Chapter 819
Mu Wanqing stared blankly at Xiao Hao, startled by his coldness.The seeds of hatred are sprouting and growing in Xiaohao's heart at a speed like madweed, devouring his heart.Mu Wanqing didn't want such a thing to happen, but she was powerless at this moment.

Xiao Hao didn't even look at the big man, turned around and helped Liang Hui up.

"Xiaohao, why did you come?" Mu Wanqing asked.

Xiaohao said lightly: "Uncle Wang is worried about you, so let me come and take a look." Guan Qiongyu patted her chest and said, "Xiaohao, it's a good thing you're here, otherwise we would be miserable today!"

Mu Wanqing said: "Let's go, leave here immediately, there will be danger at any time. Go back to the cave first."

Under the leadership of Mu Wanqing, Xiao Hao supported Liang Hui, Guan Qiongyu followed closely behind, and the four hurried back to the cave.

Seeing the injured Liang Hui, Wang Jude hurriedly asked, "What happened to him?"

Mu Wanqing said anxiously: "There is no time to explain now, we must leave here immediately. It won't be long before Bai Rende's people will search here, we must leave before they find it!"

After speaking, he removed the memory cards of the digital cameras and video cameras, took one for himself, and handed one to Guan Qiongyu, saying: "Ayu, we must keep this memory card no matter what, he is the key to our denunciation of Bai Rende." Evidence!" Guan Qiongyu nodded hastily, then took the memory card and stuffed it carefully into her underwear.

After tidying up briefly, the group immediately went down the mountain.

Not long after the few people left, the body of the big man was discovered, and the thugs in charge of guarding the mine immediately began to search around.

If they were even 10 minutes late, it would be impossible for them to descend the mountain.

In the Bai family's mansion, Bai Rende sat comfortably on the big sofa, basking in the sunlight coming in through the window, squinting his eyes slightly, his face full of contentment.

Opposite him, Bai Renbiao was drinking a small wine while playing with the Swiss Army Knife in his hand, looking at ease.

"Ren Biao..."

Bai Rende opened his mouth and said, "What kind of life do you think the gods live?" Bai Renbiao laughed and said, "It's about the same as us!"

Bai Rende's eyes lit up, and he said, "Let me tell you, even gods can't compare to our good life. Is it easy for us? It's not easy. It's you and my brother who sweated and sweated to get it back." What shall we do if someone tries to steal it from us?"

Bai Renbiao snorted coldly and said, "What should we do? Let's do this!"

Bai Renbiao flung out the Swiss Army Knife in his hand, and stabbed it deeply into a dart board hanging on the wall opposite him!

Bai Rende nodded in satisfaction and said, "Yes! Whoever doesn't let our brother live a good life, we won't let him live.

Just like that bastard Zhu Wen, sooner or later I want him to expose his dead body on the street! "

Bai Renbiao frowned, and said quietly: "Brother, this Zhu Wen is the deputy director of the police station. Even Jiang He can't suppress him. What can we do with him? I heard that he has some background. I'm afraid if we move him It will be troublesome!"

Bai Rende said coldly: "Of course I know, otherwise I wouldn't let him live until now. But now the entire Zhenda Township, from top to bottom, has been settled by us, and there is only such a soft and hard person left." What I eat is like a stick in my throat, if I don't do it, I will feel uncomfortable!"

Bai Renbiao frowned and said: "You said that Zhu Wen is really a fucking thing, he doesn't want money, he doesn't want women. He leads his wife and children to eat chaff and vegetables all day long. Is he mentally ill?"

Bai Rende smiled slightly and said: "To paraphrase his words, he is talking about principles. Doesn't it seem to us that he is sick? Anyway, putting such an outlier by our side, especially in this sensitive period, is like It's a ticking time bomb, and no one knows when it will go off suddenly. We have to find a way to get rid of him!"

Bai Renbiao said: "Frankly, I'll take a few brothers and go in in the middle of the night and kill his whole family!"

"No! Absolutely can't do this. We are happy like this, but there will be endless troubles. If the people above want to pursue it, Jiang He will bear the brunt of it. In order to get rid of himself, Jiang He will definitely bite us out." Bai Rende Bai Renbiao's idea was immediately rejected.

Bai Renbiao asked: "Brother, we provided Jianghe with him on time, and he took a lot of good things from us. How can he be so disrespectful?"

Bai Rende chuckled, "Loyalty? Among them, the most worthless thing is loyalty. Believe it or not, now that we gain power, he favors us. But once we lose power, he will turn around and deal with ours first." It must be people like Dai Ming and Jiang He!" Hearing Bai Rende's words, Bai Renbiao curled his lips and cursed: "Damn it, a bunch of bastards!"

"Master, call!"

