The strongest peasant city

Chapter 826 Not Making Movies

Chapter 826 Not Making Movies

Gangzi looked down subconsciously, and was shocked to find that there was a piece of blood-stained steel knife on his chest, and drops of blood dripped continuously along the blade. .

Gangzi wanted to yell loudly, but his throat seemed to be blocked by something, so he couldn't yell out.The strength in his whole body disappeared little by little, and Gangzi's eyes became more and more blurred, from white to pitch black.Gang Zi's head drooped limply, and Xiao Hao, who had a murderous look on his face and a cold expression, came out behind him.

"You..." Cheng Zi looked at Xiao Hao in surprise, but he couldn't utter a coherent sentence with his mouth open.

Xiaohao gritted his teeth suddenly, and pulled the watermelon knife in his hand back suddenly. Accompanied by a piercing sound that made his teeth tingle and bloody arrows shooting out from his chest, Gang Zi fell down slowly. on the ground.


Cheng Zi woke up suddenly, roared, and was about to stab Xiao Hao with a dagger, but Xiao Hao moved first, and saw the watermelon knife in his hand, shining coldly under the scorching sun, drawing a beautiful and meaningful line. The tragic arc swept towards Cheng Zi's throat like lightning.

There was only a soft sound of '噗嗤', and the watermelon knife briskly cut Cheng Zi's throat, releasing a stream of blood like a fountain.

After a plop, Chengzi's body twitched and lay beside Gangzi.

From the cut throat, blood-colored bubbles kept gushing out, making one's hair stand on end under the sun.

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Hao killed two people in a row, and the method was so clean and quick, Liang Hui was stunned, and looked at Xiao Hao stupidly, with his mouth open, unable to say anything.

The deaths of Gang Zi and Cheng Zi made Huang Mao really scared, that kind of fear came from the bottom of his heart, and he couldn't cover it up, and couldn't forget it.At this moment, in his eyes, Xiao Hao was no longer a young man who had just grown a beard, but a devil more terrifying than death.

Huang Mao's body was shivering non-stop, but he couldn't feel the slightest bit of warmth under the scorching sun. The blood flow in the blood vessels became slower and slower, and his body began to become more and more stiff .

Xiao Hao didn't even look at the two dead men lying on the ground, his cold eyes locked on Huang Mao's body.When Xiao Hao cast his gaze, Huang Mao felt as if something exploded in his head, blasting his brain blank.Unable to think, unable to breathe, the only thing Huangmao can feel is that the god of death is approaching him little by little.

The breath of death was getting stronger and colder, Huang Mao wanted to escape, but his body seemed to be frozen, unable to move.

Huang Mao wanted to call for help, but his tongue didn't listen, and all the functions of his body were disappearing little by little. He even thought he was dead.Xiao Hao took a step forward, and slowly raised the watermelon knife in his hand.

At this moment, Huang Mao's legs suddenly went limp, and he knelt down in front of Xiao Hao with a plop. Because of fear, tears and snot poured down his face, and his expression was extremely embarrassing.

A trace of intense excitement flashed inexplicably in Xiaohao's eyes, as if a wolf saw its prey about to die under its sharp teeth, and a smile appeared on its face. I shuddered several times.

"No... don't kill me..." Perhaps Huang Mao's strong desire to survive stimulated Huang Mao, who struggled to utter a few words.

Xiao Hao's eyes didn't change at all because of these words, they were still cold.

"Go down and tell my dad!"

Throwing this sentence, Xiao Hao's knife slashed down swiftly, deeply embedded in Huang Mao's neck, and almost chopped off his head.The blood spurted wildly, dyeing the front of the society red with blood.

Looking at the blood flowing slowly along the terrain, Liang Hui only felt a sting in his eyes, a shock in his heart, and a trace of cold air wrapped around his body.

Huang Mao is dead, if he knew that he would meet Xiao Hao, he would not have followed Bai Renbiao.If he had known that he would end his life like this, he might have chosen to be a good man.

But everything is too late, fate is fair, since you have made a choice, fate will give you a result.Huangmao got his result, but it was death...

The scene in front of the club shocked all the passers-by. They all stared blankly at the three gradually cooling corpses on the ground, looked at the bloody watermelon knife in their hands, and stood in the sun with normal expressions. The next Xiaohao.

"Maybe I'm making a movie..." There was such a discussion among the crowd.

In this peaceful and stable world, this scene can only be seen in movies.

No one called the police, because everyone did not believe that such a bloody massacre would happen in broad daylight, in front of government agencies, and under the watchful eyes of countless people.

Liang Hui slowly came to his senses, ignoring his fear, he grabbed Xiao Hao's arm and ran away.

