The strongest peasant city

Chapter 496 Fly Out

Chapter 496 Fly Out

"Heaven is merciful to the only one... the only one?" Li Xiaogang repeated it again, and said with a wry smile: "Huitian Pill can bring people back to life. At that time, there will be no one who must die in the world. Lovers will be immortal for thousands of years. How can you be an only child? Ah!..."

Li Xiaogang seemed to have been electrocuted, stood up suddenly from the ground, and kept muttering: "The only child, the only child...could it be..."

Li Xiaogang's heart trembled violently, as if he saw hope in a desperate situation, and his whole body seemed unprecedentedly excited.

"That's right! The soul-returning pill is originally a thing that violates the laws of nature, and its existence is unreasonable! Since it is against the sky, it must be subject to some kind of restriction! The only child? Does it mean that a soul-returning pill can only Saving the life of a specific person...However, how does the Huihun Pill distinguish whether the user is the person it should save? Could it be that there is a certain connection between the Soul Pill and the rescued person this time? But what is it? What connection?"

Li Xiaogang's head turned quickly, and it didn't take a moment to think of the ninth kind of medicinal material without a graphic mark, Jiutian Huixiancao.

"If the soul-returning pill is to have a certain connection with the rescued person, then the soul-returning pill must contain something from the rescued person. Could it be that the Nine Heavens Returning Immortal Grass is not a grass at all, but something on the body of the rescued person? "

Li Xiaogang's head felt numb for a while, and the electric current kept shuttling through his head, making his hair stand up.

"Hair!?" Li Xiaogang roared suddenly, the most grassy thing on a human body is the hair.Moreover, in Nuwa's memory, hair was also mentioned.

Hair is the most spiritual thing on the human body. They grow towards the sky and are located at the top of the human body, moving the whole body with a single hair.

Moreover, after a person dies, the person's soul will be hidden in the hair, and will not disperse for seven days and seven nights. It is no wonder that the soul-returning pill is only effective for seven days.

If a person's soul dissipates, even the soul-returning pill is useless.

The more Li Xiaogang thought about it, the more cheerful he became. Because of his excitement, he couldn't help but raised his head to the sky and roared loudly. As a result, he alarmed wild birds and countless beasts in the forest.

After thinking through all the links, Li Xiaogang refused to delay for another minute, got up and rushed towards the city like lightning.

Over the hospital, Li Xiaogang leaned over to look, and saw a huge crowd of people in front of the hospital, which seemed unusually lively.

Because it was night, countless people held candles in their hands and were keeping vigil for the security guard.

Li Xiaogang was a little dumbfounded, he really didn't know if these citizens were kind or just idle!As for hating himself so much, it was just a security guard who was beaten to death by himself by mistake, and he was treated with such a heroic courtesy, which really made people feel a lot of emotion.

Especially when I heard the slogan exhaled by these people: "Down with Li Xiaogang, safeguard the dignity of the law!"

It made Li Xiaogang feel that he is an evil person.

Shaking his head, Li Xiaogang teleported around the crowd and entered the interior of the hospital.

I saw that in the hospital, there was a post at three steps, and a sentry at five steps. The atmosphere embellishing the entire hospital corridor was a bit frightening, and the morgue where the security guard's body was located was closely guarded.

Li Xiaogang frowned, opened the door and walked into a doctor's duty room next to him, a doctor inside was making duty records, without raising his head, he said, "What's the matter with you?"

Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times and said, "I want to borrow something from you."

"What?" The doctor still didn't look up.

Li Xiaogang suddenly stretched out the knife, struck the doctor's neck and knocked him unconscious, then took off his white coat and said with a smile, "I'll borrow your clothes to wear it! Hehe..."

After getting dressed, Li Xiaogang pushed a stretcher and walked to the mortuary calmly.

"What are you doing? Without Secretary Qin's order, no one can enter this door!"

A policeman saw Li Xiaogang immediately stopped him and said.

Li Xiaogang coughed, put his pocket on tighter, and said: "The dean asked me to come. I went to the mortuary to take a corpse for cremation. That corpse has been placed for several months, and no one has come." Claim it, if you put it down, I'm afraid it will be moldy..."

The policeman didn't seem to like to hear it very much, yes, who is the Primarch to hear about the corpse.Hastily waved his hand and said, "Then you act quickly!"

Li Xiaogang nodded, and walked quickly into the mortuary with the cart.

When he came to the mortuary, Li Xiaogang quickly found the body of the security guard. Because of his own divine protection, although he had been dead for a long time, the security guard was still lifelike and his complexion was as usual, as if he had fallen asleep.

Li Xiaogang didn't dare to delay, first carefully cut off a strand of hair from the security guard's head, held it in his hand for a while, looked at it for a while, and muttered with a dry smile: "Nine Heavens Returning to Immortal Grass? The imagination of Empress Nuwa is really extraordinary. Rich, hehe..."

Gathering the hair and eight other herbs together, Li Xiaogang put the security guard's body on a stretcher and pushed it away from the morgue.

