The strongest peasant city

Chapter 647 The Back

Chapter 647 The Back
After bidding farewell to Shi Qiu and his wife, Li Xiaogang thought for a while and came to the Institute of Agricultural Sciences alone.The Institute of Agricultural Sciences was still bustling and full of vitality as usual.

Li Xiaogang appeared here as Li Liang, and the guards in charge obviously didn't recognize him, and they all looked at him warily.

Li Xiaogang frowned, walked up to them, and said, "I'm sorry, I want to see Director Li Xiang!"

Although Tianci was wary and suspicious of Li Xiaogang, his attitude towards him was not bad, and he just said lightly: "Director Li has gone to other places to do research."

Li Xiaogang frowned, and muttered in his heart: "Going to other places to do research? Could it be that he went to the desert?" Li Xiaogang counted, no, the day was just right.

Li Xiaogang immediately wanted to go to the desert to see the situation there, but he soon thought of another urgent matter, so he had to put this thought back to his heart for the time being.

After saying thank you to the stabbing team members that day, Li Xiaogang turned around and left slowly.

In the Institute of Agricultural Sciences, in front of a huge French window, Liu Feng had done a day's experiment, and her back was a little sore, she straightened up, twisted her waist, and got ready for activities.

In this way, his gaze casually passed over the floor-to-ceiling windows, and swept over Li Xiaogang's back.

This figure from the back was so familiar, Liu Feng felt her heart beating violently as if she had been electrocuted.

Mouth slowly Li Ming, Liu Feng shouted desperately: "Brother Gang, Brother Gang!..." However, her voice was completely blocked by the floor-to-ceiling windows made of soundproof glass, no matter how loud she shouted, Li Xiaogang was still the same. Nothing.

"Ah Feng, where is brother Gang?" Liu Ting rushed in from the outside when she heard Liu Feng's cry.Run straight towards the door.

But when she came to the gate, Li Xiaogang had already disappeared.

Just as Liu Feng was eagerly searching around, Liu Ting chased up from behind panting, and gasped, "Brother Gang...where is it?"

Liu Feng was a little dejected, and murmured: "Brother Gang..." Liu Feng returned to the laboratory with a trace of great regret.

Li Xiang, Zhou Zongnan, Zhou Keqing, Qin Qin, and Li Shuang all went to the desert, but Liu Feng was full of worries and had nowhere to confide, so she stood there alone in a daze.

Liu Ting asked anxiously: "Feng, did you really see Brother Gang?"

Liu Feng bit her lip tightly, and said firmly: "That's right! That must be him, I will never forget that back view.

Wide, strong, seems like a harbor where you can dock at any time..."

Listening to Liu Feng's dreamlike whispers, Liu Ting shook her head with a wry smile, and then called Liu Changhe.

Liu Changhe was having a meeting, and when he answered the phone, his tone was a bit unkind, and he said, "What's the matter, why are you calling at this time!"

Liu Feng snorted and said: "I have something important to tell you, that's why I called you, you don't appreciate it, how unreasonable it is!"

Liu Changhe smiled bitterly and said, "You little girl, what important things can you do? I'll talk about it after I finish the meeting!"

Liu Ting said: "Okay, after you finish the meeting, who knows if you can still find Brother Li Xiaogang!"

"What!? Li Xiaogang!?" Hearing this name, Liu Changhe was like a fighting cock on steroids. He immediately became excited and said hurriedly, "Tell me, where is he?"

Liu Ting retaliated and said, "Anyway, I'm just a girl, and nothing important will happen. I'll call you after your meeting!"

Liu Changhe didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while, and said gruffly: "Okay, baby girl, it's dad's fault, right? Your lord has a lot of knowledge, so don't be as knowledgeable as your dad. I have urgent business with you brother Gang, so don't delay!"

Hearing that Liu Changhe softened, Liu Ting twitched a sly smile and said, "Brother Gang just came to our Institute of Agricultural Sciences, but I heard that Teacher Li and the others are not there, so I left again!"

"What!? Left? You...why didn't you keep him!?" Liu Changhe couldn't help but blame Liu Ting.

Liu Ting said full of grievances: "He walks so fast, who can catch up!"

Liu Changhe said repeatedly: "Okay, okay, I won't talk to you anymore." After speaking, he hung up the phone.

With the phone in his hand, Liu Changhe hurriedly paced back and forth outside the meeting room.

The senior provincial official came out of the meeting room and saw Liu Changhe who was like an ant on a hot pot. He asked in puzzlement, "Changhe, what are you doing? Are you waiting for a meeting inside?"

Liu Changhe waved his hand and said: "I will drive here first, I have a very important matter to deal with!"

After finishing speaking, regardless of the secretary's expression, he left the Provincial Party Committee building in stride, got in the car, and went straight to Longquan Group.

When Long Ling'er heard that the secretary came to report that it was Liu Changhe asking to see him, Long Ling'er immediately frowned tightly.

It's no wonder that in less than a month, Liu Changhe ran here more than a dozen times, and it was the same thing every time. If it wasn't because Long Ling'er was sure that there was no enmity between her and Liu Changhe, she would definitely He would suspect that Liu Changhe was deliberately trying to drive her crazy.

