The strongest peasant city

Chapter 648 Reckless Zhao 4

Chapter 648 Reckless Zhao Si

"No! He's already back! Just now he went to the Institute of Agricultural Sciences..." Long Ling'er's grief continued to escalate.

Hu Rong couldn't help being taken aback when she heard her words, and said blankly: "You...what did you say? He...he has really returned to the provincial capital?"

Long Ling'er nodded in tears and said: "Well... I thought he would... come back, but..." Hu Rong's head was also stunned.

Since Li Xiaogang has been to the Institute of Agricultural Sciences, how could he not go home first?There is only one explanation, Li Xiaogang hasn't forgiven them yet, or as Long Linger said, Li Xiaogang doesn't want them anymore, or doesn't love them anymore!These two results were also hard for Hu Rong to accept, her expression was also sad, and she started crying along with Long Ling'er...

Just when Long Ling'er and Hu Rong were weeping, Li Xiaogang had already arrived at the small southern mountain village he had been to before going to Yiguo.

At this time, the rice in the field has been harvested, and it is rare to see a few pieces of golden yellow.The bare land looked somewhat bleak.

Following the country road, Li Xiaogang walked into this small mountain village.

At the entrance of the village, there stands a marble tablet quietly, on which are clearly written two large characters of vermilion "Linxi".

Li Xiaogang looked up and saw a clear stream passing through the middle of the village. No wonder the village head is called Linxi, the name is quite appropriate.

Villages in the south are very different from those in the north.The village chiefs in the north look like rows of rows, or they live by the mountains, or they are built by the mountains.

The houses are neatly arranged, looking like an army of soldiers in front, revealing a sense of grandeur and majesty.

The villages in the south have a different scene.

The private houses are extremely exquisite and well-arranged among the green mountains and beside the clear water. They seem to be disconnected from each other, but after taking a taste, they feel that they are integrated, showing a sense of tranquility and elegance everywhere.

Being in it is like being in a picture scroll.

In just a short while, Li Xiaogang was attracted by the quiet, elegant and beautiful atmosphere of the mountain village, and was fascinated by it.However, Tao Guitao, Li Xiaogang did not forget the business to be done today.

And the first thing he has to do is to find the old village chief he met back then.

However, although the small mountain village is not big, it is not easy to find a person who has only met once. However, he did not see a villager on the road at this time, and he did not know that the rice has been harvested now. What are the villagers doing? went.

Just when Li Xiaogang was looking for it hard.

Hearing a soft creak, the door of a residential building not far in front of him was gently opened from the inside, and then a slender, beautiful, youthful figure jumped out.

Li Xiaogang vaguely felt that this figure was familiar to him, and when he was staring at the other party, the other party was also looking at him. After a few seconds, the other party suddenly exclaimed, "Are you that kind big brother?"

Li Xiaogang was taken aback for a moment, and then the memory gate was completely opened, Li Xiaogang suddenly smiled and said, "You...are Ruirui?"

The girl immediately nodded vigorously in surprise, and said loudly: "Well, my name is Tian Rui! Big brother, you are finally here!"

After Tian Rui was pleasantly surprised, Li Xiaogang was a little surprised by a relieved expression on his face.

Said: "Why, what can you do with me?"

Tian Rui walked a few steps quickly, came up and grabbed Li Xiaogang's hand and said, "Come with me first!"

After speaking, he took his hand and walked towards a mountain ridge in front of them.

After climbing over the mountain ridge, the two came to the back of the mountain, and saw a lonely house sitting there. Li Xiaogang stared at it, and faintly saw the bustling people there, as if there were many people gathered there.

While pulling Li Xiaogang forward, Tian Rui said, "During the time you didn't come, my mother and the village chief's grandfather were looking forward to your coming every day..."

The closer he was to the house, the tighter Li Xiaogang frowned, and he could vaguely hear a quarrel.Li Xiaogang grabbed Tian Rui and motioned her to slow down, and the two of them moved towards the crowd quietly.

When he came to the front, Li Xiaogang couldn't help being stunned, and saw the old village chief sitting on a small bench in front of the door, smoking a hookah, with a surprisingly dignified expression.

Tian Rui's mother was standing beside him, arguing with a big man, and the surrounding villagers were also talking about it, as if they had something to say.

Before Li Xiaogang could figure out what happened, the thick man snorted angrily, "That's enough, Zhang Yun (Tian Rui's mother). You've sold all your food and got the money." , Of course it’s nothing! You don’t need to stand here and talk without back pain anymore!”

Speaking of which, the big man pointed at the old village head and said: "If he hadn't stopped us from looking for the big boss, wouldn't we be able to sell our grain now? He also said that he would come back in a few days, and this will be over soon." It's the moon, where is the person? Where is the person?"

The more the big man talked, the more annoyed he became, and his teeth and claws seemed to want to tear the old village chief into pieces.

Tian Rui's mother argued for the old village head: "What are you talking about? The big boss is not the son of the village head, so what does it matter to the village head if he comes or not?"

