The strongest peasant city

Chapter 621 George's Idea

Chapter 621 George's Idea

George said with a serious face: "Then there is no way! Even if I reached an agreement with my client as quickly as possible, and waited until the grain was purchased there, shipped to Iraq, and then handed over to the people, I'm afraid It will take at least a week!
If everything goes well, if there is some kind of storm on the road, the time will be delayed even longer!Mr. President, you have also seen that I can't quench my thirst here! "

Harvey's expression became more serious, almost crying.When he first became president, Havid could be said to be full of ambitions and single-mindedly wanted to lead the Iraqi people out of the predicament, but the cruel reality always disappointed him. The many obstacles, which made Harvey's ambition was worn away little by little.

Seeing Harvey's distressed look, George said: "Actually... Actually, Mr. President, you don't have to be too depressed! I can't quench my thirst near the water, but besides the far water, there is also the near river!"

Havid smiled wryly and said, "It's close to the river. Where did it come from? The food production in Iraq has almost stagnated due to the war. Besides, it's not yet the harvest season!"

George shook his head and said, "I'm in the grain business. I know the grain production situation in Iraq better than you. When I said near the river, I didn't mean this, but the three grain ships docked at the Baghdad wharf!"

Harvey was taken aback, looked up at George, and said puzzledly: "Didn't you tell me that it was a ship from the sky? It can't be moved easily!"

George clicked his tongue and said, "Of course you can't do it by force! What I mean is that you can buy it from the government!"

Harvey's eyes lit up first, then suddenly darkened again, and he murmured, "The thorns are not kind people today, they are so easy to talk to?"

George suddenly looked at Harvey with some amusement and asked, "Why do you think the Sky Spike is not a good person?"

Havid smiled bitterly and said, "Before I came, I just received information that the three secret bases of terrorists near Baghdad suffered devastating blows at the same time. All of them had their throats cut with daggers. Nearly a thousand corpses were left at the scene, and blood flowed like a river! The method was so cruel and the attack was so cold that I felt the hairs all over my body stand up when I thought about it. If this can be regarded as a kind person, I don’t know Are there any villains!"

George shook his head and said: "One-sided view! Haven't you ever thought that from the beginning to the end, the people who died at the hands of the Heavenly Assassin were either terrorists or gangsters, and none of them were good people! What does this mean? It means that although the Heavenly Assassin's actions They are cruel, but they have a heart of justice!
It's a real angel in a devil's coat!Mr. President, please forgive me for being rude, if there is no sky stabbing in Iraq, your life will be much more difficult than it is now.Chances are you have already been killed by terrorists yourself! "

George's words made some sense, and Havid immediately fell into deep thought. After a while, he sighed and said: "From what you said, it seems to be true..."

George laughed and said: "Of course it is! Since the thorns in the sky are righteous, they must not be bad guys. If Mr. President can save face and beg them well, the ten thousand people on the three grain ships will Tons of grain can completely resolve the current famine in Iraq!"

Harvey frowned, and said with some difficulty: "I know what you said is feasible, but... But even if I want to ask them, I have to find a way to contact the high-level of the Skythorn!"

George glanced at him, and said quietly: "For the sake of my acquaintance with Mr. President, I will show Mr. President a clear way!"

Harvey's expression brightened, and he said loudly: "Please tell me, I will listen carefully!"

George said: "As far as I know, the leader of the Sky Spike is secretive, but he is a good friend with Ambassador Zhu Mingyan of the Chinese Embassy! If Mr. President finds Ambassador Zhu Mingyan, he should be able to contact the Sky Spit!"

"Zhu Mingyan?" Harvey frowned slightly, looking a little troubled.With a wry smile, he said, "Mr. George, you know that I am a standard pro-American! Therefore, I am very alienated from Huaxia on weekdays. I really can't open my mouth to beg them so suddenly!"

George looked solemn and said, "Mr. President, what time is it now? Are you still concerned about your own face? Don't forget that the vast number of Iraqi people are starving now!"

Harvey nodded heavily, and sighed: "Forget it! After reaching this field, this face has become insignificant." After speaking, he said to George: "Mr. George, thanks to your guidance today, if there is someone in the future Opportunity, I, Harvey, will repay you a lot!"

George smiled slightly and said, "I'm just reminding Mr. President, and it's not a credit!"

Havid said: "No! Mr. George is too modest. Without your reminder, I don't know how many Iraqi people would starve to death! I must repay this kindness!"

George smiled and said: "If that's the case, then I'll thank you here first. Mr. President also knows that I, George, am just an ordinary businessman, and I don't have too many thoughts in my heart. I just hope that my career can be smooth and stable. It will continue, so I will ask Mr. President to give me more convenience in the future!"

Havid said straightforwardly: "Mr. George is a friend of the Iraqi people, that is, my friend of Havid. I guarantee that Mr. George will always enjoy VIP-level treatment in this land!"

George smiled and said, "Thank you so much, Mr. President. It's getting late, Mr. President, why don't you hurry up and find Ambassador Zhu Mingyan? It's better than anything else to get the Iraqi people to eat sooner!"

Harvey nodded and said, "Then I'll take my leave!" Looking at Harvey's back, George smiled treacherously, and murmured, "VIP treatment? can pay less tax Already!"

Harvey left George's mansion and immediately came to the Chinese embassy without stopping.As soon as the long motorcade appeared on the street where the Huaxia embassy was located, Zhu Mingyan got the news immediately.Zhu Mingyan looked at Li Xiaogang and Lightning beside him with a smile, and said, "According to the time, it's almost time for him to come!"

Li Xiaogang smiled, and said: "Uncle Zhu, since the fat sheep are all sent to the door on their own initiative, it's useless not to kill them!"