However, he is a high-ranking official, and the parents and officials of one side of the land cannot be seen.Long Ling'er got up and went to the reception room.

As soon as he entered, Long Ling'er couldn't help complaining: "I said, senior official, I have already stored so much food, so you can spare me. You can't count on it, because all the food in the province can't be sold. Let me eat all the food by myself, please find other outlets!"

Liu Changhe's old face blushed. His purpose of coming here more than a dozen times is the same, to sell food.

This makes him very helpless, and now the food is saturated across the country.

If the grain in the hands of farmers cannot be sold, they come to the government for help. Since the farmers have found the government, there is no reason for the government not to reach out.But the people in the government only eat three meals a day, so they have no choice but to reach out to the enterprise.

It just so happened that the Longquan Group was a big food consumer, so this became Liu Changhe's main position. He made more than a dozen trips a month and sold all the grain that the Longquan Group could not use for three years to them.

Not to mention Long Ling'er, even Liu Changhe himself would feel a little embarrassed seeing Long Ling'er now.

Liu Changhe didn't want the misunderstanding to continue, and hurriedly said: "Chairman Long misunderstood! This time I didn't come here for food."

Long Ling'er immediately breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and couldn't help laughing: "Senior official, don't blame me for being nervous, I have been..."

Liu Changhe hurriedly said: "Understood, it's all my fault! Ha ha... This time, I want to tell you a definite news. Less than an hour ago, Li Xiaogang went to the Institute of Agricultural Sciences!"

Liu Changhe's words were like a heavy bomb blasting in Long Ling'er's heart, making Long Ling'er dizzy and brain froze.

After being stunned for a long time, Long Ling'er asked eagerly, "You... are you telling the truth?"

Liu Changhe smiled wryly and said, "Can I still deceive Long Dong? What I said is absolutely true! Li Xiaogang is really back!"

After hearing Liu Changhe's words, Long Ling'er burst into tears.

First, when the sad news of Li Xiaogang committing suicide came, Long Ling'er was distraught.

Later, Dong Feifei boldly suspected that Li Xiaogang was not really dead, and with a series of investigations by them, they gradually confirmed this fact, and her mood also recovered.

Until now, when she first heard that Li Xiaogang had returned here again, her excitement immediately climbed to the peak, which almost made her a little uncontrollable.

Grabbing Liu Changhe's arm, he asked loudly, "Where is he now, where is he?"

There is only one voice in Long Ling'er's heart, that is, don't let Li Xiaogang leave her again this time, even if you tie him up with a rope.

Liu Changhe shook his head regretfully and said, "This... I don't know about this either.

Li Xiaogang just stopped by the Institute of Agricultural Sciences, and then disappeared.

I thought he was coming for you..."

"Home!? By the way, he must be home, it must be!"

After speaking, Long Ling'er couldn't wait to call Hu Rong. As soon as the call was connected, Long Ling'er yelled "Go home! Hurry up!" After speaking, she hung up the phone, got up and rushed outside.

Liu Changhe followed closely, and reminded loudly: "If you see him, tell him about the food, let him think of a way..." Long Ling'er didn't care about these things, and disappeared in a flash .

Liu Changhe shook his head and muttered, "Hey, why doesn't she go to the Olympics..."

Hearing the 'commotion' here, Li Li came out of her office, and asked with some doubts: "Grand Officer Liu, what happened, our Long Dong..."

Liu Changhe tidied up his suit, hehe said with a smile: "Your Long Dong will be her lover, hehe..." After speaking, with his hands behind his back, he left Longquan Group leisurely, leaving only Li Li A person stood there with his brows tightly furrowed in a daze.

Ever since Li Xiaogang took Hu Rong in, Long Linger's villa became the home of the three of them, their love nest.

During the days when Li Xiaogang was not around, Hu Rong lived here, and together with Long Linger, she savored the feeling of Li Xiaogang's absence.When Long Ling'er appeared here eagerly, Hu Rong also arrived panting at the same time.

Asked Long Ling'er, "What happened in such a hurry?" Long Ling'er did not answer Hu Rong's words, but just stared at the villa in front of him with beautiful eyes, and the hand holding the key trembled towards the lock. Put your eyes out.

Hu Rong looked at Long Ling'er curiously, and suddenly became nervous.

With a soft 'click', the door slowly opened to both sides, and Long Ling'er called softly, "Xiao Gang, I'm here!"

Then she rushed in, how she hoped that there would be a warm hug waiting for her at this time, but the surroundings were still quiet except for the silence.

Long Ling'er's expression turned sad, it looked like it was when she left in the morning.

"Ling'er, what's wrong with you..." Seeing Long Ling'er's abnormal behavior, Hu Rong couldn't help feeling worried, and walked over to hug her and asked.

Long Ling'er buried her head in Hu Rong's soft embrace, and said sadly, "Rong Rong, Xiao Gang...he doesn't want us anymore!"

Hu Rong frowned, and said: "Why do you say that, how do you know he doesn't want us?" Long Ling'er looked even more miserable, and said: "This is his home, if he wants us, why don't you come back Come here?" Hu Rong smiled wryly and said, "Xiao Gang hasn't come back yet, when he comes back, he will definitely come here..."

(End of this chapter)

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