The strongest peasant city

Chapter 3163 Really Li Xiaogang's son?

Chapter 3163 Really Li Xiaogang's son?

Hearing Long Yangyan's analysis, Long Tianze was very surprised, because when Li Bai sold Xiannong, he hadn't taken over some family affairs, and he only recently brought out the information in this regard.But I didn't expect Long Yangyan to know better than him.

Regarding these issues, Long Tianze is still quite curious about one issue, that is, the issue that Li Bai is Li Xiaogang's son.

Who is Li Xiaogang?I am afraid that everyone on the earth knows this problem.

Li Xiaogang's son Li Bai?This problem can be big or small. If Li Bai is really Li Xiaogang's son, then you have to be more careful when dealing with Li Bai. After all, Li Xiaogang can be said to have been invincible back then. The road is definitely a counterattack.

As for the mystery of Li Xiaogang's disappearance, there have been many rumors, but most of them say that Li Xiaogang is dead, and only a few say that Li Xiaogang built a small world by himself and then hid it.

However, all the major families have previous information about Li Xiaogang, that is, Li Xiaogang's cultivation is already in the realm of immortals. As for what kind of immortals and how high they are, no one knows, and the other is the technological power mastered by Li Xiaogang , that is a technology that does not belong to the earth's civilization, and is much more advanced than the earth's technological civilization.

In order not to break the balance of the world, Li Xiaogang only gave China a small part of its technological civilization and did not hand over all of it. But even so, China's technology is now far ahead of most countries in the world. Country F and Country F are equally divided.

Long Tianze looked at Long Yangyan with a serious expression, and asked, "Elder, how credible is your claim that Li Bai is Li Xiaogang's son?"

In fact, Long Yangyan was uncertain about this issue, after all, Li Bai had never officially admitted this issue, and the Long family's information only had a reliability of 50.00%, which was half and half.

"I'm not too sure about this question, but I would rather believe it than believe it."

Long Tianze nodded and said: "That's true. If it's true, then these 28 islands can really allow Li Bai to build up."

Long Yangyan was very surprised when he heard this.He didn't understand why Long Tianze said that. You must know that with the strength of the Long family, it is absolutely no problem to stop the 28 islands that have not been completed yet, but Long Tianze said such words before he made a move.Is Li Xiaogang really that powerful?
"Why is the Patriarch so sure? Could it be that we can't stop it even if we take action?"

Looking at the disbelieving Long Yangyan, Long Tianze explained with a serious face: "The elder just looked at the surface of this question, but if Li Bairuo is really Li Xiaogang's son, have you ever thought about the fact that Li Xiaogang is still alive? Even if Li Xiaogang is dead, the inheritance left by Li Xiaogang is not comparable to ordinary people. Everyone knows the technological power that Li Xiaogang mastered back then, and the power of his technological power is comparable to that of an immortal. Is it possible for us to take the 28 islands built by Li Bai with technological civilization?"

What Long Tianze said made Long Yangyan fall silent.

First of all, if Li Xiaogang is really alive, let alone the No. [-] cultivation family, even the No. [-] cultivation sect would not dare to provoke him.

And those things that Li Xiaogang has mastered are indeed headaches.

Seeing Long Tianze frowned, Long Yangyan knew that it was because Long Tianze encountered a problem.

"The owner doesn't have to worry, after all, there is a half chance that he is not Li Xiaogang's son, isn't he? And even if he is Li Xiaogang's son, why didn't Xiannong Technology use that technological civilization? So from certain things, Li Bai is not Li Xiaogang The chances of your son are higher."

Long Tianze didn't relax because of Long Yangyan's words, on the contrary, he became more dignified.

"Elder, we can't relax our vigilance just because Li Bai is Li Xiaogang's son, even if Li Bai is not Li Xiaogang's son, it is enough for us to deal with it, and I believe Gao Xiang will also make a move this time, although Gao Xiang is the younger generation of the four major cultivation families No.1, but the same Gao Xiang is also narrow-minded No.1. The last time Li Bai caused the Gao family to suffer heavy losses in the Toyota Farm incident, this time Gao Xiang will definitely not sit still, but will take action secretly. destroy these 28 islands of Li Bai."

Long Yangyan didn't expect that Long Tianze would even count Gao's here, he stretched out his thumb and said to Long Tianze: "Patriarch is wise, I have no opinion on this matter, the Patriarch can make up his own mind. "

Long Tianze nodded, then picked up Tianxun and gave the order.

The first place Li Bai went to after leaving the 28 islands was Okuyama City. First of all, it was because Okuyama City was the closest to the 28 islands. Another reason was that Okuyama City had an airport, but he flew to Jiujiang City by plane.

