looked at Aolisi's contemptuous gaze, with mixed feelings in his heart. He knew that the team leaders from various countries in the secret realm were so powerful this time, so he would have to replace him no matter what. Most of them will retreat to practice in the mid-stage of avatars to overcome the tribulation, and some will practice incognito in the world of mortals in order to break through the catastrophe of the heart demon as soon as possible.

But now all this is fantasy, and it has no meaning at all.

Sun Baichuan took Li Bai and others to find a relatively high place to plant the Chinese national flag on it.

The highest point of Yulin Island is still the Chinese national flag, but the current national flag has a different meaning.

Yuscale Island originally belonged to Huaxia, and it is normal for Huaxia to plant the national flag at this highest point, but now that the secret realm is opened, every time a national flag is planted, it proves that the secret realm is shared by more people.

Now, Sun Baichuan roughly counted, and there are actually eleven national flags, and this does not include the national flag of Huaxia.

However, this agreement was originally open to the outside world, and any country could participate, but Sun Baichuan did not expect so many countries to come.

Now it is impossible to change these views, so Sun Baichuan led Li Bai and others to gather under the Chinese flag and quietly waited for the secret realm to open.

The time has not come yet, but according to the opening time of the secret realm, it should be about the same time.As for the countries that haven't arrived yet, I probably won't come either.

At night, when the moonlight shines on the entire island, the moonlight and the island seem to echo each other, and the entire island is illuminated by the beautiful and hazy moonlight.

At the same time, everyone present felt that the island was unusual, because at this moment, the island seemed to be alive, and it was slowly glowing by itself instead of relying on moonlight. This kind of situation has happened before, but People thought that some rare treasure was born, but when they came to look for it the next day, there was nothing, and the people around got used to it over time.

But today everyone is on the island, and they can clearly see that the light on Yulin Island is getting brighter and brighter, and all the light is converging towards one place.

And that place is like a black hole in time and space, no matter how much light there is, it will absorb it all without hesitation.

At this time, the team leaders from various countries knew that it was time to make their own move, otherwise they would not know when they would have to wait if they missed it.Sun Baichuan also knows that the place where the light source gathers is the place where the secret realm opens, and people from all over the world have always thought that the secret realm of the Diaoyu Islands is on the Diaoyu Islands, but in fact it is in the air, and only when you reach the golden core can you walk in the sky. Although the establishment of the foundation can resist the sky, it does rely on the power of magic weapons.

The leader of country M said in fluent English: "Everyone, it's time for us to take action, otherwise we don't know when the next time will be, but I hope we will use our full strength, otherwise the counter-shock force may make all of us People get hurt."

Listening to the words of the leader of country M, it seems that they have come to study more than once, and they still seem to have a plan in mind.

Several other countries glanced at each other without speaking, but they all nodded in agreement.

Sun Baichuan did not have any nonsense and directly operated the exercises. A blue light beam was directly aimed at the black hole that absorbed the light source, and people from several other countries saw that Sun Baichuan had made a move, and immediately did not hesitate any more. Each of them took out their true skills and shot at the black hole that absorbs light.

These twelve beams of light shot at the black hole in the sky that was absorbing light at the same time, and instantly these beams illuminated everything around the black hole.

The black hole in the middle is not a real black hole, but a dragon's mouth that actually opened. The dragon's mouth kept opening its eyes slowly with the power of everyone.

Seeing the dragon's head open its eyes, everyone was very excited, and immediately sent energy into the dragon's mouth without any spare energy.


A dragon chant came out, and then the dragon's mouth stopped absorbing energy, and all the energy was transferred behind the dragon's head in an instant.

At this time, everyone discovered that behind the dragon was a huge and simple void door, which exuded a golden streamer, and the streamer flowed continuously on the door, like fresh fish swimming continuously.

But there was no sign of opening the door, and the dragon that had opened its eyes turned into a stream of light and entered the void door.

When the dragon rushed into the gate, the radiance above the ancient gate turned into grotesque symbols floating in the sky.

And that door also turned into nothingness all of a sudden, and after the nothingness, there were strips of simple and simple words.It's just that these characters are all ancient traditional characters.

Li Bai and everyone naturally understood these things.

The general meaning is to grab a hundred streamer body guards and enter the door to reach the secret realm.

People from other countries were a little confused. Fortunately, some of them have researched Chinese civilization. Although they are not as fast as Li Bai and others, their speed is not slow.

Li Bai, who was the first among them, flew straight to those streamers, but these streamers were not so easy to grab, just like a loach, they slipped away in an instant.

So they used their strengths, Li Bai didn't hesitate, the pulsation of the earth directly made these streamers unable to escape, and soon Li Bai's [-] streamers had been caught, Li Bai originally wanted to catch these [-] streamers and then Helping others to catch, but after the hundred Ambilights were caught, there was a sudden change.

Suddenly a golden light burst out from Li Bai's body, and a golden dragon led Li Bai directly into the nothingness.

When other countries saw Li Bai's performance, they still had something to hide, but they stopped hiding immediately and quickly grabbed these streamers.

These streamers are not endless, but as more people are grabbed, the streamer will become less and less.Fortunately, Li Bai's people were the first to attack, otherwise everyone might be far behind now, even so, they are only a little faster than people from other countries.

Soon Zhangwu was the second one to collect all one hundred streamers, and the golden dragon disappeared in place in an instant, and quickly entered nothingness.

After Li Bai entered nothingness, he realized that it was not so easy to pass through this passage, because the passage was full of thunderbolts, crackling non-stop, and every time a thunderbolt hit the golden mask, the golden mask would disappear A stream of light, and as time goes by, the deeper it goes in, the greater the power of the thunder tribulation.

Li Bai dodged carefully all the way, but was still struck by thunder more than 50 times. When he saw a bright light in front of him, Li Bai knew that the secret realm had arrived.

Immediately, without hesitation, he went straight to the secret place.

(End of this chapter)

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