Chapter 3162

Li Bai left, Li Bai directly left the island where Zhao Dakui was located, and flew to the old Xinjiang.

And all the answers prepared by Zhao Dakui were held back in his stomach, which made Zhao Dakui feel so uncomfortable that he almost fainted.Anyway, before Li Bai left, he still explained it, which made Zhao Dakui feel a little better.

Thunder God Garfiel first guarded Zhao Dakui's island with Zhao Dakui, because Li Bai was afraid that the Gao family and the Long family would make trouble.

Although the Gao family suffered heavy losses in TLF in the old Xinjiang, Li Bai knew that the Gao family was still capable of doing damage, and the Long family was naturally not to mention that Long Tianze took the place of Long Tianlin, and he was more difficult to deal with than Long Tianlin. It is a hundred times more powerful.In Li Bai's impression, Long Tianlin is a type who has no brains and only knows how to be brave and diligent. The advantage is that Long Tianlin would listen to other people's strategies back then.

Although the current Long Tianze doesn't have Long Tianlin's courageous and diligent aura, but his scheming and strategy can throw Long Tianlin as far as a street that circles around the earth.

The most important thing is that Long Tianze knows how to learn lessons and listen to other people's opinions, and Long Tianze's own schemes are also hard to guard against.

Li Bai is still very careful about the situation of the Long family.

But at this time, just as Li Bai expected, Gao Xiang was sitting in the secret place of the Gao family, surrounded by seven or eight beauties who took turns serving him, and the whole room exuded a foul smell.

But Gao Xiang's blood inheritance is like this, and it can't be changed. Now that Gao Xiang's cultivation base has stepped into the early stage of transforming gods, Gao Xiang is still very satisfied with the speed of progress. The only thing he is not satisfied with is the kind of blood inheritance on his body. The obsession with obscenity always exists, and even if you want to cut it off, you can't get rid of it.

Gao Xiang also wanted to control it before, but the result was that the outbreaks became more frequent. Since then, Gao Xiang has not controlled but let nature take its course. Unexpectedly, this will gradually reduce the lustful thoughts.

However, every time there is obsession with obscenity, Zhang Yuhan, Su Daji, and Yu Chengcheng's three daughters will appear in Gao Xiang's mind, which makes Gao Xiang very itchy.

Since Gao Xiang sent people to kidnap Zhang Yuhan and Su Daji last time, Gao Xiang couldn't extricate himself after seeing the appearance of Su Daji and Zhang Yuhan, especially Su Daji's charming face and figure, no matter what, Gao Xiang couldn't forget.

Originally before this, Gao Xiang just wanted to get Yu Chengcheng, but as his cultivation base increased and his blood power became stronger, this idea became more and more intense. Fortunately, after each vent, Gao Xiang's The mind will be able to restore clarity.

Just like now, after Gao Xiang finished venting again, he waved to the seven or eight beautiful girls with graceful figure and youthful atmosphere around him, telling them to go down.And these women also obediently retreated obediently.

They have to admit that Gao Xiang's fighting power is stronger than before. The good thing is that they can practice exercises, but the bad thing is that they don't know when this day will end.

However, they liked the fact that the Gao family didn't restrict their personal freedom. Every time they served Gao Xiang, they would get a lot of money and let them go shopping.

Gao Xiang looked at the Tianxun news in his hand, his eyes became gloomy and cold.

"Li Bai, Li Bai, you still want to build your own power, then I will let you taste the pain of failure."

After muttering these words to himself, Gao Xiang took out Tianxun and gave instructions, and soon a group of Gao family members disappeared in the Gao family's secret place, and the five of them knew where they were going.

At the same time, Gao Xiang dialed another sky signal. This time, the sky signal showed a top-quality beauty who was not weaker than Yu Chengcheng, Zhang Yuhan and the others. Seeing this woman, Gao Xiang's heart was still burning.

But Gao Xiang knew what was important now, looked at the woman in Tianxun and asked, "How, haven't you met Li Bai yet?"

The woman in Tianxun lightly brushed her hair between her ears with her fingers like suet and white jade, and said, "No, Li Bai never stays in one place for a long time, you should know this, so now I haven't had a chance so far."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang was very dissatisfied, but Gao Xiang didn't say it out.

At the moment when he saw the woman flicking her hair around her ears, the desire in Gao Xiang's heart arose again, and he said to the woman in Tianxun: "Give you another half a year, and you still can't get close to Li Bai within half a year." , then come back."

The woman was visibly shocked when she heard this, she naturally knew what Gao Xiang meant when he said it back.

Seeing the woman's whole body for a while, Gao Xiang thought of the shy and lewd appearance that shook under his crotch at the beginning. Gao Xiang couldn't control the lustful obsession anymore, even if he turned off Tianxun, he directly pressed the red button.

