Chapter 932
Seeing Baraku looking at him in surprise, Du Ziji smiled and said: "Barack, you may not know that I have completely changed my policy towards country M. Do you know how I changed?" Raku said in a daze: "I don't know, but judging from Powell's expression of wanting to eat people, I'm afraid you haven't changed for the better."

Du Ziji said: "It may be true for the people of country M, but not for us in Saudi Arabia. I have canceled all the preferential policies enjoyed by businessmen of country M before. From now on, if they want to continue doing business in Saudi Arabia, they must Compete fairly with our Saudi businessmen and other foreign businessmen, and the fittest will survive!" Baraku took a long time to slowly come back to his senses, and said faintly: "I understand why Powell's face is livid, and Syke's complexion is also bad. I dare you to cut off their money!"

Du Ziji said indignantly: "You also know that we blindly cater to, even curry favor with, businessmen from country M, elevating the status of businessmen from country M to unmatched heights, and even our Saudi businessmen are suppressed Not to mention businessmen from other countries. Now, our Saudi Arabia has become a paradise for businessmen from country M. They are like lunatics raking in money in our country, and I don’t know how many of us have been killed. The businessmen in Saudi Arabia have forced away many foreign businessmen who are full of ambition and are ready to make a big splash in Saudi Arabia. Our Saudi business has been unable to revive because of our past policies, which have caused the businessmen of M country to be infested. Arrogance and arrogance. Secondly, it also breaks the hearts of domestic businessmen and other foreign businessmen! I can no longer tolerate the existence and development of such a situation, I want to reform, and I want to restrain the businessmen of country M!"

Baraku smiled wryly, and said in a deep voice: "Du Ziji, I know what you said just now, and I have been deeply worried about this situation. I know that you are doing this for the good of Saudi Arabia, but I'm afraid it's not the right time to do this now. Our position in OPEC is not stable enough now. Iran and Kuwait still have the strength to challenge us. If it weren't for the people of M country to support us now, our situation would be very difficult. So, I think at this time, we can't offend them, we still need power and patience."

"Be patient, I've been enduring it! Until now, Powell is going to ride on my neck to shit, how long will you let me bear it?" Du Ziji waved his hand in annoyance and said: "Baraku, if we Endure it all the time, until we think we don’t have to bear it anymore, maybe we will never have a chance to stand up again. I also know that there are great risks in doing so, but late pain is better than early pain, and the longer it is delayed, the more troublesome it will be. It's better to cut the mess quickly and solve it as soon as possible! I thought about it, the people of country M are likely to cause trouble for us on the issue of oil, but oil is the lifeblood of country M, and we can't do without oil for a day. If the people of country M do something about oil Articles are like playing with fire, instead of burning others, they are burned first, and the people of M country have to weigh it first.”

What Du Ziji said makes sense. The importance of oil is irreplaceable today when the information society has not yet come and the industrial society is at its peak. Country M is like a huge machine, and oil is an important source of energy to drive this machine to run quickly. If there is no oil, the machine will not be able to operate for a day. The loss is so great that even the people of Country M themselves cannot afford it.Baraku nodded slightly, and said, "You are right. No matter what, I am a Saudi, and I support your decision!"

Du Ziji patted him on the shoulder very relieved, and said with a smile: "Actually, what I did looks dangerous, but in fact it is not. We are not fighting alone. The entire Middle East, except for the pro-American Israel, is Our potential strategic partner against country M. More importantly, we also have a strong supporter, that is Huaxia!"

"Huaxia!?" Baraku looked surprised.Du Ziji nodded heavily with a confident smile on his face and said: "Yes, the increasingly powerful China will be our greatest reliance! To tell you the truth, I have given all the preferential policies that I originally enjoyed to the businessmen of country M. Chinese." "Doesn't this mean that our Saudi government's foreign policy has changed from pro-US to pro-China? No wonder Powell's face is ugly." Baraku said suddenly.Du Ziji asked with a smile: "Why, do you think this is not good? In the foreseeable future, China will replace Country M as the world's largest economic entity. This has been recognized by countless economists and is unquestionable. More importantly The most important thing is that the Huaxia people are humble and gentle, magnanimous and not arrogant, and they are a hundred times stronger than the arrogant M country. Now even the country of Israel is gradually changing its attitude towards China, and we have to know things!"

