Chapter 933 Alpha

Seeing the bitterness on Baraku's face, Du Ziji also knew his embarrassment.Baraku is the oil minister of Saudi Arabia and the secretary-general of OPEC, but he has no right to make such an important decision alone.Du Ziji smiled and said: "Baraku, I know that this matter is very difficult. The people of country M have spent a lot of energy controlling many high-level politicians in our country over the years. These guys have completely forgotten that they are Saudis.

In particular, Vice President Alpha, who did not know how many bribes he had accepted from people from country M, made him even marry his own daughter to people from country M.But as difficult as it is, we have to do it.The Chinese people are different from the people of country M. The people of country M are ambitious and want to dominate the world, while the Chinese people advocate peaceful coexistence and mutual benefit.If the people of country M become stronger, it will be a disaster for the whole world, but if China becomes stronger in turn, it will be a blessing for the whole world.

Baraku frowned and nodded and said, "Of course I understand what you said. But this matter is really very difficult. Although I am the Minister of Oil, Alpha has no more influence in the oil sector than me. Poor. His qualifications are much older than you and me. Looking at the whole country, which important department does not have his cronies and disciples?
Don't be surprised if I say something you don't want to hear.In the presidential election back then, if Alpha hadn’t voluntarily withdrew due to physical reasons, the position of president might not have been yours!Alpha's influence in the country is deeply rooted and difficult to deal with, which is second.More importantly, there are people from M country behind Alpha.The country M now regards Huaxia as a potential competitor, targeting Huaxia everywhere, they will never watch us give up such a big piece of cake to

Huaxia people, when the time comes, the people of country M and Alpha's internal guards will be linked up, I'm afraid it's not something you and I can resist. "

What Baraku said was exactly what Duziji was worried about, so after hearing his retelling, he couldn't help but fell silent.Baraku went on to say: "Besides, this is also related to the interests of our Saudi people. If Alpha makes a fuss among the civilians, our situation will be even more embarrassing!" Du Ziji said in a deep voice: "I have considered all these Yes, it is very difficult! But I just want to take this opportunity to get rid of the control of the people of country M. At the same time, I deliberately weaken the influence of oil on our country, so that everyone can understand that the oil industry is the pillar industry of our country, but But it is not the only one. It diverts the attention of the people from oil to other industries, and then drives the development of other industries, reducing the proportion of oil in the gross national product. Completely changing the single industrial structure of our country, isn’t it? Am I doing it wrong?"

Baraku smiled wryly, shook his head and said: "That's right, and he is very wise and strategic. But the consciousness of the common people is different from that of you and me. What you and I can see, the common people may not be able to see. If you want to All the Saudis understand your intentions, and it is much easier not to get rid of the control of the people of M. Coupled with the obstruction of Alpha and others, it may be even more difficult to implement your plan." "But we have Chinese people? If We are allied with the Chinese, so we don't have to be afraid of the threat from the M country, you and I just need to concentrate on dealing with Alpha, don't we?" Du Ziji said anxiously, his mind moved.

"Huaxia people? If Huaxia people are willing, they will indeed be a powerful alliance partner. But will Huaxia people really help us in order to successfully market a little of their oil, so as to turn against the people of country M? This may be a little bit Suspended!" Baraku said worriedly. "So, from now on, we must spare no effort to win over the Huaxia people and let them understand our sincerity. As long as we can get their cooperation, we will be half successful! Baraku, get back that Huaxia person immediately, Continue to negotiate with him, clarify our difficulties, and explain our meaning. The attitude must be enthusiastic and humble, and we must not let the Chinese people think that we are too arrogant."

Baraku scratched his head and said with a wry smile: "Du Ziji, why do I hear that you seem to want me to flatter the Chinese people and please them? It's not necessary, is it? Although we want something from them, but They also ask us, I think it is better to negotiate on an equal footing, neither humble nor overbearing."

Du Ziji clicked his tongue and said: "Baraku, you are wrong. What the Huaxia people begged us to do is to release a little market share in our hands, so that their oil can have a gap in survival. Moreover, the Huaxia people are not It’s not just our Saudis who have a choice, we don’t agree, they can also find Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Iraq and other OPEC members, but we only have the choice of China, looking at the world, in addition to China, there are Who has the power to compete with country M? Compared with what we ask of them, what the Chinese want from us is like sesame seeds and watermelons. We hope that the Chinese can help us resist the pressure from country M, and lead us, Saudi Arabia, to another, smoother path. How important is a broader development path, which is related to the future of Saudi Arabia and the destiny of the nation?"

