The strongest peasant city

Chapter 949 International Students

Chapter 949 International Students

"Why...why?" Fan Xiongqi looked at Li Xiaogang in puzzlement and asked, "Why did you hire me?" Li Xiaogang laughed and said, "Of course it's because of your talent. Can Long Teng really take off? It's up to you." "But...we were obviously competitors before..." Li Xiaogang interrupted Fan Xiongqi, and said loudly: "I said, I never regarded you as a competitor. And now there is no Huaxia Now that the Petroleum Branch is established, where is the competitor? Uncle Fan, I sincerely request you to join Longteng and help Longteng achieve a real take-off!"

Li Xiaogang's eyes were pure and full of sincerity, which moved Fan Xiongqi's heart.Seeing that Fan Xiongqi was still in a daze, Zhu Mingyan slapped him angrily, and scolded with a smile: "You are stupid! Why don't you nod quickly?" Fan Xiongqi nodded in a hurry, and said: "Okay , I will become the president. Xiaogang, I won’t say anything else, I just want to say one thing, you, Uncle Fan, I will never let you down.” “Hahaha…” Seeing Fan Xiongqi nod his head in agreement, Zhu Mingyan Appearing to be happier than the two of them, Zhensheng said: "This is really great. I will treat you at noon today, and we will have a good time celebrating!" Come, please!" Li Xiaogang said with a smile.

"That's right! You are the big boss, and you are much richer than us, so you are the one to hire me! Hehe..." Zhu Mingyan said with a smile.At noon, a group of three found a Huaxia restaurant and sat down.As the status of Huaxia in the hearts of the people of Yi country continues to rise, Chinese language, Chinese culture, Chinese handicrafts, etc., in short, all things related to China have become popular, and even Chinese food has begun to be popular in Iraq. It is very popular in this land of China, as if overnight, many Chinese restaurants with their own characteristics popped up on both sides of the street.

The three of them are huge, so drinking is particularly fun and enjoyable.After thirty days of drinking, Fan Xiongqi suddenly looked at Li Xiaogang with a solemn expression, and said, "Xiao Gang, since you have hired me as the president, then I have something to say." Li Xiaogang said sincerely, "If you have anything to say Just say it, I'll listen." Fan Xiongqi nodded, and said in a distant voice: "I have to admit that Guo Fei is indeed a talent. Longteng is such a big group, it has only been established for a few days, but it has already entered the right track. A batch of crude oil is about to come out of the well. But there is a problem. Now that the products are out, the sales have become a big problem. I think Guo Fei must have been worried about how to open up the sales during this period of time.

Li Xiaogang nodded. On the way to Zhu Mingyan, Li Xiaogang called Guo Fei in advance and told him that Fan Xiongqi might be the president of Longteng.Guo Fei is more open-minded and self-aware. He knows that Fan Xiongqi is superior to him in both experience and ability, so he has no objection or dissatisfaction.On the phone, the two didn't discuss this matter for a long time, but they chatted a lot about the oil market.Guo Fei really poured out a lot of bitterness to Li Xiaogang and explained to him the difficulties involved.

The company's operation and production issues have been resolved by Guo Fei, so the first problem that Fan Xiongqi will face after taking office will be the difficulty of Longteng Group's oil entering the market.Therefore, Fan Xiongqi was already worried before he officially took office.Looking at Li Xiaogang, Fan Xiongqi said with sleepy eyes: "Xiaogang, to be honest, I don't think it's wise for you to buy Huaxia Petroleum branch strongly. Even if you have reasons why Chinese people should not compete with Chinese people, you should It is a matter that can only be considered after you have successfully opened up the market. Now that the pressure of both Longteng and the branch falls on your shoulders alone, have you never thought about the hardships involved?"

Li Xiaogang frowned, drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, a smile suddenly emerged from the corner of his mouth, and said faintly: "If I tell you that the sale is already on the horizon, would you believe me?" Zhu Mingyan and Fan Xiongqi looked at each other, and Fan Xiongqi said: "OPEC is so easy to let go? I don't believe it!" Li Xiaogang didn't explain, just chuckled a few times and said: "It doesn't matter, if you don't believe it, we will wait and see. Uncle Fan, after you take office, there is no need to worry about it." Worry about sales. Just do a good job in the internal management of the group and publicize such things."

Seeing that Li Xiaogang was confident, not like talking nonsense, Fan Xiongqi really wanted to know what Li Xiaogang was thinking, but obviously Li Xiaogang was not going to tell him, so he could only suppress this maddening curiosity in his heart .Zhu Mingyan has full confidence in Li Xiaogang because he knows Li Xiaogang well.

Since he said he doesn't need to worry about Fan Xiongqi, it means he already has a solution.So I didn't ask too much, just kept urging the two to drink.Seeing Fan Xiongqi and Zhu Mingyan pushing glasses and changing glasses, Li Xiaogang felt joy in his heart, he could finally take off the heavy burden of Longteng Group.

