The strongest peasant city

Chapter 636 Becoming a Chinese Nationality

Chapter 636 Becoming a Chinese Nationality
The two talked and laughed all the way back to downtown Baghdad. Li Xiaogang looked at the time and said, "Take me to George first, and I will explain the Iran matter to him."

Lightning nodded and said: "But brother Gang, I always feel uneasy about handing over all the food to a person from M country. The so-called people who are not of my race must have different hearts. If things go on like this, it may not be a good thing." ah?"

Li Xiaogang frowned slightly when he heard this, and said slowly: "Do you think I haven't thought about it? But the talents around me are too limited. In addition, George has been in Yiguo for many years and is deeply rooted. He has helped us a lot. This sudden change of personnel may cause an uproar. Let’s just do it for now, and we will slowly figure out a way later!”

"Huh? Isn't that George's car? Where is he going?" Lightning's sharp eyes suddenly saw George's car driving in the same direction as they were in front of them.

Li Xiaogang frowned and said, "It looks like he's going to the Huaxia Embassy, ​​follow him!"


In front of the Chinese embassy, ​​George's car really stopped. From a distance, Li Xiaogang saw George getting out of the car with a solemn expression, which was very different from the usual smile on George's face. , Li Xiaogang and Lightning looked at each other for a while.

George's mood at the moment is indescribably complicated.

Ever since he met Zhu Mingyan, George has developed a strong interest in Chinese culture and language. When he met Li Xiaogang, this interest was immediately multiplied. I am so obsessed with Chinese culture that I can't put it down.

As his research on Chinese culture deepened, he gradually began to understand the way of thinking of Chinese people. After understanding these ways of thinking, George's heart was never at peace again.

Today he finally mustered up his courage, holding a thin film in his hand, and stood in front of the Huaxia embassy.After hesitating again and again, George walked in with his head held high.

Afterwards, Li Xiaogang and Lightning looked at each other, and Li Xiaogang said quietly, "This man from country M is a bit unusual today. Come on, let's go in quietly and see what he is going to do."

This is exactly what Lightning meant. The two unfolded their bodies and sneaked in quietly...

In Zhu Mingyan's office, Zhu Mingyan was seriously reviewing the documents when he was suddenly startled by a knock on the door, and said casually, "Come in!"

The door was opened, and seeing that the person standing at the door was George, Zhu Mingyan smiled slightly and said, "George, you haven't been here for a few days, I thought you didn't know where to fly to grab food!"

George smiled foolishly, instead of arguing with Zhu Mingyan, he found a sofa and sat down quietly, bowing his head in silence.

Zhu Mingyan couldn't help but asked a little strangely: "George, what's wrong with you? Look at your frowning face, did something happen?"

George raised his head slowly, handed the paper in his hand to Zhu Mingyan and said, "Look at this first."

Zhu Mingyan took it over suspiciously and took a look. He couldn't help being surprised, and said in a nasty voice, "Application for Chinese citizenship?! George, you...why do you suddenly want to become Chinese nationality?"

George said slowly: "It's because of you and Tianci. You all regard me as your best friend and trust me unconditionally.

In order to protect my safety, Tianci was born and died several times, and I felt very uneasy in my heart. "

Zhu Mingyan said with a smile: "There's no need to worry about it. We all regard you as our best friend, and it's the attitude of us Chinese people to treat friends!"

"I know this, and I also regard you as my best friends. But a few days ago, I saw an old Chinese saying, which said that if you are not of my race, your heart must be different! Later I understood, this sentence It means that a foreigner like me, even if I am a friend of your Chinese people, I cannot be trusted. This... This makes me feel uncomfortable.

But I don't want to lose you friends, so I decided to join the Chinese nationality, so that I am your race and can be trusted..."

Hearing George speak his heart out in awkward Chinese dialect, Zhu Mingyan was moved in his heart.At first glance, George's words were rather childish.

When a foreigner joins the Huaxia country, does he have one heart with the Huaxia people?This is obviously impossible.But this just reflects the importance George attaches to the friendship between them.

Zhu Mingyan said gruffly: "George, you don't have to do this. Whether you are from Huaxia or not, in my eyes, in the eyes of the sky, you are the most trustworthy friend!"

George shook his head stubbornly and said: "No, no, don't think that I have been wronged by doing this, but it is not.

