The strongest peasant city

Chapter 622 Negotiations

Chapter 622 Negotiations
Before Harvey could finish speaking, Zhu Mingyan immediately interrupted him, and said, "This... what Mr. President said is not accurate.

To be more precise, those three ships were from the sky! "

Harvey was taken aback for a moment, and said in a nasty voice, "Isn't the Sky Spike from China?"

Zhu Mingyan said with a wry smile: "Of course! It's just that they are a group of Chinese people that Zhu Mingyan can't control, hehe..."

Harvey said: "How could it be? You are the ambassador of China. On the territory of Iraq, you represent the government of China. Since Tianci is from China, of course it is within your jurisdiction!"

Zhu Mingyan shook his head and asked back: "Yes, it is so in theory, but it is not so in practice! Mr. President, let me ask you, Samantang is also on the territory of Iraq, but you, the president representing the government of Iraq, Can you handle them?"

Samantha and Yiguo's only opposition hall, and at the same time the only opposition hall, the only thing they are interested in is getting Harvey out of power. It is already very good not to add chaos to Harvey's policies, let alone listen to Harvey managed.

Harvey said with a wry smile: "The whole world now advocates the style of democracy. Iraq has just ended the era of tyrant dictatorship, and it needs this atmosphere of democracy even more. As the ruling hall and the opposing hall, they can only coexist peacefully and cannot compete with each other.

However, although I can't control Samantang, I can put pressure on Salmentang to force them to accept my opinion.I think Mr. Ambassador should be able to do the same, right? "

"Hahaha... That's really great. Since Mr. President still has a way to suppress Samantang, I just have something to ask Mr. President for help!" Zhu Mingyan laughed.

Harvey was stunned, and after walking around for a long time, Zhu Mingyan walked him in. He said with a helpless smile, "Mr. Ambassador, the matter of food..."

Zhu Mingyan waved his hand and said, "We'll talk about this later. I hope Mr. President can help me before this!"

Harvey frowned. Right now, he is asking for help from others. In this day and age, how can you expect others to help you in vain?Helping others is happiness, but helping others for a fee is undoubtedly happier!
"If you have anything to do with the ambassador, please tell me. As long as you can help the country through the current crisis, I, Harvey, will do anything even if I am in a daze!"

Harvey looked awe-inspiring for the survival of the nation, but this obviously failed to impress Zhu Mingyan.

Zhu Mingyan was thinking, should he put forward his own request first or Li Xiaogang and Lightning first?After much deliberation, although his own affairs are also very important, they still seem a bit insignificant compared to the grand plan that Li Xiaogang and Lightning are working on.

After weighing it a few times, Zhu Mingyan glanced at Harvey lightly and said, "Mr. President, hasn't Samantang caused you any trouble recently?"

Harvey smiled wryly for a while and said, "If they don't cause trouble for me, they won't be objecting! Mr. Ambassador, why do you suddenly care about this?"

Zhu Mingyan shook his head and said: "The national conditions of our country and your country are somewhat similar. Both are governed by one church, and multiple churches jointly participate in politics. But the relationship between us and other democratic churches is mutual dependence and coexistence, and we get along very well! It is absolutely impossible for Yiguo to find trouble for the ruling hall in the wild hall."

After hearing Zhu Mingyan's words, Harvey couldn't help showing a deep longing on his face, and murmured: "Your country's ruling environment is really enviable! Hey!"

"Mr. President, don't you want to know how we did it?" Zhu Mingyan asked leisurely.

Harvey's eyes lit up, and he said loudly, "I want to! Of course I want to! Will Mr. Ambassador give me some advice?"

Zhu Mingyan said boldly: "What is there to say? Since Mr. President wants to hear it, I will talk about it!"

Zhu Mingyan paused, sorted out his thoughts, and continued: "The reason why our Huaxia sects can support and understand each other is because we have come from the flames of war to today together with the other democratic sects. There is a brotherhood between us that blood is thicker than water, and these are exchanged with the blood of countless martyrs on the battlefield.

It is precisely because of the hard-won friendship that the leaders of the various sects attach great importance to this precious relationship, and we get along so harmoniously. "

Harvey nodded and said with a sigh: "Yes, what in this world can be more reliable than the friendship bought by bloodshed and sacrifice? It's a pity that such a situation will never appear in the country of Iraq. Democracy Tang and Samantang lived and died together, thinking about it makes people feel a little absurd!"

Zhu Mingyan said tremblingly, "Mr. President, if you don't try it, how will you know it's impossible?"

Havid waved his hand and said, "Don't try! I know Mehadi very well. As his power grows, his greed grows stronger. Unless I take the position of President of Iraq Give it to him, otherwise let him agree to cooperate with the two halls and advance and retreat together, it will not be much easier than going to heaven!"

"In that case, then...then why didn't Mr. President find a way to change Samantang's head?" Zhu Mingyan said softly, somewhat inscrutable.

