The strongest peasant city

Chapter 495 Nine Heavens Chapter Immortal Grass

Chapter 495

In the reception room of the police station, Lin Chaoran, who was restless, suddenly received a call from the leader.

Lin Chaoran said with some anxiety: "Boss, do you want to ask about Li Xiaogang?"

The leader said: "Yes! I heard that Province S is in a state of chaos. What's going on?"

Lin Chaoran sighed and said: "Li Xiaogang escaped from the police station while everyone was not paying attention..."

"I already know this! What's the matter with you? So many people can't look down on one person?" The leader said sullenly.

Lin Chaoran smiled wryly and said: "Li Xiaogang is a very evil boy. If he wants to leave, no matter how many people he sends, he can't stop him!"

"But, didn't you analyze the vital relationship with him? He just ran away, how can he come out to meet people in the future?" the leader said dissatisfied.

Lin Chaoran seemed a little remorseful, and said in a low voice: "It's all my fault! I was negligent. When Li Xiaogang asked us to let him go, I should have thought that he would do this. I was too careless!"

The leader paused for a moment, and then said in a deep voice: "Old Lin, I know that the relationship between you and Xiao Gang is extraordinary, but now that things have come to an end, you should make a choice..."

Hearing the leader's slightly heavy words, Lin Chaoran's heart was shocked, and he asked with some horror: "Leader, you... what do you mean?"

The leader said sadly: "Old Lin, you know, stability is the overall situation! Especially at this stage, the golden period of our country's rapid economic development, stability is particularly important.

Province S is a major economic province in our country, creating [-]% of my country's GDP every year. Province S cannot be messed up.

Now because of Li Xiaogang, Province S has become a mess, which has seriously affected the overall situation of stability. If this continues, it will definitely affect the economic construction of our……"

"So what do you think? Chief, Li Xiaogang has made great contributions to the country. You have forgotten, if it weren't for his peerless Longquan fine wine, how could country M make such a big concession on the island issue and withdraw from the first The Seventh Fleet, the question of allowing us to recover the island has been put on the agenda so early.

At this time, it is also when we show our concern for Li Xiaogang and let him burst out with greater energy, we must not do that kind of thing that adds insult to injury! "

Lin Chaoran eagerly jumped up from the chair, and said loudly: "Now, the national arrest warrant has been issued, which has chilled Li Xiaogang's heart. If we take any more drastic actions, I'm afraid things will really explode. It's out of control!"

The leader said in a deep voice: "Old Lin, calm down and listen to me! Now because of Li Xiaogang's relationship, several major groups under him are bound to be seriously affected. The so-called public anger is hard to offend! And several of Li Xiaogang's Big groups, all of which are among the best super-large groups, have considerable influence in the country and even the world. They can be said to be our country's star enterprises and national treasure enterprises.

They no longer only belong to Li Xiaogang alone, but also belong to the people and the country.If these groups are damaged because of Li Xiaogang's personal relationship, the loss outweighs the gain!Therefore, my personal opinion is that during this extraordinary period, we should take over these groups first, and if things turn around, we will return them. This is also a disguised form of protection for him, what do you think? "

"I say this is simply absurd!" Lin Chaoran roared desperately, "Li Xiaogang's career was built by him bit by bit, and every brick and tile in it is condensed with his hard work.

We have no reason to take them over.Besides, handing over these groups to those bureaucrats is better than letting them perish in public outrage!In short, I absolutely cannot agree with this! "

The leader sighed and said: "The Prime Minister's guess is absolutely right, you really said so! Well, I will give you another seven days, if the riots in Province S cannot be subsided within seven days, then Lao Lin, even if you No matter how you disagree, we will kill this knife!"

"Seven days?" Hearing what the leader said, Lin Chaoran's heart suddenly moved, and he suddenly remembered that Li Xiaogang had also told him about seven days.

"Didn't he run away, but went to find a way to save people?" After thinking about this link, Lin Chaoran was refreshed, and the depression in his heart disappeared immediately, and he couldn't help murmuring a little excitedly.

"Huh? Old Lin, what are you talking about?" the leader asked in confusion.

Old Lin Chang laughed and said, "Okay! Just as you said, seven days will be seven days!"

After finishing the call with the leader, Lin Chaoran suddenly smiled and said to Gao Liguo: "Liguo, do you believe that this person can be resurrected after death?"

Gao Liguo was taken aback by Lin Chaoran's question, and said inexplicably, "What? How can the dead be resurrected?"

Lin Chaoran shook his head and said, "Is it really impossible to be resurrected? Seven days, seven days later, we will naturally know. Let us wait and see." Lin Chaoran's words like talking to himself made Gao Liguo even more puzzled, but now he cares about Instead of pursuing these, he asked nervously, "What did the leader say on the phone?"

