The strongest peasant city

Chapter 3227 Sun Bin's Meaning

Chapter 3227 Sun Bin's Meaning

In fact, Sun Bin really wanted to say something, but he couldn't say that there was a crimson lizard in his body telling him.

Even if he didn't talk about the red lizard, if Sun Bin found other reasons to say that, the effect would be even worse, so he could only pretend that he didn't know, and neither answered nor answered.

"Okay, we will spend the Spring Festival this year on the island, we are not allowed to leave then, we have to have a good drink."

Sun Bin also smiled when he heard Li Bai's words: "Okay, I will definitely not go home without getting drunk."

"I still want to go to other islands to see who else is still there, and then we'll get drunk and never return."

"Okay, I will finish the arrangement soon, and I will go out for a walk after my last prohibition is completed."

Hearing Sun Bin's words, Li Bai suddenly thought that he really needed someone to complete the formation on the 28 islands.

"Well, I'll come to you after you're done, and I still need your help for a few large formations."

Li Bai's words made Sun Bin a little surprised. He always thought that Li Bai was only high-powered and had endless tricks.

This made Sun Bin even more confused about Li Bai.

But Sun Bin didn't ask any more questions, just nodded in response.

Leaving from Sun Bin, Li Bai went to Shi Kailai's island again. Li Bai was a little surprised to arrive at Shi Kailai's island, because Shi Kailai's island had already been built, with small bridges, flowing water, pavilions, and western-style buildings. European style, and the fragrance of birds and flowers.

All these kinds of things made Li Bai very emotional.

If the island where Zhang Yuhan and Su Daji were located was a paradise, then Shi Kailai would be a warm and safe home here.

In fact, just as Li Bai thought, Shi Kailai really had to make this place a home.

Zhang Tianhe didn't hide his secrets when he first built it, but he built it completely as a home.

Zhang Tianhe under the sea has used the most advanced military equipment. Otherwise, the Long family and the Gao family would not have been the first to find out when they wanted to attack Zhang Tianhe. However, as to why the last two families withdrew, Zhang Tianhe But I don't understand.

The only thing that is certain is that the Gao family is gone, and no one from the Long family seems to have appeared again.

Zhang Tianhe already knew about Li Bai's arrival on the island.

For Li Bai's arrival, Zhang Tianhe and Shi Kailai were very happy.

After all, Li Bai took care of Shi Kailai very much at the beginning, and Li Bai also valued affection and righteousness.

No matter which point, Zhang Tianhe and Shi Kailai felt that Li Bai was a friend worth making.

As soon as Li Bai appeared on the island, Zhang Tianhe, Shi Kailai and Fa Ruxue had already walked out of a villa.

Li Bai joked with a smile: "It seems that during this period of time, your little life has been very enjoyable."

Zhang Tianhe smiled and said: "Please come inside, it's not your problem whether your life is nourished or not. If you want to live a nourished life, it's okay. You are busy all day and you don't see anyone."

Shi Kailai also echoed from the side: "Yes, I went to look for you yesterday, and the two sister-in-laws said that you haven't come back yet, and I don't know where you went to fool around."

Hearing Shi Kailai's words, Li Bai felt that he was being teased instead.

After entering the interior of the villa, Li Bai realized what is hidden in the sky. This is clearly a combination of Chinese and Western. The villa is divided into three floors.

The first floor is European-style, with various European-style furnishings, as if entering a fairy tale world.

When walking to the second floor, the simple and elegant atmosphere, various carved decorations, woodcarved decorations, and rows of bookshelves are just superficial. Li Bai didn't use his spiritual sense to see other rooms. In fact, Li Bai doesn't need to look at it, Li Bai can also know that the other rooms must be unusual.

But the place where Shi Kailai and Zhang Tianhe were going to entertain was on the third floor.

Only after entering the third floor did Li Bai know what a fairyland is.

You can see the sky when you raise your head, and the sky is viewed from a close distance, and then look at the feet, the sky under the feet is completely simulated by modern equipment.

Flowing clouds surged, as if they were really standing on top of the clouds.

Looking out of the window, you can see the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers and various buildings outside.

This third floor is simply a thought of heaven, a thought of the rhythm of the world.

"You guys are so extravagant, you actually see this place so well, it makes me feel like I don't want to leave here."

Regarding Li Bai's words, Shi Kailai and Zhang Tianhe looked at each other and smiled.

"If you want, there are ten more villas like this on this island. Of course, the nine-story hotel in the middle is our best building. When I take you in and have a look, you will definitely think about it even more and don't leave. It’s just that the construction has not been fully completed yet, and many advanced equipment have not yet been shipped.”

Hearing Zhang Tianhe's words, Li Bai was really curious about what kind of building Zhang Tianhe admired so much.

But when Li Bai thought about Zhang Tianhe's identity before, he was relieved.

After all, Zhang Tianhe is also an eight-winged angel. If he didn't have some extraordinary means and brains, he wouldn't even cause headaches for the temple master.

