The strongest peasant city

Chapter 935 Waiting for the Opportunity

Chapter 935 Waiting for the Opportunity
Alpha looked at Powell with piercing eyes, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect Mr. Powell to understand our country's constitution so clearly..." Powell smiled faintly, and said faintly: "As an ambassador to Saudi Arabia, there are some things I will naturally go to. Understood." Alpha nodded lightly, and said: "According to Mr. Powell, it seems that a loophole has been found in our country's constitution, and this loophole can help me become the president of the country in a legitimate way, is that so?" Powell smiled He smiled and said: "I believe, what I thought of, I'm afraid you have already thought of it, Mr. Alpha. There is also a provision in the Saudi constitution, when the president loses political prestige, is no longer trusted by the people, or when the whole country falls into a huge crisis crisis, and the president is weak and unable to lead the country out of the predicament, the vice president has the right to take over from the president and temporarily exercise the power of the president until the day when a new president is elected! Mr. Alpha, my memory is not bad, I should not remember wrong?"

Alpha chuckled a few times, and said: "That's right, your memory is very good, and you didn't remember anything wrong! Hehe..." After finishing speaking, Alpha said with a serious face: "The regulations are indeed stipulated in this way, but Since Du Ziji came to power, he has carried out a series of drastic reforms, especially against all opinions, to develop agriculture in a big way, so that Saudi Arabia, a country surrounded by deserts, has far ahead in agricultural achievements among the countries in the Middle East. It is a remarkable feat. He has gained the trust of almost all Saudis. It may not be easy to overthrow him who is in the limelight! What's more, Du Ziji has a right-hand man like Baraku, and the two cooperate tacitly. It can be called a golden partner, but not so easy to deal with!"

Powell stood up abruptly, and said in a vibrating voice: "Du Ziji's power is powerful, but he is no match for you. If you really intend to take up the presidency, we in country M are willing to help and support you!" "Really ?” Alpha was waiting for Powell’s words, his eyes glared fiercely, his eyes were full of light, and he stared closely at Powell.Alpha's gaze had already conveyed the thoughts in his heart to Powell unreservedly, and Powell nodded immediately.With Powell's nod, Alpha's heart seemed to be in full bloom like fireworks, joy blossomed, and the desire for power also reached its peak.Powell himself is a diplomat and doesn't have much power, but his nod means the approval of the family behind Powell, which is what the old fox Alpha values ​​most.

After the excitement passed, Alpha quickly calmed down. After more than half a century of fighting in Saudi Arabia's political arena, he has long experienced a set of calm and calm skills.Although with the support of the powerful Powell family, Alpha will not simply think that he has won, and Du Ziji will die without a place to bury him.The influence of the Powell family is great, but this is Saudi Arabia, not the country M, not to mention that Du Ziji is also a very cunning and courageous person. If he wants to pull him down, he must take a long-term plan besides the long-term plan.

Seeing that Alpha's expression became serious little by little, Powell frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Hiding it with us, tell us, let’s analyze it.” Alpha’s mouth showed an old fox-like smile, and said: “I do have a plan, but the time is not ripe yet, so I need to wait.” “Wait? When will we wait? Du Ziji is already attacking us, the patience of our countrymen is limited!" Sai Ke interrupted with some dissatisfaction.Powell turned his head and glared at him fiercely, and said angrily: "Sike, how do you understand political mysteries as a businessman? Doing business strives to get in and out quickly, maximize the benefits of funds, and pay attention to fast attack with fire. And Politics is all about simmering and simmering. Since Mr. Alpha said that the time has not come and we need to wait, then we will wait!"

Sai Ke said bitterly: "Mr. Ambassador, Mr. Alpha, you can afford to wait, but we can't afford to wait. Now every day, businessmen in country M are suffering huge losses. I am the president of the Chamber of Commerce, and I There is a lot of pressure now!" Powell snorted coldly, and said: "What loss? This is the policy enjoyed by Chinese businessmen in the past! Now you just pay a little more tax and a little less profit. Exaggeration? Besides, don’t even think about it. When Alpha succeeds in taking over as the president of Saudi Arabia in the future, what you have lost now will be made up for! Let those anxious M country businessmen bear it a little longer, and if they can’t bear it, get out Saudi Arabia!" Powell's tone was very severe, even scolding, which made Saike very embarrassed in front of Alpha, and his face almost turned into a liver color.Although he was extremely dissatisfied, Syke knew Powell's influence, no matter how dissatisfied he could only suppress his anger in his heart and endure it silently.

