The strongest peasant city

Chapter 635 Iran's Conditions

Chapter 635 Iran's Conditions

Lightning shook his head with a smile, and said to Zaid: "Minister Zaid, please let me take in Mr. Mehadi." Zaid smiled and said: "I dare not obey the order of the sky thorn ?” After speaking, he looked at Mehadi and said, “Mehadi, come here! In our Iranian territory, Harvey will never want to touch you!”

Mehadi turned his head to look at Zaid, then looked back at Yawal, Kamaki and the others, gritted his teeth and turned around, and said nah, "Lightning, I'm sorry!"

Mehadi's sorry, it was really not easy and heavy.

Lightning smiled, and understood in his heart why Li Xiaogang let Maihadi go.

"It's okay, I will visit you in Iran when I have time, and I will teach you how to drink Huaxia tea!"

Mehadi nodded and led Yawal and Kamaki into the border of Iran.A group of Iranian soldiers immediately escorted them, got into the car and drove quickly to the inland.

However, Zaid did not leave, standing there watching the lightning with a weird smile on his face.

Lightning shook his head with a wry smile, and said to Li Xiaogang: "Did you see that, it's time to pay the bill, these vampires!"

After finishing speaking, he said to Zaid lightly: "Zayid, thank you this time, otherwise, all this would not be so smooth!"

Zaid smiled and said: "Where is it, it is our honor to serve the Sky Spike, isn't it? Haha..."

"Okay, okay, don't say these high-sounding words in front of me.

For such a small matter, your government actually used you, the dignified Minister of Defense, I think it's probably because you have something to discuss with me, right? "

Zaid smiled awkwardly: "Mr. Lightning is really astute, I admire him!"

In order to be able to talk to Lightning, Zaid specially learned some Chinese etiquette, making Lightning listen to how awkward it is.With a wry smile, he said, "If you have something to say, just say it. You have helped me a lot this time, and I should repay you. You don't have to go around with me!"

Zaid hurriedly said: "Well, it is like this. The Middle East has always been known for its dry and hot climate. The food production is already low, and this year the situation is even more severe. Drought, locust plagues continue, and more than 50.00% of the food crops are gone. up.

Not only Iran, but we in Iran are also suffering from famine.

Although Iran is richer than Iran, the current situation is that even if you have money, you can't buy food. Even if you buy it, it is difficult to transport it to the mainland.The sea area along the way is either densely covered with hidden reefs or rampant with islands.This month, our government spent a lot of effort to get [-] ships of food from Brazil. As a result, nearly half of the ships either hit the rocks or were robbed by pirates, causing heavy losses.

So, our president wants to..."

"What are you thinking? Want our Sky Spike to escort you? I can tell you right now, that's impossible!" Lightning interrupted Zaid before he could finish speaking.

Zaid smiled wryly and said, "We don't have this extravagant hope at all. Besides, there is no food source, and we have no food for the sky thorns to escort."

"Oh? Haha... I understand, then you must want to use our transportation channel, no problem, this is a trivial matter, as long as it does not hinder our normal transportation, I can lend the transportation channel to your country for use. Our Sky Spike will not just watch the Iranian people starve and ignore it." Lightning said generously.

However, there was not much joy on Zaid's face. Instead, he was a little embarrassed, and said: "This... This is just one of our requests. We have another request. I hope you can agree to it." .”

Lightning frowned, and said with some dissatisfaction: "I said Zaid, you are too much, right? I just asked you to do us a small favor, but you are good, the one on the left asks, and the one on the right asks." It's endless, isn't this pure intention to rip us off?"

Zaid blushed anxiously, and hurriedly waved his hands and said, "No, no, we definitely didn't mean that. If the matter wasn't so critical to the life and death of the Iranian people, our government would have nothing to do, and we would never bother you so much! Please see For the sake of the Iranian people, please lend a helping hand!"

Lightning frowned and said, "Then what do you want from me?"

Zaid said: "I heard that you organized three grain transport ships full of grain for the Iraqi country and solved the food crisis in the country. We hope... hope you can also organize some food sources for Iran to help We're going to get through this!"

As soon as he heard that there was business to do, Li Xiaogang took over the conversation and said, "Don't worry about this. We will send representatives to Iran to negotiate with you in the near future. As long as the conditions are suitable, we will provide food for Iran!"

Zaid looked at Li Xiaogang in some confusion, and said nah: "You are..."

Lightning pointed at Li Xiaogang and said: "This is my boss! Since he has personally agreed to you, then the matter is settled! You should go back now and make proper preparations."

Lightning was already mighty enough. Hearing that the man in front of him was still the boss of Lightning, coupled with Li Xiaogang's extraordinary demeanor and majestic face, he felt a sense of awe in his heart, and said, "I don't know Mr. Gao's name?"