Soon in Gao Xiang's room, more than a dozen beauties with graceful figures, exquisite curves, and exquisite bumps appeared, and these beauties were obviously different from the seven or eight beauties in front of them.

Gao Xiang released the power of his blood without any hesitation. The moment Gao Xiang released the power of the blood, these women were visibly shaken, and then they all entangled themselves as if they were aphrodisiac.

Gao Xiang closed his eyes and enjoyed it.

Long Family, Long Tianze listened to the report of the people below, and there was no expression on his face.

After this person finished reporting, Long Tianze let this person go down first.Long Yangyan has been in charge of protecting Long Tianze since the incident at the TLF Toyota Farm last time. In Long Yangyan's heart, Long Tianze is indeed much bigger than Long Tianlin, and it is indeed similar to what Long Zun said.

After Long Tianze came back last time, Long Zun did not say anything to reproach Long Tianze, but instead encouraged Long Tianze.

"Victory or defeat is a common matter for military strategists. If you can't see through even one victory or defeat, what qualifications do you have to go to a higher height if you can't see through."

Long Tianze didn't expect that the father who didn't like him in the past not only didn't punish him after he made such a serious mistake, but would say such words to him instead, which moved Long Tianze very much.

That is to say, from that day on, Long Zun held a meeting, announcing that Long Tianze could deal with the matter of the Long family's laughter, and he would not need to look for him when the family was alive or dead, he would retreat and attack and distract.

And Long Tianze did not disappoint Long Zun. The Long family's affairs were handled in an orderly manner, and all the Long family's industries in the secular world also reached a new height under Long Tianze's suggestion. After listening to Long Tianze's suggestion, those members of the Long family in the government will soon face a higher level of treatment.

You must know that in some fields of politics, it is very difficult to improve again when you reach a certain height. Let alone the issue of standing in line, it is also a headache to make a contribution.

The size of the contribution and the impact on Huaxia are all crucial things, and it is also a matter of whether it can rise to a higher level.

What they didn't expect was that some things were very simple, but they were unexpected problems, but Long Tianze had thought of them.This made them very convinced of the new Patriarch, but also scared. They all knew what kind of existence the Long Family was, and they also knew what kind of existence the Long Family Patriarch was.

If Long Tianlin remembered them, they wouldn't be too scared, but with Long Tianze as the head of the family, they didn't dare to lie.

Because Long Tianze has the ability to know whether they are telling a lie or not.

Long Tianze didn't expect that Li Bai would have such a new move. It stands to reason that Toyota Farm should be stabilized first after the Toyota Farm was won, but Li Bai would go directly to develop 28 as an island without following common sense.

This made Long Tianze hesitant for a while, the reason Long Tianze hesitated was not not not to deal with Li Bai, but hesitating about what method to use to deal with Li Bai.

In the end, Long Tianze's approach was to wait and see what happened, and then destroy the island construction when conditions permitted, putting life first.

The Long family sent out a team of 50 people. When the 50 people set off, Long Tianze emphasized that life comes first, letting them know that life is more important than anything else.

After these people were sent out, Long Tianze continued to study the situation of Li Bai's 28 islands. Long Tianze believed that Li Bai would not build these 28 islands for no reason. There must be something or some reason, but now It seems that Li Bai's project is very large, and the construction has not yet started, so it is impossible to guess anything.

Long Tianze took a look at the locations of the 28 islands, especially the neighboring countries on all sides, which made Long Tianze feel something.

After a long time, Long Tianze sighed and said: "This Li Bai's ambition is so big, but I don't know if such a big ambition has such a big strength."

Long Yangyan also saw something, although he didn't see the whole thing, but he could see one or two things.

Long Yangyan stood beside Long Tianze, looked at the map displayed on Long Tianze's Tianxun, and said: "This Li Bai should not fight an uncertain battle, we should be careful when dealing with him this time. "

Hearing Long Yangyan's words, Long Tianze was a little surprised. Long Tianze had always thought that he was the only one in the Long family who would look up to Li Bai, but now it seems that not only him, but even the distracted masters look at Li Bai like this .

Seeing Long Tianze's surprised expression, Long Yangyan twitched his beard and smiled, "You don't have to be so surprised, I have also investigated Li Bai, and rumors have always said that Li Bai is Li Xiaogang's son, this alone is enough What makes people face it, the most important thing is that Li Bai seems to have never failed since his rise to the present, and every time he thinks twice before doing something."

"The original Xiannong Building, Xiannong Technology, Xiannong Pharmaceutical and other industries Li Bai should not lose so quickly. Even if our Long family and the Gao family unite Li Bai, Li Bai will not lose so quickly, and the reason why Li Bai will lose so much The only proof is that Li Bai minimized the cost of failure."

(End of this chapter)

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