Seeing the unhappiness on Sai Ke's face, Alpha didn't want to embarrass him too much. After he came to power, he still needs the strong support of businessmen from M country like Sai Ke, so he said with a smile: "You two, you know why Du Ziji suddenly changed. Will the policy become pro-China and cold to the United States?" This is what Powell wants to know the most, and upon hearing Alpha's words, he immediately concentrates.Alpha said slowly: "The reason why Du Ziji has such a change is because the Chinese people control the future destiny of Saudi Arabia!" Alpha's words surprised both Powell and Saike, and Powell said in a deep voice: "This is the future of Saudi Arabia!" What's going on? Mr. Alpha, are you exaggerating?"

Alpha smiled bitterly, shook his head, and said quietly: "No! It's not an exaggeration at all. If I were him, although I would not be as obvious as he did, I would also lean towards China in terms of policy, at least Raise the status of the Chinese in Saudi Arabia to the same position as the people of country M." Powell's face became very serious, if even Alpha said the same, then this problem is quite serious, and said: "Mr. Alpha, you Don't play tricks with us anymore. You said that the Huaxia people control the future destiny of Saudi Arabia, what is going on?"

Alpha frowned, and after pondering for a while, said: "This...forget it, with the developed satellite system of country M, it might have gotten the news before us, so let me just say it straight! Scientists have successfully mastered a whole set of desert control technologies, and successfully tested them in the Taklimakan Desert, the largest desert in China and the second largest desert in the world. Now, thousands of miles of yellow sand are covered with green clothes. From space, it looks like a large flat grassland, and the unruly desert has lowered its noble head in front of the Chinese people!"

"What are you talking about!? This can't be true, it's impossible!" Alpha's words made Powell startled, he couldn't bear it, he jumped up as if he had been stabbed in the ass by a needle, and shouted loudly .Syke was also full of astonishment, and he said repeatedly: "How could this happen? How can Chinese scientists be able to solve a problem that even the scientists of our country M can't solve? Mr. Vice President, are you sure this is true, and Isn’t it a Chinese conspiracy?” Alpha shook his head heavily and said, “It’s absolutely true! It’s our country’s satellite that photographed this scene, and our scientists have carefully demonstrated those satellite photos, there is no doubt !"

After hearing Alpha's words, Powell fell heavily on the sofa.Having been in Saudi Arabia for so many years, he certainly knows how precious this technology is to Saudi Arabia. No wonder Du Ziji will never look back, risking a break with the M country, and trying to please the Chinese people in every possible way.After suddenly realizing it, Powell couldn't help complaining angrily, "Asshole! Those idiot scientists in our country spend tens of billions of national budget every year, enjoy superior welfare allowances, and have the most advanced experimental equipment in the world, but they achieve nothing. , but was preempted by the Huaxia people, this group of waste!" Saike smiled bitterly and said: "Mr. Ambassador, don't rush to complain. With such precious technical resources, if the Huaxia people ask Du Ziji to send us M Chinese people drive out of Saudi Arabia, maybe Du Ziji will follow suit!"

Powell couldn't help but shivered deeply, and then murmured with horror on his face: "No... no way? The Chinese people shouldn't do such a terrible thing..." Alpha coughed and said: "Mr. Powell, Sai Mr. Ke, here I have to remind you that in order to obtain desert control technology, even after I take office, I am afraid that I will continue the current Du Ziji’s China policy to please the Chinese people. However, I will deprive Du Ziji of all M The rights and interests of the people of the country will be returned to you. But from now on, China and country M will compete fairly on an equal footing. The Saudi government will no longer use government power to help businessmen from country M to suppress Chinese businessmen. On this point, I ask you two to be able to understanding!"

Alpha's words were clear, and Powell and Syke could also understand them.What can I do if I don't understand?If Powell was Duzki, Alpha, he would do the same.Because what Alpha said is not an exaggeration at all, Huaxia's technology is indeed holding the future fate of Saudi Arabia in the palm of its hand, and Saudi Arabia has no choice but to give in.Powell and Sai Ke glanced at each other, each other's eyes were full of deep helplessness, and at the same time, there was a trace of worry.The Middle East has always been dominated by people from country M, but in recent years, this situation has undergone tremendous changes.Huaxia is slowly eroding the back garden of the people of M country by one way or another.

Some time ago, the Chinese people took advantage of the food crisis in the Middle East and used the food in boats and boats to successfully conquer half of the Middle East. Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, and even Israel are all grateful to China move closer.Country M originally had an absolute advantage in Saudi Arabia, but now it seems that this advantage is about to be lost.It seems that in the near future, the entire Middle East will be in the hands of the Chinese, while country M will only be driven back to its hometown in despair. How can this make Powell and Syke not feel worried?
(End of this chapter)

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