Chapter 631
In Suharto's mansion, a few elders hastily made a big plan. Du Qizi said to Suharto: "The time is urgent, Suharto, you should get in touch with the Sky Spike as soon as possible, now you are the quasi-leader of Samantang , should already be qualified to cooperate with them, and the key is to seize the time to restore the decline of Samantang.

We must not let Harvey and the others take advantage of this opportunity to defeat our Samantang in one fell swoop, otherwise we will really feel sorry for your father!Suharto nodded vigorously and said, "Don't worry, elder, as long as I'm here, Samantha will never collapse!"


In Hawid's office, Hawid listened to Abdul's story with a solemn face, one by one revealing the old story of Mahdi, with mixed feelings in his heart.

He has been fighting with Mehadi for so many years, and all the time he doesn't want to step on Mehadi so that he can never stand up, but now that the opportunity comes, Havid's heart is not as excited as he expected.

Abdul, Mahdi's favorite, even betrayed Mahdi, which shocked him too much.

All of a sudden, Harvey's world was full of fear. No matter how close people were, they no longer trusted him at this moment, and they became objects that he needed to be on guard against all the time.

Harvey suddenly felt a trace of inexplicable fatigue and fear in his heart.

It's understandable that Xavier is tired, and anyone can feel tired when you have to be on your toes all the time.

And it's not hard to understand why Harvey felt terrified.

The reason why Abdul betrayed Mahdi was certainly not because of his conscience. Since it was not a conscience discovery, it seemed very mysterious.

All of a sudden, the two big characters of Tianci flashed through his head, and Havid murmured: "That's right, it must be! It's really terrible. If even Abdul can instigate rebellion, Then who else in this world can't be rebelled by the spur of the sky?"

"Dingling..." The rapid ringing of the phone on the desk interrupted Harvey's thinking.

When Harvey came back to his senses, he realized that his whole body was sticky and uncomfortable, and he reached out to touch it. He didn't know when his shirt was soaked in sweat.

Looking up at the temperature gauge on the air conditioner, it clearly showed 23 degrees, and Harvey sighed helplessly.

He shook his head and picked up the phone. The call was from Li Xiaogang, which made Harvey's heart tremble again.

"Li...Mr. Li, hello!"

Harvey tried his best to calm down the complicated emotions in his heart, and murmured.

Li Xiaogang said with a faint smile: "Mr. President, what's the matter, are you not feeling well?" Harvey said hurriedly: "No, no, it's nothing, I'm fine!"

Li Xiaogang said: "That's good! Mr. President, I'm calling this time to tell you that the time has come and you can start to act!"

Harvey asked in confusion, "Action, what action?"

Li Xiaogang said with a chuckle: "Mr. President, what's wrong with you? Haven't we already discussed it? As the force against Mahdi, the people and the power of our heavenly thorns have already taken effect. Now it is your Democracy Hall." It's time for this power to be finalized, what are you waiting for, Mr. President?"

Only then did Harvey react and said: "Oh, I understand! Don't worry, I will arrange it right away. Naturally, I will not let go of such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Just look at me!"

Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "Well, I will wait for the good news from Mr. President!"

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Havid let out a long breath, relaxed his mind, and murmured: "Havid, you are the president of a country, you can't be so afraid of them, you can't!"

After tidying up the somewhat messy suit, Harvey shouted loudly: "Come here!"

Upon hearing the call, the assistant to the president strode in and asked, "Mr. President, are you okay?"

Harvey narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "Let the Minister of Police and the Minister of Justice come to my office immediately! Hurry up and don't delay!"


With Abdul's disclosure, Mehadi's numerous crimes were made public.The families of the victims were naturally furious, and ordinary people were also inspired with a strong sense of justice.

Wave after wave of crusade gathered from all directions towards Mahdi's mansion.

This time, the protesters were no longer unarmed. Countless people held weapons and even rocket launchers in their hands, and killed them in a mighty way.

Facing the unarmed people, Kamaki's army suffered serious losses, and facing the armed protesters, Kamaki's army faced a devastating blow.

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, Kamaki couldn't care less, and rushed into the mansion frantically with a dozen capable subordinates.

When Kamaki saw Maihadi, Maihadi had completely lost his former spirit, staring blankly at Abdul who was still talking freely, looking decadent and desperate.

Kamaki couldn't help but yelled at Mahadi anxiously: "First of all, sir, we...we can't stand it anymore, let's protect you and evacuate here first?"

