The strongest peasant city

Chapter 610 Cooperation between the two parties

Chapter 610 Cooperation between the two parties

Philip said: "That's good. The super combat power possessed by the Sky Spike is really enviable. Especially for someone like me who has led soldiers all his life, he is even more admirable.

You also know that our soldiers in country M are responsible for maintaining the national security and social stability of Iraq, and many Iraqis don't understand our kindness, so attacks on our soldiers happen frequently! "

Philip sighed for a long time, made a helpless and sad expression, and said quietly: "As a commander, the most painful feeling is to receive a report of the casualties of your soldiers.

Therefore, I implore you to assign a few outstanding sky thorn fighters to our military base to train our soldiers.

Only by fundamentally improving their quality can they avoid casualties to the greatest extent in the process of performing tasks! "

Lightning frowned, and said coldly: "Philip, don't you think that one of your three conditions is more than the other? You want me to send sky thorn fighters to train your soldiers. In my opinion, it's just you Your real purpose is to find out the weakness of our sky thorns from them, right?"

Philip was taken aback for a moment, and then he smiled like a fox: "Mr. Lightning, you really like to joke. Does a powerful combat force like the Sky Spike have any shortcomings? I really just want to use them to strengthen my soldiers. !"

Lightning said: "I can promise you the first two conditions, but as for the third condition, I refuse! The Sky Spike needs to maintain the necessary sense of mystery so that it can have sufficient deterrent power."

Philip smiled slightly, and said slowly: "But Mr. Lightning, this third condition is precisely the condition that I value the most.

If you refuse, I think I will be very disappointed..."

Lightning suddenly turned around, and his extremely fierce eyes shot straight at Philip like an unsheathed sword.

Philip was startled by this look, and couldn't help taking a few steps back, his heart beating non-stop.

"Mr. Lightning, you..." Lightning stared at him and said slowly: "Philip, don't think that you can step on my sky thorn and play with it between your palms with a piece of paper in your hand. If you leave me, I will turn you into ashes together with that piece of paper!"

The icy cold murderous aura kept emanating from Lightning's body, sweeping towards Philip, making him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave, with a chill from his heart to his bones.

Philip swallowed, and said embarrassingly: "Well, since Mr. Lightning firmly disagrees with this last condition, I won't force it anymore. It's just that I have an additional condition. I believe Mr. Lightning will not Refused!"

Lightning snorted coldly and said, "Speak!"

Philip frowned and said: "The Iraqi country is in turmoil, and the people of the Iraqi country hate us M people, especially people like me and the ambassador of the M country are the primary targets of terrorist attacks in Iraq, so I would like to ask the assassin Protecting us in secret, lest we work hard for most of our lives, but end up dying in a foreign country!"

Lightning said disdainfully: "Who can blame this? It's not to blame that you M country people stretch their claws too long and always like to bully the weak with the strong. Looking around the world, how many countries don't hate you? We have limited manpower, it is impossible To protect every citizen of country M, I will give you three places, and you can decide who you want to protect."

"There are only three places? Is it...too few?" Philip asked tentatively.

Lightning said in a cold voice: "You'd better not push yourself too far! In my hands, every sky thorn is a powerful spy team. I can give you face by being able to separate out three sky thorns!"

Philip was a little annoyed, obviously he was holding the handle of the sky thorn, and he was taking the initiative, but slowly he discovered that the initiative in the negotiation was leaning towards Lightning.

After thinking about it, Philip said helplessly: "That's how it is! If the three conditions are met, then I guarantee that this information will stop between you and me, and it will never be passed on by a third person." Know!"

Lightning said leisurely: "So, your conditions have been raised?"

Philip smiled and said, "It's over! Of course, I also hope that we can develop more in-depth cooperation in the future!"

Lightning smiled, sat up straight and said, "Then I should talk about my conditions!"

"Your conditions?" Philip almost choked on the coffee he drank, and stared at Lightning dumbfounded. This world is really getting weirder, and the one who was blackmailed actually wants the lion to open his mouth.

Lightning glanced at Philip and said lightly: "Don't look at me with such eyes, it's nothing to make a fuss about, isn't it what you said, we are a cooperative relationship, since it is a cooperative relationship, it is natural to have a relationship Just go!"

Philip smiled helplessly: "That's right! You can talk about your conditions, I'm all ears!"

Lightning nodded, pointed to the printing paper on the table, and asked, "Do you know who gave you this item?"

Philip shook his head blankly and said: "I also sent someone to check, but the person who sent the letter died after giving me this information, and all the clues were interrupted, so I don't know who sent it."

Lightning snorted and said: "You don't know, I can tell you! The person who gave you this information is the leader of Samantang, Mehadi!"

