Chapter 601

Li Xiaogang's eyes turned cold, and he asked sharply, "Then Maihadi is here to make trouble?"

Zhu Mingyan shook his head and said: "Nonsense! If he didn't come to make trouble, how would I know that you shot and wounded Nevega. You should immediately explain to me the cause and effect of this matter one by one, and you must not hide anything !"

Li Xiaogang said with a wry smile: "It's very simple. Gao Yuanyuan and I had dinner in the restaurant and we ate well. Then Nevega rushed over like a mad dog and asked loudly about the relationship between Gao Yuanyuan and me. You didn't do anything to me! I listened to Gao Yuanyuan's words, and with the spirit of not easily getting into trouble, I didn't have the same knowledge as him.

But this guy is good, if you give him a nose, he will slap him. Seeing that I ignored him, he thought I was a bully, and even ordered his bodyguards to fix me. Of course, I couldn't just wait for the beating and fight back.

In the end, his bodyguard was too bad, and I knocked him down with three punches and two kicks.The kid became so angry that he shot at me...but he hurt himself for some reason.In good conscience, I never fired a shot at him, I don't even have a gun! "

"Nonsense! Nevega also served in the army, no matter how bad his marksmanship is, he would never fail to hit someone, and instead wound himself.

Do you think I am a three-year-old child? "Zhu Mingyan yelled at Li Xiaogang angrily.

Li Xiaogang shrugged his shoulders and said: "I don't know about this, maybe he...he was confused at that time, maybe he was 'extraordinary performance', hehe..."

Zhu Mingyan got angry when he heard this, and shouted: "Bastard! You still have the heart to joke here? Let me tell you, Gao Yuanyuan was taken away by Maihadi! If Gao Yuanyuan loses a hair, you will die!"

"What!?" As soon as Zhu Mingyan finished speaking, Li Xiaogang's body felt cold, and his eyes were deeply occupied by anger.

Zhu Mingyan's heart was startled by such a demeanor, and he looked at him in a daze, a little speechless.

Lightning was also furious, and shouted: "Mahadi is really courageous, probably he has forgotten who made him have today's status!" After speaking, he looked at Li Xiaogang and said, "Don't worry, I'll go and get him right now!" Get it back!"

"and many more!"

Li Xiaogang stopped Lightning loudly, frowned and pondered for a while, and said: "It's not that cheap! It's easy for him to take people away, but it's not so easy for him to send them back. I want to let him I want to cry without tears for regretting everything I have done!"

"Then what should we do?" Lightning looked at Li Xiaogang and asked.

Li Xiaogang said slowly: "Don't worry, let me think about it first. You should immediately send someone to secretly protect Gao Yuanyuan, and don't let him suffer any harm!"

Lightning responded instinctively: "Yes!"

Then he waved his hand, and Xiao Huo, who couldn't wait, immediately took ten sky thorns and disappeared in front of everyone like the wind.

Seeing that Lightning is so respectful to Li Xiaogang, even to the point of obedience, Zhu Mingyan, Shi Yuyao all cast curious and puzzled looks at Li Xiaogang, but Li Xiaogang is now full of Gao Yuanyuan, how can he care about these things? ?

Maihadi did not return to the residence with Gao Yuanyuan, but came to the hospital.

Gao Yuanyuan frowned and asked, "Why did you bring me here?"

Mehadi said quietly: "My son is infatuated with you. Now that he is injured, you should visit him. If I can get your care, I believe Nevega will recover faster!"

Gao Yuanyuan said dissatisfied: "I don't know him well, why should I take care of him? I refuse!"

Mehadi's expression became angry, he turned his head to look at Gao Yuanyuan, and said coldly: "Don't you think so much of my son? Is there anything he doesn't deserve for you?!"

Not to be outdone, Gao Yuanyuan said: "He idles around all day long, causes troubles, is domineering everywhere, is aggressive, and is contemptible! Just for this, making me like him is harder than going to heaven! Besides, I already have a boyfriend It's..."

"Naviga is still young, and his temper will inevitably be irritable, but I firmly believe that his nature is not bad. As long as he can be taught well, he will always repent and the prodigal son will turn around. As for your boyfriend, heh... I I advise you to forget about him! You have hurt my son of Mahadi, and now he is equivalent to a dead man!"

Mehadi said coldly.

Gao Yuanyuan was startled, stared at him with wide eyes and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Mehadi gritted his teeth and said, "What are you talking about? Give him back what he did to my son, and make two holes in his body. It's that simple!"

Gao Yuanyuan narrowed her eyes, and said quietly, "Don't blame me for not persuading you, you are asking for a dead end!"

Mehadi laughed wildly and said, "You should be thankful that you are a Chinese, otherwise, you have already paid the price with your life for this sentence...Come here, please get off the bus, Miss Gao Yuanyuan!"

A big man immediately opened the car door and dragged Gao Yuanyuan down abruptly.

