The strongest peasant city

Chapter 3226 Zhuang Fei's suggestion

Chapter 3226 Zhuang Fei's suggestion

Li Bai didn't expect that Zhuang Fei would take such a fancy to this so-called doomed age, but since Zhuang Fei said so, he couldn't say no, so he smiled and nodded in agreement.

Li Bai did not stop at the banker, but directly called the ship to the 28 islands.

Not long after Li Bai left, Zhuang Fei sighed heavily, looked at the sky, and said calmly: "Zhuang Tian, ​​I didn't know as much as you before, now it seems that it's my turn to do it myself."

At this time, Zhuang Tian was not in the Haigang City People's Hospital, but was refining the potion in an underground secret room with advanced equipment.

These potions are red, blue, green, and khaki. Looking at these potions, Zhuang Tian seriously flashed crazy eyes.

"Zhuang Fei, I have been fighting with you for so many years, this time I will make you forever."

"Ha ha……"

Soon Zhuang Tian took out a tube of medicine, and then used a needle to extract a small amount and injected it into a corpse beside him.Soon layers of scales appeared on the surface of the corpse, and these scales were as hard as steel.

Zhuangtian took out a dagger and stabbed it fiercely on the scales. The scales successfully blocked the dagger's puncture. This effect was exactly what Zhuangtian wanted.

What he doesn't know is that Zhuang Fei has already started to fight back against him, and he still thinks that Zhuang Fei has everything under his control, but what he doesn't know is that everything about him is under his control.

When Li Bai returned to the 28 islands, he found that the 28 islands were still under construction, but there were a lot of people missing, and these people who were missing were all cultivators from those sects. Even Liu Feng and Yu Chengcheng had already left. .

This let Li Bai know that things might not be that simple.

I'm afraid there will be an accident on the earth, but no one knows what the accident is, and even if it is known, it may not be the most accurate.

Both Zhang Yuhan and Su Daji were on the island, and they were always monitoring the construction of the island.

Li Bai looked at all 28 islands and found that all of them had really left. As for why they left, Li Bai thought it might be the reason for the changes in the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth. As for other things, Li Bai really couldn't think of anything that could make them All the people at the door withdrew.

Only Shi Kailai, Wang Yan and Sun Bin remained on the island, and Li Bai was surprised that Sun Bin could stay.

After all, Sun Bin is a disciple of the sect. Although he doesn't know how Sun Baichuan got in touch with the disciples of this sect, Li Bai knows that the high-ranking officials in Huaxia must have the positions of these hidden sects, otherwise Sun Baichuan would not have known about these people. s position.

And according to Li Bai's conjecture, the so-called hermit sect should also be related to the high-level Chinese, otherwise the Gao family would not be so easy to be destroyed, but can all the four peak families that can become China have no background behind them?

But just like that, the Gao family was wiped out, and those that didn't even cause a storm were wiped out.

This let Li Bai know that Huaxia didn't seem to be as weak as he thought, on the contrary, it was very strong, so strong that Li Bai couldn't make up his mind how strong it was.

After strolling around the island, Li Bai knew that Zhang Hu had also returned to Zhangjiazhai. After all, the Spring Festival was coming soon, so they all went home to prepare for the festival.

There were only so many people left on the island. Li Bai originally wanted to visit the homes of Su Daji, Mu Xiaoting, Feng Yunxi and Qin Yubing one by one, but now it seems that he has no time.

Zhuang Fei's matter is a big deal, and the layout of the formations of the 28 islands has not been completed, and he has to complete the rest. Although he may not have as many formations as Zhuang Fei, there is one thing he knows. However, Zhuang Fei may not necessarily know the formation.

The most important thing is that Zhuang Fei has basically completed the arrangement of the formation of endless life, and the rest is to arrange the defensive and offensive formations.

And Li Bai really knows how many of these formations, after all, he brought many of Li Xiaogang's treasures here.

There are many things that have never been used, but now is the time to use them.

The connection formation of the 28 islands Li Bai directly used the hidden formation connection.

As for the defensive formation, Li Bai used the "Xuanwu Zhoutian Formation".The attack formation is "Nine Dragons Attack Formation".

The connecting formation is the "Mysterious Thunder Formation", and this "Mysterious Thunder Formation" can provide a very good auxiliary effect for the "Nine Dragons Joint Attack" formation.

With this auxiliary formation, Li Bai believes that it is impossible to shake the 28 islands in the distraction state. As for the distraction state, it is impossible, unless it is a master in the tribulation period who may be able to break through.

But thinking of the current reduction of spiritual power between heaven and earth, Li Bai felt that it should still be impossible.

If a master in the Transcending Tribulation Stage wants to hit the power of Transcending Tribulation Stage, it may take a while to recover, and this period of time is enough for the automatic repair of the formation.