Zhu Mingyan smiled eagerly, "Of course! I, Zhu Mingyan, am not a fool!"

Li Xiaogang and Lightning looked at each other, each embraced Xiaohan and Yuyao, and said to Zhu Mingyan: "Uncle Zhu, it doesn't hinder you from slaughtering the sheep, let's retreat first!"

"Wait a minute, wait a moment..." Zhu Mingyan hurriedly stopped the two of them and said, "I still need to ask more clearly, what is the bottom line of what I can agree to Harvey's request?"

Li Xiaogang pondered for a while and said: "The purpose of Harvey's visit this time is for food. The food is originally intended to be sold to the Iraqi people. There is no bottom line. You can play freely!"

Zhu Mingyan laughed and said, "You said that, don't accuse me of selling you out!" Li Xiaogang and Lightning looked at each other and laughed a few times, then turned and walked away.

After thinking about it, Zhu Mingyan felt that although Harvey was a fat sheep and was waiting for him to slaughter, it was still necessary to greet him.So I organized my luggage.He went out with the military officer.

Seeing Zhu Mingyan standing at the gate of the embassy waiting, Harvey's heart felt hot and he felt flattered. Before the car came to a complete stop, he couldn't wait to open the car door and walked down, holding Zhu Mingyan's hand with both hands. Shaking vigorously, he said, "Ambassador Zhu, please come out to greet me in person. I really feel sorry for you!"

Zhu Mingyan looked at Harvey with a smile on his face, remembering that he ignored him in the past, and compared with the current enthusiasm, Zhu Mingyan couldn't help sneering in his heart.But he still said modestly on his face: "Where, where! Mr. President is here, so I naturally want to greet him personally!"

Harvey said with a sigh, "It is said that China is a country of etiquette. Today, seeing the demeanor of the ambassador, it really deserves its reputation. It is a great pity that I didn't come to visit more often before!"

Zhu Mingyan said: "Mr. President is in charge of a country, and there is a lot of waste waiting to be done, and a lot of opportunities are being taken care of every day. I understand the hard work involved!"

Zhu Mingyan's empathy moved Harvey again, and he couldn't help but tighten his grip on Zhu Mingyan's hand.

When he came to the living room of the embassy, ​​Harvey was drinking Longjing from Hangzhou Yuqian, but he was thinking desperately about how to speak.Zhu Mingyan looked at Harvey who was solemnly serving the tea and said with a slight smile, "Mr. President, do you think the tea tastes good?"

Harvey suddenly came back to his senses, froze for a moment, and looked at Zhu Mingyan in confusion.Zhu Mingyan smiled and pointed to the tea in his hand.Harvey immediately came back to his senses, and took a sip hastily, but unexpectedly, the tea was too hot, and accidentally scalded his tongue, so he couldn't help crying out.

Zhu Mingyan smiled and said, "Why, I think Mr. President seems to have something on his mind?"

Harvey was worried and didn't know how to speak. When he heard it, he immediately followed Zhu Mingyan's words and said with a long sigh: "Hey! Everyone thinks that the president is the head of a country, and he has infinite glory, but they don't know. The troubles involved are just like an ancient poem in your Huaxia, just like a river of spring water flowing eastward!"

Hearing that Harvey was pretending to be reciting Chinese ancient poems in not-so-fluent Chinese, Zhu Mingyan almost spit out his cup of tea and said, "I didn't expect Mr. This kind of research really impresses Zhu! I just don’t know why Mr. President is worried about something, so you might as well say it out, maybe we Huaxia can help a little!”

What Harvey was waiting for was Zhu Mingyan's words, and he couldn't wait to say: "Yes, yes! As long as you are willing, you will definitely be able to help me!"

Zhu Mingyan almost spit out the tea that was in his mouth, and said: "I didn't expect Mr. President to have such a research on our Chinese culture. Zhu really admires it! I just don't know what Mr. President is. Why do you worry about things, you might as well say it out, maybe we Huaxia can help a little bit!"

What Harvey was waiting for was Zhu Mingyan's words, and he couldn't wait to say: "Yes, yes! As long as you are willing, you will definitely be able to help me!"

Harvey's impatience made Zhu Mingyan almost burst out laughing, and said: "Mr. President, don't worry, speak slowly.

We Huaxia people have always regarded helping others as the foundation of happiness. If I can help, I will definitely help! "

Havid nodded gratefully and said, "That's right! Now Baghdad is experiencing an unprecedented food crisis. I think Mr. Ambassador must be very clear."

Zhu Mingyan said with a serious face: "I know this. The major grain stores have closed down one after another, and it has been almost three days now." Harvey said bitterly: "Yes! If the situation continues like this, I think It won't be long before someone will starve to death! The pressure on my shoulders as the president is so great that I almost collapsed..." Zhu Mingyan nodded in understanding, and sighed with Harvey.

Harvey, who originally just wanted to win Zhu Mingyan's sympathy, suddenly felt the heavy pressure on his shoulders, and his heart sank even more, with a feeling of panic.

"Mr. Ambassador, you are the only one who can help me now, no, you are helping the people of Iraq!" Havid couldn't help but look at Zhu Mingyan as if pleading.Zhu Mingyan made a confused look, and said in a nasty voice: "Mr. President, are not going to the doctor in a hurry, are you? For many years, the food supply of the Iraqi country has been controlled by George and a group of businessmen from the M country." Even the food we eat at the Huaxia Embassy is bought from the people of country M, how can we help you?"

Havid waved his hand and said: "Mr. Ambassador, don't worry, listen to me. Now that the world's major food exporting countries are suffering disasters, George and his group have no food at all. Now the only food that can solve the urgent need of Iraq is to stop in Baghdad Those three grain ships at the pier, and as far as I know, those three grain ships belong to you Chinese people, so..."

(End of this chapter)

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