After interacting with you and studying Chinese culture for so long, I really think you are a great and glorious nation!It is my great honor and pride to be a member of this nation!Please, Mr. Ambassador, please help me no matter what! "

Zhu Mingyan nodded and said, "Okay, George, welcome to the Huaxia family!"

A burst of applause suddenly sounded, and Li Xiaogang and Lightning walked in clapping their hands.

Zhu Mingyan and George looked at them with some doubts. Li Xiaogang smiled lightly and said, "We have heard the conversation between the two of you outside. George, I am really moved by you."

George shook his head shyly, and said, "Since this is the case, if you have good things to do in the future, you should think of me a lot! I am also a Chinese now, and I am a race that you can trust!"

Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "Of course! It just so happens that there is a good thing right now, and I can't do it without you!"

The good things that Li Xiaogang talked about were always earth-shattering things that made people drool involuntarily. Zhu Mingyan and George were immediately aroused by him.

George kept urging: "What is the good thing, you should tell me quickly!"

Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "I have just received a request from the Iranian side, hoping that we can organize food sources and solve their food crisis. Now the time has finally come for us to make the grain business out of Iran. Iran has a larger population than Iraq , the consumption of food is much more, this is a big market no less than that of Iraq, George, your chance to make a fortune has come!"

Although George was happy to hear that, there was nothing to excite him, because it was only a matter of time before he entered Iran or even the entire Middle East.

Seeing the disappointment on George's face, Li Xiaogang smiled wryly and said, "You are really greedy! Well, what I really want to say is that I want to set up an energy group in Iraq. Even if the oil in the entire Middle East is controlled, on the one hand, it can fight for the interests of the countries in the Middle East, allowing them to get rid of poverty earlier, on the other hand, it can also enhance our influence in the world and elevate China's international status! George, you are now a Chinese, and I am going to hand over this newly established energy company to you."

George was taken aback by Li Xiaogang's idea, and hurriedly said: "No, no, I'm only good at food, and I don't know anything about oil. I'm afraid I can't handle such a huge plan like yours!"

Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "This business is all about everything. If you are doing so well in the food business, the oil business will definitely not be bad! Besides, we want to control the oil in the Middle East. The most powerful weapon must be food. We need you Only those who are proficient in food economics can come to sit in the town!"

There was incomparable sincerity in Li Xiaogang's eyes, and his fiery gaze was on George, making it difficult for him to refuse.

After pondering for a while, George finally asked, " you trust me like that?"

Li Xiaogang said calmly: "George, to be honest, if we hadn't heard the conversation between you and Uncle Zhu outside the door, we would not have done this. I'm not afraid that you will feel uncomfortable. The old Chinese saying you just said , is indeed what we are worried about.

But when we heard everything you said to Uncle Zhu, from your words, we could tell that you valued our friendship as much as we did.

Based on this alone, we have nothing to worry about you.Besides, George, in these days, cooperation and mutual assistance are everywhere, and nationality is gradually becoming blurred. As long as we treat each other as a family, why should we care about differences in skin color and nationality? "

Li Xiaogang's sincerity moved George a little, and the worries in his heart melted silently like snow under the scorching sun. He nodded heavily, and George said in a vibrating voice, "Okay! I'm going to fight it out, and I'll take care of this energy group." ! It's just... just can I get a share?"

Li Xiaogang and George glanced at each other, and then burst out laughing. Lightning even laughed and pointed at George and said, "Fuck you!"

Li Xiaogang stopped laughing and said, "George, your question is too redundant. Since everyone is a family, you can naturally buy shares. How about giving you 30.00%?"

George nodded and said, "Then it's settled!"

"Hey, can I become a shareholder?" Zhu Mingyan suddenly interjected and said with a smile.

Li Xiaogang frowned and said, "Uncle Zhu, this is not buying shares to open a restaurant. How much money do you have?"

Zhu Mingyan said mysteriously: "Over the years, I managed to save 50 yuan, and I decided to invest all of it. What do you think?"

Lightning smiled wryly and said, "Uncle Zhu, is your 50 taels of gold?"

Zhu Mingyan couldn't help but glared at Lightning, and said angrily, "Boy, are you trying to embarrass me on purpose?"

Lightning shook his head with a smile and said, "Uncle Zhu, investments like energy cost billions of dollars. You can't even hear a sound when you throw in 50. You should save it and find a wife." Bar."

(End of this chapter)

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