The strongest peasant city

Chapter 656 Don't Thank Me

Chapter 656 Don't Thank Me
Brother Biao hadn't finished yelling here, another subordinate said, "Brother Biao, my mother is in the hospital, I have to go and see..." He disappeared before Brother Biao could react.

Brother Biao murmured dully: "Didn't your mother die five years ago?...Damn it, a bunch of cowards, usually worth two to five to eighty thousand, it's really time to use you, without him Damn one worthwhile, all of them are trash, idiot!"

"My patience is limited! I want a notice!" Li Xiaogang said impatiently to Brother Biao.

This icy tone turned into a severe winter wind, which passed through Brother Biao's skin and blew into his bones, and Brother Biao shivered violently.

Na na said: "You... who do you think you are, you said I would give it to you..."


Li Xiaogang's eyes were even colder, Brother Biao didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore, he hurriedly took out the notice from his pocket, handed it up, and said, " you!"

While looking at Brother Biao coldly, Li Xiaogang slowly stretched out his hand to the notice. The moment he was about to touch the notice, a strange color flashed in Li Xiaogang's eyes.

It was this strange color that made Brother Biao's heart tremble wildly, screaming in his heart that it was not good, and subconsciously wanted to withdraw his hand, but it was too late.

Li Xiaogang's hand jumped over the notice, and pinched Brother Biao's wrist like lightning, and with a force, Brother Biao's wrist made a crisp bone cracking sound, and it was crushed by Li Xiaogang abruptly!

The huge pain immediately caused Brother Biao to collapse in unbearable pain, rolling on the ground crying and howling.

His face turns pale for a while, and turns blue for a while, as ugly as it gets.

Li Xiaogang caught the notice that slipped from Brother Biao's hand, and said coldly: "Your hands are too cheap, and sooner or later you will get killed. You don't have to thank me, I'm more than happy to help!"

After finishing speaking, Li Xiaogang turned around and returned the notice to Zhao Qian, saying, "Keep it well, don't let these scum take it away."

What girl doesn't worship heroes?Zhao Qian took the notice and stared blankly at Li Xiaogang's face, which was full of fascination and admiration.

"Get out, get out!"

I don't know that it was the troublemaker who called the police, and several policemen came screaming.

Seeing Brother Biao rolling on the ground, the policemen were all taken aback, obviously they knew Brother Biao.

A policeman hurriedly leaned over to help Brother Biao up, and asked, "A Biao, who made you like this?"

As soon as he heard the policeman call out A Biao, Li Xiaogang's heart sank, and he sighed inwardly, this incident of collusion between the police and the gangsters actually happened to him, it seems that things are going to be difficult again today.

Brother Biao endured the severe pain, and glared at Li Xiaogang with great resentment. Several policemen immediately understood, surrounded him, and said angrily at him: "You are suspected of fighting, I want to arrest you!"

Li Xiaogang said coldly: "Fighting? I think it should be self-defense!"

A policeman took out a pair of shiny and shiny handcuffs, put them on Li Xiaogang's hands neatly, and said angrily, "Do you decide whether it's a fight or self-defense?"

Li Xiaogang pointed to the surrounding people and said, "What I say doesn't count, so what they say should count?"

The policemen glared at the crowd with unkind eyes. Firstly, it was because of Brother Biao’s influence. Second, even a blind person could see that these policemen were with Brother Biao. Who would touch him for no reason? This moldy head?One by one either drooped their heads, or turned around and left.

The policeman smiled proudly and said: "It seems that they are not willing to testify for you, so I'm sorry, you have to go with us!"

Seeing such a situation, Li Xiaogang felt very helpless, shrugged his shoulders, and showed a self-deprecating smile on his face.

"I am willing to testify for him. He injured these villains to save me!" At this moment, Zhao Qian, who had always been very weak, stood up bravely and testified loudly for Li Xiaogang.

Zhao Qian's words immediately attracted dissatisfied gazes from several policemen and Brother Biao. Those wolf-like gazes darted back and forth on Zhao Qian's body, as if they wanted to swallow her alive.

Zhao Qian was terrified in her heart, but seeing Li Xiaogang's calm eyes, Zhao Qian felt that she should do this.Li Xiaogang didn't want Zhao Qian to testify for him, it was too dangerous.

After he was caught in the police station, there was no one to protect them anymore. Although Brother Biao would also be caught in, but his people were still outside. With just one message, the old village chief, Zhao Qian and Tian Rui would face a huge crisis. danger.

"Are you really going to testify for him?" The tone of the policeman was actually threatening. In such a large crowd, these policemen wearing police uniforms and claiming to be the protectors of the people are blatantly defending a man who has committed all kinds of crimes. The gangsters opened up the umbrella, really can not help but sigh, people's hearts are not old, and the world is going downhill!

