The strongest peasant city

Chapter 903 The incident is over!

Chapter 903 The incident is over!

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "You have already said this, what else can I say? Tell me, what are the conditions?"

Mu Wanqing chuckled and said, "It's very simple. When you can reappear in public, you have to accept an exclusive interview from our magazine. I believe that many people are now curious about you and your legendary experience." Li Xiaogang He agreed without thinking too much, not because he was straightforward, but because in his opinion, it would be very difficult for everyone to re-approve himself as a living person if he wanted to reappear in front of the public.

Seeing Li Xiaogang nodding, Mu Wanqing smiled, looked at Cao Qingdong and Lin Chaoran, and said, "You two want it too!"

Lin Chaoran and Cao Qingdong glanced at each other in astonishment, Lin Chaoran smiled wryly and said, "Good guy, we were wiped out in one go. This girl has such a big appetite, hahaha..."

Cao Qingdong frowned, pretending to be annoyed and said, "Hmph, I think she doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth."

Mu Wanqing smiled indifferently and said, "Why, the two of you seem to disagree? But I think the relationship between you and Mr. Li seems to be very good. Is this all an illusion?"

Lin Chaoran looked at Li Xiaogang with a smile and said: "Xiao Gang, you see, we are all dragged down by you. You must pay back this big favor."

Cao Qingdong's mind turned quickly, and the serious expression on his face disappeared, and he smiled and said to Li Xiaogang: "Yes, yes! You can't run away this time, kid, wait to be slaughtered!"

Li Xiaogang looked at Mu Wanqing helplessly after hearing this, and said quietly: "It seems that I should really consider killing people to silence..."

Li Xiaogang's words caused a lot of laughter, but at the same time, it also made Mu Wanqing. In the near future, relying on the relationship with the leader, Lin Chaoran, Cao Qingdong and other big figures, Mu Wanqing will always be able to get the most valuable in the first place. The news made CCTV, People's Daily and other top-notch media envious, and made Mu Wanqing and the magazine she founded grow into one of the best in China in just one year, which is almost impossible to copy and surpass. media overlord.

Under Mu Wanqing's tireless reporting, the news of the Shi Guang disaster in Zhenda Township spread throughout the country in a surprising manner. Media reporters from all over the country gathered in Zhenda Township from all directions like sharks smelling blood. The small town of Zhenda suddenly became lively.

And when the leader set up a temporary headquarters in Zhenda Township, and when the news came out that he personally sat down to know about the work, even many foreign journalists rushed over, pushing Zhenda Township to the front of the world at once.

The provincial and senior officials of sx province and the leaders of relevant departments at all levels also rushed over immediately, embellishing Zhenda Township more and more lively.

Under the powerful intervention of the leader, the entire incident was handled with astonishing speed and transparency.

Xiaohao, Ma Fenyun, and Wang Jude, the three survivors of the Shiguang Disaster, have become the darlings of the media, frequently appearing in front of the cameras, and thoroughly announcing the crimes of Bai Rende, Dai Ming and others.

The people were completely enraged, and their anger pressed towards the brothers of the Bai family like a landslide and a tsunami, almost crushing Bai Rende to pieces.

On the day when Bai Rende appeared in court for trial, countless people took to the streets and gathered outside the gate of the court, waiting to see Bai Rende's final fate.

In order to prevent the crowd from getting too excited and rioting, the leader spared no effort to mobilize tens of thousands of troops to maintain order and protect Bai Rende's safety.

There is no doubt that Bai Rende was sentenced to death in court and executed immediately.Bai Rende may have realized that the doomsday is coming, from appearing in court to closing the court, he never said a word.

It wasn't until the last moment before facing the black hole of the gun that he looked up to the sky and sighed, and uttered the four words "I regret it!"

Bai Rende used his death to put an end to his sinful life, but the whole Shi Guang incident did not end there.On the second day, Sun Quanming and Ma Zaiye were also brought to court.

In court, although the two tried their best to defend themselves, claiming that they were deceived by Bai Rende, but facing the angry accusations from the crowd and the righteous questioning from the judges, the two could only bow their heads obediently in the end.

He was convicted of dereliction of duty, revoked all positions inside and outside the church, deprived of the right to vote and the right to stand for election for life, and sentenced to [-] years in prison each.

Although Huo Qiu and Li Yunsheng were exempted from imprisonment, they were simultaneously dismissed from all positions and expelled from the church, completely terminating their official careers.

These four were not the only ones who were punished. Many leaders of relevant departments from Zhenda Township to the county, city and even the province were also implicated. In total, more than [-] department leaders were dismissed, and hundreds of related The person responsible was punished with a warning and a demerit.

The severity of the punishment, the extent of the punishment involved, and the large number of people involved exceeded many people's expectations. It was really a heavy blow, and the masses were greatly pleased.

