The strongest peasant city

Chapter 630 Withdrawal of the Four Great Elders

Chapter 630 Withdrawal of the Four Veterans

Suharto's mind shook violently, looking at Abdul on the TV screen, he laughed loudly and said: "Last time, because I was too hasty, I made a hasty attack, and let Mehadi escape with his clever mouth. After the past, now that Abdul’s testimony is in evidence, I see how Mahdi can escape this time? Hmph!”

"First of all, sir, several elders join hands to see you!"

Just when Suharto was enjoying watching, a subordinate came in to report.

"Huh? What are they doing here? These old guys, they're all worthless. Tell them, I'm busy, don't see me!"

"and many more!"

Menaide hurriedly stopped the subordinate, frowned and said: "Sir, although you are angry with them, at this critical moment, you can't see you, and if my prediction is correct, this will be a big deal for you." favorable!"

Suharto was taken aback after listening to Mened's words, and said in a nasty voice, "Is it true?"

Mened smiled mysteriously, and said to the subordinate: "Go, invite some elders in!"

A few minutes later, under the leadership of the subordinate just now, the few remaining and respected veterans of Salmentang slowly walked into Suharto's living room.

The Salmon Hall is different from the Democracy Hall. The highest ruler externally is the leader, but inside it, it is the four elders in front of them who really hold the right to speak.

The so-called elders are the first core members of the Salmon Church who are still alive at the beginning of its establishment.

At the beginning of the establishment of Salmento Church, it was when Sada was exercising his dictatorship. The four elders who are still alive were persecuted by Sada back then. A hero in the hearts of all the people.

However, the four elders enjoy such a high reputation in the Salmon Hall, not only because of their integrity, but more importantly, because of the power they cultivated in the hall.

After so many years of operation, almost two-thirds of the important officials in Salmon Hall are either their disciples or relatives, or they have been single-handedly promoted by them.

One of the most important reasons why Suharto dared to challenge Mahdi at such a young age was that Suharto's father was also one of the veterans before his death. After his death, the branch that belonged to him The power returned to Suharto, and Monad and Janed were the right-hand men Suharto's father specially left for him.

Looking at the four frail and dying old guys in front of him, Suharto didn't have a good look on his face.

It was Monad and Janed who let them sit on the sofa one by one.Four elders, you look at me, and I look at you. In the end, Du Qizi, one of the four elders, spoke first.

Du Qizi looked at Suharto with a smile and said, "Suharto, how long has it been since your father passed away?"

Suharto said angrily, "Almost three years!"

Regarding Suharto's attitude, Du Qizi didn't take it seriously at all. He smoothed his snow-white hair and said nana: "Has it been three years? Time flies. Seeing us old men Go with him."

Suharto hummed, but he said in his heart, "You four old bastards, you'd better be taken away by my father now!"

Du Qizi let out a long sigh, and said, "Time is inevitable, and it's almost time for us four old things to step aside and hand over the stage to you young people."

As he said that, Du Qizi's eyes burst out with sharp lights, he looked at Suharto, and said solemnly: "Suharto, can you take on this important task?"

"Ah?" Suharto was taken aback, and looked at the four of them in confusion.Na Na asked: "You... you are..." Du Qizi said quietly: "Looking at the world, there are very few political halls with an organizational structure like our Samantang. On the surface, the political power is in the hands of the leader. However, in fact, it is us four old men who control Samantang. Some people may say that we are too ambitious, we are not old-hearted, and we hold on to power and refuse to let go.

But who knows that we do this because we are really worried that the Salmon Church we have built with our whole life's hard work will be destroyed! "

Suharto smiled disdainfully and said: "Isn't this too exaggerated? Without Samantang, you will go to perish? It's so funny! In my opinion, it is because you old fools hold the power, Only then will Samantang go to perish!"


After hearing this, Mened couldn't help feeling anxious, and couldn't help but opened his mouth to yell out.

The four of Du Qizi didn't care at all, Du Qizi smiled and said: "Don't blame him, I know he is still angry with us for what happened last time!"

Having said that, Suharto had nothing to worry about anymore, and simply said openly: "That's right, I'm just mad at you! I'm going to lose all my achievements, and I'm going to turn against you. Shouldn't I be angry?"

Du Qizi said tremblingly: "Yes, you should be angry! But we also have unavoidable difficulties. In that case, Mahdi really stepped down and Samantang fell into your hands, it would be like As Mehadi said, the real owner of the sky thorn will immediately be replaced by the sky thorn, and Samantang will truly exist in name only!"

