The strongest peasant city

Chapter 904 Sad Shanshan

Chapter 904 Sad Shanshan

"By the way, where is Scar, I haven't seen him for a few days." When the leader was about to leave, he turned his head and remembered Scar, so he asked.Lin Chaoran smiled slightly and said, "Why, leader, you seem to be very interested in Scar now." The leader smiled and said, "That's true. In the past, Scar was not so conspicuous under Xiaogang's light. This time, Scar can be regarded as letting me really see how powerful he is. Courageous and resourceful, emphasizing love and sense of justice, such a young hero is the wealth of our entire country. Xiao Gang, you have to carve him well, but don’t It was a waste of such a great piece of untouched jade." Xiao Gang nodded with a smile and said, "Don't worry, old man, I know this very well."

The leader nodded and said: "By the way, there is also a man called Lightning, who is also a capable person. It is amazing that he is doing well in the Middle East. When I visited country M not long ago, the president of country M He specifically mentioned him to me, and hoped that I could introduce Lightning to him, which shows how much country M attaches importance to him now." The leader's words did not make Li Xiaogang feel the slightest joy, but filled his heart with worry .Seeing that Li Xiaogang was frowning tightly and remained silent, the leader smiled and said, "Why, did you feel the smell?" Li Xiaogang said in a deep voice, "According to the way things are done in country M, when one party draws their attention At that time, they will either pull each other into their camp or treat each other as an enemy. It seems that it is time for us to make a choice."

The leader said: "That's right. The reason why the president of country M is interested in Lightning is because the growth of Lightning and his ground thorns in the Middle East has seriously threatened their interests. This is hindering the face of our Chinese government, M The people of the country dare not act rashly. But as the land thorns continue to grow in the Middle East, country M will always respond. Xiao Gang, you have to be prepared in advance!" Li Xiaogang sneered, and said quietly: "Speaking of preparations , I started doing it a few years ago. When I decided to send the ground spikes to the Middle East, I thought that one day, sooner or later, we would collide with country M. I have been prepared for a long time, country M will not Just come, once you come, we will definitely not be the ones who suffer!"

"Hahaha... good! Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and they have such a rampant masculinity. Now the whole world is developing in the direction of multi-polarization, which is an unchangeable trend. However, country M has been trying to prevent this This trend, continuing their dominance of one country, will sooner or later cause dissatisfaction among the people of the world. Xiaogang, let it go, don't have any worries, don't forget that there is our whole country behind you to back you up, Nothing to be afraid of!"

"Leader, don't be in a hurry to untie this kid. He is a wild horse. Once he is completely let go, he doesn't know where he will gallop. At that time, we old bones will be scattered if we run away." It may not be possible to catch up with him. Hehe..." Lin Chaoran interrupted with a smile on the side.The leader looked at Li Xiaogang and said with a smile: "That's right! The world is so big, just for young people like them to gallop. If these young people are caught up by us old bones, then our entire country and nation may be in trouble." Do something."


After sending the leader, Lin Chaoran and Cao Qingdong away, Li Xiaogang immediately came to the county hospital.In Guan Qiongyu's ward, Li Xiaogang saw the haggard and worried scar.After not seeing each other for a few days, the scar became what it is now, which made Li Xiaogang realize that his feelings for Guan Qiongyu may have been very deep. "Brother Gang..." Seeing Li Xiaogang, Dao Scar cried out in a choked tone.Li Xiaogang nodded, turned his gaze to Guan Qiongyu on the hospital bed, and asked in a low voice: "Is she still awake?" Dao Scar nodded bitterly and said: "Do the math, she has been in a coma for seven days today The doctor said, she...she might not be able to wake up again..." The great sorrow tormented this steel-like man.

Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, and said faintly: "Can you believe what the doctor said?" Scar was taken aback by Li Xiaogang's words, and slowly raised his head to look at Li Xiaogang.A few seconds later, Scar seemed to have been injected with a powerful stimulant, violently

Jumped up from the chair, beat his head vigorously, and said annoyedly: "I'm so stupid! Knowing that Brother Gang, you are omnipotent, this little situation of Ayu is nothing to worry about , but still looking for trouble here, really stupid and damn it!" After finishing speaking, Scar was like a drowning man grasping at the last straw, tightly grasping Li Xiaogang's arm, and said full of longing: "Brother Gang, you must have a way to wake her up, right?"

The longing in Scar's eyes couldn't stop Li Xiaogang from shaking his head. Li Xiaogang nodded with a smile, and said, "You say that I am omnipotent, what else can I say? You step aside first." Scar heard Afterwards, he was very excited, and hurried to the side, looking at Li Xiaogang eagerly.Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, condensed a gentle Nuwa divine power, and slowly poured it into Guan Qiongyu's body, Nuwa's divine power was like a scorching summer day, wherever he went, the blood in Guan Qiongyu's body was immediately like spring snow Like melting without a trace.Scar could clearly see that the wound on Guan Qiongyu's chest was healing at a maddening speed, as if the wound had completely disappeared in the blink of an eye, and there was no slight difference from the surrounding skin.At the same time, Guan Qiongyu let out a faint groan from her nasal cavity, and at the same time, her eyelids throbbed violently a few times, and she was about to wake up.