But after running for a few steps, Xiao Hao suddenly stopped, and Liang Hui turned his head and shouted: "What are you doing standing there!? Do you know what you have done? Get out of here!"

Xiao Hao smiled, glanced at the blood-stained steel knife in his hand, turned around and returned to the stunned old watermelon seller, put the blood knife on the table, and said lightly: "As expected of killing Pig knife, really fast enough, thank you!" After speaking, he turned and left, but the old man fell to the ground with his legs limp.

It wasn't until Liang Hui and Xiao Hao had disappeared from people's sight, and after a long time seeing Huang Mao and the three got up from the ground, and they couldn't find the cameras hidden around, pedestrians realized that this was not filming at all, but happened in the Bloody massacre in broad daylight.Shouts came and went, resounding through the sky.

People hurriedly called the police and called an ambulance. Everyone's face was full of panic, and some timid ones even fell to the ground limply, incontinent after being frightened.

When the 110 command center received the first alarm call, the operator thought it was a prank.But when the second, third, and tenth calls came in, the command center was in chaos.

When the news reached the ears of Cai Qing, the director of the County Public Security Bureau, Cai Qing was completely dumbfounded.

He is nearly fifty years old, and it has been more than ten years since he took over as the head of the Public Security Bureau, and he has encountered many major cases, but like today's case where three people were killed in the street, and they died in front of the club building, It was the first time he heard it.Before he could recover, the president Sun Quanming called.

As soon as the phone was connected, Sun Quanming's furious voice came over, "Cai Qing, how did you become the police chief? Do you still want to do it? If you don't want to do it, change it as soon as possible!"

Cai Qing wiped the sweat off his forehead, and murmured: "Secretary, I..."

"What me? Don't you immediately mobilize people to solve the case? Cai Qing, let me tell you, the nature of this case is extremely bad. I give you three days to arrest the murderer, otherwise, the black hat on your head will be destroyed as soon as possible." Pick it up yourself!" After speaking without giving Cai Qing a chance to speak, he hung up the phone with a bang.

Cai Qing's heart sank completely.President Sun Quanming has always been known for his strictness.Once it falls into his hands, all future will be ruined.

Feeling the heavy pressure on his shoulders, Cai Qing frowned, put on his hat, and personally led the most experienced homicide team in the bureau to gallop towards the club building.Before he reached the scene of the crime, Cai Qing saw from afar the crowds on the inner three floors and the outer three floors.

Cai Qing was furious, and shouted: "What's wrong? So many people haven't destroyed the scene!? Immediately organize people to clear them away. Those who refuse to leave will hinder the execution of official duties and be brought back to the bureau!"

The strong pressure made it difficult for Cai Qing to maintain a calm and calm attitude as usual, and his face was not only impatience, but also impatience.

The crowd was blasted away by the police force deployed later, and the scene was cordoned off.

Although Cai Qing had already prepared in his heart, when he saw the three people who died tragically at the scene, he still couldn't help being startled, and his forehead wrinkled tightly.

The forensic doctor has completed the preliminary inspection and reported to Cai Qing: "Director, the preliminary inspection shows that the three deceased have just died within an hour. One was pierced through the chest, one was cut and screamed, and one was cut off the neck, all with one knife Fatal. It can be concluded that the murderer is aiming at their lives!"

"Is that vendetta?" Cai Qing asked in a deep voice.

The forensic doctor said cautiously: "This is the most likely!"

Cai Qing nodded and said, "Okay, it's none of your business here. Get the corpse away!"

After speaking, he shouted to a policeman in the distance who was learning about the incident from the onlookers: "Xiao Li, come here!"

Xiao Li ran a few steps and came to Cai Qing, Cai Qing asked in a low voice, "Are there any clues?" Xiao Li sorted out his thoughts and said, "There were many witnesses when the crime happened.

The murderer didn't shy away from it at all, took a watermelon knife from the watermelon stall owner and rushed up.There are two suspects, both young.

There was only one person who killed with his hands, and three of them were killed by three swords!At that time, the onlookers thought they were filming a movie, but they didn't call the police until they realized something was wrong! "

"One kills three? And the knife is fatal. It doesn't look like what young people can do." Cai Qing muttered softly full of doubts.

"Before the case happened, the two young men had eaten watermelons at this watermelon stand, and the boss remembered their faces very well. After the murder, one of the young men returned the bloody watermelon knife to him and told him He said thanks!"

"What!?" Cai Qing could hardly believe his ears.

He murmured and asked, "You... what you just said is true?"

Xiao Li nodded heavily and said, "It's all true. Others have seen it too!"

(End of this chapter)

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