The strongest peasant city

Chapter 907 Urgent!

Chapter 907 Urgent!

"How can this be done? You are the soul of the entire country, and you must not take risks. So anyone can go, but you can't!" After a moment of astonishment, the Prime Minister objected loudly.The leader said: "Prime Minister, don't argue with me anymore! I am younger than you, and I am stronger than you. When the tsunami comes, I can run faster than you, hehe..." The leader joked The words made the hearts of the people in their throats relax, and their fighting spirit was suddenly aroused. "Prime Minister, you don't have to worry, I'm here, and I guarantee that the leader will return to the capital unscathed."

"Why, Lao Lin, you want to follow?" The leader looked at him with a smile and said, "Don't forget, there is a plump and beautiful lady in your home right now, who is eagerly looking forward to your return. Are you really Do you have the heart to leave him behind?" Lin Chaoran smiled wryly and said, "Boss, when is this, do you still have the heart to joke with me? In the past few decades, I have left your side one day, and this time is the same , I'm going to make a decision!"

"And me!" Cao Qingdong also stood up and shouted. "Hahaha...Okay, okay, the two enemies who were enemies in the past are going to join hands to face the national crisis together! Okay!" The leader shouted "Hello" and said with a smile.Seeing this, the Prime Minister didn't say anything more, but said: "Chief, when you get there, you must play by ear. If you see something that cannot be done, you must not procrastinate, and come back to me immediately!" At this time, the Prime Minister looked serious. , unprecedented seriousness.It was like a majestic big brother who couldn't tolerate the leader. Lin Chaoran and Cao Qingdong didn't nod in agreement.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the hearts of Lin Chaoran and others were always lingering in the hearts of rumbling thunder, which was the sound of the tsunami approaching.It is impossible to evacuate all the people in two days. Enduring the severe pain in my heart, an immigration plan was introduced that gave up the small to protect the big, and abandoned the car to protect the handsome.

Holding this heavy plan, the leader's heart was as heavy as a mountain, and his eyes slowly became moist.He murmured: "I hope they won't blame us, we are too incompetent..." The Prime Minister sighed and said: "Boss, you don't have to be too sad, this is a natural disaster, and it doesn't depend on human will. As long as we do our best and do our best, we’ll be fine with a clear conscience!”

The leader nodded sadly and said, "Have a clear conscience? Will you really have a clear conscience?..." "Boss, it's getting late, we should start!" Lin Chaoran couldn't bear to see the leader continue to be sad, and said. "Boss, the request of the islanders, we..." The Prime Minister stopped the leader who was about to leave the conference room and headed for the eastern coast, and asked, pointing to the printing paper on the table.The leader frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Tell me what to do?"

The Prime Minister said slowly: "It stands to reason that we are too busy to take care of ourselves now. Even if we ignore the pleas of the islanders, others have nothing to say. But now the whole world is one, and confrontation and war have long been replaced by competition and peace." Replacement, and the island country as a huge economic entity also has a great influence on our China, for the future development of the world, I think we should accept it."

The leader nodded and said, "You're right. Although the islanders don't treat people well, they are living lives after all. Watching them annihilate in the roaring sea is not in line with the Shangren of our Chinese people." The wind. But now we are in a very difficult situation, and we can't send people to help them. In this way, from now on, all the airports and ports in the interior of our country are open to the aircraft and ships of the island countries. The governments of all regions must do a good job for the island countries. The resettlement work of the refugees should not let them freeze or starve. That’s it!” After speaking, the leader strode out.

The huge tsunami was raging wildly on the surface of the Pacific Ocean, and it kept moving westward, approaching the islands of the island country.Countless island ships along the way were instantly swallowed up by it, leaving no residue.On the face hundreds of kilometers away from the tsunami, countless ships from island countries worked nervously in the raging wind and waves.Tons of explosives are placed in holes drilled in rocks on the seafloor by drill ships.

Far away in the headquarters of the archipelago, all high-level politicians including the Prime Minister of the island country Masatoku Yamamoto are on the line, and they are closely watching the progress of the entire project through the images transmitted by satellite.A silver-haired, unkempt scientist issued orders from time to time. This person was the chief scientist and commander-in-chief of the headquarters, Mo Lichun.The plan to resist tsunami with tsunami was proposed by him and implemented by the general plan.The security in the entire headquarters is controlled by a computer, and it will constantly revise the indoor security against changes in the external environment. It stands to reason that this is the most suitable place in the world for security, but everyone here There are dense beads of sweat hanging on his face, even Masatoku Yamamoto is no exception.