Harvey's body shook suddenly, as if frightened, he couldn't help staring at Zhu Mingyan with his eyes wide open, and said blankly: "The ambassador asked me to help, not to chase Maiha Die step down?"

Zhu Mingyan didn't shy away from it at all, and said loudly: "To tell you the truth, that's what I mean!"

"But...but why?" Harvey asked inexplicably: "As far as I know, the support behind Mehadi is the sky thorn, and it is with the support of the sky thorn that he has come to this day. To destroy him?"

Zhu Mingyan said: "Mr. President, since I have told you my intention, there is nothing else that you cannot know! A few days ago, Mahdi surrounded the Chinese embassy with people and forcibly took us away. I think Mr. President has heard about the staff of the staff?"

Harvey nodded and said, "I've heard that it seems to be for that precious son of Mahdi!"

Zhu Mingyan's face turned cold, and he said, "That's right! Everyone knows about Maihadi's defense! For the sake of his son, he did not hesitate to break with the Skythorn who supported him, which made the leader of the Skythorn very dissatisfied. , is doing everything possible to bring the Mahadi back to its original form. If at this time, Mr. President can come forward to help Tianji, I believe Tianji will accept your kindness! At that time, not only will the three ships The food from the ship is used to solve the urgent needs of the Iraqi country, and maybe it will support Mr. President in turn. Wouldn’t the position of Mr. President be more secure by then! In addition, pulling Mahdi from the horse is also very important to Mr. President. There is no harm, you can secretly support a new agent. Once you have control of Samantang, the situation of inconsistent government orders in the entire Iraqi country will immediately change. On the surface, the two churches are in power, but in fact they are not. You alone have the final say?"

Harvey was moved by Zhu Mingyan's words, and then fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he said, "What you said makes sense. But Mehadi is not easy! Last time, when three generals under him were grabbed by the sideburns at the same time and Suharto strongly impeached him, He can turn passive into active, which fully proves his superb tactics, I am afraid that my strength alone seems to be a little weak!"

Zhu Mingyan laughed and said, "Mr. President, why are you so confused? Don't forget that there are tens of thousands of starving Iraqi people behind you. As long as you do a little work, the responsibility for this famine will be eliminated." , Push it all over Mehadi, without your presence, even the people of Iraq who are all over the street can drown him with their saliva!"

Harvey frowned again, thinking hard for a while.

It is not easy to be a president, and it is even more difficult to be a president who is always in trouble.

It is not easy to return to, but at the same time, it is also the most tempering.Harvey has already learned the ability to foresight and coordinate the overall situation.

I sorted out the whole time from beginning to end. First of all, after solving the food crisis, his prestige in the eyes of the people of Yi Country will be enhanced unprecedentedly.

Secondly, Mahdi is undoubtedly his biggest rival in the political arena. If this rival can be eliminated, the re-election of the next president seems to be a certainty.

Thirdly, from now on, Samantang will not make trouble for himself, and his life will be much easier than it is now.

Fourth... Harvey just thought about it for a while, and came up with n items, which were beneficial to him produced by Mehadi.

Seeing Harvey thinking there, Zhu Mingyan tapped him at the right time, and said softly: "Mr. President, such a good opportunity is really once in a lifetime! Remember, the opportunity is never to be missed, and time never comes again. At this time, A decision should have been made sooner!"

Havid didn't know whether he really figured it out, or was induced by Zhu Mingyan's words. He stood up abruptly and said loudly: "Okay! Let's do this! As long as we can save the people of Iraq, we have to sacrifice Mahdi Already!"

Zhu Mingyan laughed and said, "Mr. President is indeed courageous and wise enough! I believe that under your leadership, the country of Iraq will surely prosper and create greater glories!"

Harvey said with a wry smile: "Mr. Ambassador, there is no need to compliment me! If there are not so many foreign forces in Iraq, there may be hope for what you said. However, the various forces in Iraq today are intertwined, like a It's a mess, one word, it's hard!"

Seeing Harvey's sigh, Zhu Mingyan said with a faint smile: "In the past, people thought that the most difficult thing was to ascend to the sky, but now it has been done. So, I will give you an old Chinese saying, as long as you work hard, The iron pestle is ground into a needle!"

Harvey smiled and said, "Thank you ambassador for your encouragement! I don't know if I can see you now..."

Zhu Mingyan hurriedly said: "Mr. President, why worry, we haven't finished talking yet!"

Harvey's face froze, and he said gruffly: "Could it be that Mr. Ambassador has any other requests? This... this is definitely suspected of adding insult to injury and taking advantage of someone's danger?"

Zhu Mingyan said with a chuckle: "Mr. President is too serious to say that. I definitely don't mean to threaten and blackmail you with the food.

Everything I mentioned is cooperation with your country, and it is something that both you and I can benefit from.For example, to overthrow Maihadi, in the final analysis, we just made a bad breath, but you are the one who benefits the most!Rather than saying that you are helping us, it is better to say that we are helping you, what do you think? "

(End of this chapter)

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