Li Xiaogang withdrew Nuwa's divine power, turned his head and said to Dao Scar, "Come here. I think the person she wants to see most when she wakes up must be you!" The worry for many days turned into tears of joy in an instant. The eyes of the man as strong as steel burst out.The power of love is so great that even refined steel can be turned into soft fingers.Li Xiaogang left the ward silently, and handed over the space to Scar and Guan Qiongyu.

After a fierce struggle, Guan Qiongyu's eyes gradually opened.Scar watched all this nervously, like a father anxiously waiting for his child to come into the world, not daring to blink his eyes.After struggling for a long time in a world full of darkness, at this moment she finally saw a ray of light, and Guan Qiongyu's heart that had been silent for a long time was instantly activated, and a pair of big eyes began to look around with a bit of novelty.But at this moment, Scar's gentle and loving call "Qiongyu!" This call turned into a trace of sweet spring, pouring into Guan Qiongyu's heart.Guan Qiongyu struggled and turned her head to look in the direction of the sound. Sure enough, there, she saw the person who made her miss her day and night, even in a coma.Tears poured out uncontrollably, soaking the clothes in an instant.

Guan Qiongyu opened her mouth with all her strength, but she couldn't make the slightest sound. She stretched out her hand tremblingly and spread her arms.Like a couple who have been separated for a hundred years, the two hug each other tightly, savoring the long-lost happiness silently, letting tears fall from their faces and then merge together. "Scar, is it really you? Am I dreaming?" Guan Qiongyu murmured incessantly, her hands hugging Scar became tighter and tighter.Scar was full of guilt and said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I came too late. It's all my fault for making you suffer so much!..."

Guan Qiongyu shook her head, and suddenly blocked Scar's big mouth with her small mouth, and their tongues were immediately entangled, and they were inseparable.Use this fiery kiss to pour out the love and passion in the hearts of the two.And at this time outside the ward...

"Shan... Shanshan?" Li Xiaogang looked at Shanshan in front of him and couldn't believe his eyes, and asked in a murmur, "You... why are you here?" Li Xiaogang opened his mouth and asked, "Brother Xiaogang, how is Scar? Is he injured? Is the injury serious?" Seeing Shanshan's eagerness in his eyes, Li Xiaogang really didn't know how to face her. up.Frowning, Li Xiaogang said: "Shanshan, you must be tired after traveling all the way, I'll take you back to the hotel to rest first..." "No! I'm not tired, I want to see the scar, and I need it now!" Shanshan stubbornly shook her head and said.Days of worry had driven her crazy, and the only thing she wanted now was to see Scar immediately.

Li Xiaogang smiled wryly and said: "Shanshan, don't worry, the scar is fine, he's fine..." "In this case, why don't you let me see him?" know how to answer.Seeing Li Xiaogang's embarrassed expression, Shanshan felt more and more that something must have happened to the scar, and her heart became more and more anxious.Taking advantage of Li Xiaogang's unpreparedness, he pushed open the door beside him. "Shanshan, you..." Li Xiaogang was startled and wanted to stop him, but it was too late.At this time, Shanshan stared blankly at Scar and Guan Qiongyu who were embracing and kissing each other like a wooden stake.

Dao Scar, who was awakened by the sudden noise, turned his head subconsciously. When he saw that the person standing in front of him was Shanshan, Dao Scar's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, guilt, self-blame, embarrassment, all kinds of things. All kinds of emotions overwhelmed him completely.The ward was terribly quiet at this moment, like a moment of tranquility before a storm, the air was filled with uneasiness, and even Li Xiaogang was full of apprehension at this moment.Tears silently fell from Shanshan's eyes, like broken beads.The crystal eyes that were reflected by the tears stared at Scar with resentment, which made Scar feel more uneasy. "Shanshan, can you listen to my explanation..." Dao Scar came to Shanshan and said anxiously.But before he finished speaking, Shanshan waved his hand fiercely, leaving a loud slap on his face, then turned around and rushed out of the ward crying.

"Shanshan!" Dao Scar yelled anxiously, ignoring the burning pain on his face, and tried to catch up.Li Xiaogang stopped him and said, "Let me go. The person Shanshan doesn't want to see now is you, and it will be harmful if you go!" Dao Scar nodded and said to Li Xiaogang: "Brother Gang, you You must help me chase Shanshan back!" Li Xiaogang sighed a long time, he never thought that what he was worried about would happen so soon.Shaking his head, Li Xiaogang hurriedly chased him out.

(End of this chapter)

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