When they came to the corridor, those policemen probably didn't want to get too close to the corpse that had been placed for several months, so they covered their noses and avoided it from a long distance. Li Xiaogang smiled triumphantly, and walked swaggeringly pushing the corpse.Seeing the end of the corridor in sight, he stopped him suddenly with a deep drink.

Li Xiaogang trembled in his heart, a little depressed.Qin Qiong seemed to be his nemesis, always showing up when he didn't want to see him.

Qin Qiong walked over with a livid face, looked at Li Xiaogang and asked, "Who are you? Who is pushing this?"

Before Li Xiaogang could answer, a policeman came up and said, "Secretary, this is a corpse that has been placed for several months. You should stay away from him, in case there is any virus..."

After hearing what the policeman said, Qin Qiong frowned, looked suspiciously at Li Xiaogang, waved his hand and said, "Let's go." Li Xiaogang turned around and was about to leave, Qin Qiong seemed to have reacted suddenly, and rushed forward In two steps, he lifted the white cloth covering the corpse, so fast that Li Xiaogang had no time to react.


Seeing that the body turned out to be the security guard, all the police officers immediately became nervous, and at the same time drew out their guns to aim at Li Xiaogang, and surrounded him.

"I felt something was wrong from the very beginning! The mortuary beds in this hospital are always tight. How could a corpse be put away for several months before being disposed of? Well, now take off the mask and let me see who you are?" Qin Qiong He stared at Li Xiaogang and asked in a deep voice.

Is Li Xiaogang suffering? He smiled, and instead of taking off his mask in a hurry, he asked with a chuckle, "I'm just wondering, how can you, a high-ranking provincial official, be so familiar with the situation in a hospital?"

Qin Qiong smiled and said: "It can only be considered unlucky for you. My granddaughter happened to be hospitalized in this hospital! I often visit him, and this hospital is as familiar to me as my home."

Li Xiaogang was stunned, and said helplessly: "It seems that I am really unlucky recently." He said and gently took off the mask.

"Li Xiaogang! It really is you?" Qin Qiong couldn't help crying out when he saw Li Xiaogang.

Li Xiaogang smiled wryly and said: "Why are you so surprised? You should be excited? Now I am a well-known villain all over the country. You have done a great job in catching me. I believe the people outside must regard you as a patron saint." Offer up.

Qin Qiong did not show the ecstatic expression as Li Xiaogang imagined, but was a little regretful, shaking her head full of loneliness and said: "You shouldn't have escaped from the police station! What you did not only drove you to a dead end, but also Let the situation of our police become very passive. If we can't arrest you, then the people of the whole country can drown us with just spit stars, do you understand?"

Li Xiaogang nodded and said: "Of course I understand, but I have a reason not to do it!"

Qin Qiong sighed and said, "Your reason is to steal this corpse? You don't want to destroy the corpse, do you?"

Li Xiaogang snorted and said, "Is that necessary? I killed people under the watchful eyes of the public. If there is no body, I will still be sentenced to death!"

"Then why did you take such a big risk to steal the corpse?" Qin Qiong asked very puzzled.

Li Xiaogang opened his mouth and said, "That's because... Forget it, I don't need to explain so much to you."

Qin Qiong frowned and said: "I'm sorry, it is my duty to arrest you, I just need to order them to arrest you!"

Qin Qiong waved his hand, and a dozen policemen immediately took a step forward, shrinking the encirclement even smaller.

Li Xiaogang looked around coldly, and suddenly a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said lightly: "Just because they want to arrest me? It's still far away!"

After finishing speaking, Li Xiaogang suddenly grabbed the corpse on the stretcher, hugged it in front of him, took a long breath, jumped out of the encirclement like a bird, and then stepped on the ceiling a few times with both feet, flying It also seemed to leave their sight.

The policemen were stunned and couldn't recover for a long time. Qin Qiong said in a nasty voice: "He...he just flew away like this?" The policemen also looked at me and I looked at you. It is full of incredible and deep horror.

"No wonder Standing Committee Lin said that he is not an ordinary person, and he cannot be seen with ordinary people's eyes. It is really true!"

After muttering, he glared at the policemen and shouted: "What are you still doing? Why don't you hurry up and chase!?"

The policemen came back to their senses after Qin Qiong yelled twice in a row, screamed strangely, and chased after Li Xiaogang in the direction when he fled.

But Li Xiaogang was already in a deserted corner, leaped from the window into the sky, and disappeared without a trace. These poor policemen are destined to be in vain.

The police searched every corner of the hospital, but there was no sign of Li Xiaogang.

After hearing the report from the police, Qin Qiong shouted angrily like never before: "Damn it, could it be that he flew out..."

Qin Qiong cursed and cursed, but suddenly stopped, because he realized that Li Xiaogang might really have flown out.

Stamping his feet resentfully, Qin Qiong shouted angrily: "The news of the stolen body must be strictly sealed! If anyone dares to reveal a word, I will suspend him from his post and smash his job!"

Speaking of which, Qin Qiong glanced at the crowd outside through the window, and said in a nasty voice: "If they know about this, then it's okay.

They must smash the police station! "

But where is there an impenetrable wall in the world?Some things can't be hidden if you want to.

(End of this chapter)

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