Lin Chaoran let out a long sigh and said, "I guess you won't believe it if you tell it! The leader is planning on Li Xiaogang's clique and wants to control them in the hands of the state. You say this is not an open robbery!"

Gao Liguo smiled wryly and said: "It's not a day or two since the leader's idea of ​​attacking those groups! However, it is also understandable that such a large economic force can even influence the country's economic development in the foreseeable future, but If it is in the hands of private individuals, it will inevitably challenge the authority of the state government. As a national leader, you should be worried!"

"But is it okay to be fooled by worrying? If we really do this, I'm afraid not only Li Xiaogang will be sad, but the entire business community will feel chilled. Who will work hard to develop their own business, for fear that once it grows, it will be taken back by the country! However, how can an enterprise without scale survive the storms on the economic stage of the world? Hey, what a headache!"

Lin Chaoran scratched his head and said in a very depressed manner.

Gao Liguo shook his head and said, "Just now I heard you mention seven days, what happened?"

Lin Chaoran said: "The leader gave me seven days. If I can't settle the disturbance in Province S within seven days, then he will take action."

"Seven days? What can seven days do? Seven months may not be enough to resolve this storm!" Gao Liguo said in a daze.

Lin Chaoran sighed and said: "Seven days! Now let's see if Li Xiaogang can use these last seven days to create miracles! Hehe... I didn't expect that he would still have to fight alone in the end, and we still couldn't help. !"

When the whole country was agitating for Li Xiaogang's escape, Li Xiaogang had already arrived in Shennongjia, which granted him countless miracles.

The soul-returning pill requires a total of nine kinds of extremely precious medicinal herbs, and Li Xiaogang is like a tireless bee searching everywhere.

Shennongjia, Nuoda, is so rich in vegetation, it's like finding a drop of unique seawater in a sea, and the difficulty can be imagined.

Another day and night passed in the blink of an eye, and Li Xiaogang was already sweating profusely from exhaustion.Driving Nuwa's divine power without money has already brought him to the brink of collapse.

The only thing that can comfort him is that there are eight kinds of miraculous medicinal herbs with amazing functions in his arms.

This is both a herb and a hope. Although it is said that as long as he is willing, there is no prison in this world that can hold him, but in that case he will become a ghost that is not recognized by society and can only live in dark corners. No matter how great achievements he has made, it is difficult to cover up the humiliating fugitive words on him.

"There are already eight kinds...there are only nine days left to return to the fairy grass. Damn it, where is it?" Li Xiaogang spread his spiritual sense eagerly and confusedly, searching inch by inch in the vast Shennongjia forest.This is already the first time he has done this.

All he knew was that it was already the fourth day, and if he couldn't find it today, then he would not have enough time to refine the soul-returning pill, and it would be too late by then.

However, Jiutian Huixiancao seems to be playing hide-and-seek with him on purpose, the more anxious Li Xiaogang is looking for it, the more secretive Jiutianhui Xiancao becomes.

Little by little his patience was exhausted, Li Xiaogang's mood became more and more irritable, and his temper became more and more irritable.


Li Xiaogang roared suddenly, and the divine consciousness that had been released rushed back into his body like an ebbing tide. Li Xiaogang was like a fired shell, rising from the ground and leaping into the air with overwhelming and irresistible power Falling from the sky like a waterfall, the trees within a radius of one kilometer were instantly uprooted by this powerful force, rushed straight to the sky, and then fell down powerlessly.

The land that was lush and full of vitality a minute ago has become a mess at this moment, with no vitality!After venting, a trace of humility surged in Li Xiaogang's heart, and he slowly landed back to the ground. When his feet stepped on those broken branches and leaves, he could even feel the plants crying.

"Oh my god, what have I done!?" Li Xiaogang was filled with remorse. He lowered his head and picked up a handful of scattered leaves. The traces of life had not receded from them, and the brilliance of life was still shining, but he didn't know this brilliance. How long can it flicker, but certainly not for too long.

Li Xiaogang suddenly shuddered, and his mind shook violently.

In Nuwa's memory of the Huihun Pill, although the names of the Nine Heavens Huixiancao are recorded, there is no description of their appearance.

However, the remaining eight herbs not only have detailed annotations, but even graphics.

Perhaps because of inertia, Li Xiaogang only searched blindly, but ignored this subtle difference.

"How could this happen?" Li Xiaogang was stunned, wondering how he could find the appearance of Jiutianhui Xiancao?
At this moment, all hopes vanished into thin air. Li Xiaogang's whole body strength seemed to be drained. His body softened and he sat on the ground slowly. The expressions in his eyes faded silently. Dazed and empty.

"Nine heavens gather, three days make pills, pills make good fortune, and heaven is merciful to the only child..." Li Xiaogang chanted the general outline of Huihun pill over and over again, as if he had knocked over the five-flavored bottle, and couldn't calm down for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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