"Since he can't control whether people come or not, he shouldn't have stopped us from looking for them back then! He stopped us back then, and he will be responsible today!" The man waved his hand and said a bit arrogantly.

Tian Rui's mother said angrily: "Zhao Si, you are still being unreasonable. You are a seven-foot-tall man, but you come to bully an old man, are you still a man?"

Zhao Siyi was furious when he heard that, he glared at Tian Rui's mother and shouted, "What did you say? Say it again if you have the guts? Don't think that you are a woman, so I dare not beat you!"

The old village head who had been silent all this time stood up slowly, stood in front of Tian Rui's mother, glared at Zhao Si and said, "Zhao Si, you come to me if you have anything, what's the point of yelling at a woman!?"

Zhao Si grabbed the collar of the old village chief, and the thin old village chief was two or three sizes smaller in front of Zhao Si.

However, facing the ferocious Zhao Si, the old village head showed no fear, his face was serious.

Zhao Si said angrily: "Old man, I have long disliked you! I just played a few games of mahjong, and the money I won was not your money. You actually went to the police, causing me to confiscate my drink money for a year. I I have long wanted to settle accounts with you!"

"Zhao Si, are you still a human being? The old village head has worked hard all his life, and he has done so many good things for the people in our village. Don't forget that when the mudslides flooded your house, it was the old village head who led the big guys. You built a new house for you! Don’t tell me you forgot all of this?” Tian Rui’s mother was afraid that the old village head would suffer, so she hurried up and grabbed Zhao Si’s arm, Zhao Si’s arm swung violently, Zhang Yun staggered backed out.

Zhao Si said angrily: "Stop talking about this, it's all in the past! I just want to know what to do with my food? I can't just watch it rot at home!"

"Zhao Si, food can always be sold, why are you in a hurry..." Tian Rui's mother said.

Zhao Si roared angrily: "You've already sold it, so of course you won't be in a hurry! Otherwise, I'll sell you all the food. Anyway, the food can always be sold, so just sell it slowly!"

For a scoundrel like Zhao Si, the gods will inevitably be angry when they see it. The old village chief shouted: "Thank you for saying it. Zhang Yun, a widow with a daughter who just entered college, is not easy enough. How could you Even Ruirui's tuition fees are on your mind, do you still have a conscience?"

Zhao Si smiled and said: "It's not easy for them, don't you still have you? You take good care of their mother and daughter, hehe..."

Zhao Si's face was full of lascivious smiles, especially when he took care of him and added an accent, which made the old village chief's face turn pale with anger, and he couldn't help coughing loudly. Tian Rui's mother was even more indignant, wanting to I didn't even think about throwing my hands away and flashing towards Zhao Si.

Zhao Si was caught off guard, and with a "slap", he was already slapped!He suddenly felt a great loss of face, and he didn't care whether the other party was a woman, so he punched Tian Rui's mother.

Tian Rui was taken aback when she saw this, and couldn't help screaming coquettishly, just when she was about to snatch it out, a gust of wind swept past her, and when she came back to her senses, Li Xiaogang had already appeared on the scene In the middle, she stood in front of Tian Rui's mother like a god, and held Zhao Si's wrist tightly with one hand like iron tongs.

Zhao Si struggled hard for a few times, but he couldn't break free. He couldn't help but glared at Li Xiaogang angrily, and shouted angrily: "Where did you come from, you wild boy, don't you want to live?"

Li Xiaogang was furious when he heard this, and with a sudden force on his wrist, Zhao Si's thick body immediately flew into the air, and after somersaulting, he hit the ground fiercely, stirring up dust all over the sky.

This feller Zhao Si fell hard, lying on the ground, curled up into a ball, moaning loudly, unable to get up for a long time.

This sudden change made the old village head and Tian Rui's mother dumbfounded for a while. After a long time, the two finally realized that the person who came was none other than Li Xiaogang whom they had been looking forward to.

As if seeing a savior, the old village chief hugged him and said repeatedly: "You are finally back, finally back!"

Tian Rui's mother also looked at Li Xiaogang excitedly, the excitement on her face was clearly evident.

Li Xiaogang said with a faint smile: "I'm sorry, I have to deal with some things, so I was delayed, and I caused you so much trouble, I really feel a little embarrassed!"

The old village chief is now full of joy in his heart, so why would he care about these things with Li Xiaogang, took him by the hand, came to the villagers, and said loudly: "Look, everyone! This is the one who wants to buy our whole village's grain. Sir, everyone's food can finally be sold!"

As soon as the old village chief's words fell, the whole mountain village erupted!Looking at the posture of these villagers, it seems that they can't wait to worship Li Xiaogang.

Surrounding Li Xiaogang, there are voices everywhere asking Li Xiaogang to buy their food first.

Surrounded in the middle, Li Xiaogang felt a little uncomfortable, and frequently signaled to the old village head and Tian Rui, but who knew that the two of them seemed to want to see him laughing, they just looked at him and smiled, but did not stretch out their hands.

(End of this chapter)

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