The strongest peasant city

Chapter 906 The Tsunami Strikes

Chapter 906 The Tsunami Strikes
"I'm not hungry or tired, I'm going to go with you! I'm going back soon, and there are a lot of things waiting for me to deal with in the company!" Shanshan gave the scar a hard look, and said softly . "Shanshan, let's go together, I miss you so much!" Shanshan curled her lips and said, "I don't believe what you say is insincere!" I want to get to know you, so you can go with us and let my little sister toast you a glass of wine!" Guan Qiongyu also begged from the side.Shanshan turned her head to look at Guan Qiongyu, and asked, "Your body is just right, can you drink?" Shanshan's carefulness and consideration made Guan Qiongyu's affection for her increase exponentially, and she shook her head vigorously and said: "It's okay, it's okay!"

One is because of what Li Xiaogang said, and the other is because Shanshan has a kind of respect for Guan Qiongyu from the bottom of her heart, and she couldn't bear to touch her face, saying: "For the sake of sister Qiongyu, then I Let's go." Dao Scar was overjoyed when he heard that, he laughed straight, turned his head and said to Li Xiaogang: "Brother Gang, let's go together."

Li Xiaogang hurriedly waved his hands and said, "No, no, I won't go. You three should have a good chat." Li Xiaogang is not stupid, is this meal so delicious?Seeing that Li Xiaogang was determined not to go with him, and that Scar couldn't force himself to do so, he had no choice but to give up.Watching the three of them leave together, Li Xiaogang was both gratified and worried. The gratified thing was that Shanshan's understanding and generosity were undoubtedly a good start for the relationship between the three of them, but the worry was that Shanshan would change his mind. Shan's concept is not something that happens overnight. The so-called long nights and many dreams, the relationship between the three may not be smooth sailing.

The matter in Zhenda Township has been completely resolved, and the task of establishing a nationwide agricultural scientific research system has been handed over to Li Xiaogang. With her here, Li Xiaogang is still at ease.Scar, Guan Qiongyu and Shanshan's emotional entanglements need to be sorted out slowly by themselves, and he can't get involved, so there is nothing in the country that he needs to worry about.Li Xiaogang felt that it was time to return to the Middle East. The first batch of oil produced by Longteng Energy Group would be on the market in a few days. If OPEC was not settled by then, it would be very troublesome.But according to the news from Lightning, it seems that all this is not going smoothly.OPEC Secretary-General Baraku was exceptionally tough, and he was always refusing to speak out, which made Lightning even want to kill him.

Just when Li Xiaogang was about to leave for the Middle East to deal with OPEC, a huge crisis was gradually approaching.When the leader returned to the capital, he was greeted by a stern Prime Minister.The Prime Minister has a gentle personality and never lacks a friendly smile on his face. When the smile fades on the Prime Minister's face and becomes serious, it often means that something extremely bad has happened.The leader's heart suddenly lifted.In the secret meeting room of the base camp, the image on the central white wall made everyone, including the leader, hold their breath involuntarily.

It was a picture of a terrifying tsunami.Thousands of billions of tons of seawater were picked up by an invisible hand, thrown high into the air, and then smashed to the ground under the force of gravity. Trees, houses, boats, everything on the ground Everything was smashed to pieces in an instant, and then carried away by the reverse tide, leaving only the bare earth.Such a shocking destructive power left everyone present stunned, their backs felt chills, and the hairs on their bodies stood up one by one.

"Prime Minister, this... this is..." Lin Chaoran asked in horror, pointing at the roaring sea water on the screen.The prime minister's face was gloomy, full of worry, and he said in a deep voice: "What you are seeing is a tsunami raging wildly in the South Pacific. Up to now, hundreds of islands have been razed to the ground by this tsunami. Okay. The population on these islands is not very large, so far the casualties are not serious." "Looking at the screen, this should be in Indonesia?" The leader frowned and asked, "What does this have to do with us?"

The Prime Minister said in a deep voice: "According to the calculations of our scientists, the tsunami is moving, and the direction it is moving is the area around provinces Z and F of our country. At that time, the Hainan Islands and the Sea Islands will suffer devastating blows." "What!?" The Prime Minister's words caused an uproar in the conference room, and the leader even jumped up, with horror written all over his face, and asked anxiously, "Is the calculation result accurate?" The Prime Minister nodded heavily and said: "Absolutely accurate! It is the answer obtained by our scientists after repeated calculations and verifications."

"My God, if this is the case, it is really a catastrophe. The areas affected by this tsunami are all the most densely populated and economically developed areas in our country. Once these areas are hit so hard, it will be a disaster for us as a whole. The country is a heavy blow!" Lin Chaoran said in a condensed voice.The Prime Minister smiled bitterly and said: "We are still lucky. The tsunami will only affect a part of our country's territory, and the island countries will be miserable. The islands are in the middle of the tsunami's moving route and will bear the full blow of the tsunami. When the time comes Not only are there no tiles on the entire island country archipelago, I am afraid that the huge ocean
The crustal movement caused by the tsunami will send the entire island nation to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. "

"Is it so serious? Can this tsunami accumulate such a large force?" The leader could hardly believe his ears, and looked at the Prime Minister in horror.The Prime Minister said: "Yes, according to the estimates of our scientists, this tsunami is the largest and most powerful since the formation of oceans on the earth. It has far exceeded the scope of our human control, and it can be truly called a tsunami. It's a roar of nature!"