"Mr. Mori, what is the current progress?" Masanori Yamamoto couldn't help but asked.Mao Lichun said solemnly: "So far, we have only completed the installation of 1000 million tons of explosives..." "What? Only 1000 million tons, one-tenth of the entire project? This is really too slow!"

Masanori Yamamoto became anxious all of a sudden, and shouted loudly.Mao Lichun said bitterly: "Mr. Prime Minister, this is already the limit of our entire island country. All the drilling ships in our country are concentrated here, which is already the fastest speed!" "No! This is far away. Not fast enough! Mr. Maori, I want you to know that the entire island nation is on the verge of life and death, and you are the last hope. If you can't do it, then the entire island nation is completely finished! I don't think you want to be a subjugated slave , live under the fence for the rest of your life, right?"

"Of course I don't want to! I've been proud of being an islander all my life!" Mao Lichun roared with excitement.Masanori Yamamoto nodded with satisfaction and said, "That's good! Think of a way, let the explosives be in place as quickly as possible, and detonate at the time we need, and successfully prevent the damn tsunami from destroying our country!"

Mao Lichun frowned and said: "Mr. Prime Minister, I need assistance!" "Aid? It's this time, do you think I will keep a hand? What you see now is the full energy of our island country... ..." "No!" Before Masatoku Yamamoto finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mao Lijun, "We need international assistance. China, country H, country M, England, Russia, etc., as long as there are drilling ships, We should all beg!"

Masatoku Yamamoto looked at the gold watch on his wrist, frowned and asked: "How long do we have?" Mo Lichun said: "Thirty hours!" Masatoku Yamamoto waved his hand and said: "Okay! You continue to command, as for pleading If these countries rescue us, leave it to me! Mr. Mori, I hope you will always keep in mind that the current island country is in your hands!" After finishing speaking, Masanori Yamamoto turned his attention to his think tank, and said in a deep voice : "From now on, you are neither the Minister of Defense nor the Minister of Finance. Forget your titles. You are all my diplomats now. I don't care what method you use. For our country and our people , I want you to lobby all countries and gather all the drilling ships in the whole world here! Go!" Facing this catastrophe, the islanders showed unprecedented unity. rushed out
A few hours later, Mao Lichun was pleasantly surprised to find that dozens of drilling ships flying the five-star flag appeared on the screen in a neat formation, riding the wind and waves. "Yes... it's the Huaxia people! The Huaxia people are here to help us!" A burst of cheers suddenly sounded from the headquarters, and Masanori Yamamoto's eyes couldn't help but moisten.

"Look, that's a drilling ship from country M!" "People from country H are here too!" The screen is filled with drilling ships flying various national flags.

Seeing such a scene, everyone present couldn't help crying, and the excitement in their hearts couldn't be increased. "Mr. Prime Minister, have you seen that everyone has come to help us, everyone has come, even Chinese people have come..." Mao Lichun wiped the tears from his eyes, full of excitement and excitement Said to Masatoku Yamamoto.Masanori Yamamoto didn't speak, but kept nodding his head, apparently too excited to speak.

Drilling ships from all over the world are concentrated here. Under the command of Mao Lichun, they started working non-stop, and the speed of secretly turning explosives increased by dozens of times.In the face of the tyrannical tsunami, all human beings unite together and abandon all hatred, just because of the kindness in their hearts.And just when the island country was busy fighting against the tsunami, the special planes of the leaders, Lin Chaoran and Cao Qingdong, also arrived at the provincial capital airport of province f.The leaders of f and z provinces, who had already received the news, were already waiting at the airport to greet them.When the plane was slowly landing, Lin Chaoran suddenly said to the leader: "Boss, at this moment, have we missed someone?"

The leader looked at Lin Chaoran in some confusion, and suddenly came to his senses, his expression lifted, and he said loudly: "You mean Xiao Gang!?" Lin Chaoran nodded heavily.The leader frowned, and said quietly: "Xiao Gang does have the ability to be unpredictable, but in the face of such a tsunami, I'm afraid he can't do anything, right?"

Lin Chaoran said: "Whether there is one more person or not, one more person is more powerful. Besides, this kid will always bring us surprises. Who knows if it will happen this time?" The leader thought for a while and said : "That's right! No matter whether it succeeds or not, you have to try. You should contact him now, no matter where he is now, let him come here immediately!" Lin Chaoran responded, and immediately dialed Li Xiaogang's personal Telephone.

(End of this chapter)

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