"Zhao Qian, you don't have to worry about my affairs, you and Tian Rui should go home as soon as possible!" Li Xiaogang looked at Zhao Qian and said without rebuttal.

"But..." Zhao Qian was unwilling, and her brows were tightly knit together.

Li Xiaogang said with a slight smile: "Don't worry, I will be fine! The person who can make me safe has not yet been born!"

While Li Xiaogang was talking, he looked at these policemen with deep meaning, and the policemen who looked directly felt chilly and uncomfortable.

Li Xiaogang walked up to the old village head and muttered a few words softly: "After we leave, immediately take Zhao Qian and Tian Rui to find Tian Qing. It's best to stay by his side and don't leave even a single step."

Although the old village head is an honest farmer, he has been the village head for so many years anyway, so he still has some insight. He nodded heavily and said, "Well, I understand! really don't mind ?"

Li Xiaogang sneered and said, "I'm fine! You just need to tell Tian Qing about it, and he will find a way to save me!"

The old village head nodded knowingly, pulled Tian Rui and Zhao Qian together and hurriedly left the mall without saying a word.

When the leading policeman saw the three people leaving, he smiled and said to Li Xiaogang: "What should you do now? All your witnesses have run away. It seems that you will not be able to escape from the charge of intentional injury today. You will also be seated in this prison." Already!"

Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, and said lightly: "You are using your power for personal gain and helping the evildoers, I want to see if the person who is about to be imprisoned is you or me!"

Li Xiaogang's words hit the policeman's sore spot, he groaned angrily, pushed Li Xiaogang, and shouted: "Go!"

"What about him? Doesn't he need to be with us?" Li Xiaogang pointed to Brother Biao and asked quietly.

"What nonsense!? You just follow the police uncle obediently! When I go to the hospital to heal my hand, even if you don't tell me, I will go to the police station to find you. You must wait for me, don't hang up too early Inside! Hahaha..." Brother Biao laughed wildly all the way, and with the support of two policemen, he turned and left.

Li Xiaogang looked at his back and snorted coldly: "Cure it? Humph...don't dream, forget about your hand!"

Li Xiaogang's words fell into the ears of the lead policeman, and the policeman couldn't help asking: "Did you completely cripple his hands?"

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Such a guy is not worthy of a hand at all, I really regret leaving one for him!"

The policeman shook his head when he heard this, and said with a gloating smile: "You are doomed now. Biaozi is the brother-in-law of our deputy director Zhang, and our deputy director Zhang is notoriously fearful. You abolished Biaozi. I don’t think you’re going to get out of the police station completely this time.” Li Xiaogang sneered a few times, then said lightly: “Really? Let’s wait and see, and see who the unlucky one is in the end!”


The police station in city s is extremely busy today, especially the cyber crime department, the atmosphere is even more tense.

A network hacker alliance under the banner of Evil Decimal is attacking almost all large websites at home and abroad like crazy.

In just three days, most of the network systems were almost paralyzed, and the losses caused increased sharply every day.

After three days of uninterrupted tracking by Wen Tian and Song Shuang, they finally locked the evil decimal's lair in S City.

So Wen Tian immediately brought Song Shuang and other experts from the network security team to City S, preparing to destroy this hacker organization that did harm to the country and the people and had no professional ethics in one fell swoop.Speaking of the Evil Decimal System, it is really surprisingly evil.

To say they are hackers is an insult to hackers, but to say they are hackers is more dangerous than hackers.

There are not many members in this organization, about ten or so.

But these ten people are all the world's top, top-notch super experts, and there are five or six of them on the FBI level-[-] alert list in country M alone.

For unknown reasons, these terrible guys gathered together. When they announced to the world that the Evil Decimal System was officially established, hackers almost all over the world were shocked by the power of this organization.

As soon as the Evil Decimal System was established, it seemed to prove their existence, and they immediately set off a brutal bloody storm on the Internet.

The Hand of God in Country M, the Honker Alliance in China, the Amaterasu Network in Island Country, the natural wind in India, etc., as long as they are large-scale hacker groups that are counted in the minds of hackers in the world, they have all been massacred. After this series of bloody killings, the evil decimal skull flag became a devil's flag, flying high.

At the beginning of the establishment of the evil decimal system, it attracted the attention of Wen Tian and Song Shuang.

But at the beginning, the Evil Decimal System did not extend its claws to the national network. Although the methods of the major hacker groups were a bit harsh, they did not touch the bottom line of cybercrime after all, and Wen Tian and others did not care too much. .

(End of this chapter)

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