Li Bai saw that the restraint arrangement on Sun Bin's island is really good. The restraint power is similar to his Earth Pulse, but the only difference is that Sun Bin's restraint power will not consume Sun Bin's own body when used. Any power, just like formations, as long as it is supported by spirit crystals.

But Li Bai's pulsation of the earth needs to be controlled by spiritual consciousness.

Sun Bin was also aware of Li Bai's arrival, and the restrictions on the island would naturally not do anything to Li Bai, and Li Bai entered Sun Bin's island very easily.

"I didn't expect that the people on the island basically left, but you didn't leave. It seems that you are going to spend the Spring Festival with me?"

Sun Bin smiled and said: "Yes, it's so good here now that fools only go back. Look at them going back one by one in a hurry. I'm afraid they won't be able to get out for a while."

Upon hearing this, Li Bai knew that Sun Bin must know something, and immediately asked directly, "Do you know what's going on with them? Why are you in such a hurry to go back?"

Li Bai's words surprised Sun Bin.

It stands to reason that as long as the so-called Dharma-Ending Age is a disciple of some sects of cultivation on earth, they should know about it.

Because it happens once every 500 years, it is impossible for Li Bai's master not to tell Li Bai about such important things.

Not enough to see Li Bai's serious expression of asking for advice, Sun Bin felt that Li Bai didn't seem to be lying, nor did he seem to be teasing him.

Even so, Sun Bin asked tentatively, "You really don't know?"

"Um, what do you think? If I know, do I still need to ask you?"

Seeing that Li Bai really didn't know, Sun Bin explained: "It's because of the coming of the Dharma-ending age, which is aimed at us cultivators. According to ancient records, the Dharma-ending age is a great test for practitioners. After passing it is a kind of great sublimation, 90.00% of them can become immortals, and once they become immortals, they will be much stronger than those ordinary immortals, laying a solid foundation for the five decays of heaven and man in the future."

"Five declines of human beings?"

Li Bai was a little confused, isn't the Five Decays of Heaven and Man only found in novels?Does it really exist?
Hearing Li Bai's doubts, Sun Bin knew that Li Bai didn't know what the five decays of heaven and man were.

"The five declines of heaven and man are aimed at the existence of immortals, but the power of the five declines of heaven and man is hard to say. It is said that every time the five declines of heaven and man appear, many cultivation civilizations will disappear, and the reason why there is no cultivation civilization on earth Disappearance means that there have always been hidden existences rather than large-scale appearances. If there are large-scale appearances, I am afraid that the five declines of heaven and man will also appear on the earth."

Sun Bin's words made Li Bai a little hard to understand. Isn't the five declines of heaven and man aimed at immortals?How could it be that as long as the earth appears on a large scale, it will descend on the earth again?
Sun Bin knew that Li Bai was having a hard time understanding what he meant.

Then he continued: "The five declines of heaven and man are completely different from the age of the end of the Dharma. If the age of the end of the law is like a test, then the five declines of the heavens and humans are the plague. The plague for cultivators will follow wherever immortals appear. As long as you get hit, you can either rely on your own willpower to survive, or die, there is no other way."

"You mean that as long as immortals appear on our earth, we cultivators will also be in danger of suffering the five declines of heaven and man?"

Li Bai looked at Sun Bin with a puzzled expression.

Sun Bin nodded to show that it was like this.

After hearing this, Li Bai understood a lot of problems, but these problems had nothing to do with these people not coming out for no reason.

And what Li Bai was curious about was that since Sun Bin knew that he should leave, but now Sun Bin had no intention of leaving at all, which made Li Bai a little puzzled.

In fact, Li Bai didn't know the existence of the crimson lizard in Sun Bin's body.

And this time, the reason why Sun Bin didn't leave was entirely because of the crimson lizard.When Sun Bin received the summoning order from the sect, he also wanted to go back in a hurry.But some words from the fire red lizard made Sun Bin decide to stay.

Because the crimson lizard in his body has experienced the Dharma-ending Age twice, he naturally knows the situation of the Dharma-ending Era.

The red lizard asserted that even if Sun Bin went back, the cultivation environment would not be much better than here. The coming of the end of the age is not only for the surface of the earth, but for all the places where the ball is lost. Even if the hidden sect is hidden in the formation No exception.

Even if you go back, there is not much spiritual power, and the people in the sect are all cultivators. Naturally, all of them need spiritual power to practice. In such a place, there is only so much spiritual power. Cultivation, how much can Sun Bin absorb?

So Sun Bin stayed directly.Only a fool will go to a bad place if there is a good cultivation environment.

"They're all gone, why don't you go?"

Regarding this question, Sun Bin smiled and said, "Didn't I celebrate the Spring Festival with you?"

Li Bai knew that it was because Sun Bin didn't want to answer, so he didn't continue to ask. After all, Sun Bin had already said some questions, and Sun Bin's privacy might be involved in such questions, otherwise Li Bai believed that Sun Bin should be able to say it.

(End of this chapter)

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