Li Bai, who was on the plane, looked at the clouds outside, and his thoughts suddenly flew to his original world, which is the world where he grew up.

It can be said to be carefree there, and Li Bai's dream is to build such a world, so that people can live in such an environment without worry.

"Sir, is there anything I can do for you? The drinks above are all free."

This sweet voice brought Li Bai back from his thoughts.The first time Li Bai saw this woman, he felt amazed. To be honest, apart from people like Su Daji, Yu Chengcheng, and Zhang Yuhan, it was hard to meet a girl who made Li Bai feel amazed.And this one is one.

But Li Bai didn't have any thoughts, he just simply felt amazing.

"Give me a drink, thank you."

"Okay, sir, wait a minute."

The flight attendant who surprised Li Bai didn't say anything to Li Bai, but quickly went on to ask the next passenger.

It has to be said that the effect of beauties is powerful. After this round, most of them ordered drinks, and some local tyrants even wanted to give tips. This made Li Bai once again see the power of beauties.

Soon, Li Bai's drink came.

Picking up the drink, he took a sip, it tasted pretty good, it was Li Bai's favorite taste.

"Beauty, give me another drink."

"Beauty, I want a cup too."

"Beauty, I want it too."

Soon there were hormonally exuberant male voices in the cabin, and even some men with girlfriends around them also joined the team asking for a refill.

Obviously this is not the first time this has happened, the beautiful flight attendant said politely: "I'm sorry, gentlemen and ladies, we only offer the first free request, and the second one will cost money."

"And it is clearly written on your cups, so whoever of you still needs to raise your hand."

In an instant, the entire cabin was silent, but there are still local tyrants who are not short of money.

"I want, give me five cups."

With the first one, there will be the second one, but obviously not as many people want it as the first time.

Even so, Li Bai took a look and no less than 20 people ordered a drink again.Of course, people like local tyrants are excluded.

The local tyrant watched the beautiful flight attendant walk by, and said to the beautiful flight attendant with a smile on his face: "Miss, can I have a drink with you?"

Li Bai just took a sip of the drink and almost spit it out, how can there be such a clumsy strike-up?
Sure enough, the beautiful flight attendant refused with a smile.

"Sir, I'm sorry, thank you for your kindness, the little girl can't afford it."

But in the face of such an obvious rejection, the local tyrant obviously didn't want to give up, and wanted to continue the aggressive offensive.

"Beauty, the first time I saw you, I felt my heart was about to jump out, and the second time I saw you, I felt like I was about to suffocate. Can you leave a signal to see that I am about to suffocate?"

Li Bai listened to the words of this top-notch local tyrant, and felt that there was really no one else.

There are thousands of ways to pursue beautiful women, but this kind of local tyrant always makes Li Bai feel like he is about to laugh.

Li Bai wasn't the only one who felt this way, most people in the cabin felt this way.

The beautiful flight attendant was obviously meeting such a person for the first time. She pursed her lips and smiled and said, "My sky signal is 120. You are almost suffocating. You must dial my sky signal as soon as you get off the plane."

After finishing speaking, the slender long legs of the beautiful flight attendant took a step, twisted her slender waist and left.

Seeing the beautiful flight attendant leave, the top class local tyrant was obviously a little bit unwilling, but fortunately, he didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

Li Bai shook his head, continued to look at the beautiful scenery outside the window, and did not continue to pay attention to the things in the cabin.

The local tyrant looked around, and it was obvious that most people were in pairs, but there were very few single men, and Li Bai was sitting diagonally across from the local tyrant.

"Handsome, can we discuss something?"

Li Bai's desire to continue admiring the beautiful scenery outside the window suddenly disappeared. This local tyrant didn't look ugly, but his attire was inferior.A big gold necklace with a thick thumb, and a thick jade wrench on the thumb.There is also a watch on the wrist.

Although a suit looks good, there are a pair of sneakers under his feet.This made Li Bai feel a little nondescript.

However, in the face of other people's questioning, Li Bai still replied very politely: "What is it? I will not do murder and arson, and if you want my help, you will have to pay."

After hearing Li Bai's last words, the local tyrant's eyes immediately shone brightly.

"How much do you want? As long as it's not a lot, I can accept it."

Li Bai asked honestly, "How much can you give?"

Seeing Li Bai like this, the local tyrant didn't do anything foolish, but bit his teeth and said, "As long as you settle this matter for me, how about I give you 1 yuan?"

To be honest, 1 yuan is nothing to Li Bailai, but 1 yuan is a lot to ordinary people.

The young couple behind Li Bai were visibly moved when they heard what the local tyrant said.

(End of this chapter)

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