Chapter 818 Cruel!

"What are you doing!?" A deep shout sounded suddenly, Mu Wanqing was startled, and the digital camera in her hand almost fell to the ground.

The three turned their heads in horror, and saw a tall and strong man holding an iron bar, staring at them with fierce eyes.

Guan Qiongyu secretly called out damn it, and looked at Mu Wanqing with guilt in her eyes, Mu Wanqing frowned, and said with a smile: "Sir, we are here from the provincial capital... ..."

"Travel? You should lie to the ghosts! There are neither famous mountains nor great rivers here, nor are there any decent scenic spots. What kind of tourist do you travel! I think you... are reporters, right?" The big man squinted at the three of them. , said coldly.

"Reporter? Hehe... I always wanted my daughter to be a reporter, but she is really useless, she failed to pass the exam several times in a row, really!" Mu Wanqing said with a giggle.

The big man snorted and said, "Whether it's a reporter or not, I'll find out soon!"

After speaking, he hooked his fingers at Liang Hui and said, "Give me your DV!"

Liang Hui frowned, and said, "No, what if you were robbed by me? Besides, who are you, the policeman? Do I have to give it to you if you want it?"

Hearing this, the big man smiled and said, "Police? Hehe...the police didn't even dare to take a breath when they saw me. Don't be so wordy, just give me the camera!"

Liang Hui frowned, turned his eyes a few times, and said quietly: "My camera is very advanced, I'm afraid you can't play it well, and it's useless if I give it to you!"

The big man frowned and said: "What does it matter, isn't it because you are here, you can just teach me!"

Liang Hui let out a long breath and said, "It's fine if I teach you, but you have to give it back to me after you read it!"

The big man sneered a few times and said: "Don't worry, as long as there is nothing else in it, I will give it to you!"

Liang Hui turned his head to look at Mu Wanqing, raised his eyebrows a few times, Mu Wanqing immediately understood, and raised his heart in his throat.

Holding the DV camera, Liang Hui walked towards the big man step by step.

The big man looked at him coldly, the light in his eyes flickered, as terrifying as a wild wolf.

When he came to the big man's side, the big man narrowed his eyes and said, "Don't play tricks with me, we have a lot of people down the mountain, and you can't fly out even with your wings!"

Liang Hui said with a chuckle: "Look at what you said, brother, we are tourists, not spies, and we can't fly. Are you so nervous?"

The big man smiled, took the dv from Liang Hui's hand and asked, "How do you open this thing?"

"Oh, just press that button!" Liang Hui replied.

"Button? There are so many buttons, which one should I press?" The big man pressed several buttons one after another, but the camera still didn't respond, and asked anxiously.

"That's it, the third one from the left!" Liang Hui said.

The big man let out a groan, and when he was about to lower his head to press the button, Liang Hui's fist suddenly swung out and hit him hard on the back of the head.

Guan Qiongyu and Mu Wanqing hurriedly covered their mouths so as not to let themselves cry out.

Liang Hui's plan is good, but it's a pity that the members of the Iron Fist Gang, who can't do anything else, are all good fighters.

Hearing the sound of the wind behind his head was wrong, the big man didn't turn his head. He thrust his body forward fiercely, staggered the fragile back of his head, and met Liang Hui's fist with his back.Seeing the big man's actions, Liang Hui's heart sank until it got worse.

The big man was tall and strong, with muscles all over his body. This punch hit the big man's back, as if to tickle him, it was meaningless at all.

The big man rushed forward a few steps, stopped his figure, and then kicked back like lightning, hard on Liang Hui's lower abdomen.

This kick was so powerful that it almost kicked Liang Hui out of the food he ate for three days. He spat out a mouthful of sour water, and Liang Hui fell backwards screaming. The big man's eyes sharpened, and he rushed forward , grabbed Liang Hui by the collar, and punched him in the face again.

After these two punches, Liang Hui basically stopped eating, and his mind was in a coma or semi-coma state.

"Damn it, you don't even think about sneaking up on the uncle. Before you were born, the uncle was already beating people with a machete on the street! Pooh!" The big man cursed angrily and raised his fist again. .

Mu Wanqing hastily and loudly stopped her: "Sir, sir, he is young and ignorant, offended you, you are a lot of adults, don't get half-acquainted with him!"

Holding Liang Hui, the big man turned his head to look at Mu Wanqing and Guan Qiongyu, and said with a cold smile, "Don't you know as much as him? Why? I'm not as magnanimous as you think. That bastard's punch just now, But I didn't show mercy at all, if I hadn't been vigilant, I would be the one lying down now!"

"Sir, you really know how to joke. Your skill is so good. Even if you let him fight, he may not be able to beat you. In this way, I also know that you were frightened just now. I have some money here as compensation for you." , what do you say!"