There are still ten sets of villas like this, but Li Bai really wants one, especially the classical style in the middle, Li Bai likes it very much.

But Li Bai also knows that there is no free lunch in the world. Although his relationship with Shi Kailai is very good, but being very good does not mean that he can give you a villa for free.

"Oh? When the nine-story building is completed, I must go and take a look. You guys said it's better than this place?"

Shi Kailai also said at this time: "Boss, don't worry, when the time comes, you will definitely linger."

Hearing what Shi Kailai said, Li Bai knew that Zhang Tianhe was not exaggerating.

It's just that Li Bai is now thinking about how to open his mouth to win a villa like this. You must know that such villas are really rare now.

"Are you going to sell another ten villas like yours? Or are you going to..."

Li Bai didn't ask the following question, just wanted to see what Zhang Tianhe meant. After all, although this is Shi Kailai's island, Li Bai knew that Zhang Tianhe was the one who could do what he could.

Most of the time Shi Kailai wanted to listen to Zhang Tianhe, after all Zhang Tianhe was Shi Kailai's master, and Shi Kailai also knew that Zhang Tianhe would not harm him.

Hearing Li Bai's question, Zhang Tianhe naturally knew what Li Bai meant.

He said with a smile: "If you want, I can sell you one set. These ten villas are used to repay the cost."

Hearing this, Li Bai breathed a sigh of relief, if Zhang Tianhe said to give him a set, it would be difficult for him to deal with, and giving it away for free is a debt of favor, and what debt is the most difficult to repay, naturally it is a debt of favor.

But while Li Bai breathed a sigh of relief, he was also very curious about the meaning of Zhang Tianhe's last sentence.

For cash back?What book?

Li Bai didn't ask this question, but asked directly: "I don't know how much such a villa costs?"

Shi Kailai wanted to speak, but was stopped by Zhang Tianhe.

"100 billion."

The simple three words completely shocked Li Bai, 100 billion is not a small amount, enough to compare with a medium-sized company.Just such a villa actually costs so much money.

This price surprised Li Bai a bit.

Seeing Li Bai's surprised look, Zhang Tianhe smiled without saying a word, waiting for Li Bai's counter-offer.

But what Zhang Tianhe expected was that Li Bai didn't counter-offer, but agreed directly, but Li Bai didn't have so much money at the moment, so he just asked Zhang Tianhe to reserve a set for him.

In fact, Zhang Tianhe was going to offer Li Bai a price of one billion yuan, but he never expected that Li Bai would not counter-offer, which made it difficult for Zhang Tianhe to accept it for a while.

"Xiao Li, you won't counter the price?"

Hearing this prompt, how could Li Bai not understand?
But Li Bai smiled and said: "I feel that this villa is worth 100 billion yuan, and I'm afraid I won't be able to buy it in the future, so you just keep it for me and don't bargain."

Zhang Tianhe was completely confused this time, he didn't have that much confidence to sell a villa for 100 billion, but now Li Bai is more confident than him, and he doesn't know where Li Bai's self-confidence comes from.

Soon Fa Ruxue served three cups of cold drinks.

Drinking cold drinks this winter surprised Li Bai a little.

Zhang Tianhe naturally knew why Li Bai was surprised, but this is not an ordinary cold drink.

"Xiao Li, you have a taste, this is our specialty, clear clouds and flowing water."

Although I don't know why the name of this cold drink is Qingyun Liushui, but Li Bai feels that there must be another mystery in it.

Immediately, he took a sip lightly. After swallowing this sip, he didn't feel the chill that Li Bai thought, but his body was warm.And Li Bai felt that what he was drinking was not a drink at all, but a kind of spiritual energy.

Because Li Bai could clearly feel a wave of spiritual energy dissipating towards his limbs.

"What kind of cold drink is this? How can there be spiritual energy in it?"

Zhang Tianhe smiled and said: "This is called Qingyun Liushui. As for the spiritual power inside, it is very simple. Isn't there a lot of gathering spirit formations here? And although the spiritual power gathered by these gathering spirit formations is floating in the air, as long as we pass through Some high-tech equipment can successfully extract it."

Hearing this made Li Bai feel relieved, but he had to say that Qingyun Liushui was indeed a good thing, but he didn't know if it could be put in a kettle or taken out in other things.

If you run out of spiritual power outside, wouldn't you be able to recover quickly by drinking a sip of high-concentration Qingyun flowing water?

Thinking of the so-called Dharma-ending era, Li Bai immediately felt that he had found a solution to his lack of spiritual power.

Immediately, he asked Zhang Tianhe for a slow bottle of Qingyun Liushui, and then flew straight into the sky regardless of Zhang Tianhe and Shi Kailai's surprised expressions.

But once out of the formation of 28 islands, Li Bai found that the aura in Qingyun Flowing Water disappeared instantly, as if it had been evaporated in an instant, before Li Bai opened the bottle cap and could not drink it.

(End of this chapter)

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