The two brothers were chatting vigorously when a member of the Iron Fist gang hurried in and handed the phone to Bai Renbiao.

Bai Renbiao answered the phone and didn't say a few words, his expression suddenly changed, he stood up abruptly, and shouted angrily, "What the hell are you talking about? Say it again!"


"Damn! They're a bunch of fucking trash! Find me, and I must find out this bastard!" After speaking, he threw the phone away viciously.

"What's going on?" Bai Rende asked with a serious face.

Bai Renbiao coughed and said, "Brother, a brother was killed in the mine."

"What!? Who did it?" Bai Rende immediately cried out nervously.

Bai Renbiao frowned and said, "I don't know! But I have already ordered them to search the mountain, and they should be caught soon!"

"Fart! Do you think he is an idiot, who killed someone and is still waiting for you to search? Now that the person has run away long ago, why are you still searching?" Bai Rende roared furiously.

"Brother, it's all my fault. I was negligent. Don't be angry." Bai Renbiao said in a low voice.

"Ren Biao, look at that group of trash under your command. There are so many people guarding there. It's fine to be touched by someone, but he was even bled by someone. Tiequan will help me to call the gang of trash!" Bai Rende shouted loudly.

Bai Renbiao frowned and said, "Brother, brothers did not expect that someone would dare to touch our people in the fields of Zhenda Township. You said this is not a mouse pulling a cat's beard, is it enough?"

"Got it! Put your tricks away. The man was killed on the edge of the mine, which means that the man must have come for Shi Guangnan.

Think about it, who is most interested in this matter now? "Bai Rende frowned and muttered.

Bai Renbiao pondered for a while, and then said loudly: "Of course it is the media, the reporter. But we have blocked the news so tightly, who leaked the news?"

Bai Rende snorted and said, "Strict? Strict ass! Now there are eight hundred people who know about Shi Guangnan, if not one thousand. With so many mouths, can they be sealed? But it's pointless to pursue these things now. The top priority , is to find the murderer, I believe he must have a lot of evidence about Shi Guangnan in his hands, no matter what, we must not let these evidence leak out!"

"But brother, now we don't even know if that bastard is a boy or a girl, how old he is, or what he looks like. How can we find him?" Bai Renbiao asked with a worried face.

Bai Rende glared at him and said, "Has your brain been eaten by dogs? Who dares to kill your Iron Fist members? Go and check for me the strangers who came to Zhenda Township recently, no matter male or female, check one by one. Not one of them is allowed to let me go. In addition, let your brother strictly guard the exits of the roads leaving Zhenda Township, and check each car. If this evidence leaks out, you and my brother will be killed. It’s all over. Ask your people to open their eyes wide and open their noses, even if they smell it, they must smell it for me!”

"Brother, don't worry! I will never come to see you until I find out this bastard!" Bai Renbiao turned around and was about to leave after speaking.

Bai Rende stopped him and said, "Tell Jiang He about this and let the police intervene.

Some things are much easier for the police to do than for us!Besides, it was a murder in itself, and that was what he was supposed to do.

After taking so much money from us, it's time to do something for us! "

Bai Renbiao nodded and said, "I see, brother, do you have any other orders?" Bai Rende shook his head and said, "There is nothing else! You just need to find someone for me!"


Just look at it, big brother, anyone who dares to kill me will turn against him! "

Bai Renbiao walked out cursing.

Inside the Zhenda Township Police Station.

Jiang He, who had just received the news from Bai Renbiao, seemed a little surprised.

The members of the Iron Fist Gang died on the edge of the Rende Mine. This is like pulling a tooth out of a tiger's mouth. It's hard to imagine that anyone would have such courage.

Seeing Jiang He's frowning, a middle-aged man who looked very fair and somewhat scholarly came over and asked, "Director Jiang, what's the matter?" The young man, with a trace of boredom in his brows, said lightly: "It's nothing. Deputy Director Zhu, you stay to watch the house, and I'll go to the scene!"

Zhu Da frowned and said, "Is it a murder case? This is a big case, let me go with you!"

Jiang He chuckled and said, "No, no, really. Deputy Director Zhu, you can stay at home. If you get injured, I can't afford to blame the higher-ups!" After finishing speaking, he laughed dryly , With a wave of his hand, he led the policemen out of the police station.

Immediately, there were only Zhu Da and a few staff in charge of answering calls and cleaning in the entire police station.A feeling of being abandoned and isolated flooded Zhu Da's heart.

But he didn't feel the pain of being left out because of this, it was more of a kind of sadness.A kind of sadness to watch a police force degenerate to work for the villain, but he can't do anything about it.

He wanted to leave here more than once, but when he thought that once he left, the place would be completely sunk, he forced himself to stay again, always feeling that as long as he stayed here, everything would have hope...

(End of this chapter)

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