The strongest peasant city

Chapter 825 Interception

Chapter 825 Interception
Looking around, there are so many quarry owners, but how many of them treat their miners as human beings?Miners are engaged in the heaviest physical labor, but they don't have enough to eat, don't wear warm clothes, and are often beaten and scolded.

Physically overdrawn, mentally burdened, and spiritually hurt, the three mountains pressed down, and I don't know how many miners ended their lives early.

They exchanged their own blood and sweat for the owner of the mine incomparably generous benefits, in exchange for their extravagant and extravagant life.

What could be more unfair than this in this world?Faced with such a situation, the mine owners remained indifferent, and instead intensified their efforts. In their eyes, the most precious human life has been devalued to the extreme.

Mu Wanqing looked at Liang Hui with concern, and said, "It's only been a few days, and our trabeculae have lost weight, come on, eat more, and make up for it. Ayu, you too! Thinking about it now, I'm really You shouldn’t have brought you here to suffer hardships and sufferings with me, fearful...” Guan Qiongyu waved her hands and said, “Sister Mu, what are you talking about? Upholding justice. Exposing crimes is not your business alone. Everyone is responsible. You must never say that again in the future. "

After hearing Guan Qiongyu's words, Mu Wanqing felt really relieved, she giggled and said, "Okay, I won't talk anymore! Let's eat quickly, we still have business to do in a while."

"Sister Mu, now that we have obtained the evidence and jumped out of the wolf's den, what should we do next?" Liang Hui asked while looking at Mu Wanqing.

"Of course to report them? After dinner later, you take Xiaohao and the three of them back to the hotel. I will go to the club first by myself to see if I can see the president or senior political and legal officials here." Mu Wanqing said.

"That can't be done! No one in this county knows if there will be those bastards' eyeliner. How can you let such a dangerous thing go, I will go!" Liang Hui immediately stood up and said loudly.

"Are you going?" Mu Wanqing looked at Liang Hui and frowned.

Liang Hui chuckled and said, "Sister Mu, don't worry, I'm smart! If something goes wrong, I can run faster than you, hehe..."

Mu Wanqing thought for a while and said, "That's right! But Xiao Liang, just in case, you don't need to bring any evidence when you go this time. Find the relevant leaders, tell them about the situation, and then ask them to send a police car Come pick us up." Liang Hui wiped his mouth and said, "Don't worry, we promise to complete the task!"

"Aunt Mu..." At this moment, Xiao Hao suddenly spoke.

Seeing Xiao Hao speak again, the faces of several people were all beaming with joy.

Mu Wanqing smiled and said: "Xiaohao, you finally spoke again, we are almost worried to death!"

Xiao Hao frowned, and said with a stern expression: "Aunt Mu, let me go too! Brother Liang and I can take care of each other." Mu Wanqing pondered for a while, thinking that two people are better than one, so she agreed After getting down, he said to Liang Hui: "Xiao Liang, Xiao Hao can follow, but you must ensure his safety!"

Liang Hui put his arm around Xiao Hao's shoulder and said with a smile: "Sister Mu, don't worry, I know what's in my heart. Xiao Hao, are you full? Come with me when you're full." Xiao Hao's eyes flickered. Rui Mang stood up and said in a cold tone, "I'm full."

These three words spit out from Xiaohao's mouth, with three piercing chills, which made everyone present shiver, and their hearts jumped a few times.

Mu Wanqing frowned and looked at Xiao Hao, only to see that Xiao Hao's brows were filled with anxiety, and she felt something was wrong in her heart, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

As Xiao Hao and Liang Hui disappeared from her sight together, the uneasiness in Mu Wanqing's heart became more serious.The two took a taxi and got off not far from the club.

As the two walked, they carefully observed the pedestrians on the road, hoping to find some clues.Opposite the community is the gate of a residential area. In front of the gate there is an old man selling watermelons, a wooden table and a few benches, inviting customers.

Looking at the scorching sun above his head, Liang Hui's throat felt a little dry and uncomfortable. He turned to Xiao Hao and said, "Xiao Hao, let's go and eat a watermelon to quench our thirst first."

Xiao Hao frowned and said, "Let's report those bastards first."

Liang Hui waved his hand and said, "This club is here and you can't run away. You can enter at any time. Let's observe the surroundings while eating watermelon. Didn't Sister Mu say, be careful!"

Only then did Xiao Hao nod his head, and sat down with Liang Hui. "Boss, cut a watermelon!"

Liang Hui would yell at the old man selling watermelons.

When the old man saw that there was a business coming, his face was full of joy, and he turned around and drew out a sharp knife with a length of [-] centimeters.

Liang Hui looked at it and couldn't help but tease: "Boss, your knife is long enough. It used to be used to butcher pigs, right?"

The old man grinned honestly and said, "Your eyes are so good! I was a pig butcher when I was young. Later, when I got old and couldn't butcher pigs, I switched to selling watermelons!" Cut a large watermelon into more than a dozen pieces of uniform size.

