The strongest peasant city

Chapter 611 Confrontation

Chapter 611 Confrontation
Lightning chuckled and said, "General Philip is indeed an old man who has stayed in Yi Country for so many years. He sees everything very thoroughly. I admire him!"

Philip waved his hand and said, "You know this is the case, so why don't you continue to support Suharto?"

Lightning said: "Of course! It is because of this that we must continue to support Suharto. To be honest, I don't have a good opinion of Samantang, but as a force to maintain the balance of Iraq, it is indispensable.

However, this force should neither be too weak nor too strong. Maintaining the status quo is the most perfect result!We believe that Suharto will do this for us, no one is more suitable for this job than him! "

"It turns out...Mr. Lightning has thought it over long ago..." Philip said with some bitterness in his heart.

Lightning smiled faintly and said: "You have also seen that the place we live in is such a cold and complicated world, if you do something without careful consideration, the result will surprise you.

We are not as lucky as Mr. Philip. You have the entire M country behind you. With this strong backing, you can afford to lose.

But we can't do it alone. If we make a wrong step, we will fall into the abyss. We will never be able to turn over. We can't afford to lose! "

Philip smiled bitterly and said: "Mr. Lightning was joking, how could the mighty Sky Spike fight alone? Isn't the whole of China behind you also your equally strong backing? Today, in the country of Iraq, the two most powerful forces It's us. As long as we can cooperate sincerely, sooner or later the big cake of Yiguo will be eaten into our stomachs!"

Lightning smiled and said: "General Philip is really ambitious, Lightning admires him! I hope we can cooperate happily this time and lay the foundation for our long-term cooperation in the future!"

Philip nodded and smiled, "Yes, I will!"

After hearing this, Lightning couldn't help but a somewhat secretive smile flashed across the corner of his mouth, the meaning was long and elusive.

"By the way, Mr. Lightning, what a coincidence. Three days later, a batch of supplies from the mainland of country M will arrive in Iraq. I hope that the transportation channel will be unimpeded by then!"

Lightning smiled at him, and said: "You people from country M are really efficient. I know, it must be unimpeded! Hehe..." "If so, thank you very much!"

Philip also laughed...

In the hospital, Mehadi was still taking care of Nevega attentively, and handed over the government affairs of Salmentang to his deputy to take care of them.

For several of his deputies, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.Immediately take advantage of this opportunity to crazily satisfy their selfish desires.

In just one day, great dissatisfaction was caused in Salmon Hall.

However, Mehadi dotes on his son, but is very strict with others, he is a veritable tyrant!Although the people in the hall had a lot of grievances, few people dared to speak.

If in the past, facing such a situation, Suharto would at most be in the dark, fan the dark wind, and light the will-o'-the-wisp, but this time it was different. Suharto stood up like a savior, and rescued several of Maihadi's deputies. He punished them severely, and even expelled one of them from the hall.

When some of Mehadi's deputies told Mehadi these things in a dejected manner, Mehadi was like a ignited powder keg that exploded all of a sudden, subconsciously going to find Suharto to settle the score, But when he saw Nevega lying on the hospital bed, he endured it again, and planned to wait until Nevega was discharged from the hospital before settling accounts with Suharto.

However, instead of looking for Suharto, Suharto sent him to the door himself.This surprised Mehadi very much.Along with Suharto, there are Janed, Mened and several elders in Samantha.

Seeing Suharto, Mehadi narrowed his eyes immediately, shot a cold light, gritted his teeth and asked: "Suharto, what qualifications do you have to expel my deputy Totoda? Who gave you the power? ? Don’t you want to rebel!?”

Suharto quietly watched Mehadi growl and roar until he finished, and then said quietly: "I will not only fire Totoda, but also your other two deputy, Musa and Hussein. At the same time, I will be expelled from the church!"

Mehadi glared at Suharto furiously, and shouted loudly: "Suharto, are you crazy? Who do you think you are? The leader of Samantang? It's not up to you to fire who or not to fire. Calculate!"

Suharto said coldly: "Yes, what I say doesn't count, but what you say doesn't count either! In the voting meeting, your vote and mine have the same effect. I made the decision to expel these three people. The decision was unanimously passed through a referendum in the hall!"

"Referendum in the hall? It's strange. As the leader, why didn't I know that a referendum was held in the hall? Why didn't anyone notify me, and still didn't regard me as the leader!?" Mehadi became more and more angry, jumping his feet shouted at Suharto.

Suharto took a step back in disgust, squinted at Nevega on the bed, and said lightly: "Probably you put all your energy on your son, and you didn't care about what happened in the hall. thing!"

"Nonsense! I'm not paying attention to all the movements in the hall all the time, you don't want to slander me!" Mehadi said angrily.

