Chapter 936

Seeing that both Powell and Saike fell silent, Alpha said with a smile: "Please rest assured, both of you, I, Alpha, am definitely not Du Ziji, and you will never do ungrateful things. You two don't have to doubt them." Powell couldn't help but smile wryly. With a sound.So what about doubt?Let Saudi Arabia give up obtaining desert control technology from China, and follow M country wholeheartedly?The Saudis are no fools!

Powell shook his head vigorously, put all his worries behind him, and said, "We have found Du Ziji's motive, but what is Mr. Alpha's plan?" Alpha sneered and said, "Du Ziji knows that Huaxia and M country, so I want to please China by suppressing country M, but this involves a problem of speed. If you can't grasp this speed, it will not only provoke a strong counterattack from your government in country M, but also endanger our own Saudi Arabia I said to wait, and what I was waiting for was Du Ziji's further move, aim at his seven inches, and kill him with one blow!"

To put it bluntly, Alpha's method is very simple, that is, waiting to grab Du Ziji's pigtails, attacking both internally and externally, and forcing him to step down.Although simple, it is often the most effective way.Powell straightened his suit, stood up, and said, "Okay, Mr. Alpha, we understand your difficulties. I hope you can replace Du Ziji, take over Saudi Arabia, and maintain the friendship between us and Saudi Arabia! If there is a need for us, the government of country M Where we come forward, we will never refuse! Today, we will say goodbye first!" The goal has been achieved, Alpha stood up with a smile, and sent the two of them out of the mansion in person.

On the way back, Powell frowned tightly, as if someone owed him money.Sai Ke's mind was full of the miracle of desert control created by Chinese scientists, and he was not in the mood to talk, and the atmosphere seemed very dull. "Is this God's will?" Powell smiled wryly, pursed his lips, and said full of sorrow: "M Country has been leading the world for more than 100 years. Is the era of our M people really coming to an end? Is the Chinese people really Are you going to ride on our heads? I'm not reconciled, I really am not reconciled to that!" Powell's fists were clenched tightly, and his eyes were red.Syke was startled by Powell's strangeness, turned his head to look at him, and understood Powell's mood at this time, and Syke didn't know how to comfort him.

"Mr. Ambassador, I'm thinking, if the people of our country M also have such advanced technology, maybe Du Ziji would not do this, and the situation of our country M would not be as embarrassing as it is today! Moreover, have you realized that China has mastered it? The power of this technology is definitely not weaker than the atomic bomb, and it is much stronger!" Sai Ke said quietly.

Syke's thinking coincides with Powell's concerns.Let me ask, in this world, except for a few countries with unique geographical conditions, which country is not more or less worried about deserts?Which country doesn't want to turn the desert into fertile land and solve the growing conflict between man and land?It is no exaggeration to say that the emergence of desert control technology is like the first ray of sunlight piercing the darkness at dawn, bringing people endless hope.If China uses this technology as a bargaining chip, it will generate unimaginable benefits all over the world, and even change the political and economic structure of the entire world, weakening its dominance over the entire world to the greatest extent.Although Powell meant to measure the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, this is also human nature.

Seeing that Powell's face became more and more ugly, Syke tentatively asked: "Mr. Ambassador, can't we think of a way to get this technology from the Chinese? For example, send agents to steal..." Syke Powell's whole body was shaken violently by those words, and he looked at him with a look of surprise on his face.Powell's gaze and expression made Saike feel a little nervous, touched his nose, and said with a smile: "Mr. Ambassador, I just said it casually, hehe...don't take it to heart!" Powell didn't speak, his eyes flickered After a few flashes, he turned his head away, Saike let out a long breath, and sat in his seat without making a sound...

All the way back to the embassy, ​​Powell was overwhelmed by a deep ennui.This day is probably the longest and most depressing day he has lived in Saudi Arabia for so long.Thinking of Lightning pointing at his nose and scolding him in pain in the morning, Powell's heart was agitated and it was difficult to calm down.Thinking about Du Ziji's attitude towards him, Powell couldn't swallow this breath anymore.But now the Huaxia people are arrogant, and they are no longer as easy to deal with as before.Powell walked around the office irritably for a few times, and finally felt that it was hard to get rid of the hatred in his heart, so he decided to use the strength of his family to fight back.Firstly, to express anger for oneself, and secondly, to let others see that an advanced technology cannot change anything, and the dominance of country M can withstand challenges.

Just as Powell picked up the phone and was about to complain to Washington, Anna twisted her slender waist and walked in with all kinds of flair.Powell frowned, and asked coldly: "I thought you quit work again and went fooling around with Cyke!" A trace of embarrassment flashed across Anna's face, and she remained silent.Powell snorted, and asked impatiently, "What do you want me for?" "Oh, that's right, Congress has sent you a document." As Anna said, she handed over the folder in her hand to Powell.Powell felt a little uneasy in his heart, and took a look at the folder, which really surprised him.

