The strongest peasant city

Chapter 609 Philip's Condition

Chapter 609 Philip's Condition
Suharto frowned, gritted his teeth and said, "The best way to truly express our hope for our people is to drive him out of Iraq. Just wait and see, I won't make it easy for him!"

Mened nodded, glanced at the box, and couldn't help asking curiously: "I don't know who this guy is going to meet here? Judging from his expression just now, the person he is going to meet is probably the same person." Not a good bird!"

Suharto shook his head and said: "Never mind him, it's important for us to deal with Mahdi now, let's go!"

After speaking, Suharto walked out of the Baghdad restaurant with a group of bodyguards.

Philip sat in the box, feeling sorry for his wallet, while waiting for the lightning.

The waiter just now has come to settle the accounts. In the next month, he can only live on wheat porridge...

"Mr Philip, your guest has arrived!"

Just when Philip was about to slap himself in the face, the waiter came in with lightning.

Philip hurriedly adjusted, welcomed Lightning in, and said with a smile: "The famous Mr. Lightning, it's my honor to meet you!"

When Philip saw the lightning, he immediately put the unhappiness out of his mind, because he believed that what he lost just now was insignificant and not worth mentioning compared to what he was about to get from the lightning!
Lightning smiled faintly, took the hand that Philip passed over, and said, "General Philip is a busy man with so many things to deal with every day, and it makes me feel extremely honored to be able to take time out of his busy schedule to see me!"

After exchanging pleasantries, the two sat down separately.

Lightning took a sip of the fragrant coffee leisurely, then turned his mouth around, and tasted it carefully. He always felt that the coffee was not as good as the tea he brewed by himself, so he put the coffee aside and looked at the coffee. Philip said: "General Philip, I know you are a very busy person and your time is very tight. If you have nothing important to do, you would not ask me to come here. If you have anything to say, just say it."

A fox-like sly smile appeared on Philip's face, he waved his hands and said, "Don't worry, I want to ask Mr. Lightning to look at something first!"

After speaking, he took out a copy of printing paper from his pocket, folded it neatly and pushed it in front of Lightning.

Lightning looked at the printing paper, and did not rush to open it, but smiled slightly and said: "No need, I know exactly what is written on this paper!"

Lightning's words surprised Philip, and he said in a nasty way: "How is this possible? I just got this piece of printing paper yesterday, and only I know the contents. How did you know it?... Could it be that this piece of paper You gave me the paper? But...but it doesn't make sense..."

"Of course it doesn't make sense! I, Lightning, am not an idiot. How could I hand over the details and handles of the Skythorn to you, a general of country M?" Lightning shook his head and said.

"Then how do you know what's on this piece of paper?" Philip asked puzzled.

Lightning smiled and said: "For me, this little country of Yi has no secrets at all, including your headquarters! As long as I want to know, I will know exactly how many mice live in it." !"

The words of lightning made Philip's neck feel chilly, as if he was wrapped around a poisonous snake, and his heart was full of fear.

I felt that suddenly there was a pair of eyes behind me, watching me closely.

The more he thought about it, the more uneasy Philip felt, and his brows were tightly wrinkled into a big pimple.Seeing Philip's somewhat flustered expression, Lightning kept sneering in his heart, and said faintly: "General Philip, now that you have all these thorns in your hands, what are your plans? How are you going to make good use of them?" they?"

Philip was startled when he heard this, and suddenly remembered that no matter what, he now holds the handle of the sky thorn in his hand, and he should be the one who takes the initiative, so why should he be afraid?After thinking through this link, Philip's heart immediately calmed down, and he said: "Mr. Lightning's words are inappropriate. In my eyes, the things on this piece of paper are not a thorn in the sky, but a stepping stone for our cooperation." .”

Lightning narrowed his eyes, and said with a sneer: "It doesn't matter, anyway, the meaning is the same! Just say it directly, if we want you to keep the secret on this paper, what price should we pay?"

Philip smiled bitterly and said, "It sounds like this, why do I feel like I'm blackmailing you from the sky?"

Lightning sneered and said, "Why, don't you think that's not the case?"

Philip gritted his teeth fiercely, and said: "Well, since you must understand this way, then I can't help it. Let me just talk about our conditions, which are actually very simple, and it shouldn't be difficult for the supernatural thorn! "

Lightning looked at him coldly and said, "Simple? Then let me hear it, how simple it is!"