"You... what do you mean?" Suharto stood up angrily and said.

Du Qizi waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, listen to me! We don't mean to accuse you, we are just an unofficial hall, no matter how big the Samantang grows, it is still an unofficial hall at present.

As Zainotang, if there is no strong backer, there is no way to fight back when faced with criticism from the ruling hall.

Therefore, when Maihadi proposed to cooperate with Tianci, we did not object! "

"But since you support Mehadi, why didn't you support me when I wanted to cooperate with Lightning? My father and you are still good friends who have known each other for many years and have been through life and death!" Suharto said full of resentment.

Du Qizi couldn't help but said bitterly: "It's all our fault. At the beginning, we mistakenly thought that Samantang was big enough, and the small sky thorn was no longer enough to be our backer. We were eager to find a new backer, so we couldn't wait. Want to get rid of the entanglement of the sky thorn.

It just so happened that Maihadi and the Skythorn completely broke up, allowing us to see the hope of getting rid of the Skythorn.On the night before the conference, Mehadi approached us separately, and explained to us the various disadvantages of cooperating with Tianci, and proposed the grand idea of ​​uniting neighboring countries, developing geopolitics, and using the strength of neighboring countries to fight against Democracy Hall.We were convinced by him, so at the next day's meeting, we..."

"Just turned the gun and aimed at me? Huh..." Suharto said with some annoyance: "You don't even think about it, what nonsense geopolitics is, it's nothing more than whimsical!"

Du Qizi shook his head and said: "No, the current Harvey government is extremely pro-American, which has aroused strong dissatisfaction from some of our surrounding countries. The idea of ​​uniting them to drive Harvey out of office is not unrealistic.

It's just... It's just that we didn't expect the sky thorn to be so powerful, not only pushing Maihadi into the abyss, but even leading us, Samantang, to face life and death.Only now do we realize how naive, ridiculous, and even stupid our judgment on the sky thorn was! "

Suharto said indifferently: "Really? It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world!"

Du Qizi nodded and said, "I don't regret selling the medicine, but there is a remedy."

Suharto asked lightly: "What way?"

Du Qizi frowned slightly, and said quietly: "Suharto, you have always maintained a close relationship with the Sky Spike, and now only you can talk to the Sky Spike, and only you can save Samantang from In times of crisis!"

Suharto was hesitating, but Menaide said first: "Several veterans, I'm really sorry. Because of the failure last time, the Sky Spikes were very disappointed with us. They thought we were no longer qualified to cooperate with them on an equal footing. So, sorry, you can only find someone else?"

Suharto was full of doubts after hearing Mened's words, but he knew that Mened's words must have his intentions, so he didn't make a sound, just watched quietly from the side.

Du Qizi took a deep look at Mernaid, and said quietly: "At the beginning, Suharto's father tried his best to keep you by Suharto's side, and it seems that he was right." After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Said to Suharto: "Suharto, we are here this time to tell you that we have decided to pull Mehadi out of the horse, and then you will succeed the position of the leader of Samantang. At the same time, the four old guys will announce Retire and give all the power to you!"

Hearing Duzizi's words, Suharto couldn't help wondering if he was in a dream. His eyes were full of excitement, looked at Duzizi for a while, and then at Mened for a while, as if he was so happy that he didn't know what to do.

Mo Naide said with a wry smile: "Why, the elders are not worried that Samantang will fall into the hands of the sky thorn and become a puppet of the sky thorn?" Du Qizi said feeling lonely and helpless: "Compared to being destroyed, turning into dust and smoke, It is undoubtedly a better choice to be someone else's puppet, and under the current situation, this is the only way to go!"

Mened nodded, looked at Suharto and said, "Sir, why don't you thank the four elders quickly?"

Only then did Suharto recover from the surprise, and hurriedly said to the four elders with a smile, "Thank you four elders for your success. I assure you that I will definitely lead Samantha to a new glory!"

What Suharto said was impassioned, but the four elders were not interested in hearing it.

Du Qizi only mentioned one reason for their defection at the beginning. In fact, there was another reason, which was deeply buried in his heart, that is, in their opinion, Suharto was not a political material at all. His hands can't change the ending of Samantang's destruction in the slightest, at best it just makes the ending come later, slower!

(End of this chapter)

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