While struggling, Gao Yuanyuan yelled at Maihadi, "Mahadi, you will regret everything you did today!"

Mehadi sneered and waved his hands, and pulled Gao Yuanyuan into Nevega's ward.

Nevega, who was lying on the hospital bed, suddenly saw Gao Yuanyuan, as if he had eaten ice cream in summer, his whole body trembled, and he sat up.

He looked at Gao Yuanyuan with bright eyes, as if a hungry wolf had seen meat.

"Naviga, I invited Miss Gao Yuanyuan here, and from today onwards, she will take care of you."

After finishing speaking, he rushed to Gao Yuanyuan and shouted: "What are you still doing in a daze, why don't you quickly peel the apples for Nevega?"

A sense of humiliation surged in Gao Yuanyuan's heart, and she refused without thinking: "I am a staff member of the Huaxia Embassy, ​​not your servant!"

"You!..." When Mehadi got angry, he raised his hand and wanted to hit her. Gao Yuanyuan was startled, and hurriedly dodged subconsciously, but forgot that she was standing by the wall. hit the wall.

Gao Yuanyuan only felt that when his eyes went dark, he lost consciousness.

Maihadi's heart tightened, he didn't expect such an accident to happen, if Gao Yuanyuan really got into trouble because of this, then he would be in big trouble!Mehadi hurriedly called the doctor, and under his repeated yelling and roaring, the whole hospital became a mess.

"Dad, Gao Yuanyuan...?" Nevega looked at Mehadi nervously and asked.

Mahadi's expression was unusually serious, he shook his head and said, "Don't worry about these things, just take care of your injuries and get well as soon as possible."

Nevega nodded and said, "Dad, in my whole life, the woman I like the most is Gao Yuanyuan, you...don't make things difficult for her, okay?"

Mehadi smiled wryly and said: "Silly son, Gao Yuanyuan's status is so strong, your father and I have the heart but not the courage! I hope she will be fine this time, otherwise your father and I and Sa Mentang will be at the end Oh..."

In the embassy, ​​upon hearing Xiaohuo's report, Li Xiaogang became furious and slammed his fist on the table. A big mahogany table was turned into ashes by his punch full of anger.

"Mahadi, you are so courageous! Originally, I thought of a gentler way, and it would be over if I taught you a little lesson, but I didn't expect that you are so ignorant! Lightning!"


Lightning responded loudly and domineeringly.

"Bring Gao Yuanyuan back to me!"

Li Xiaogang almost squeezed these words out between his teeth. It sounded murderous and made people's scalp tingle.

Lightning gritted his teeth and shouted, "Go!"

Under the leadership of Lightning, twenty sky thorns rushed to the hospital.

In front of the hospital, dozens of bodyguards from Mehadi guarded the entire hospital closely. When they saw Lightning and the others, they all became vigilant, and immediately aimed their guns at Lightning and the others.

Lightning shouted coldly, "Get out of the way!"

Dozens of bodyguards didn't know whether they couldn't listen to Huaxia dialect or for some other reason, so they didn't move.

Lightning waved his hand fiercely, and the twenty sky thorns behind him flew out like phantoms, and rushed straight at these bodyguards.

There was only the sound of crackling fists and feet accompanied by screams of pain, and the figures fell to the ground one by one like cut wheat.

From start to finish, the bodyguards didn't even have a chance to shoot.

In less than a minute, twenty sky thorns reappeared behind Lightning, as if they had never moved before, but in front of Lightning, the bodyguards who were alive and kicking a minute ago turned into groups 'mud'.

The corner of Lightning's mouth twitched, and he snorted disdainfully: "A group of ants want to stop the elephant's footsteps, they can't do what they can!"

In the hospital, Mehadi arranged Gao Yuanyuan in Nevega's ward, so that Nevega could watch Gao Yuanyuan all the time.

Gao Yuanyuan hasn't woken up yet, but after the doctor's observation, there is no serious problem, she just fainted.

"Dad, you said it would be great if I could look at her like this all the time!"

Nevega looked at Gao Yuanyuan's beautiful face like a flower, and said blankly.

A wry smile flashed across Maihadi's face, and he sighed inwardly, he unexpectedly gave birth to a love interest in Maihadi.Hao laughed and said, "What's so difficult about that! You are my son, Maihadi, there is nothing you can't get in Yi Country! Get well soon, and when you get well, I'll preside over your wedding right away! "

"Dad, is this true?!"

Nevega asked excitedly but couldn't believe it.

Mehadi shook his head and said, "When did your father and I lie to you?"

"Master, it's not good!"

Mehadi's old butler rushed in from the outside in a hurry.

Mehadi frowned and asked, "What's the matter, you're in a panic!"

The old butler said in a trembling voice: "Master, there is a large group of Chinese people entering outside. It seems that they are coming for us."

"Huaxia people!?" Mehadi's heart tightened. Before he could wake up, the door of the ward was kicked open with a bang, and Lightning walked in with his head held high.

(End of this chapter)

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