Philip nodded, and said slowly: "First, we know that your Sky Spike controls an extremely important transportation channel on the Arabian Peninsula.

This transportation channel happens to be what our country M urgently needs.I hope that the Sky Spike can share this channel with our country M, that is to say, on this channel, the people of country M enjoy the same rights as the people of Huaxia. "

Lightning sneered again and again and said, "What a lion! Do you know what a heavy price we paid for opening this passage? It's too much for you to ask to share with us as soon as you open your mouth?"

"Is it too much? But compared to these things in my hands, what is this?" Philip looked like he was determined by Lightning, which made Lightning's teeth itch with hatred.

It's just that what he hates is not Philip, but the mahadi who gave all this to Philip.

Gritting his teeth, Lightning said coldly, "What about the second one?"

Philip coughed and said, "Secondly, in the entire Arabian Peninsula, except for our country M's power is your Heavenly Spike's power, if there is no good communication between the two, it will inevitably cause some discord. Necessary misunderstanding.

Of course, the Sky Spike's combat effectiveness is outstanding, so naturally it won't be afraid of our M country soldiers.But the threat to the lives of the soldiers of country M is quite serious.

Therefore, I think it is necessary to obtain the consent of the authorities of our M country before taking action in the future, so that our soldiers from M country will not be innocently thrown away because they accidentally hinder the actions of the Tianji without knowing it. killed! "

After hearing this, Lightning couldn't bear it anymore. He jumped up against the crime and shouted angrily: "What!? We need to ask for the consent of your country M authorities for our actions? Hahaha... How funny! You clearly want to control us!"

Philip said calmly: "Mr. Lightning, I advise you to calm down, now is not the time to get angry. Don't think about it, if I publish the contents of this paper to the world, the sky thorn will be destroyed in the Arabian Peninsula." You will immediately turn into street rats, and everyone will shout and beat you! Everything you have now will be wiped out! Compared with this kind of demerit, don’t you think that cooperating with us M country is your only way out ?"

Lightning's eyes turned cold, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I don't think so. In my opinion, killing you is much easier than this!"

Stirred by Lightning's piercing eyes, Philip couldn't help shivering, a trace of fear rose in his heart.

As a veteran who has participated in many brutal wars, it stands to reason that Philip should have overcome the fear of death long ago, but Lightning is so evil, he can always wake up the fear hidden deep in people's hearts .

Philip tried his best to gather himself, and said slowly: "Of course you can kill me! But I have already told many of my friends about the meeting with you today. If anything happens to me, then you and the sky thorn Immediately, we will suffer the craziest revenge from our M country team.

Also, why are you so sure that the information I carry is the only one, and you didn't copy it everywhere? "

Lightning gave Philip a hard look, gritted his teeth and said, "You blackmailer! One day you will suffer the consequences yourself. Do you still have a third?"

Felipe won again, feeling very proud. He tidied up the wrinkled suit carefully, and said with a smile: "Of course! After all, there are not many opportunities like this. How can I not make good use of them? Hehe ..."

Lightning gritted his teeth, and said slowly: "Okay then, now tell me what is your third?"

Philip said faintly: "Is this the third one? I hope that Mr. Lightning can do me a favor! To be precise, it is a favor for our M country team!"

Lightning's eyes swept away, and he said bluntly: "If you have something to say, you have to fart! I have already started to hate you now! Don't make me hate you again!"

Philip's expression froze, and he laughed a few times in embarrassment, and said, "Don't! Mr. Lightning, you know, I have always had a good impression of Huaxia, and I respect Huaxia people. I firmly believe that the relationship between us The cooperation between us will be very successful..."

Before he could finish speaking, Lightning interrupted him with disgust and said, "That's enough, Mr. Philip, why do you say these insincere words in front of me? We all know that you are a standard hawk in country M. Belief in the China threat theory is even more than belief in your God. In Congress, you have repeatedly proposed to contain China's development, I know this very well!"

Philip laughed more and more awkwardly, and said hehe: "Is this... China has developed rapidly at a rocket-like speed in the past few decades, and its national strength is increasing day by day. In addition, China's peaceful foreign policy is extremely popular and even more so. It is to make China's influence in the world grow at an astonishing speed. As a person from M country with a sense of urgency, my little worry is understandable, right?" Lightning sneered a few times, Said lightly: "Take the heart of a villain to measure the belly of a gentleman! You should talk about your third condition!"

(End of this chapter)

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