The corner of Suharto's mouth twitched, and he said coldly: "So, Totoda, Musa, and Hussein are running amok in the hall, using the financial resources in the hall to satisfy their own desires, what do you think?" Know everything?"

"What... what are you talking about!?" Mehadi couldn't help but hesitated, and asked nah.

Suharto snorted coldly and said: "Totoda, as your first assistant, kept harassing your beautiful secretary lady while you were away, and finally wanted to rape her. This is seriously corrupted. The image of our church.

Musa used the funds in the church to carry out stock copying, and lost tens of millions of dollars in one day!Hussein even forged all kinds of bills, grabbed a lot of money from the hall, and took it for himself. Now he actually owns three luxury houses outside, which even I can't afford!As for whether you can afford it, then I don't know! "

"The three of them really did this..." Mehadi couldn't believe his ears, his eyes widened, and he stared blankly at the seniors behind Suharto.

Suharto sneered: "Didn't you say that you have been paying attention to the things in the hall, how could you not be clear?"

Mehadi was left speechless by Suharto's question, just gritted his teeth, secretly hated those three guys, and dared to come to complain to himself after committing such a heinous disaster. playing with him.

Mehadi said: "Things like this must not be based on one side of the story, evidence is needed!"

Suharto sneered: "At this time, are you still going to protect the three of them, chief? This is too disappointing!"

Mehadi took a step back, and Suharto took a step forward, pressing forward step by step. Mehadi, who was approaching, was a little out of breath, annoyed in his heart, and shouted angrily: "Suharto, pay attention to your identity! You Are you questioning me, the current leader of Samantang, your immediate boss?"

Suharto said with a faint smile: "Yes, you are the leader of Samantang now, and I have no right to question you. But it doesn't matter. When you are no longer the leader, I will question you again!"

"You... what do you mean?" Mehadi looked up at Suharto with some doubts.

Suharto smiled proudly: "What do you mean? The meaning is very simple. I have now formally filed an application to the church committee to impeach you! Once the impeachment is successful, you will no longer be the leader of the Samantha, and you may even go to jail! "

"Impeach me? Is it that simple? Will the elders in the hall support you?" Mehadi confidently cast his eyes on the authoritative figures who walked in with Suharto.

However, their performance made Mahadi's self-confidence like a deflated ball, and it dried up in an instant. I saw several elders, either looking left and right, or bowed their heads in silence, and they were still unwilling to meet his gaze.Such a result greatly exceeded Maihadi's expectations, and it stunned him for a moment.

Seeing Mehadi's dumbfounded appearance, Suharto smiled triumphantly: "Mahadi, have you seen it now? Listen carefully, I'll just say it once! Tomorrow at ten o'clock in the morning, the impeachment meeting against you will be formally held , if you are absent, your leader status will be revoked immediately. In fact, I really hope that you will be absent, heh heh haha..."

Mehadi looked up at Suharto with anger on his face, and said coldly: "While I was here, you...what did you do?!"

Suharto said sternly: "It's not what I did, but what did you do? You allowed your subordinates to behave mischievously, causing anger and resentment, and your resignation was entirely caused by you! We elected you as the leader, yes I hope that you will lead us to develop and grow the Samantha, and one day become the ruling hall of the Iraqi country, but Mehadi, you really let us down! If you let us down, then we will have to let you lose your job! Of course, I should also express my gratitude to your precious son." After speaking, he smiled and nodded to Nevega, and said, "It's really time for you to be sick, hahaha..."

Furious, Mehadi grabbed Suharto's skirt and shouted loudly, "Suharto, don't be too complacent!"

Suharto pointed to Mahdi's hand and said: "Hey, hey, you are still the leader of Samantang, you'd better pay attention to your words and deeds, otherwise it will not only damage your own image, but also damage us. Tang’s image is in the dark, I don’t think you want to be the eternal sinner who destroyed the honor of Salmen Hall?”

Maiha let go of Suharto abruptly, and said coldly: "Suharto, don't be complacent! Don't you forget that you can't afford to offend those who support me behind my back!"

Suharto smiled disdainfully, took out the golden sky thorn from his bosom, and said lightly, "Are you talking about them?"

Seeing this token, Mehadi's eyeballs almost popped out, as if he had been hit by a spell of immobilization, and he couldn't move his body.

"This... where did you get this?" Mehadi asked in horror.

Suharto said with a smile: "Where did you get it, I naturally got it from where." After finishing speaking, he leaned into Mahadi's ear and whispered, "They already know all about what you did. .They were very angry, so they decided, instead of supporting you, they supported me! You traitor!"

(End of this chapter)

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