This is a document drafted by the Congress of country M and signed by the president.The content of the document is very simple. It basically says that from now on, all Powell's actions in Saudi Arabia must follow two 'don'ts'. The first is of course not to violate the interests of the government and the people of country M.But the second is that it cannot conflict with the interests of the Chinese people and the Chinese people.At the end of this article, three exclamation marks were emphatically added, emphasizing that it is the most important thing.The content of this document is simple, and one can scan the outline at a glance, but the meaning it represents is extremely profound, that is, the comprehensive compromise of country M to China.

It was as if Powell had been hit with a sap, his head buzzed, and all the strength in his body flowed away from his body like water. Powell had to hold on to the desk so as not to fall.Seeing that Powell's expression was wrong, Anna hurriedly asked: "Mr. Ambassador, what's wrong with you?" Powell shook his head feebly, and angrily shouted, "Get out!" Turned around and walked out.After Anna left, Powell's face was immediately replaced by a deep bitterness.

Judging from the wording of the document, this should not be a special telegram for Powell alone. I am afraid that a document with the same content has already been sent to all the ambassadors of country M abroad.Country M, which has always been known for its toughness and hegemony, officially lowered its noble head to China, and compromised with the Chinese people all over the world.

If he had received this news before today, Powell, a standard hawk, would have been furious, scolded Washington, Congress, and the president for being incompetent, and then immediately tore this document to shreds and continued the previous China policy.But now he doesn't have the strength, let alone the heart.Obviously, the reason why the government of country M did this must have a reason not to offend Huaxia.Now it seems that this reason has been owed to Hu Zhigu.Although Powell is not in country M, he can figure it out just by thinking about it. At this time, the Congress is meeting overnight. It is not discussing how to comprehensively improve the relationship with China, or how to use stealing, robbing, and cheating. In short, it is to use all means to get the desert control technology in the hands of the Chinese people.

Powell has a bad temper and is arrogant, but he is not a fool, and he can distinguish the serious from the serious.At such a juncture, his personal grievances with Lightning are already insignificant. Even if he calls the head of his family in tears, what he gets may not be comfort, but probably a scolding meal.Powell, who never knew what it meant to swallow his anger, had to swallow his anger silently this time...

On this day, Powell was depressed, but Shen Zhenxin fainted.He really fainted. After coming out of the hotel, he vomited wildly, and then fell asleep on the seat of the car. He didn't even know how he got back to the embassy and how he lay on the bed.Clutching her painful head like a needle, Shen Zhenxin smiled wryly and muttered: "If I drank fine Longquan wine, I wouldn't be in such pain now..." While speaking, Shen Zhenxin thumped his head heavily.The noise in the room alarmed his life secretary. The secretary opened the door and walked in. Seeing that Shen Zhenxin had woken up, he hurriedly poured him a glass of lukewarm water.Shen Zhenxin took a gulp and poured it down, his head became lighter and clearer, and the pain was no longer as it was at the beginning.

Seeing that the sun was shining outside, Shen Zhenxin frowned and asked: "What time is it?" The secretary replied: "It's almost ten o'clock!" "Ah? Then why didn't you call me?" Shen Zhenxin was a little anxious, as An ambassador has to deal with daily chores no less than a prime minister.Seeing Shen Zhenxin staring at him while frantically arranging his clothes, the secretary seemed a little aggrieved, and said in a low voice, "I did, but you were too deep in sleep to wake me up..." Shen Zhenxin knew what was wrong with her, The capacity for alcohol is light, basically I like to sleep after drinking, and I sleep very deeply.Thinking of blaming herself for this, Shen Zhenxin's expression softened a little, and she asked, "Did anyone come to see me when I was sleeping?"

Seeing that Shen Zhenxin no longer blamed himself, the secretary secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Last night last night, Saudi Oil Minister Baraku came to see you. Seeing that you were sleeping soundly, he went back and left. He left a message saying that he would come again today. Judging from his expression, he seems to be very eager to see you. "

"Baraku? Why is he looking for me? He must have gone to the wrong door, he should go to Powell!" Shen Zhenxin was a little puzzled.Compared with Baraku, Shen Zhenxin and Du Ziji have more contacts.Most of Huaxia's oil is self-sufficient, and if it needs to be imported, it will import it from neighboring countries such as country E, and rarely import it from the Middle East.In this way, Shen Zhenxin will have less contact with Baraku.The last time he was able to introduce Lightning to Baraku, it was entirely due to his status as a Chinese ambassador.On the contrary, the country M represented by Powell is Baraku's biggest customer, because the oil and oil two people are often together, and they are quite familiar with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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