"Is this the earth's punishment for human beings? But why is it punished on us?" The leader asked solemnly, "How long will it be before the tsunami arrives?" The Prime Minister replied in a deep voice, "Less than 48 hours !" "48 hours, that is, less than two days? What can you do in just two days? Not to mention Hainan and the two islands, the two provinces of f and z alone have a population of more than [-] million. Evacuating such a large population to the inland within two days is simply impossible! Can’t our scientists think of a way to avoid or delay the impact of the tsunami? Even if we buy one more day, we can Save thousands of lives!"

The prime minister said bitterly: "If we knew the cause of the tsunami, maybe our scientists could think of a remedy, but the strange thing is that the cause of the tsunami is unknown and extremely mysterious, and people can't find it at all. Clue." The prime minister's words made the leader feel stunned, and he looked at him in confusion and asked, "What do you mean? What do you mean by unknown cause?" The prime minister explained: "Most tsunamis are caused by violent tsunami on the seabed. Seismic activity, or volcanic eruption and other crustal activities. However, the ocean floor formed by this tsunami, the crust is stable, and there are no signs of volcanic eruption or violent earthquake activity. A tsunami of this scale seems to be caused by a kind of our current Controlled by a power that cannot be explained by the scientific level. Without the source of this power, we can do nothing but passive defense!"

"There is such a thing? It's really unheard of! By the way, you just said that the islands are likely to disappear from the earth because of this tsunami. How will the islands react? They won't stand still?" The leader asked with a frown .The Prime Minister took out two sheets of clean white A4 printing paper from the file folder and handed them to the leader, saying: "One of these is an official document sent to us by the island country. I implore us to accept the loss of our homeland after the island country is completely destroyed. Refugees from island countries. The other is a plan to resolve the tsunami crisis initially drafted by scientists from island countries. Take a look, it’s very bold!"

The leader put aside the document that the island country pleaded with China to accept the refugees from the island country, and directly picked up the short plan.Although the plan is simple, every word will make the leader tremble in his heart.It is said that the islanders are lunatics, and this does not wrong them at all.According to the scientists of the island country, the only way to prevent this tsunami from destroying the island country is to trigger another tsunami, just like fighting fire with fire, using tsunami against tsunami.And in order to trigger this tsunami, the island country is actually preparing to use hundreds of millions of tons of TNT high explosives.

After reading this crazy plan, the leader remained silent for a long time.After Lin Chaoran, Cao Qingdong and other dignitaries finished watching, the entire meeting room fell into a deathly silence.Put hundreds of millions of tons of TNT high explosives together, and its height has even surpassed the majestic Mount Tai.Imagine the whole Tarzan as a pile of high-intensity explosives, and then detonate it, I believe that any normal person will feel cold fear.

"Is this... is this really feasible?" Lin Chaoran looked at the prime minister and asked.The Prime Minister said: "According to the analysis of our scientists, there is a 20.00% chance of success. Five, judging from the current situation, this is undoubtedly the best way. It's just that the submarine earthquake caused by an explosion of this scale will make the islands and archipelagos suffer. The attack of earthquake waves over magnitude [-] or above will cause the entire island country to be in chaos, but this is much better than the entire island country archipelago disappearing from the earth. At that time, there will be strong earthquakes along our coastal areas and even extending to the central inland. Levels [-] to [-], and levels [-] to [-] in the central and inland areas, I have issued an order from the State Council to make the earthquake prevention departments, medical departments and the army in all regions fully prepared to participate in earthquake relief at any time."

"Could it be that there is only a [-]/[-] chance of success? What should I do if it fails?" The leader asked worriedly. "So we have to make two preparations now. On the one hand, we should actively cooperate with the island country's plan, and on the other hand, we should immediately start the big migration now to prevent problems before they happen!" the Prime Minister said. "But if this is done, it will definitely cause a huge panic among the masses, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with it at that time." Lin Chaoran said full of worry.

"So, leader, I request you to assign me to the eastern coast, and let me take full charge of commanding this large immigration operation!" The prime minister stood up and looked at the leader firmly.The leader looked at the white-haired prime minister with admiration in his expression, and said sincerely: "Prime Minister, our country can have a prime minister like you, and I can have a good partner like you. Fortunately, it is also the greatest luck in my life!" The Prime Minister smiled and said: "When is this, what are you talking about?" The leader nodded heavily and said: "Okay, I have decided, you will sit in charge The capital commander, let me go to the east coast!"

(End of this chapter)

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