Mu Wanqing took out a stack of banknotes from her pocket and said to the big man.

The big man snorted and said, "Money? I have plenty of money! I can give you some."

Mu Wanqing frowned and said, " can Mr. let us go?"

The big man chuckled a few times, and looked at Guan Qiongyu with a lewd look in his eyes, Mu Wanqing's heart sank, and she became more and more nervous.

The big man smiled lewdly and said: "Damn, in this valley, I have never seen such a beautiful little daughter-in-law, with thin skin and tender flesh, round breasts, and upturned buttocks. If I can sleep for one night, it is better than Are the gods still happy?" Hearing the evil words of the big man, Guan Qiongyu's face suddenly turned pale, and she hurriedly retreated behind Mu Wanqing.

Seeing Guan Qiongyu's pale face, the big man chuckled and said, "Little girl, don't be afraid, brother, I will love you well, hahaha..." "Rogue! Shameless!" Angry, he repeatedly yelled at the big man.

The big man narrowed his eyes, lifted Liang Hui up abruptly, and said angrily: "Whatever you say, if you want me to let this kid go, let that girl accompany me once! Otherwise, I'll break his neck .”

"You!..." Of course Mu Wanqing couldn't let Guan Qiongyu be spoiled by this beastly man like this, but she couldn't just watch Liang Hui being killed, and she fell into extreme conflict in her heart.

"Hurry up and make a decision, my patience is not very good!" The big man shouted at the two with a cold expression.

"Okay, I promise you!"

Just when Mu Wanqing didn't know what to do, Guan Qiongyu suddenly went uncharacteristically and walked out from behind her.

Mu Wanqing was shocked when she heard this, and said anxiously, "Ayu, are you crazy?"

Guan Qiongyu smiled wryly and said: "Then what can I do, can I just watch Liang die?"

Guan Qiongyu's words made Mu Wanqing speechless, and she began to regret bringing the two of them to this lawless land.

Hearing Guan Qiongyu's words, the big man was very happy, he laughed and said: "Very well, you come here, as long as you come here, I will let him go immediately!"

"Ayu... don't..." Liang Hui waved his hand at Guan Qiongyu weakly and said.

"Damn! What's the matter with you, shut up for me!" The big man punched Liang Hui in the chest.

"If you hit him again, I will never agree to you!" Guan Qiongyu yelled angrily.

The big man had a lewd smile on his face and said: "Okay, I won't beat him anymore, come here quickly."

The big man's eyes fixed fiercely on Guan Qiongyu's towering chest, as if he could see through the clothes.

As Guan Qiongyu got closer and closer to him, the big man slowly put all his attention on her.

Every step Guan Qiongyu took seemed to be stepping on his heart, making his body tremble continuously.

"Baby, come here!"

The big man finally couldn't suppress the animal desire in his heart, he opened his hands and rushed towards Guan Qiongyu.

At this moment, Xiao Hao's figure suddenly jumped out from behind him, waving a thin wooden stick the size of a rolling pin in his hand, and slammed it fiercely at the big man's head.

At this time, the big man was completely shrouded, no longer as alert as before, failed to dodge the stick, and was knocked down heavily on the ground.

Seeing Xiao Hao's successful attack, Guan Qiongyu and Mu Wanqing couldn't help but exclaimed at the same time.

Xiao Hao didn't have the slightest smile on his face, just like a piece of ice, he carried the wooden stick and walked to the side of the blood-stained big man.

The severe headache tormented the big man's nerves, making him unable to stand up at all, and unable to scream.

He just stared at Xiaohao with eyes full of pain and begging.

With trembling lips, he spit out a few vague words, "Let... let me go..."

Xiao Hao narrowed his eyes, and said coldly: "Just kowtow to me three times, and I'll let you go!" Hearing Xiao Hao's words, it may be the instinct to survive, which gave the big man some strength again.

Struggling and kneeling in front of Xiao Hao, exhausting all the strength in his body, he kowtowed three times with great difficulty, the wound on his head kept spraying blood, and in a short while he turned into a completely blood man.

After kowtowing, the big man looked at Xiao Hao pitifully, thinking that Xiao Hao would let him go, but he was wrong.

I saw Xiao Hao raised the wooden stick in his hand high, and the big man's pupils immediately enlarged infinitely, filled with horror and pleading.

There was a demonic smile on the corner of Xiaohao's mouth, and he said coldly: "I'm sorry, I lied to you just now, go down and apologize to my father!"

After finishing speaking, he swung down the wooden stick without any pause, and the big man's head immediately fell to the ground like a hammered watermelon, red and white.

(End of this chapter)

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