Li Xiaogang shook his head and said: "You don't need to know my name. The key is how to promote our cooperation.

Although Iran's economy is better than Iran's, the amount of food that Iran is in short supply must be very alarming, I am afraid you will not have enough money to pay for the food..."

Zaid hurriedly said: "You don't have to worry about this! We don't have money, but we have oil! We can exchange oil for food!"

This is exactly what Li Xiaogang wanted. Li Xiaogang said: "That's very good! I will send a special person to Iran to discuss this matter with your country as quickly as possible. I hope we can cooperate happily!"

Seeing Li Xiaogang's extended hand, Zaid felt flattered and shook it, and said repeatedly: "Definitely, definitely!"

At this moment, Lightning's phone rang, and after talking on the phone, Lightning came to Li Xiaogang's ear and whispered: "Brother Gang, something is up."

Li Xiaogang nodded and said to Zaid: "After all, this is not a place for talks.

Armed like you, arrayed on the border of the country of Iraq, I am afraid that it will cause misunderstandings by the officials of the country of Iraq. I think we should leave it at this point and talk about it in detail when we have a chance in the future. "

Zaid said with a smile: "Yes, I hope you will come to Iran as soon as possible!"

On the way back, Li Xiaogang asked Lightning, "What's going on?"

Lightning frowned and said: "Philip called just now, saying that there is a very important ship from country M that needs to go back to country M through our transportation channel, and let us let us go. Brother Gang, do we really want to send this precious ship to country M?" The transportation channel is lent to them.

The people of country M have always been greedy, if there is a first time, there will be a second time, countless times!In fact, the people of country M didn’t do much to bring down Maihadi this time. Isn’t the reward we paid too much? "

Li Xiaogang turned his head to look at Lightning and said seriously: "Lightning, you come out of the army, you should know that you must make promises, and you must keep what you promise to others. What's more, what you represent now is not only your personal image, but also your own image. It is the image of China as a whole, we can't let the people of country M say that we Chinese are people who are not promised!"

Lightning smiled wryly and said: "I know this, but I just can't swallow this breath, I always feel like I have suffered a big loss in business!"

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Since we have suffered a loss, we must find a way to earn it back. Lightning, how about we add a layer of mystery to this transportation channel in our hands? It is like the mysterious Bermuda, let people listen I feel fear, and instinctively want to run away!"

Lightning asked with a puzzled face: "Brother Gang, what do you mean? Why can't I understand?"

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "You answer Philip, just say that we will let you go! But you remind him one more thing, just say that this transportation channel is very evil, and only when Chinese ships pass through will it be safe and sound, while other countries Every time your ships encounter storms and sink on the rocks, you tell them to be careful!"

Lightning smiled bitterly: "Brother Gang, you are too good at joking, how is this possible!"

Li Xiaogang said with a faint smile: "It's just because it's impossible, it's too unimaginable, that's why I say this transportation channel is evil!"

Lightning nodded and said, "Okay, although I don't know what tricks you are playing, Brother Gang, I think it will be fun!"

Li Xiaogang said coldly: "Fei Lipu has been in the Yi country for too long, and he almost doesn't pay attention to us Chinese people. He even tried to put his claws on our plates and grab our food, hehe !He thought he was playing smart, but he didn't know how serious the consequences would be!"

Seeing Li Xiaogang's expression, Lightning shrugged his neck, telling him intuitively that Philip would be in trouble.

Lightning put aside this topic and asked, "Brother Gang, why did you let Mehadi go? Is it really just that you just can't bear it?"

Li Xiaogang said lightly: "Our goal of controlling Samantang has been achieved, so why do we need to kill them all? This is one of them.

Second, I have always been worried about that Harvey.From his eyes, I can see his strong desire to control power.

People with this desire to control are unlikely to share power with others.

After Suharto took over as the leader of Salmento, it will be difficult for Salmento to compete with Democracy Hall. Harvey is bound to take advantage of the victory and chase down Samantang. It will not be long before Harvey will Like a batch of wild horses, it will be difficult for you and me to control. At that time, I will find a way to use the mahadi again, and fight fire with fire!It's just that I still hope that such a day will never appear as well! "

After hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Lightning couldn't help but let out a long breath, and said in a nasty voice: "Brother Gang, sometimes I find that you think so far, I have to feel admiration!"

Li Xiaogang smiled and glared at him and said, "Lightning, Lightning, when did you learn to flatter? This is not a good habit!"

Lightning smiled and said, "How can this be flattery? Every word comes from the bottom of my heart."

Li Xiaogang nodded him with his finger and said: "Then, you said you didn't shoot it, so it's been shot again? Hehe... But it's okay, I'm comfortable with it, you can take more shots!"

Lightning snorted and said: "Put it down, I'm so upright, how could I flatter other people, you should give up on it, haha..."

(End of this chapter)

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