"Mahadi? How is it possible? You must be joking with me. Who doesn't know that Maihadi was able to sit in today's position because he was selected by Tianci. How could he do something like selling Tianci? ? This is simply ungrateful, not a thing!"

Philip shook his head in disbelief.

Lightning gritted his teeth, and said coldly: "You should also know how much Mehadi dotes on his precious son, and he will do anything for Nevega! What a coincidence, Nevega was killed by us One of the Huaxia people was sent to the hospital, and Mehadi was furious because of this. He insisted on our Huaxia embassy handing over the murderer, but was rejected.

He also knows that the sky thorn is the patron saint of the Yihua people, as long as we are here, he will find it difficult to avenge his son!So Mehadi thought of using your power to suppress the sky thorn, and even hoped to provoke a fight between us, and then he would take advantage of the fire and loot it! "

"Hmph! Mehadi has a good plan! Does he think that we M country people are fools, whoever wants to take advantage of them can use them!?" Philip was furious when he heard this, and shouted loudly.

Lightning smiled slightly, and said: "General Philip, don't be impatient. Mehadi has betrayed the sky thorn, so the cooperation between us will disappear, and the only thing left is hatred! I want him to understand that since our heaven The thorn can lift him up to this position, and it can also pull him down."

"Then you mean..." asked Philip, frowning.

Lightning said coldly: "I will not only make him unable to be the leader of Samantang, but also drive him out of Samantang, leaving him with nothing! I want to tell everyone through this incident that our Heavenly Spike is not good. Bully! If you provoke our Heavenly Spike, I will make him regret it for the rest of his life!"

Hearing the cruel words from Lightning, Philip felt uneasy for a while, and subconsciously nodded in agreement: "That's, that's..."

Lightning turned to look at Philip and said, "No matter what our cooperation is based on, it is cooperation after all. Sky Spike will not betray you, and I don't want you to betray Sky Spike, what does General Philip think?"

Philip immediately said solemnly: "Please rest assured, Country M will always be the most loyal partner of Skythorn!"

Lightning smiled disdainfully, and said: "Our conditions for you are very simple. We hope that country M can use your influence to put pressure on Mehadi and force him to resign voluntarily and leave Samantang!"

After hearing this, Philip said with some embarrassment: "This Maihadi has been operating in Samantang for many years, and it is deeply rooted in Yi Country. I am afraid that relying on our strength alone will not seem to be able to make him surrender..."

Lightning laughed and said: "Don't worry about that. As long as you show your attitude at the right time, it's fine to deal with Maihadi. Of course, there are other forces. This time, the custody will make Maihadi smash to pieces!"

Listening to Lightning's swearing tone, Philip couldn't help but start to worry about Mehadi.

Said faintly: "So it seems that Maihadi is dead?"

Lightning smiled coldly, looked at Philip and said, "Why, Mr. Philip, is it because of Ha Di's love for you to reveal information to you, are you worried about him?"

Philip shook his head hastily and said: "Mr. Lightning, I misunderstood me. Although Mehadi sent us such important information to us, his real purpose is to use us to achieve his own goals. the goal of.

In my opinion, this information is like bait for his fishing!A gift with a motive like this is not to be appreciated!I just want to know, after Mahdi's abdication, who will the sky spur choose to succeed him.

The political situation in Iraq is at a sensitive time when it affects the whole body.Both us and the thorns are one of the forces. If the butterfly effect is caused, I am afraid that if one cannot control it, it will develop into an astonishing storm. At that time, both of us will suffer! "

Lightning laughed and said: "Philip, you are worrying too much! A small mehadi doesn't have such great energy. As for his successor, we chose Suharto. Harto was originally the elder of Samantha , Without our participation, who is the leader of Samantang is still a matter of debate! Since we took this opportunity from him, it is time to give it back to him.”

"Suharto?" Philip frowned, and said seriously, "If Salmento is handed over to this person, then the day of Salmento's collapse will not be far away."

Lightning froze for a moment, and asked in a condensed voice: "What do you mean? Are you so contemptuous of Suharto?"

Philip sighed: "That's because I know Suharto too well. Suharto is narrow-minded, has little energy, and has no courage.

After coming to power, I can guarantee that the first thing to do is to eradicate dissidents and settle accounts with those who have offended me. At that time, Salmentang will undergo a complete change of blood.

After more than a year of development of Mahdi, Samantang still has some supporters. When these supporters find out that Samantang has changed overnight, will they continue to support it?I feel hanging!In addition, Suharto was indecisive, lacked courage, and belonged to the extremely conservative type of people.With Samantang in his hands, I believe it will be very difficult to make any further development! "

(End of this chapter)

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