The bright red flesh, the pitch-black melon seeds, Liang Hui still remembers to look around, picking up the watermelon and gnawing on it.On the contrary, Xiao Hao glanced around alertly, like a wolf searching for prey.

"Xiaohao, why don't you eat it?" Liang Hui handed a piece of watermelon to Xiaohao, just blocking his sight.

Xiao Hao was stunned for a moment, took the watermelon over, lowered his head and gnawed it lightly.

After eating the watermelon, Liang Hui stood up contentedly and said, "Xiaohao, you stay here, I'll go in alone."

Xiao Hao frowned, and said, "Brother Liang, can you do it alone?" Liang Hui laughed and said, "What's wrong? This is an association, an administrative organ of the state. Then Bai Rende is a giant I don’t dare to rush into the club to mess around with you, don’t worry!” After speaking, he patted Xiao Hao on the shoulder, turned and walked towards the club.

Just when Xiao Liang was about to approach the gate of the club, Xiao Hao's eyes narrowed suddenly, and he locked his cold eyes on the three men who suddenly appeared not far away.He recognized them, all three had been mine overseers.

Lianghui is only a few steps away from the gate, but this has become a world away.

A strong and rough hand pressed on his shoulder, Liang Hui's heart was shocked, and he turned his head to look, only to see three strange men staring at him coldly.

Liang Hui groaned inwardly, and said with a forced calm on his face, "Who are you? I don't know you!"

" don't know us, but we know you.

Where are the other two women? "One of the men with dyed golden hair asked sullenly.

Liang Hui frowned and said, "What woman? I don't know what you're talking about?"

Huang Mao snorted coldly and said: "Boy, don't try to get away with it. As soon as you arrived in Zhenda Township, Brother Hu saw you.

He remembers your appearance very clearly! "

"Brother Hu?" Liang Hui's mind recalled the gangsters who stopped them when they first arrived in Zhenda Township.

"Hmph... how about it, remember?" Huang Mao said with a sneer.

"You must have misunderstood the person, I don't even know who Brother Hu or Brother Bao is!" Liang Hui said stiffly.

"It doesn't matter whether you know it or not. The important thing is that it falls into our hands. You can't get away today!" Huang Mao said coldly.

"You... what do you want? In broad daylight, do you still want to kidnap people?" Liang Hui looked at the three of Huang Mao in disbelief and said.

Huang Mao laughed, turned to look at the other two men and said, "Gang Zi, Cheng Zi, did you hear that? He doesn't believe that we can get rid of him now, what should we do?"

Gang Zi chuckled, took out a sharp dagger from his waist, and said, "He doesn't believe it, so let's show him!"

After speaking, he suddenly stabbed the dagger in Liang Hui's lower abdomen. Liang Hui was shocked, and his body shrank back involuntarily.

"Hahaha... What are you hiding, brat, you haven't stabbed in yet!"

Huangmao laughed wildly.Liang Hui's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and when he looked down, he saw that the sharp dagger hit his stomach and stopped.

The sharp and sharp tip of the knife was hard and cool, which made him feel some tingling pain, and he could clearly realize that he was hovering near the gate of hell at this time.Death could befall him anytime, anywhere.

Liang Hui was a young man who was born under the red flag and grew up in a honeypot. It would be nonsense to say that he is not afraid of death.At this moment, Liang Hui was really scared and shivered involuntarily.This made Huang Mao even more proud, and said with a smile: "Boy, you should know what I'm talking about by now? Where are the other two women? Take us to find them!"

Liang Hui's thoughts started a fierce confrontation. If he didn't take them, he would die. If he took them, he might live, but he would put Guan Qiongyu, Mu Wanqing and others in danger. Therefore, let the bad guys like Bai Rende continue to get away with it.

Just when Liang Hui was caught in a dilemma and didn't know what to do, Gang Zi lost his patience and said coldly: "Just make a hole in his body first, then he will know what to do sooner." Done!"

Huang Mao sneered and said, "That's a good idea. But be careful, be careful, he was stabbed to death.

Let him know the pain, just put some blood on it! "

Gang Zi chuckled and said, "Don't worry, I have the most experience in bloodletting!"

"Don't..." Liang Hui screamed in fear, and Huang Mao smiled slightly: "So, have you thought it through?"

"I..." There was a trace of hesitation in Liang Hui's eyes, Huang Mao's face turned cold, and he shouted: "Gangzi, do it!"

Gangzi didn't hesitate anymore, the dagger in his hand was about to be sent forward, but at this moment, there was a icy cold feeling in his chest, followed by severe pain, like an atomic explosion, from a point on his chest in an instant It spread to his whole body, and a blood red suddenly burst out in front of his eyes.

Gangzi didn't know what happened, and subconsciously looked up, only to find that Huangmao, Chengzi, and Liang Hui were all dumbfounded, looking at his chest in horror.

(End of this chapter)

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