Du Ziji has basically convinced Baraku, who nodded frequently to express his agreement. "By the way, Baraku, when I convened the cabinet meeting today, it was said that you were meeting with a very important Chinese guest. Who is he, and what did you talk about?" Du Ziji suddenly changed the subject and asked curiously.Baraku snorted, and said, "It was a Chinese man introduced to me by the Chinese ambassador Shen Zhenxin, who seemed to be a businessman. However, the conversation between us was not pleasant, and I drove him away from home!"

After hearing Baraku's words, Du Ziji was very dissatisfied and said: "Barack, how can you treat Chinese guests like this? This is completely contrary to my current foreign policy. The other party was introduced by Ambassador Shen Zhenxin. You do this Doesn't it mean that I don't give Shen Zhenxin face, if he holds a grudge, wouldn't all my efforts be in vain?" Baraku said with a wry smile: "I didn't know that you had changed your policy at the time, let alone that Huaxia businessman gave me The things discussed are even more outrageous, even now, let me talk to him again, I will still do it!"

"What did you talk about?" Du Ziji couldn't help asking.Baraku said in a deep voice: "You should know that Longteng Energy Group has just been established in Iraq. This group has bought a large number of oil fields in Iraq. They have adopted a lot of new technologies and equipment, and the oil production efficiency has been greatly improved. As soon as this was launched, the daily output was close to that of our Saudi Arabia, which can be said to be our potential strong opponent. The current oil market is mostly controlled by OPEC. If Longteng’s oil is to be listed, we must reduce some of our production. Only in this way will the real oil market not be disrupted. The other party obviously understands this, and what he talked to me about is that we hope that we Saudi Arabia can give up part of the 30.00% share in our hands to them, and make room for their oil. You also know that this directly endangers the interests of our own country, how could I agree?"

After hearing Baraku's words, Du Ziji also fell silent.Oil is the lifeblood of Saudi Arabia, at least for now.Reducing production means reducing the income of the Saudi people. This matter is too big to be decided by a democratically elected president.However, in Du Ziji's heart, he still hopes that Saudi Arabia can reduce part of its production. It is certainly a reason to have a good relationship with China, and more importantly, Du Ziji's innate sense of urgency.Oil has allowed the Saudis to live a prosperous life, but at the same time it has also made the Saudis unknowingly dependent on oil.This can be seen from the data that oil accounts for more than 90.00% of the GDP of Saudi Arabia...

Except for the highly developed petroleum-related oil extraction, oil refining and other chemical industries, Saudi Arabia has almost no business that can be mentioned, and even a large part of sensitive industries are completely dependent on foreign countries, especially country M.This is like someone choking your throat, you never know when the other party will suddenly strangle you to death.Every time I think of this, Du Ziji feels like sitting on the tip of a needle, sweating all over his body.What's more, now that Saudi Arabia has sufficient oil resources, it can live a very rich life, but this is obviously only temporary, because oil is a non-renewable energy after all, and it will be less when it is extracted. what to do?
Based on such considerations, Du Ziji began to consciously change the national policy since he came to power.Agriculture, which was originally dismissed by the Saudis, has developed rapidly in Saudi Arabia, and today it can be self-sufficient, and it has faintly become the largest food producer in the Middle East.Through the development of agriculture, Du Ziji realized that Saudi Arabia's pattern of relying solely on oil can be changed. This certainly gave him confidence, but it also made him feel pressure.Every country has conservatives, and Saudi Arabia is no exception, and the power of conservatives is quite stubborn and huge.In the process of promoting a series of agricultural development, Du Ziji was under pressure, which was sometimes so heavy that he could hardly bear it.Fortunately, Baraku, the real power figure in Saudi Arabia, firmly supports him, otherwise he does not know whether he will create today's situation.

Although there is no such deep worry as Du Ziji, Baraku, as a thoughtful politician and a wise businessman with a long-term vision, also knows that Saudi Arabia will face disaster sooner or later if it continues to develop without seeking change. , even a devastating moment.If he hadn't realized this, he wouldn't have supported Du Ziji so firmly.Seeing Du Ziji lowering his eyebrows and meditating, he glanced at himself thoughtfully from time to time. After working with Du Ziji for so many years, Baraku already understood his temperament quite well, so he couldn't help but smiled bitterly and said, "You are not going to let Shall I agree to the request of the Chinese people?"

(End of this chapter)

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