The strongest peasant city

Chapter 657 Evil System

Chapter 657 Evil Decimal System

But during this period of time, for some reason, the evil decimal system seems to be completely crazy. It has launched a series of cyber attacks in India, island countries, M countries and other countries. After causing heavy blows to the economies of various countries, this time The target was locked on Huaxia again.

Seeing hundreds of thousands of large-scale websites appearing every day that were shut down due to attacks, Wen Tian frowned tightly. If this continues, after these civilian networks completely collapse, the national network will immediately become a their goals.

But what do they want?Just to prove your strength?But they have already proved enough. Now as long as they are hackers, they will admit that although the Evil Decimal System is evil, they are well-deserved strongest. What else do they need to prove?

"Team leader, Yahoo's server crashed and the defense failed!" Song Shuang looked at the blacked out computer screen and said in a concentrated voice.

Wen Tian frowned, and said in a nasty voice: "Yahoo is finished too? Their next target should be us?" Wen Tian and Song Shuang did not participate in the war to defend Yahoo. Even if the server is captured, it will only bear a little economic loss, and the national server they are strictly defending is related to the safety of hundreds of millions of people in China. There is no need to weigh which one is more important than the other. .

"According to the data you have analyzed, who is the master of the evil decimal who attacked Yahoo this time?" Wen Tian asked Song Shuang.

Song Shuang said without thinking: "Blue Spider and Tao Lang, two guys from the island country in the evil decimal system.!"

Wen Tian couldn't help laughing in surprise, and said slowly: "This evil decimal system is really interesting. The hackers from the island country attacked our Huaxia, while the hackers from China attacked the island country, and the hackers from the M country attacked the Indian country, and the Indian country's hackers Attack country M, look, they seem to be quite patriotic, hehe..."

The ten members of the Evil Decimal System do not come from one country. Among them, two are from the island country, two are from China, one is from the Indian country, and five are from the M country.

Wen Tian has always wanted to know what brought these super hackers of different nationalities together.

"How was the result?" A burly middle-aged man hurried in from the outside.

The bushy beard on his face added a bit of toughness to him, but the pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his nose added a bit of bookishness to him.He is Wang Danian, director of the Public Security Bureau of City S.

Don't look at Wang Danian's rudeness, but he is very good at solving cases, and what is even more amazing is that he is also a great hacker, and he is fully responsible for the network security of S City.

Under his care, for so many years, although there have been several cyber crimes in city S, none of the suspects can escape the law. Keep losing.

Seeing the source of the attack centered on City S, sending large websites one by one to the west, but Wang Danian was still unable to lock his position, Wang Danian's hair fell out quite a lot in a hurry.

This time, I finally looked forward to the arrival of Wen Tian, ​​Song Shuang, the top experts of the national cyber security team, and felt both guilt and joy in my heart.

The guilt is naturally one's "incompetence", but the joy is that the master will come, and the evil hand will be eradicated.

Wen Tian shook his head and said, "Yahoo is finished. I don't know who their next target will be?"

Wang Danian frowned immediately, and asked anxiously: "Have you not analyzed their IP yet?"

Wen Tian sighed and said, "When these two guys were attacking like crazy, they were able to defend so well that they wiped away the traces of their retreat. It's amazing!"

"These two bastards have come to China to make trouble. If we don't take them down, what face will we have?" Wang Danian said with a livid face and gritted his teeth.

Wen Tian patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't worry, we will catch them one day. Don't forget, evil can never prevail, this is an eternal truth!"

"Team leader, look!"

Song Shuang, who was staring at the computer, suddenly yelled out in shock. Wen Tian and Wang Danian hurriedly turned their heads to look, only to see a line of large red characters on the pitch-black computer screen.

"Dragon God, stand up! Otherwise, we will destroy the world's Internet!"

Seeing this sentence, Wen Tian's eyes widened suddenly, and he murmured: "I think of it, countries like India, Island, and M also had a line of words before the Internet was about to collapse. Could it be one line?"

Wen Tian didn't get Song Shuang's response for a long time, and looked back in confusion, only to see Song Shuang staring at the screen in a daze, with deep sadness and longing that could not be concealed flowing out between his brows.

Wen Tian sighed, stroked Song Shuang's shoulder, and asked softly, "Did you miss him again?" Song Shuang rubbed his sore nose and nodded silently.

"It's been so long, I thought you had accepted the reality, now it seems that you just hid the sadness from your face to your heart.