Seeing that Baraku seemed unconvinced, Du Ziji slapped his forehead and said, "By the way, I forgot to tell you about the contents of the cabinet meeting I held today." After speaking, Du Ziji's expression suddenly changed. He became excited, his smile rippled like ripples in the water, and he said in a slightly trembling voice: "Baraku, I guess you would never have imagined that Allah has favored us in Saudi Arabia once again!" Looking at Du Ziji's Baraku's heart skipped a beat, and he asked in surprise, "What kind of happy event makes you so happy?"

Du Ziji laughed and said: "If I say it, you will be happier than me! Baraku, we in Saudi Arabia are going to say goodbye to this disgusting desert. We will no longer be troubled by the desert in the near future. The desert will be replaced by the lush green prairie. The slight breeze brings no sandstorms, but a faint fragrance of soil mixed with green grass..." As he spoke, Du Ziji closed his eyes affectionately. The eyes and face are covered with deep pottery.Baraku stared at Du Ziji dumbfounded, and didn't react for a long time.Seeing that Baraku was in a daze, Du Ziji smiled and said: "Barack, the technology of desert control has made a breakthrough and has been applied in practice. The era when people can only retreat and retreat in the face of deserts is over. Not coming back!"

It wasn't until this moment that Baraku realized that his face was immediately filled with a kind of incomparable ecstasy and excitement.He grabbed Du Ziji's hand, shook it vigorously, and asked in a trembling voice: "You...what you said is true, are you lying to me? Am I not dreaming?" Raku was so excited that he couldn't contain himself, and Du Ziji kept a mysterious smile on his face, laughing non-stop. "Quick... tell me, which country's scientists have mastered this technology, how much oil will be used, and how much will it cost?" Baraku couldn't help but shouted loudly.

"Dear Baraku, the person who made this remarkable achievement is the Huaxia people. Now you understand why I made you humble to the Huaxia people, right?" Du Ziji patted Baraku on the shoulder and said." "Yes... a Chinese? I thought he was from country M." Baraku was taken aback and murmured.Du Ziji said: "Yes, the mysterious oriental dragon once again created a miracle, Baraku, I have a hunch that the era of China is getting closer and closer, and we must make a choice now." Baraku weighed heavily Nodding his head, he said in a deep voice: "I understand! Du Ziji, I'm going to find Shen Zhenxin right away. As long as the Chinese people can pass on this precious technology to us, I can do anything!" After finishing speaking, Baba Raku stared deeply at Du Ziji, then turned and walked out of his office.

Speaking of which, Powell wanted to scold Du Ziji, but he didn't expect to be blasted out by him indifferently. The anger in his heart became more and more intense, and it was difficult to suppress.Seeing that Powell's face was as ugly as he wanted, Cyke followed Powell and said angrily, "This Du Ziji, is he crazy? It's really unreasonable to treat us with such an attitude!" Cyke's words made Powell a little He calmed down a little, and said in a low voice: "Something must have happened that we don't know about. I heard that Du Ziji just held a cabinet meeting this morning?"

"That's right... Do you think Du Ziji's change has something to do with this cabinet meeting?" Sai Ke was stunned for a moment and asked quietly.Powell snorted heavily and said: "It must be related, otherwise Du Ziji's change would not be so fast and so sudden! Let's go to Alpha and ask for clarification!" Cyke said: "Alpha has been recuperating at home due to illness. Yesterday's cabinet meeting He didn't go to participate, I'm afraid..." Powell said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, even if he stays at home, the troubles in the whole Saudi Arabia will never escape his eyes, this cunning old fox!"

The two did not go back to the embassy, ​​but went directly to Alpha's mansion.Alpha, the third person in Saudi Arabia, is the third person in name, but the actual influence is not lower than that of Duziji and Baraku.This year, he is close to 70 years old. When others reach his age, seeing that the loess has been buried up to their necks, they will always find a way to let go of the complicated world and enjoy the rest of life.But Alpha is just the opposite. The older he is, the more his hope for power expands. He is over 70 years old, but he still clings to the power in his hand and refuses to let go.

When Powell and Syke saw Alpha, he was fishing in the pond in the private garden, and the sun was shining softly on his body, which set off the solemnity and majesty of this old guy who was in his twilight years.Apart from liking power, Alpha's only hobby is fishing. If Alpha is fishing, most people would not dare to disturb him lightly, but Powell is different. A diplomat from country M has a deep family background in country M, so he doesn't care about it at all. Restricted, he broke in and scared away a red carp that was about to bite.

(End of this chapter)

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