The strongest peasant city

Chapter 600 Take Gao Yuanyuan away

Chapter 600 Take Gao Yuanyuan away

Mahadi Chiguoguo's threat made Zhu Mingyan want to point at his nose and scold his eighteen generations of ancestors.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Zhu Mingyan said: "Mahadi, have you not forgotten the cruelty of the destruction of the Hall of God? Could it be that you want to follow in the footsteps of Hall of God?"

Mehadi sneered and said: "Of course not! I won't be as stupid as Zhenshentang. Every time I do a terrorist activity, I will stand up and declare responsibility. Isn't this hated by others? At that time, I won't be able to find If there is no evidence, no one can break ground on my head!"

Zhu Mingyan shook his head when he heard this, and said slowly: "Now I have seen through it. Your Salmon Hall is even more hateful than the Zhenshen Hall! We were blind and chose the wrong person!"

Mehadi frowned slightly, and said slowly: "Ambassador Zhu, I actually don't want to do this either. The cooperation between Samantang and you Huaxia has always been very pleasant, and I even regard you and Lightning as my best Friend! But why do you want to cover up the murderer who hurt my son? Although he is a Chinese, even a Chinese should stand up and give me an explanation? Mr. Ambassador, I sincerely beg you to hand over the murderer, it’s a big deal I promise you not to kill him!"

Zhu Mingyan turned to look at Gao Yuanyuan, Gao Yuanyuan said without thinking, "Impossible! I'll go with you!"

"Gao Yuanyuan, you..." Zhu Mingyan said in surprise.

Gao Yuanyuan turned her head and smiled at him and said, "Didn't you say that, as a member of the Chinese embassy, ​​our greatest duty is to protect the safety of all people in Iraq."

Zhu Mingyan nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go with you!"

After finishing speaking, he said to Maihadi coldly: "Mahadi, I think I should have more weight than Gao Yuanyuan in my capacity. If you let Gao Yuanyuan go, I will go with you!"

Mehadi smiled and said: "No, I can't take you away just because you are too important! Kidnapping a country's ambassador, especially the Chinese ambassador, not to mention how Huaxia will deal with it, just those who are peaceful A country that China has made good friends with will crush me to pieces! I don't have the guts!"

Zhu Mingyan snorted coldly and said, "It's a good thing you know this! You remember, we retain the right to pursue this matter, Mehadi, you have caused a catastrophe this time!"

Mehadi said nonchalantly: "I, Mahadi, can live to this day because I am not afraid of getting into trouble! Why are you afraid of getting into trouble? This is the country of Yi. What's so scary? But I want to remind Mr. Ambassador After all, my patience is limited. If I don’t see the murderer within a day, maybe I will lose my patience and become crazy. Once I become crazy, I can do anything! If you don’t want the situation to fall It's beyond control, you have to start acting now!"

After finishing speaking, he pulled Gao Yuanyuan over and pushed it to his subordinates.

"you dare!"

The sky thorn who was in charge of protecting Gao Yuanyuan shot out fiercely, and kicked Maihadi's subordinates who had grabbed Gao Yuanyuan more than ten meters away, and snatched Gao Yuanyuan back.

"Xiao Huo, you..." Gao Yuanyuan looked at Xiao Huo in surprise.

Xiao Huo narrowed his eyes, and said firmly: "I followed Brother Gang's order to protect my sister-in-law, and no one will touch your finger!"

Angrily, Mehadi snatched an a47 from his hand and pointed it at Xiaohuo's forehead, roaring angrily, "Do you believe that I will beat your head into a rotten watermelon right now!?"

Xiao Huo's face remained calm as before, his eyes stared straight at Mehadi, with a slight flick of his wrist, a dagger with a cold light appeared at Mahadi's throat like a phantom, and he said through gritted teeth: "Old man, do you think your gun is faster or my knife?"

"Protect the leader!"

Mehadi's subordinates were in a commotion, pointing their guns at Xiaohuo, and yelling at him in the Iraqi language.

Xiaohuo, who was screaming, was extremely bored, and snorted coldly: "If anyone of you screams again, I will cut his throat and bleed him!"

"If you dare to move around, I will shoot!"

Mehadi was horrified and felt the dagger on his neck move, and shouted hastily.

Xiaohuo said lightly: "That's good. Why don't we do it at the same time? It seems worthwhile to exchange my life for your life as a big man." Maihadi didn't expect Xiaohuo to be so brave and fearless. Ha Di felt guilty, and quietly swallowed his saliva.

Following Xiaohuo's movements, the rest of the sky thorns also began to move around, and their bodies began to sway inadvertently, like king cobras raising their bodies high and ready to attack. The atmosphere at the scene became extremely tense again.

Seeing that it was about to explode, Gao Yuanyuan opened her mouth and said to Xiaohuo: "Xiaohuo, don't be impulsive! Don't worry, Mahadi won't dare to touch me, someone will come to save me, you just need to rest assured!"

Xiaohuo frowned and said: "Sister-in-law, he is Mahadi, the most ruthless, and countless people have died in his hands. If you go with him, I am worried..."