Both Zhu Mingyan and Fan Xiongqi died in the end, and it was a mess.Asked the driver to take the two back to the embassy, ​​but Li Xiaogang did not follow them back.When they arrive at the embassy, ​​someone will naturally take care of them, so there is no need for him.Looking up at the dark sky, Li Xiaogang used the divine power of Nvwa to eliminate the last trace of drunkenness, and suddenly he rushed straight to the sky, aiming at the direction of the motherland, and swept away like an arrow.In this world, there are too many tragedies of Zigu's lack of support and absence of relatives. This kind of pain will haunt you like a shadow, and will not let you go even at the moment you are about to die.Li Xiaogang loves Long Ling'er deeply, and of course he doesn't want this kind of pain to fall on her...

"Ambassador, I think we should bring a few more people." Seeing Shen Zhenxin walking out of the embassy alone, the driver Xiao Li felt a little uneasy and couldn't help but said.Shen Zhenxin froze for a moment, then smiled and said: "What's the matter, Li? What are you worried about? You know, I'm not Powell, and not many people want to harm me. Don't worry!" Xiao Li frowned, and said: "Don't be afraid of [-], just in case! Ambassador, be prepared!" Shen Zhenxin waved his hand and said, "No need. This time I am going to visit our foreign students on the university campus and have a close communication with them. If you bring More bodyguards, it seems to be divided. So it's just you and me. Besides, I am very confident in your skills, don't you?" Xiao Li said with a wry smile: "Okay, then Listen to the ambassador."

The Saudi United Institute of Higher Education is the top university in Saudi Arabia, and its status is equivalent to Peking University and Tsinghua University in China.Every year, a large number of Chinese students study here.In order to reflect the care of the motherland for the international students, Shen Zhenxin often takes time to come here to chat with them about life and study. Over time, Shen Zhenxin has become the friend of these international students.Knowing that the daily life of these students is relatively difficult, plus Lightning just donated 1000 million US dollars to the embassy, ​​Shen Zhenxin felt that he was also a rich man, so he purchased a lot of food, school supplies, and daily necessities, and decided not to just focus on the spirit Condolences, this game is a good deal.

The ambassador's car was in the front, followed by a truck full of supplies, and swaggered into the Union University.To be honest, in the joint university, the richest Saudi students are followed by M country students.Students from other countries, although they belong to the rich in their respective countries, are not so conspicuous when they come to Saudi Arabia, where US dollars are everywhere.On weekdays, I live a tight life, and I dare not even think about a big meal.So when Shen Zhenxin drove into the campus with a truckload of dazzling gifts, it immediately caused quite a stir.

Huaxia students are most aware of the embarrassment of the Huaxia embassy, ​​and never thought that Shen Zhenxin would use such an "extravagant" way to condolences to them. Avoid feeling a little sour.However, when the car stopped and Shen Zhenxin's slightly chubby body got out of the car, all the Huaxia students couldn't help but feel refreshed and looked at him in amazement.Shen Zhenxin looked back with a smile, and soon found his familiar figure in the crowd, so he waved his hand at that person and said with a smile: "Xiao Hai, what are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and unload the car, maybe I will do it myself Bar?"

Xiao Hai is the president of the Huaxia Overseas Students Association in the Saudi United Higher Education Institute, and is studying for a doctorate in finance.From a bachelor's degree to a master's degree, and then from a master's degree to a doctor's degree, Xiao Hai has spent six years here and is the oldest.Coupled with his warm and cheerful personality, and his super ability to organize, he was naturally elected as the president.In the past few years, Xiaohai has done a good job, making the Huaxia International Students Association flourish and become one of the most distinctive and prosperous international student associations in this university. "Uncle Shen, it's you!?" Xiao Hai couldn't believe his eyes, and hurried over quickly.

Shen Zhenxin especially likes to stay with young people like Xiao Hai, because they are energetic and passionate. After staying with them for a long time, Shen Zhenxin feels that he seems to be much younger, and his body is full of blood-boiling power. He likes it too much. This feeling is gone. "Hehe...Xiao Hai, I heard that you are about to graduate, are you going to go back to China to develop?" the ambassador looked at him with a kind smile and asked.Xiao Hai replied without thinking: "Of course, I am from Huaxia, so I naturally want to use all my abilities in the construction of the motherland!" Shen Zhenxin was very satisfied after hearing this, and nodded repeatedly, his eyes full of approval.

Xiao Hai looked at the truck behind him with bright eyes, and the truck was full of things he had always dreamed of, and his voice was about to flow out, and he murmured, "Uncle Shen, this... this is... "Shen Zhenxin laughed, and said: "These are the things I bought specially for you. Hurry up, call them all over and unload the truck!" "You...are you sure you are not joking with me?" Unable to believe her ears, she stared blankly at Shen Zhenxin and asked.Shen Zhenxin frowned, and said: "Am I a person who likes to joke?" Xiao Hai was very serious, thought about it solemnly, then nodded heavily, and uttered a word "Yes!" With a serious face, he pretended to be angry and said, "It seems that you don't need these things anymore. Well, I'll make the driver turn around!"

(End of this chapter)

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