Song Shuang, people cannot be resurrected after death, you must cheer up! "

Wen Tian said to Song Shuang with concern.

Song Shuang suddenly turned his head, looked at Wen Tian very seriously, and said, "Team leader, whether you believe it or not, I always have a feeling that Li Xiaogang is not dead, it's just...he just hid."

Wen Tian smiled wryly, and said: "Song Shuang, I don't know how I should persuade you. If you firmly believe that he is not dead, then you should persevere. Maybe one day in the future, you will really meet again by accident. Looking back." Song Shuang nodded, and the sadness in her expression became lighter.

"What is this!?" Wang Danian stared at the screen, the big red characters gradually faded away, and a clock designed as a skeleton jumped out, now indicating five o'clock in the afternoon, followed by a line of small characters, fluttering Slowly move from the lower room of the screen to the center of the screen, and then gradually zoom in "Attack your public security system at six o'clock! Get ready!"

"Damn it, this is clearly a challenge letter!" Wang Danian roared angrily when he saw this line of words.

Wen Tian shook his head, and said gruffly: "Song Shuang, do you still remember how the evil Decimal System dealt with the island country, M country and the others?"

Song Shuang frowned, and said quietly: "They seem to have a fixed procedure. First, the civilian system, the civilian network, then the national public security system, transportation system, information system, and finally the financial system. Attacks escalated step by step. The harm increased step by step until the entire country was paralyzed. Team leader, do you mean that they are going to launch the same attack on China?!"

Wen Tian smiled wryly and said: "Otherwise, do you have any other explanations? These bastards, they thought we were easy to bully, so let's show them some color today. The order goes on, all team members go online, I want to let Our police system has become Waterloo for these two guys!"

"Team leader, let me participate too?" Wang Danian asked eagerly.

Wen Tian thought for a while and said: "Director Suwen Wang is a rare Internet expert. Today's battle is imminent, so naturally I will not let you go. But the machines I brought are no longer redundant, so..." Wen Tian A look of embarrassment flashed across his face.

Wang Danian smiled and said: "You don't have to worry about that, I dare say my 'weapons' are no worse than yours!"

When Wen Tian heard this, he laughed and said, "Then what are you waiting for? Get ready, we only have one hour to defend!"

Wang Danian nodded hurriedly and said: "Well, I'll go right away!" He said and walked out quickly.

Wang Danian hurried out of Wentian's combat command room, and was about to go to his office, when he met Li Xiaogang who was pushed in by several policemen.

Wang Danian glanced at the policemen, frowned slightly, walked over quickly, pointed at Li Xiaogang and asked, "What did he do?" The policemen looked at me and I looked at you, all silent. keep silent.

In the police station in City S, Wang Danian had just been transferred to serve as the director for less than a year, and the current deputy director Zhang had been acting as the director for three years before he came. It will be removed, but who would have thought that another Wang Danian would come out halfway, and just squeezed out his position, which made Zhang Ping very upset. He also had some disagreements with Wang Danian on weekdays, which directly caused divisions in the police station. Two factions.

The reason why Wang Danian was interested in Li Xiaogang was because the policemen who escorted Li Xiaogang in were all on Zhang Ping's side.

Seeing the silence of the few people, Wang Danian felt a little angry, and his voice became louder, "You are all deaf, I ask you what happened to this person, why did you arrest him!?"

After all, Wang Danian is the chief of the bureau, and they didn't dare to go too far. A policeman hurriedly said: "He injured Biaozi..."

Wang Danian asked coldly: "Is it Fan Biao, the brother-in-law of Deputy Director Zhang?"

This Fan Biao is a well-known jerk in S city!Because his brother-in-law is the deputy director, he is lawless and has done a lot of outrageous things. Wang Danian has also heard about it and has a very bad impression of him. He has long wanted to punish him and eliminate harm for the people!But there is Zhang Ping in the middle. Although Wang Danian is the director, he has just arrived and his foundation is not yet stable. He can only save energy, keep a low profile and choose to endure temporarily.

Wang Danian looked up at Li Xiaogang, and was immediately attracted by Li Xiaogang's eyes, which were clear and pure without any impurities.

The deep resentment seems to be able to see through people's hearts.

Wang Danian didn't need to ask, he could guess by just guessing. Most likely, Fan Biao deliberately found fault, but he kicked the steel plate, and suffered a big loss!
Wang Danian coughed and said coldly: "Send him to my office, I will interrogate him myself!"

Super Soldier, a friend's book, you can go and read it.

(End of this chapter)

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