Gao Yuanyuan's face turned cold, she looked at Maihadi and said, "Don't worry, he doesn't have the guts!"

Mehadi hurriedly said: "I just invited Miss Gao Yuanyuan to be a guest, and there is no other meaning!"

"Little Huo, let him go! If Gao Yuanyuan loses even one hair, I will make the entire Salmon Hall pay the heaviest price!"

Seeing that the bloodshed is about to happen at the gate of the embassy, ​​if the world knows that the reason for the bloodshed is jealousy, it will not only lose the face of the embassy, ​​but also shame the face of all Chinese people.

Only then did Xiao Huo retract the knife unwillingly, and let go of Maihadi.

Mahadi breathed a sigh of relief, put away his gun and said, "Don't worry, the ambassador, I will never touch Miss Gao Yuanyuan. Once the murderer arrives, I will release him immediately!"

After finishing speaking, he let Gao Yuanyuan into the car, and left the Huaxia embassy with his subordinates.

"Uncle Zhu, did you just let him take Gao Yuanyuan away for nothing?" Shi Yuyao said with some dissatisfaction.

Shi Qiu, who came out afterward, also snorted coldly: "If this was in the land of China, I would have sent troops to destroy him long ago! What kind of boss, I think he is simply a rogue leader! Lightning picked him back then, It really shouldn't be!"

Zhu Mingyan said with a wry smile: "There are many interest groups entangled in the country of Yi, and each one is darker than the other. At that time, Lightning could only pull out generals among the dwarfs. In comparison, Samantang is not so hateful. Hey! "

"Then what should we do now? Are we really going to hand over Li Liang and bring Gao Yuanyuan back?"

Shi Yuyao frowned and said: "In this way, doesn't it mean that we have bowed our heads to them?"

"Since it is a fact that Li Liang hurt people, it is right to hand him over to pacify the official. But we can't listen to his one-sided words and investigate this matter in detail. If it is Li Liang's fault, we have nothing to say Said, but if it was their fault, not only could Li Liang not be handed over to them, Gao Yuanyuan and the others would also have to be sent back to me safely!... But where is Li Liang now?" Zhu Mingyan asked with a frown.

"Oh my god, he... he couldn't have escaped from Yi Country alone because he offended Maihadi, right?" Shi Yuyao said with some trepidation.

This possibility was very high, and Zhu Mingyan's heart skipped a beat, jumping to his throat.

If Li Liang really left Yi Country, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Mehadi will definitely charge him with a crime of fleeing, and it is not known what he will do to Gao Yuanyuan by then.

"No! Let's split up and look for him immediately. Even if you dig three feet into the ground, you must find him!"

Zhu Mingyan ordered decisively.

Just when everyone was about to act, Shi Yuyao pointed to the distance and shouted in surprise, "Look, isn't that Li Liang?"

Everyone hurriedly turned their heads to look, and sure enough there, Li Xiaogang and Lightning were walking towards this side, talking and laughing.

Seeing the intimacy between the two, everyone couldn't help being dumbfounded.

He kept guessing in his heart, what happened between the two of them, that could make two people who were in a hurry become in harmony in the blink of an eye, and wished they could wear a pair of trousers.

The two came in front of the crowd, and when they saw the crowd staring at them, Li Xiaogang touched his chin and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong, is there something wrong?"

Shi Yuyao pointed at Lightning and said, "Lightning, you..."

Lightning chuckled, stepped forward and put his arms around Shi Yuyao's waist, and said with a chuckle: "Yuyao, I want to apologize to you, I shouldn't just say those heartless words!"

Shi Yuyao looked at the lightning as if she was looking at an alien, and couldn't react for a long time.

Lightning looked bitter, and said, "Why, Yuyao, won't you forgive me?"

Shi Yuyao hurriedly shook her head and said, "No, no! It's all my fault, I shouldn't break up with you so easily....Actually, I did this because I care about you..."

Lightning smiled, covered Shi Yuyao's mouth gently, and said with a smile: "I know, I know everything."

Shi Yuyao struggled to pull Lightning's hand from her mouth, and said repeatedly: "You know it all, but I don't know what happened between you and Li Liang, hurry up and tell the truth!"

Lightning looked at Li Xiaogang and said with a smile: "Between us? What can happen between us? It's just that I figured it out. After all, is love free? To love someone doesn't have to be your own!"

Shi Yuyao looked at Lightning in disbelief and said faintly: " that so? Why do I always feel that you are perfunctory to me, as if you are hiding something from me!"

"En? Where's Gao Yuanyuan?" Li Liang searched the crowd, but couldn't see Gao Yuanyuan's shadow. He felt anxious and couldn't help asking.

Zhu Mingyan frowned when he heard this, and said to Li Xiaogang: "I still want to ask you, what did you do to Nevega, Maihadi's son?"

Li Xiaogang was stunned, and said, "Why do you ask such a question?"

Zhu Mingyan said angrily, "Why do you ask that? Just now Mehadi led someone to almost flatten my embassy! Can you tell me now?"

(End of this chapter)

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