Mehadi opened his mouth, and said nah na: "Evacuate? Where to evacuate? Now the whole country of Iraq is full of people who want to kill me, where can I evacuate?"

"Go to Iran!" Yawal suddenly said seriously.

Mehadi blinked his eyes, and subconsciously repeated "Go to Iran?" Yawal said in a vibrating voice: "That's right! The relationship between Iran and Iraq has always been tense. As long as we enter Iran's territory, then ha Wade and the others have nothing to do with us! Besides, Iran has always been at odds with our government, as long as we apply for political asylum, Iran will definitely accept us!"

Kamaki also echoed: "Sir, Yawal is right, Iran is our only place to go! Don't hesitate any longer, act? The soldiers are afraid that it won't be long!"

Just as Kamaki finished speaking, there was a sudden bang, and a rocket exploded in the yard. The strong shock wave shattered the glass of the villa one after another!
Mehadi gritted his teeth, stood up abruptly on the sofa, looked at Yawal and said, "Yawal, I used to be so harsh on you, but when I was most critical, you were the one who stayed by my side. ...I really don't know how to thank you..."

Yaval smiled and said: "As long as there is a leader, this sentence is enough!"

Mehadi shook his head and said, "I am no longer the leader..."

Yawal said: "As long as you live for a day, you are my leader, and no one else can replace you! Besides, Mr. Leader needn't be depressed. After we get to Iran, we will start from scratch! How many political circles in history All the famous people grew up while fleeing? First of all, Mr. Zhang can regard this time as an experience."

Mehadi nodded and said, "That's right! You're right, I can't let this go on in despair. Kamaki, order a few people to carry Nevega up, and we'll leave through the back door!"

Kamaki saluted and said "Yes!"

He quickly rushed into the room with a few soldiers, and carried out Nevega who was still recuperating.

It may be that the soldier accidentally touched Nevega's wound, Nevega seemed to be crazy, and while hitting the soldier's head hard, he shouted angrily: "Bastard bastard, how the hell did you memorize it? You want to hurt me to death, don’t you?!”

Seeing such a situation, Mehadi didn't say a word, narrowed his eyes, and walked forward in a few steps. Before Nevega realized what happened, he received several blows on the face. With a hot mouth, a bright red blood flowed down the corner of Nevega's mouth immediately.

Mehadi regards Nevega as a treasure. Yawal and Janed have followed Mehadi for so long, but they have never seen Mehadi scold Nevega, let alone do it. They were stunned for a while. up.

Nevega was even more blindfolded on the spot, covering his burning cheeks with one hand, his eyes widened, and he said nah, "Dad, never hit me..."

Mehadi said angrily: "I really regret why I didn't beat you before. In that case, you might understand something and save me from trouble!"

"Okay, actually scolded me and beat me for a stinky bodyguard!? Anyway, I'm injured now and can't move, so why don't you beat me to death in one go! To save you from being upset when you see me in the future! Come on , kill me!"

Nevega roared frantically.

Mehadi frowned, and suddenly pulled out the pistol from the waist of a bodyguard beside him, and pointed it at Nevega's forehead.

The cold feeling of the gun against the forehead made Nevega's heart tremble violently, and even his soul seemed to be frozen, his whole body was horrifying from the inside out. cold.

Mehadi said coldly: "Okay, Nevega, you are promising, and you can see death as home. Well, now I will shoot you in the head!"

After he finished speaking, he gritted his teeth, and with a 'click' sound, the bullet was loaded and the safety was opened at the same time.

Nevega was stunned, as if he had seen the god of death slowly approaching him, Nevega wailed desperately, "Don't, don't... Dad, I was wrong, I won't dare again..."

Seeing the seriousness of the matter, Yawal hurried forward and hugged Mehadi and said, "Chief, you only have such a son, so don't be impulsive! Nevega is a little ignorant, but his crime is not fatal. Forgive him this time."

Seeing that he couldn't make it, Mehadi put away his gun bitterly, gritted his teeth and said: "Havid and Tianci are right, I am here because of him, and now I think it is too late to regret it." already!"

Then he stared at Nevega angrily and said: "Nevega, listen to me! Although you are my son, in my eyes, you are a burden. Everything in my eyes is more important than yours. If the time comes when I have to choose who to give up, you will be the one!"

No matter what Maihadi said, whether it made Yawal, Kamaki or a few bodyguards warm their hearts, the way they looked at Maihadi changed.

(End of this chapter)

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