The result of this kind of treatment played the effect of killing chickens and monkeys. For a long time to come, sx province, as a major energy province in our country, has never had similar accidents, and there has never been a situation where accidents were concealed or not reported. At the same time, the interests of miners have also begun to receive attention and protection, and their status has been greatly improved.

This can be regarded as a remedy for the dead.

After Xiao Hao came out of the hospital, he was acquitted and released, and was treated like a hero. He was awarded the National Medal of Justice and Bravery. His deeds were reprinted by major newspapers, and he became a nationally renowned young hero.

After recovering from his injury, he was valued by Scar, accepted into the Lightning Gang, and became a young soldier of the Lightning Gang.Cai Qing, Li Zhendong and He Wenqianke performed their duties well, their performance was affirmed, and they were all promoted to a level.

Cai Qing was reassigned as the deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, and Zhu Da took over the vacated position of the County Public Security Bureau Chief, in recognition of his years of undercover work in Zhenda Township, collecting evidence of the Bai Rende Brothers criminal group.

However, compared with the promotion, what made Zhu Da more happy was that Mu Wanqing accepted his marriage proposal. The couple who had been missing for many years finally got married.

The bad guys got the punishment they deserved, and the good guys got their rewards. In this happy atmosphere, Scar looked worried and frowning.

So many days had passed, but Guan Qiongyu didn't even show any signs of waking up, her eyes were still closed, her face was pale, and the scarred scar was haunted and haggard every day.

No matter how Zhao Wu and Mu Ping persuaded him, it was useless.At this time, after the matter in Zhenda Township was settled, the leader, Lin Chaoran, and Cao Qingdong were all ready to return to Beijing.

In a hotel room in Zhenda Township, the leader looked at Li Xiaogang and asked with a smile: "Xiaogang, tell me the truth, if I don't arrive in time this time, what will you do? Scar to go to jail?" Li Xiaogang said without thinking: "How is it possible? I will never let my good brother suffer such grievances!"

"Do you not hesitate to start a war with the government?" the leader asked.

"I have no choice!"

Li Xiaogang replied crisply.

"Hahaha..." After hearing Li Xiaogang's answer, the leader looked up to the sky and laughed, and said, "Well, you Xiaogang, you really value love and righteousness, and you can sacrifice everything for your brother. Based on this alone, I don't have Wrong person! Well, this matter has passed, and we will not mention it any more."

After a pause, the leader continued: "Speaking of which, I should thank Bai Rende, if he hadn't made such a move, our two adults, Cao Lin, wouldn't be as harmonious as they are now.

The ancients said that misfortune and good fortune depend on each other, and it is true at all.This is like a word in our Chinese - crisis.

Opportunities often exist in dangers, and those who can turn crises into opportunities are the real wise men. "

Li Xiaogang frowned at the words of the leader, and asked in a concentrated voice: "Boss, what do you seem to be reminding me of?"

The leader laughed and said, "Xiao Gang, you are extremely smart and capable! I don't need to remind you, but you are still young, your blood is hot, and you are prone to impulsiveness when facing a crisis.

I say this in the hope that you will think twice in the future when you are in danger, and the overlord will fight hard, sometimes it will have miraculous results, but sometimes it will not.

do you understand? "

Li Xiaogang is not a fool, how can he not understand the meaning of the leader.Just like this time, for Scar, he even went to war with Cao Qingdong.

In brotherhood, he is well-known for doing this, but it is obviously very unwise and irrational.No matter how strong the Lightning Gang fighters are, they are no more than tens of thousands of people. How can they defeat the government's army of millions.

Even if Li Xiaogang is capable, he can wipe the entire country off the face of the earth with just a few gestures, but can he really do that?He himself is a descendant of Yanhuang, and he also has deep feelings for this country. How can he do this kind of thing that hurts loved ones and makes enemies happy?So in the end, things could only make him worse and worse.

However, the leader's actions undoubtedly taught him a good lesson. Not only did the whole incident be resolved satisfactorily, but he also took the opportunity to resolve the grievances between Cao Qingdong and Lin Chaoran. Is it an example of survival and development in China?Jiang is still old and hot, and Li Xiaogang's understanding of this sentence is becoming more and more real.

Seeing Li Xiaogang's thoughtful expression, the leader didn't say any more, because he thought it was enough.

With a smile, he changed the subject and said, "Xiao Gang, Lao Lin has already told me about your plan on the construction of the agricultural scientific research system. I keep my eyes open and pay close attention to it. Make a show, and I won't spare you."

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "I made the plan, of course I will not break my promise. But this plan is too huge and it will take time, it is impossible to see results within a day or two."

The leader said: "Don't worry about this, I have a lot of patience, hehe..."

(End of this chapter)

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